Xiling Empire

Chapter 1027: It's better not to let Qiangan name it in the future

Speaking of the fallen apostles, they seemed to be calm again for a while.

Yes, it seems that even if they haven't moved at all in the last one or two months, even the monitoring posts in the void have rarely found traces of the fallen apostle fleet. I can only use the word "as if", no one I believe that the fallen apostles really dormant. Although they have achieved a lot of combat results in recent operations, they have suffered huge losses strategically. According to what I know of them, this loss will not only make the enemy quiet, but will let them. Do everything possible to bring the situation back.

It's just that the fallen apostles are also quite cunning guys. They rarely show up before they can be sure. Therefore, no one knows what is happening in the fallen apostles' territory. Only from the surface, the enemies are temporarily Nest in his own territory.

The Third Intelligence Core has formed more than a dozen special operations teams whose identities we have never thought of before: the fallen apostles, or "former" fallen apostles.

Presumably everyone remembers what Xiaoxue ’s bear child did when she came over: she turned against Harlan's entire army! The group army lost a lot when following Xiaoxue's breakthrough of the enemy ’s blockade. In the end, the surviving warships were dissatisfied with the establishment. Later, we contracted and reorganized this unit to add to Huesca's army. The general finally had his own official legion, but Sandora and I didn't think it was a good idea to put this special unit on the battlefield and fight with the enemy. So they are more often used for special tasks. Carter? Carlow seconded hundreds of experienced former fallen apostle commanders from the Legion and formed high-ranking army commanders to form special operations squads that have now infiltrated the enemy's border, where they lurk. Once the enemy has any wind and grass to move the empire, you can get the news immediately.

This is much more reliable than remote observation from the Void Sentinel.

In fact, I even hope that these special soldiers can sneak into the enemy's territory and ambush on their homeland, and then the emperor can find a chance to attack inside and outside. Perhaps it could completely destroy Haran's residual power, and even **** several universes from the fallen apostles. But this idea can only be thought about. The extraordinary spiritual network between the Apostles of the Spirit is the most capable of defending against spies. Haran must know which of his soldiers have been rebelled to the new empire, so the commander of the special operation team cannot find a lurking enemy. Opportunity in the team. Now they can only rely on their knowledge of the world defense system of the fallen apostles to get as close as possible to the enemy's border, and one step forward is no longer possible.

The fallen apostles are tinkering with their plots on their own land, and the Empire will not be idle. Except for the arsenal and Star Harbor, which are pivoting, the busiest task now is the scientific research team led by Tavel. At present, their most important research topics are two. One is to analyze the fragments of the King's Admirer in full force, in order to reverse engineer some things we can use from it. At present, this project has not made much progress. After all, the King Admirer was a strategic weapon in the old empire. The technology used is complex and arduous. In addition, the Father God and King Huron really shattered the thing. The point is that the principle of restoring the monarch is a long way to go. At present, Tavel's biggest progress is to design modified parts that can be used by small and medium-sized warships based on the energy supply method of the King Admirer. These modified parts allow the starship's reactor to still be able to use four times the power after an overload. Overload-then return to the factory for overhaul. We know that overload technology is also an important part of the Spirit Empire's heartbroken series of technologies. This technology allows the imperial weapons that had been outrageous to fight chicken blood, but now it is. The overload was strengthened, and new technology allowed a battleship to burst out of its total strength by four or five times until it burned down all its main guns and shield generators. At present, Bubble has decided to call this effect a bloodthirsty fanatic ... When I found out, the girl had already entered this name into the database.

The second major project carried out by the research team is the research on deep submersibles, and this project has made considerable progress: I really did not expect this. They are almost making a prototype!

Of course, it was a test product that could not carry people, and the "deep" of the deep dive was completely incomparable to the prototype of the deep dive ship of the year, and it could only carry limited test equipment, which would use the most stupid method to measure The data was sent back, that is, after the deep-submersible ship could not withstand the pressure and self-destruct, it "floated" near the gate of the abyss and was salvaged by the troops waiting near the gate. This is the idea that was briefly mentioned at the beginning. Sandora evaluated it as: The most stupid method is often the most effective in the face of ignorance.

It is conceivable that the information that can be harvested in the same way as the drifting bottle is limited. A sample ship carries hundreds of escape units. Each of these escape units uses different protection methods, which can be complete. I am afraid that there will not be more than five escapes. In fact, this is also a test: Tavel was eager to know if there are other ways to further enhance the resistance of the deep diving equipment to the abyss, so he summoned his best assistants, Hundreds of escape units are set.

The first deep dive time of the sample ship has not yet been set. Sandorah feels that as long as the first ship is successfully manufactured, it can be dived immediately. Anyway, it does not carry people, and the experimental area will definitely choose the unmanned universe (the old empire ’s The lessons make us feel that it is not as safe to directly put the test field in the unmanned universe for any large-scale test during its operation. Even if it costs two or three times more for logistics and equipment, Same), this can save a lot of steps.

As for the location of the deep dive, several conditions should be met: there is no life in the universe, or there are only a few low-level creatures, the universe with intelligent creatures and civilized civilization is absolutely excluded; there is at least one abyss gate, and the stability of this abyss gate To reach a certain degree of sexuality, the entry of the deep submersible and the subsequent salvage work will destroy the stability of the gate of the abyss. If the initial steady state is not enough, it is easy to cause disaster; the scale of the abyss gate cannot be too large, otherwise the existing pressing equipment may not be enough power.

On the other side of the bubble, large-scale screening of data in the database has begun to find an optimal experimental environment: early preparation is always good. The empire's sphere of influence is not too small, but it is not just a matter of speaking to find such a qualified experimental universe. We can't compare with the old empire-the deep diving experiment of that year must have been easier than us. What kind of universe is there?

Another thing is related to the "folk". That's the new members of the empire.

The tree elves have almost adapted to the environment of the new empire, and the hundreds of millions of elves scheduled to emigrate have now all moved into their new homes and built temporary cities. The humble ecological dome on the new oasis star made them extremely satisfied, which is at least much better than the hot and desolate ecological environment in the mantle, and more tree elves have invested in the work of the Space and Time Administration. These new liaison officers It may not be long before they become the special "ambassador race" of the new empire. These gentle and tenacious elves will become the unique label of the empire, but now they still need to learn and follow the empire to learn the empire's code. Follow the rules of the other empires to learn the rules between the new empires. This is a headache. The tree elf is a more romantic race, and it ’s more or less free-spirited. From this point of view, they go out and travel for most of their lives. It can be seen that it is impossible to reverse this character. In the old empire, they did not have time to accept the iron hand rule of the Apostles of the Spirit, and in the new empire, I do not intend to forcibly distort the spirit of these spirits, as long as they can Learn to complete tasks accurately.

About Tree Elves. There is also unexpected good news: I don't know when they will become good friends with the exile fleet. The latter is the only race in the empire's sphere with a cold and cautious attitude towards the empire, and the tree elves are expected to become Breakthroughs to improve this situation. !!

The members of the exile fleet are refugees who fled when the old empire collapsed, and their country was destroyed. And after being slain for tens of thousands of years, the crimes committed by the fallen apostles are almost inexhaustible. Although the new empire and the fallen apostles are completely opposite, it is really difficult for the third party to treat them differently. In the eyes of most of the civilians in the exile fleet, the soldiers of the new empire are still ruthless and dangerous, but they are no longer in trouble for now.

The emergence of the tree elves puzzled these already frightened refugees for a while, then softened their attitudes.

When we contacted the exile fleet, we did not send the Imperial soldiers to the past. In most cases, we sent the servants to send representatives. Now the tree elves have served as the empire's diplomatic team. Of course, I have included them in the list of missions, so All members of the exile fleet saw unprecedented representatives of the Empire: gentle, humble, always smiling, and carrying toys and sweets distributed to children in their pockets ...

I firmly believe that this last one will have the greatest impact on them.

In any case, the emergence of the tree elves has greatly eased the tense mentality of the exile fleet against the representatives of the empire, and it is estimated that it will not be long before their impression of the new empire will change. I have to admit it this time, lìlìna's proposal at that time has achieved immediate results very quickly, and I am looking forward to the day when those suffering people in the exile fleet can let go of their concerns and stand with the Apostles of the Spirit. Of course, now they can also be regarded as the Empire camp, but the state that the two sides cannot cooperate after all has made Sandora very dissatisfied.

"It feels so good ... when the troublesome tail is thrown to the diplomatic corps, the whole world is quiet."

Lìlìna lay on the carpet with her bare feet, her head dangling to find the figure of Ding Dong, without any archbishop temperament, while muttering contentedly, she was referring to the green pimple, and the tree elf girl was stuffed by her With the team of liaison officers sent to the exile fleet, she herself gained a few days of free time. The whole person has now fallen to the limit. You can see what she is doing now and play hide-and-seek with Ding-Dang! Don't know how much Ding Dong has a unique advantage in this game?

"She seems to be coming back in two days." I glanced at lìlìna, and felt the need to strain the elated girl at a critical moment. "Have you heard of Xiaobeisheng's wedding?"

Lìlìna was rummaging through the small drawer of the drinking fountain, and when she heard the words she suddenly frowned, and then she cried. After a big caterpillar crawled behind the sofa ...

Ding Dang drilled out of a vase two meters away and cheered cheerfully. This is her 176th victory in playing hide and seek with lìlì 娜 ... You see, this is actually the only place where Ding Dang is stronger than others Already. In a hide-and-seek game where special abilities are not allowed, she has already defeated our family more than 1,400 times, and I need to remind you. Don't hide and seek with a small bean with a height of less than twelve centimeters at any time. You don't know she hides in your pocket ...

The kitchen door rang slightly. An Weina came over with a large set of bright and transparent things, and Sandorah, who was playing chess with her sister, immediately dropped the pieces and greeted them. The set of things was specially prepared for her-she couldn't stand the queen. Her soft grinding and hard foaming, I finally asked An Weina to fry the plate of crystal crow eggs, and only Sandora had such a tooth and appetite at home to enjoy this strangest food in the world ...

After serving up the food for the hostess, Anvena wiped her hands in a hurry, and then resumed the daily work she had only recently started.

She opened the window, and a crow flew into the living room as if she had been waiting for a long time, lovingly pecked twice on Anvena's face. Then the crow stood on a small table near the window, flapping his wings and nodding in turn to everyone in the living room. He couldn't help but make a strange crow-like cry, but with a faint echo of ethereal echoes, This is saying hello to us.

This crow is slightly smaller than a normal crow, but it is almost an adult crow. Its feathers are extremely deep blue-purple, with a metallic texture at the edges, and the blue-black eyes of the crow are hidden. Deep energy rays. If you look into its eyes for a while, you may find that there is a very tiny electric bounce in it. When this magical bird **** its wings to say hello, I notice that all the metal objects in the living room are floating. A layer of dim gray luster, as if responding to some kind of call ... It seems that the seal under this bird is still incomplete. Besides energy control, does it have the talent to influence metal objects?

That's right, this crow that flew in is the future crow god. It has only five days from the institute, but it has grown to such a size that it even caught up with its parents. At present it looks like this kind of growth Speed ​​doesn't stop until it's fully adult--that is, until it reaches a height of one person. And with the rapid development, this bird has more and more unusual appearance, steel-like feathers, eyes with energy sparks jumping, and that low-pitched voice-in the real Before the divine power, it has become a transcendent creature.

Anvina now has to start thinking about whether to let the crow leave her parents to live. It seems that it won't take two or three days. The old crow's nest on the yard tree will not be able to accommodate this crazy growing bird ...

"Well, I've learned to say hello." Anveena touched the crow's head affectionately, and then condensed a holy light with her hands, covering it with the crow's head. "This can temporarily lift the seal that the owner gave you, but training Do n’t mess around when you are. "

Anveena has decided to take care of the mutant crow herself, and one of the tasks she has set for herself is to communicate with the crow every morning so that the latter can learn how to control her power as soon as possible. Although she is only a little maid with the lowest combat effectiveness at home, she also has her own strengths. Anvena was once a ghost, and was later transformed into a light creature by the power of Alaya. Now she is even a semi-angel. It is difficult to adapt to this huge transformation, and Anvena is now able to Use her holy light quite skillfully: she has a set of experiences that others can't replicate in adapting to strange bodies and strange abilities, which is very important for a crow who suddenly becomes a god-after all, the parents of the little crow Nothing can be taught but building nests and catching mice.

Generally, if it is a human infant, it will not have the ability to reason within three steps until about three years old, but this strange bird obviously has an animal-like development pattern in this regard: it developed rapidly in the young bird period, within a few days I can already know a lot of people in the family and have established a trusting relationship with An Weina. An Weena can now guide the little crow to perform the two simplest skills of "relaxing the arrow of shadow" and "arctic gaze". The Shadow Arrow is naturally the black plasma that the little crow spit out of his mouth, but Arcane Gaze was accidentally trained three days ago: The little crow can radiate the arcane energy from her eyes, The base of the eye forms the same structure as two focusing crystals, and the free energy in its body can be radiated through this focusing structure. Another variation that cannot be explained. Now its arcane gaze is very unskilled, and the rays emitted by the two eyes are basically flying randomly in the cone range in front of it. Fortunately, it is still small, and this super-small-scale magical release will not cause much damage. : The most powerful shadow arrow of the little crow was just a small pit burned on the table. The power of the plasma was almost the same as the flame of the match.

When Anvena trained the little crow to focus the arcane gaze on a point, I suddenly remembered something: "Anvena, did you name it?"

"Name?" Anvina froze. "Well, not yet. I didn't remember this."

As soon as she heard her eyes lighted up, and she whimpered: "Medical, Medivh, it's called Medivh!"

I paused for a moment, and Anvina thought about it, "Not so good, little crow is a girl."

"Ah? Still a female?" Qian Qian was surprised, then opened her information terminal ~ www.readwn.com ~ and projected a line of subtitles in the air: "Then call it Medivh!"

lìlìna jumped up from behind the sofa in an instant: "isn't it the same!"

"It's okay. Medivh has been dead for many years, and he can still hold the copyright!" Qian Qian waved his hand indifferently. "Ajun, Ajun, can you just use that name? Medivh!"

I looked at the girl with a frown, "Will it be possible to call its name subtitles in the future?"

"What's the matter?" Shallow thinking is hard to be caught by others. "In the future, it will be the **** of the crow. God, the influence is more than Medivh. People will naturally only know the name Medivh. Who is Wen? Who knows. "

I listened to my head as if fighting: "... you ... you'd better subtitle when you say this sentence to me, the reader saw it, what do you want me to do!"

My voice dropped, and Medivh yelled, "Oh!"

Is this unlucky bird telling me! ? (To be continued ...)

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