Xiling Empire

Chapter 1032: Mai ... Medivh

(Can still ask for one day tickets, so continue to ask today ...)

"Anvena, are you entertaining guests?"

I looked at the three people in the room—well, no matter what kind of strange race they are, they are collectively called people. This is a habit formed after meeting many strange people. I felt that I should show the head of the family at this time, so I smiled with a special expression and nodded to the three guests, then looked at the little ghost.

Very good, this expression is too perfect, this ghost maid who is always careful to bring her acquaintances to the home for the first time, of course, the head of my family must not lose face, this is a perfect first meeting ...

"My brother laughed so strangely, he had a conspiracy," Wiskar muttered suddenly. The voice in the immediate vicinity made me look rigid, then slowly lowered my head, and suddenly felt that life was dark: Pandora and Weiss The card was still hanging on me, pacing left and right, I was used to hanging all the way just now, and I forgot to remove it when I entered the door ... I appeared in front of the guests as a mobile fortress.

"Uh ... very creative way of appearing." Sandora glanced at me, grinning with a grin.

"Ah, the master is here." An Weina also got up in a hurry at the same time. She didn't pay attention to whether her master had anything to play with, but just floated up to prepare tea for me. "Master, please wait a moment, I Prepare another black tea ... "

"Oh, it's okay, don't be so hard when you're entertaining your guests," I said as I took off the two dwarf melons hanging all the way. Forcibly pressed on the sofa, there was already a pot of drink on the table. It seems that An Weina prepared for the guests. I took a cup from the side and poured it for myself. Then I found that what was poured was weird: it was a clear liquid with a purple-gray luster, a kind of light and unreal feeling, but since it was a drink prepared by An Weina. I can't go anywhere, so I drank it all ...

"Hmm--" I sprayed it out before I even got down. "What is this?"

An Weina almost cried when she looked at it: "The essence of ghost grass and the extract of ghost seaweed are the favorite of the undead ..."

I thought about it, and did n’t dare to ask what these two things looked like. At the same time, I made up my mind that I would never eat anything weird and weird that I encountered by chance, even if it was made by An Weina: herself I almost forgot that this omnipotent maid was not just making food for humans. This oolong is a bit embarrassing. I can only choose a topic, so I looked up at the three guests. As a result, I recognized one of them at once: it was the human female wearing a mage robe. She had seen her beside Jaina before, and she was also a very active person at the time of the Shadow City Carnival.

"Aigwin? Is it you?"

The female mage smiled decently, got up and gave me a lady etiquette that did not know what it meant, but seemed to be very powerful: "His Majesty the Emperor, I'm glad to meet again. Well, your way of greeting is special."

Aegwynn, some people may be a little strange to the name, but she has been a pivotal character in Azeroth's history. This powerful human mage is a guardian, Medivh's biological mother. It seems that the profound magical accomplishments have greatly prolonged her youth. If I do n’t know in advance, I would hardly imagine that this lady is so big. One son-well, this is off topic. After Medivh was tempted and fallen by Sargeras. Aegwynn was lost for a while, and later came to Jaina and settled in Theramore. When Emperor arrived in the world of Azeroth, Aegwynn was still a consultant in Theramore, and our appearance was completely disrupted. With the possible historical trajectory of Azeroth's world-well, in fact, the moment the fallen apostles plunged into the Burning Legion and took over those demons, Azeroth's history has moved to a completely different world . Later, Aegwynn joined the Salvation Army and survived the final battle. She can be said to be a senior member of the Salvation Army and one of our acquaintances, but it has not been contacted for some time.

I didn't expect Anwina to invite her over this time-although the two of them knew each other, they were definitely not familiar. This was a place that made me feel puzzled, but soon I thought: Aegwynn may be Invited by Anveena for other reasons.

A crow named Medivh came to our house recently, and Anveena was Medivh's guardian ...

"Ahem, is it about Medivh," I scratched my hair, "This thing really should be explained to you. By the way, let me introduce the other two guests first. This little girl is ..."

The little girl, who seemed to be more than ten years old, immediately jumped off the sofa and stupidly gave me a nondescript gift, and she could see that she didn't understand any meeting gifts at all, and the other person was wearing plain clothes. It is not like a high society child with Aegwynn. The little girl had freckles on her face and was a little baby fat, so she wasn't pretty. She could only say that her eyes were quite agile. Her body showed a translucent appearance similar to An Weina, but the light was more dim and her face A little erratic, obviously this is also an undead creature, and much weaker than Anveena.

Anveena gently stroked the little girl's hair, and the ghost's hair fluttered in the air with a faint white spot of light: "This is Pamela. When in Darrow County, we were always together. Dong When the plague area was rebuilt and purified, all the surviving and rescued undead were registered, and many of them still remembered their names ... I really did not expect to see her again one day. "

I was stunned for a moment, looking at the little girl who was looking around curiously, and felt that I was destined to experience all kinds of strange things. Pamela? This little girl is Pamela?

"The Eastern Plague has almost been rebuilt. The second half of the reconstruction is led by Ms. Sylvanas," Aegwynn added. "The Azeroth Leadership Meeting agreed that the forsaken should expand their living space. The motion. Because Lordaeron's ruins are no longer enough for the undead to survive: After the Scourge has been completely crushed, a large number of high-level undead have recovered their consciousness, and now they are unified under the control of Ms. Sylvanas, which has led to a sharp increase in the population of the forgotten. After gaining the understanding and recognition of people of all ethnic groups, the forgotten people also realized that they are a new and complete race. They also hope to find a better living environment when they find the meaning of survival. The Eastern and Western Plague now has a small part of human settlements The area was completely purified. Farmers of all ethnic groups established new towns, while most of the areas were undergoing large-scale reconstruction of the Undead Kingdom. Most of the high-death wandering in the Eastern Plague Area. Or they retained their intellect because of coincidence. Soul body, this little girl named Pamela belongs to the latter. I recently led some communications in the Eastern Plague Area To assist the census of the Eastern Plague ... Um, you should know that the undead magic of psychics was also learned from magical holy places like Dalaran. Strictly speaking, they are also a kind of magician. Demon, I know a little about psychics that had just emerged among the dark wizards at the time ... There were many psychics who were free from control and willing to be good after the war, most of them under Ms. Sylvanas, A small portion was retaken by various magical groups. Jaina also provided asylum to a portion of the psychologists who passed the scrutiny, and I led them. "

Aegwynn described his recent situation and told me about the new changes in the original plague zone of Azeroth. I remember that the last time I went to Lordaeron's homeland, the plague area was also prepared to be completely purified for human habitation. It seems that the Forsaken are still being taken care of by other races. The Eastern and Western Plagues are about to become undead empires. This should be a change after I left there. These things may be seen in various reports. But now that the regional problems of a single world are no longer directly reported to me and Sandora, so I really don't know very well.

"Darlung County is Anvena's hometown, so it is a key area for reconstruction, with longer planning and preparation, and the groundbreaking has only recently started. You may not know that. Anvena is among the forgotten But the reputation is so famous that the forgotten civilians call her 'Ms. Anvina' (the word 'Ms.' here refers to the aristocratic woman in status in the Azeroth civilian circle), or simply called the Princess of the Dead -They think that listening to poor empires and putting them in the lower world should be the status of a princess, and the ordinary people's class view is quite simple. "

I couldn't help but glance at the little ghost next to me, and found that this girl had fluttered with dreadful eyes, okay, she tossed herself in the basement to a self-entertaining undead empire, but she did not expect to be in Aize The Russ World really got such a name-although it is the credible title in the Forsaken civilian circle, and to be honest, I think the definition of "Princess" in the Azeroth World is really awkward. meter. But look at An Wei Na's appearance, this is enough for this little maid to be in a daze for a long time.

"Ahem, Anvena is the same as my sister. It's not an exaggeration to say that now. Talk about Pamela?" I reached out and tried to touch the little Pamela's head, but was quickly agitated by this ghost girl. Dodging away, she seemed curious and wary of unfamiliar surroundings, and seemed only to be closer to An Weina.

"When we found her, Pamela's self-consciousness was still in a state of chaos. She didn't seem to realize that she was dead or even realized that the town had changed. We originally planned to take her to the Undercity, but later found out She seemed unwilling to leave, and the little girl was looking for something. We asked the soul expert to talk to this little undead, and we were surprised to hear Anveena's name from her mouth, and then we contacted Anvena. Yours My partner, Asakuma, acted as a middleman once-she didn't seem to be at home? "

"Um, she ... went out to play, God knows where it is now." Although it was said that she was going to play in the suburbs when she set off, to be honest, she now called me from Rio de Janeiro and I wasn't surprised.

I started to wonder how Pamela contacted An Weina. Little ghost stayed at home all day. I didn't see any outsiders she had contacted with it. As a result, all the problems were solved immediately when I heard the shallow name. : It doesn't seem strange that Anveena contacted anyone.

Looking at Pamela who was whispering with Anwina, I felt strange and a bit untrue, but more of a relief. Then my attention finally focused on the last person: the pale-colored and lifeless man. The breath on his body is also a spiritual body, but it may be that his power was too strong during his lifetime. This spirit body is almost essential. I found that my previous observation was a bit wrong: the other party should not be as burly as he thinks. His face was thin, but the large cloak on his body gave him a wide enough back. The stranger kept silent while we were talking. It does not introduce itself or care about the surrounding topics. He was completely immersed in his own thinking, covering most of his face with some long hair, and his appearance was hidden in the shadows: it was not like a polite guest. An Weina should have introduced the identity of the guests, but she seemed to have forgotten.

It can only be inferred from the other person's dress that this is a mage, and may have just completed a trip: his robe is worn out.

The stranger finally woke up from contemplation and replied muffled, "I'm Medivh ... well, partly."


"Aegwynn. Why didn't you introduce it earlier ?!" I exclaimed immediately, I didn't expect that there was a ... in front of me, a living historical figure, right, "Meddie? Medivh's Maddie Text? "

Aegwynn paused and shrugged: "You asked about Pamela just now and didn't have time to introduce it, and ... he is indeed Medivh. But he is not my son, but only part of the latter, presumably You have discovered that he is an undead and incomplete. I don't know how to deal with this situation. "

"I'm the fragment from Karazhan's Tower, the rest of Medivh's soul," the undead who claimed to be Medivh spoke, first looked at Aegwynn, and then whispered, "Mediwum has dispersed into many fragments, and I It's the only one I've found so far, my mother-I mean, my perfect mother, suggesting that I ask for help. "

I realized that the situation might be a little more complicated than expected, it was not just that Anwina greeted a few guests, so I took it seriously: "From the beginning, what is going on?"

"I used my own power to bring Medivh back to life," Aegwynn said in a deep voice. "It was years before he was killed, and the dark power returned to Azeroth again. But that resurrection. Not perfect. He returned to the world in the form of a half-dead and tried to give a warning to the human kingdom. After that, you should know something. His efforts failed, and ultimately he could only guide Jaina and Thrall into the ocean. Arrived in Kalimdor. Afterwards I lost the news of Medivh and only knew that he was still wandering in the world. Until the power of the abyss invaded the world and the salvation war began, I tried to find his news, but it was always fruitless. I did n’t know that my son had died again after the war. He might try to fight some mutant demons, but he did n’t know that those demons were not the kind he knew. This time, in order to prevent him from resurrection, he demolished his The soul is divided into several parts, one of which is the only one that retains a small amount of memory and most of the power, wandering unconsciously to Karazhanko , And lived in that tower of the undead, where he found the remnants of Medivh ’s strength before his death, and slowly recovered his shape to become what you see. I think he should be his own child, but Obviously ... only part of it is. "

I did not expect that there is a series of stories in the Salvation War. The world of Azeroth is not consistent with the history I know. Together with Medivh ’s fate, it is completely different from what I remembered. A half-dead survived and died in that war. After the war, a piece of his soul wandered to Karazhan Tower? I know that tower, but after the war we found that the tower is still towering, so we kept it as a historical site, without moving it brick by brick-maybe at that time, the aftermath of Medivh was already there Stay inside the tower?

"How did you find him later? You went to Karazanta again?" I asked curiously.

Aegwynn seemed a little bit difficult to speak, Medivh couldn't help but say: "No, the tower is closed, the time and space inside it are self-contained, and no one can get in-well, most people can't get in. Even me I ca n’t leave by myself: After entering the tower, I was stunned. I did n’t know who I was and where it was. I only knew that it should be my home during my lifetime, so I lived there. Someone broke it later. I was relieved from this curse only when I was in a state of distress. I was able to leave the tower, but found that the world outside was a sea of ​​vicissitudes. The familiar world was destroyed. The earth was covered with the scars of war. I found a strange goblin town called Shun crazy Express, and Stormwind was full of weird recruiting advertisements and unseen machinery. I followed the only induction in my soul to find my biological mother, only to find out later, It turned out that he was already a broken soul ... "

I think it should be interrupted: "You said someone got you free from the curse of Karazhan to leave the tower. Who did it? Someone went to Karazhan?"

Aegwynn finally felt that it was better to speak out, so he nodded and said, "Yes, your ... uh, she claims to be your wife, the one who called the bubble ..."

I was suddenly shocked: "What ?!"

An Weina covered her face with a sigh and said generally: "The hostess of Bubble said she wanted to brush a King Guardian, so she led nine production hosts to Azeroth and they brushed Karazhan. , As a result, no strange was found, only an undead wandering inside the tower was found ~ www.readwn.com ~, and the undead attacked them ... "

Medivh spread his hands: "When I woke up, I found myself knocked to the ground by a group of little girls of the same appearance. The leading girl was smashing my head with a shiny hammer and asked me to equip her. -Then the curse was lifted. "

Me: "... I'm sorry ..."

"No, I thank her for helping me lift the curse. I remembered that I had launched the attack myself, and they had to fight back, and after finding that I had recovered my mind, the little girls immediately stopped and healed my injury: This is a kindness. "


Do you know I want to cry without tears? I conceived countless kinds of reasons why Medivh appeared in front of myself, but never thought it was a good thing for the child's mother. The crazy game madman finally decided to start the real world. She really led a group of ten people. He rushed into Karazhan and gave Ding Tiao the May 4th echo of the only humanoid in it ...

Now, I'd rather go back to the room to study the pile of reports-the kind of "leisure task" that the child's mother gave me is too colorful, right? (To be continued)

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