Xiling Empire

Chapter 1033: Broken Guardian

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It is said that she is Anwina's guest, but in my opinion, I am afraid that only Pamela is her real guest. The little undead girl who came here is looking for her "Sister Anwina". She does not even know What does Emperor Hilling mean-she didn't ask "what is the emperor delicious?" It has given me face. // And Aegwynn and Medivh should want Anwina to introduce you, find bubbles ...

In Medivh's words, he was freed from the curse, and once again had a chance to resurrect, all thanks to Bubbles, but then Bubble was anxious to brush the Icecrown Citadel (I think she might go to Alsace again (A meal ...), he didn't have time to thank him, this time he was mainly trying to express his gratitude, and at the same time to find a way to restore himself-the latter is a matter of luck, even if he can't recover, he and Aegwin are both Very good magic experts, they will naturally figure out a way.

To be honest, the task of throwing w is definitely an epic event of at least eighty rings, but just after thinking about the abyss for a long time, this matter is suddenly worthless in front of me, but I still have to help, Aegwynn Anyway, she is also a comrade in the Salvation War, and what she asks is not too difficult.

Lend them a raven and a leader bee, search for the fragments of Medivh's soul throughout the world of Azeroth, and you're done ...

Pamela was whispering with Anwina, and I faintly heard them mentioning Darrow County and several names. Perhaps they talked about their lives before, and remembered what happened in the past? I was a little curious about what the exchange would be, but I didn't rush into the conversation between the two. Still remembering in the original history, Pamela's lamentable fate, this undead little girl who was ignorantly waiting at the door of her home after being destroyed in Darrow County and killed by the Scourge, seemed to have never realized What happened to her, but seeing her smile on her face now when she and Anweina murmured, maybe her wish has now been fulfilled?

"The father of the child ... did you find it?" I asked Aegwynn.

"I don't know much about her. Maybe you can ask yourself," Aegwynn smiled. "But I think she is so happy now, I think there is no regret."

I came to Pamela, who was awkwardly learning how to make Anvina tea, looking serious and hard. "Sister Anwina is a very good maid who can make the best black tea, but the tea I make always contains too much sugar." Pamela no longer was afraid of me, instead she started to speak with interest. In fact, I have paid attention to it-after putting all the sugar cubes. Do you want to drink tea? "

"Pamela," I rubbed the phantom little girl's hair, but I started with only a cool cloud: she was much weaker than Anwina, and she was not even physically. The body that is almost indistinguishable from the living person is the same as An Weina, "Do you know your current ... identity?" This question is not very good, but I really want to know the current situation of this little girl. Now, if necessary, I will help her as much as possible-at least, she was Anwina's best friend during her lifetime.

"I'm Pamela," the undead little girl replied, scratching her head. The answer was disappointing, but quickly. She added, "Some uncles who came to the army later found my house. They said that Darrow County had become the Forsaken Territory, so Pamela was a small Forsaken, and I didn't understand it. It should be For adults, Dad may know more about what happened. "

"Your dad? Is he home?"

"No," Pamela shook her head. "He goes home once a week, and usually works at the Kaolin intersection: he is a brave hero, so the new lord asks him to go to a larger city as the captain. Sometimes I am very Think of him. He didn't go home for a long time. But Pamela is also very strong and has to learn to take care of herself. Dad said that the new life has just begun. There is still much to do ... "

Pamela talked like a exploding bean. She was still afraid of being born just now, but as soon as she mentioned her hero father, she would continue to swell. I am glad to hear that her father has returned to Dalong County. Restored the identity of a wise undead soldier: It appears that the psychiatrist under Sylvanas found Pamela's father before others and turned it into an Forsaken officer.

Because no one in the real Azeroth world can complete the series of tasks of Pamela's dolls-contact Pamela's own content, and the only explanation for her father's successful home is Sylvanas. Credit for it.

It seems that Pamela is not quite sure what the concept of undead is, but she may have realized that she is different from before.However, she has no emotions such as depression and still learns to make tea creatively like an ordinary child Pulling An Weina to tell a story and to mention her heroic father to others. I stopped disturbing them and came to Aegwynn. She was sitting silently with Medivh, and the atmosphere looked a little awkward.

"You should be mothers and sons, why do you look cold?" I asked curiously.

Aegwynn shook his head bitterly: "I said that he is only part of Medivh-his character, memory, and way of doing things are far from my real son. I have tried it, but I couldn't find him at all. Topic: He only remembers his name and a little bit of his life, and those memories are only stacked in his mind like books, and he can't fit with the soul of this shadow. So I looked everywhere for ways to restore him. "

I took a look at Medivh, and his anomaly was actually obvious: gloomy, silent, almost expressionless, and apart from mentioning his name, he never said more about himself, as Aegwynn said, this It's just a container in the shape of Medivh, which contains a little bit of soul fragments related to Medivh. No matter what great mage or profound scholar Aegwynn is, and no matter how many years of experience she has, she is now a fragile mother--well, I think so anyway ...

"I will let the Raven and the leader bee do you a favor," I said the way I had already figured out, "They can search the entire planet in a short time. These two soldiers, one is good at occult rituals, one is Good at collecting souls, I can just find and combine the fragments of Medivh's soul. But before that, I want to ask, Medivh. Do you remember what kind of devil you were defeated by?

Medivh covered his head, and seemed to recall these things quite difficult, and then said slowly: "Crimson is an Ereda demon, with some eye-shaped device made of crystal and metal inlaid on his chest. Inside that device The emitted beam destroyed my shield. In addition, there are other enemies ... Ah, it is too difficult to recall those things ... but I am absolutely sure that the devil has associates. Otherwise, even if the shield is broken, I I was also sure to kill the monster easily. It was his colleague's surprise attack that led me to defeat ... that was ... a guy who looked like a human ... "

I originally just asked casually, wondering where Medivh was fighting at that time-because the Salvation Army and the Emperor did not find Medivh during the entire Salvation War, but did not expect that such a detail was even drawn.

"Human? Are you sure to look like a human? It must not be a mutant demon, is it a psychic or someone from the Scourge?"

"I'm not sure. My memory is confusing, maybe I can clear my head a bit after finding other fragments. Give me some more trouble to trouble, that thing seems to calm my spirit."

Anveena gave Medivh another cup of that weird undead drink, and I nodded to Aegwynn: "Well, I know the situation, and soon a raven and a leader bee will contact you, but I hope Medivh will recover soon. "

Aegwynn stood up and left immediately. I was surprised she was so anxious to leave, but it seemed that she was really urgent about Medivh's affairs. She said that she would quickly return to Azeroth for preparations. After several days of exploration, she and the Medivh fragment have identified several places that may hide soul fragments.She wants to hurry before the emperor's experts arrive. These fragments were identified. Since it is for this reason, of course Anweina and I are not good at forcibly retaining.

Pamela was brought by Aegwynn, and the Shadow City access procedures at that time were hung under the latter's name. At this time, you must also go back, or it is said that the ticket is not good for re-signing-when the farewell little girl followed An Weina hesitated to bid farewell, and repeatedly expressed her hope that An Weina would have time to find her in Dalong County.

"The town will soon be rebuilt," Pamela said. "The bad guys burned down the houses in the town before, and now there are many good guys to help rebuild the town. They said that a new queen called Sylvanas would make Darrow County prosperous, and you must come back and see if you have a chance, My new house is beautiful. "

It can be seen that Anveena was very helpless about the invitation ...

After the three guests left, I helped An Weina pack up and asked curiously the question I thought before: "An Wei Na, what do you think of life after being a ghost? What is your feeling now? .How do I feel that Pamela and you and many of the ghosts I have seen are different from what I remember? "

An Weina floated in the air holding a tea set, thinking about her head, smiling: "It's really not the same as a living person. After becoming a ghost, she will not be sleepy, nor tired, and occasionally feel hungry-we also It ’s weird to be able to eat. All our feelings and reactions to the living world have become dull, as if separated by a layer of fog. I also remember that when I first woke up, I was confused, and everything around me was in my eyes. Twisted completely into another look, you absolutely can't imagine what it looks like: It's as if the gorgeous house of the year is still the same. It is said that the ghost is a creature that lives in its own heart. What we see is only our own spiritual world But the more powerful the ghost, the more real it feels to the living person ’s world, only the weaker ghost will be trapped in his own memory. Many ground-bound spirits cannot leave the place that binds them because of this: In their cognition, the world can never exceed the small place they remember, and the world beyond it does not exist. When I just woke up, I would feel cold, even near the flames, it would be cold, but Master in one I feel very warm, perhaps also because of the specter are living in their own world in the spirit of it ...... so Anveena liked when the host side, the warm, the whole world becomes safe ...... "

The ghost maid said with a smile, turned and floated towards the kitchen wall, but she forgot that she was still carrying things, and the tea set in her hand stayed here after she passed through the wall. Before landing, Anwina got half of her body out of the wall to catch them all steadily. The little ghost who almost screwed up smiled awkwardly at me and walked through the door honestly.

After she went out, I remembered: It looks like this guy can carry things through the wall, that is to say, is Anweina just selling her spite?

Ok. Although it is a malicious sell, she is really cute by this ghost little maid. She seems to have really ignored this maid who has been with her for a long time. She is busy in this space every day. Expanding into the rather unscientific large house that is expanding, but many times I don't know what she is thinking about-she always enjoys herself in her small world, and looks happy. She doesn't talk much to others: Although she said that she likes to live with her family. Perhaps this is also one of the special life habits of the undead, as long as she is happy.

When Anvina floated into the room again, I said, "I thought Aegwynn was here to bring up my crow."

"We did talk about it. She was also interested in Medivh, but she didn't seem to mind that Mistress gave her a crow's name for her son," Anwena buried herself more than half in the coffee table. Underneath, only the upper part of the chest is exposed, playfully "swimming around", trying to model the plot she saw in a horror movie. "Master, do you think Medivh will become a human figure when he grows up?"

"What? You want to make it human?"

"It's very interesting. I turned into a crow in front of it, and then changed back, so Medivh became interested. From this morning, I've been pestering me to learn how to become a human. . Probably when it grows up, it really becomes a crow god, how can you learn how to transform it? "An Weina said, showing a look of great anticipation.

"Who knows," I shrugged, "the things around me are getting stranger. I can't figure out what's going on by myself."

An Winna grinned, and floated to the kitchen: "I'm going to prepare lunch. Will I have barbecue at noon today?"

"Yes," Sandora answered first. "There is a split tooth dragon from Nesingwari in the kitchen's warehouse, and you can bake it ..."

It sounds like amazing ingredients. Is roasted whole dragon really a home-cooked dish?

After the rest of me and Sandora were in the room, I took the latter into my arms and squeezed her nose: "Well, you have something to say just now, when Medivh and Aegwynn were there. You haven't spoken. But I can see that you are thinking. "

"Ajun is getting more and more sharp." Sandola slaps on my chest, then jumps to the ground. "Xiao Xue is peeking at the door, being a dad's serious. I was thinking: Why do these mutant demons have to split Medivh to a great deal?"

"In order to prevent him from resurrecting," I said without thinking, "You don't know, the heroes of Azeroth's world are best at being alive-if you don't lie to the corpse, you are embarrassed to say you are Azer From Russ, the world ’s undead system was too painful. It is estimated that the fallen apostles who controlled the mutant demons at the time also found this: the Salvation Army soldiers who had managed to kill today, changed their face the next day with zombie soldiers. Identity stands in front of himself again, and then becomes a skeleton on the third day, and a ghost on the fourth day ... Maybe the demon thinks that Medivh is too strong and the chance of resurrection is too high. Once resurrection is a great threat, so Breaking up his soul? "

"I don't think so," Sandora shook her head. "Medical's power is indeed a great threat to ordinary demons, but to mutant demons and fallen apostles, they can only be regarded as ordinary opponents. Is it so costly to prevent the resurrection of such an opponent? I don't think so. "

"I also noticed what I said," I nodded, and suddenly felt that Sandora's suspicion was unreasonable, "Medwin recalled that he had other enemies when he was defeated, although the memory of the soul fragments There may be deviations, but I don't think that this last glance before death should be mistaken. It is an enemy that looks like humans: the fallen apostles are like humans. "

The main reason I think of this directly is that Azeroth's most lacking are strange creatures, where human beings belong to ethnic minorities, especially in the mutant demonic camp.Humanoids have only two possibilities: psychics, There is also the Fallen Apostle Commander. It is impossible for a psychic to harm Medivh, even if it is a sneak attack, then the mysterious enemy at the scene can only be a fallen apostle.

"A fallen apostle was present and personally split Medivh's soul," Sandora said in a deep voice. "How much value is Medivh's body worthy of their own hands? But don't forget that for the fallen apostle, a Medieval Wen's threat is no better than a small group of Imperial soldiers. "

I thought about it for a long time, maybe Bellavira knew it? Maybe, Bellavira's memory is not very clear, she told me everything she could remember about Azeroth, and there was no Mentioned Medivh's name. And at the time, Belavila had a gap with Occam. Under the foolish Occam's fool, many of the plans of the fallen apostles were unknown to Belavila ~ www.readwn.com ~ forget it, It's useless to think so much, "I waved my hand," Azra's world has been calmed down anyway, and the fallen apostles who had stirred up the wind and rain there haven't achieved much success. They have been in peace for more than three years. You still worry What trouble can that small group of fallen apostles of that year leave us? "

Sandora thought about it, no matter what the conspiracy of the fallen apostles was, they had already gone bankrupt with their entire defeat.The three fallen apostles who had invaded Azeroth had died two, and the last one was still in our camp. It's equivalent to nothing left. In this case, tangling this past secret is of little value, so she is not tangling on this issue-of course, it may be almost noon ...

At this time, a shallow, elated voice came from the living room: "We are back"

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