Xiling Empire

Chapter 1036: Something is wrong

The deep-submersible ship has been traveling in the abyss for a total of three and a half days. At first glance, this is a very bad result. For three and a half days, it is not as good as some powerful empire commanders to continue fighting in the abyss. It ’s a long time, but think about another thing, it is estimated that no one has doubts: it has traveled all the way to the deepest point of the abyss pollution, and the distance it has traveled has long crossed the stability limit of the material world products. Going forward, the pressure to be multiplied will increase several times. In the first day, the submersible ship may still be in the area where Sandora entered, and after that, it entered completely unattended death. zone,.

The design strength of the deep submersible ship in resisting the abyss pollution is far more than any starship we have. It can almost achieve permanent movement when cruising near the gate of the abyss. Only after continuously deepening into the danger zone and reaching a limit It will collapse. According to the calculation of the speed of the deep submersible ship, the site of its collapse has crossed the shallow area of ​​the abyss, and it is likely to touch the "unknown frontier."

Shallow abyss is the way Tavier describes it. She roughly layers the known environment of the abyss, with the gate of the abyss as the entrance, and the shallow abyss near the gate of the abyss, where the pollution is heavy but not fatal. There are unstable passages between the powers of the abyss that can safely pass through--the voids that we observe when the fog surges. These unstable channels greatly reduce the danger of the shallow area of ​​the abyss, as long as these gaps can be accurately found Ordinary intermediate apostles can also fight in the abyss. There will be a clear dividing line when crossing this shallow area. This dividing line has never been observed, but Tavel inferred this from the data we extracted from the database of the original deep-submersible prototype ship. With the existence of the dividing line, all the abyss fog should stop abruptly after this dividing line. The other side of the line is a strong pollution zone with uniform concentration, where the abyss no longer shows a measurable state, and at the depth of the deep dive At the same level, the intensity of abyss pollution in each storage space is the same. And as the deep dive depth increases exponentially, this area is called the abyss deep zone. As there are no "safe" passages in the deep area that are "superior" to the environment, and there is no fog that can be demarcated, deep navigation vessels will face huge challenges in this area. There is no speculative safety route, everything depends on The protective performance of the hull itself is to carry deadly ☆ If the submarine can still move forward after crossing that boundary: even if it only advances an inch, it also shows that the design of the starship is correct and that its protection system is indeed in the abyss field. Continuous working characteristics. At most, the strength needs to be improved. It can be said that the boundary between the deep and shallow areas is also the boundary that determines the fate of the deep dive ship. If it does not successfully cross this line and survives in the deep zone for a short period of time, our deep dive ship must be restarted. designed.

Because the inability to cross the dividing line means that the deep submerged ship has completely passed the shallow area by relying on a safe path.

Fortunately, the deep dive ship should have crossed the demarcation line the next day after departure. After that, it has been sailing for about 35 hours and has come into contact with the so-called "unknown frontier."

The strange frontier is Sandora's saying. She used to refer to our existing technology's analytical limit to the phenomena in the abyss. There is no clear dividing line between that area and the deep abyss. The reason why such a zone is divided is also inferred from the data we have obtained from the database of the deep submersible prototype ship. According to the records in the database, all the research data began to decrease sharply after the deep-submersible vessel arrived in the deep area for a period of time. At that time, the scientific research team led by Occam seemed to have failed to collect any useful information after a long journey in the deep area. This shows that after going deep to a certain degree, the strange scenes presented in the abyss field will be completely beyond the understanding of the existing technology, and the ship-borne instruments will be incapable of any phenomena that occur around them. The ship can still sail. But the crew no longer knew the constellations around them-that was the feeling. Obviously, the division of unfamiliar frontiers depends on the level of ship-borne instruments or our existing technological level. With the scientific and technological strength of the new empire, the unfamiliar frontiers will definitely arrive earlier than those encountered by Occam.

After the unfamiliar frontier, there are two more fuzzy layers, namely the "barrier zone" and the "bottom layer". They are both regions under guessing. At present, there is no evidence to prove that they exist, and Occam did not pass the "unfamiliar". Frontier "this dead door bar. Tavel just based on the "abyss ordered signal phenomenon" that occurred many times to imagine a bottom for the abyss, and then added a "barrier zone" on this bottom.

Ninety percent of all our assumptions about the abyss are based on such speculations and inferences. And the deep dive ship or the whole deep dive plan. It is just filling these conjectures slowly to fullness.

The Gate of the Abyss is quietly suspended on the red surface of the red giant star's fierce flames, surrounded by a circle of phantom obelisks that are regularly flashing. In order to maintain the stability of this gate, from a distance, it looks as if a small black hole has been punched out of the radiant outer skin of the red giant star, exposing the cold and dark real core of the planet. From the outside, the surface of the red giant is stormy, the crimson plasma hurricane whizzes past at a speed of tens of thousands of meters per second, and the gate of the abyss is quiet like the same black water; the inner is just the opposite, red The order is hidden in the turbulent surface of a giant star. Each of its blasting plasma pillars of fire is based on a rule that can be accurately described by several mathematical resistances. In the eyes of scientists, red giant stars are like small flames burning quietly. It is as stable and silent, but the abyss is violent and twisted. It is weird, abnormal, challenges all the laws of the physical world, and unreasonably subverts everything: although it seems that it is just a pool of black water without waves.

Two “Ferrymen” class medium-sized barges patrolled a few kilometers above the gate of the abyss, which have been targeted for modification. This distance is already equal to half a foot into the death zone, so the “Ferrymen” class barge has also been tavern Equipped with new shields specifically designed to combat abyss erosion, these barges value practicality as much as other common engineering ships. They are square in appearance, extremely flat in shape, and look like a playing card floating in space: up to Twelve kilometers of playing cards. There are several large rectangular openings on the barge's hull that penetrate the entire spaceship up and down. A force field traction system is set up on the edge of the opening, which looks like an ancient refinery well. In the center of this circle, the traction system leads to the barge grid. Naku's space door. The guidance system can drag the goods without touching the target, and the space door sends these goods to a high-concentration psionic environment. Under the psionic environment, the pits are neutralized and purified, and finally the cargo will be safely Saved in Gnacu.

However, the "Ferryman" barge does not have the ability to drag things from the gate of the abyss. In order to "fish" the "drift bottle" from the opposite side of the gate of the abyss, we also need some special ... working in extreme environments Staff, and the job must be performed manually: we can't afford any accidents on this project.

It is still in the space workstation next to the gate of the abyss. This is already the frontline command center of the deep dive plan. The staff of the plan team are paying close attention to the situation of the first engineering team. They have entered the gates of the abyss and are now working on the outermost level of the shallow area. Although it is already a safe place quite close to the main material world, it is only relative to a deeper place. The engineering team has only limited protection. The "fishing ship" they use is also manufactured according to the principles of deep submersible ships, but because they are trying to remove solid material from the abyss environment, the fishing ship has a higher chance of coming into contact with the substance of pollution This work must be off-site.

A bearded middle-aged man wearing an assistant technician uniform appeared on the communication screen in front of us. He was the leader of the brave engineering team. The engineering team established contact with the command center in the abyss field. The transmitted picture was obvious. Distortion and stuttering—the place where they work is only a few tens of kilometers away from this command center, but the communication situation is not so optimistic, which makes me suddenly feel unreal, as if the ones around me are not extremely advanced Imperial technology is talking to soldiers with the old radio station of World War II.

The middle-aged bearded man has a strong body and a rigid face. Although he was wearing the researcher's clothes, but I really thought it was an Imperial soldier wrapped in a white robe. Tavel introduced me to her subordinate assistant. According to her, this was a "frontline battlefield scientist". In short, it is the kind of empire-style technician who prefers carrying dozens of tons of explosives to the battlefield and assembles new bombs while collecting data on enemy deaths and injuries--no wonder he would use An assistant technician led the engineering team into the gate of the abyss.

"The environment here is harsh, and the hull is slightly shaking. Just now the gravity of the ship suddenly increased by one percent." The bearded "frontline battlefield scientist" said harshly, his sight did not stay on the communicator for long. Instead, he glanced around quickly, seemingly paying attention to a lot of constantly refreshing data. "There may be many things trying to kill us."

"Pay attention to your shield readings, a new wave of pollution is emerging inside the Abyss Gate," Tavel frowned, and one of her quality projections was being monitored in person by the Psionic Obelisk next to the Abyss Gate-continuous appearance The interaction between information in the physical world and the abyss domain has already loosened this door. "

"Of course, chief technician." The beard's eyes fluttered to the side, seemingly confirming Tavier's warning, and then expertly operated on the console. "We saw the thick fog, the rules were large, and The breath of the abyss has come into contact with the working ship, and our outer shield is self-decomposing, but it is far from reaching the point of danger. It seems that we can resist the impact. We cannot move the position, those from the deep submersible The dropped safety databases are returning home, and their working conditions are very bad, so I have just set the work boat as a temporary navigation tower, so that some more databases can come back safely ... Oh, the shock comes ... "

The beard's voice was suddenly replaced by a huge murmur, and the picture coming across from the gate of the abyss suddenly turned into a large group of distorted bright lines. The surging abyss forces disrupt the orderly combinations of contact signals, causing them to become cluttered and disorganized. The daring bearded man really used the work boat to resist the impact. Everyone was tense at once. Only Tavel remained calm and calm: "It's just that the communication is interrupted. The design of the work boat is strong enough to face various crises in the shallow area. .I know Vinda, he just likes to kill himself, but doesn't like to kill him. "

Sure enough, as Tavel said, the work boat quickly reappeared on the contact list, and barely heard the report of the beard in the fierce clutter: "The shock is still going on, chief technician, we see a large gray-black ... At least after the equipment is processed, there is a gray and black fog, which envelopes the workboats. It seems that they can distinguish the worlds in which the workboats do not belong to them. The shield system is refreshing rapidly, and the contaminated shields try to self-explode inward, but are promptly Stopped. We are still sending a navigation signal to the 'drift bottle'. The shock just now may have affected one or two of the databases and lost their traces ... oh, bad, the work boat may be a little polluted, I am not sure. Just now two escape towers suddenly disintegrated ... "

The signal interference is very serious. The image transmitted from the opposite side of the abyss gate has almost become a frame-by-frame image. The expression on the bearded face is still brisk, while more and more alarm lights are appearing in the control hall behind him— — It seems that the situation is not as easy as his tone. Dora decisively ordered: "Immediately go up, we will send the second batch of engineering teams. Send a briefing on the status of the spacecraft, and I ask the team of scientists to analyze your being now Cause of pollution. "

"Probably ... there is no need to be so troublesome. We can handle this little problem. Weham has gone to the base of the escape tower to check the damage. Now that the warning system has not issued an alarm, our shield is still intact. This should be an accident. The situation, "The beard's voice suddenly became clear, and the picture returned to normal." Oh, the shock has passed. Come fast and come fast. Okay, chief technician, and Your Majesty, now talk about what we confirm : The database that fell off the deep submersible ship may have suffered a more severe shock than expected. We only received a total of seven navigation requests. Yes, there are more than a hundred databases, and only seven returned to the shallow area alive. Two of them suddenly lost their connection. We must stay here. Continue to provide navigation to the remaining five databases. They are no longer able to go home by themselves. More storms are taking shape once the navigation signal is terminated or with the second engineering team There was a delay during the switchover. Those databases had a 90% chance of being lost-that was the last bit of achievement in the entire plan. I Property to be thin empire! Do not send a second engineering team, we can put a minute later transferred out of the gate first database, prepare to receive. "

Beard's attitude is very determined, and it seems that the team of experts he led can really solve these problems, so Sandora no longer insists, but let them complete the task as soon as possible, and then let Tavel check it carefully.

Beard performed a military salute and then hung up the communication.

Soon, the barge waiting on the side of the Abyss Gate received the "Cargo Delivery" signal from the engineering team. I don't know whose idea it was. The password between them was this: Open the door, your courier ... ...

From the middle of the abyss gate, a tiny whirlpool appeared, and then a small thing flickering with dim blue light floated out of the vortex. Compared to the entire abyss gate with a radius of hundreds of kilometers, this blue Yingying The gadgets are just as inconspicuous as the sesame seeds on the pancakes-well I admit that I really lacked words at this time. The work boat successfully captured the first floating database and transmitted it out of the abyss door. Everything went well. When this sesame was on the sesame cake ... Hehe, it seems that it is quite difficult to turn the brain around. In short, it is inconspicuous. When the little things floated out of the gate of the abyss, the entire command center immediately filled with a relaxed atmosphere.

As long as there is a database in our hands, the whole plan is more than half successful.

"Very well, we have observed the target-but it seems that the latter is not very good, its shield is almost extinguished, and it does not accept our external instructions, there may be a certain degree of system damage, I hope scientists The designed database security program is still functioning normally ... Our traction beam caught it! "A report sound came from the barge one, and then we saw many faint radiation from the four walls of the rectangular channel at the center of the barge. After the light beams that had just floated out of the database of the Abyss Gate were wrapped, they quickly pulled towards their own space gate for receiving cargo. "A strong abyss reaction was detected, and a danger signal was uploaded along the traction beam. ... the barrier system is working well. We have limited the pollution. The thing needs to be thoroughly cleaned, and it will have a disgusting smell on it. "

How big is an escape database? In fact, in the abyss environment, in the abyss environment, the smaller size means that it is easier to obtain efficient protection. Those drift bottles equipped with the navigation system and the most efficient driving engine at present are only as large as a car, and a "ferryman" The size of the class barge is in kilometers. It ’s a little funny to take home a car-sized thing with such a huge object, as if Megatron carefully picked up a jingle from the grass, but we ’re so There is a reason to do it: Only a large thing like a barge can carry a sufficient amount of equipment to ensure that the cabinet industry is close to the door of the abyss, and it also needs to be equipped with a set of "cleaning" that can quickly purify the abyss. The device ~ www.readwn.com ~ is used to disinfect the drifting bottle that has just been recovered. We are not without thinking about letting the high-speed mobile small ship sweep through the door of the abyss to recover the database, which may be more efficient, and not so Funny, but there is a certain chance that the pollution will be extended to the salvage unit: gains and losses.

Soon, other databases were separated from the abyss under the guidance of the work boat. The entire salvage process seemed to be smoother than we expected and was about to be completed. Only one "drift bottle" was lost in it, it was seriously infected, the shield was completely extinguished, and the outer casing was twisted like a mess. The inside of this thoroughly abyssal machine burst out with the light of the eve of the explosion, and once it came to the material world Immediately tried to diffuse the abyss of the body through self-explosion-fortunately there were a lot of sentry guns in the vicinity, and on the eve of its explosion, the high concentration of psionic rays completely purified everything. The polluted database only produced a small spark in space, but was instantly swallowed up by the brilliant light of the red giant star, and then Tavel was distressed by what ...

"First Engineering Team, your mission is completed, and you will return immediately."

Sandola breathed a sigh of relief and ordered the communicator.

No response.

& gt,

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