Xiling Empire

Chapter 1037: Opposite the door

When the command center was strangely silent for a few seconds, Sandora called again: "Engineering team, return now, your mission has been completed, repeat, return immediately, this is the order."

A few seconds passed, and there was still no response. The people at the scene looked at each other: something happened?

Tavel, who is in charge of on-site dispatching, immediately judged that the situation might be bad. The signal of the work boat has been completely lost on the communicator, and every member of the first engineering team has been disconnected from the spiritual network. The joy of completion becomes a sudden disaster. After the call failed again, Tavel turned to her assistant team: "Emergency support team, check all channels at once, the obelisk increased its output power to enter the gate forcibly, and the second engineering team was ready to accept the ship. Your ship is now the only one She can still enter the gate ... "She didn't finish her words, and was suddenly interrupted by a report from the lower console:" Chief Technician, the stability of the Abyss Gate is rapidly decreasing! The obelisk is about to reach its limit! "

"What !?" Tavel looked at the monitoring data in shock. If she had learned to curse, she would have been scolded at this time. "What the **** is going on? Why the stability of the gate suddenly drops?"

A senior assistant technician quickly checked the data and instrument logs and reported loudly: "The reason is unknown, but we must have caused too much information exchange in the abyss field and the physical world ... This is illogical, when the deep dive started The stability of the gate has not fallen so badly. And this time we only transmitted a few databases ... "

"Well, we will analyze the accident later, and now we must find a way to rescue the engineering team!" Sandora suddenly made a noise, interrupting the analysis of the assistant technician. "Tavel, what can we do in this situation?"

Tavel was closely watching the readings of the Abyss Gate, frowning: "Almost nothing can be done. The gate has begun to collapse, and now we have activated all the obelisks to suppress the process. This will allow it to support the nearby The garrison evacuated the scene, but there is nothing more to do. The gate of the abyss that began to collapse will first transform from a phenomenon into a semi-solid. The black surface of that layer has shown a tendency to assimilate with the physical world. Soon this The black surface of the layer will crack. When it cracks through the entire plane, it will be a big explosion. Be sure to destroy the door before that. Anything that passes through the door now will cause the crack to increase. Once in the material world and the abyss If there is a large enough gap between them, the speed of the door's collapse will increase dozens of times ... We can send some people into the door. Or a small boat, but the upper limit is only that, the penetrating behavior of a larger volume will completely strike Shatter it. "

The elder sister and Lin Xue are both nervous, but they do n’t know what to do. Although they are powerful now, they have no experience after all. They do n’t know what they can do in the face of this situation. Changed personality. Began to manipulate her powerful time force. Although the shallowness in her personality was bad, she was undeniably more intelligent than she was ... well, smarter. She looked at the gate of the abyss that was rippling over a wide area and shook her fist: "I delay it ... as far as I can."

"Can you do that?" I asked uneasily. What we are facing now is not as simple as an army, but an abyss gate that is about to explode. This thing ... Can it really be delayed by time still?

Looking at my hand lightly, a satisfied smile appeared: "I am getting stronger every day, and now I am not as good as I am now, but unfortunately I have no chance to try its power. Now this is a good opportunity for inspection. I Rather want to see what kind of power she has. In addition— "She glanced at me," It's not a good habit to question your partner. "

I was accustomed to the light and sudden turning of the second girl into a blackened girl. She just gave a more careful look, and when she stepped on the conveyor, she turned her eyes to Tavel: "We may have more time now-but not It will be too long. Now you take people out of this world, take everything that can be taken away, and let the dying garden focus all the energy on this universe. I want them to exile this world to the void in the shortest time. Here. Sandora, please help me pay attention to the subsequent spread of the abyss. Now this world is still mounted on the macro world network, and it must not be allowed to pollute other universes. Sister, I will finish the big move soon Certainly need someone to take care of you, take care of her, and by the way hold the girl who is impulsive. Lin Xue, give me a gossip now ... "

"This is a fierce trip, dare you to go and slap me!" Lin Xue stared at me with impoliteness, rubbing his eyes after half a minute of staring, "I ca n’t figure out what happened after crossing the door of the abyss, at least at the other door I ca n’t count on the side unless you plan to let me follow. "

"That's impossible." I flatly refused.

Lin Xue had already seen my intentions, and Bingtis looked at this time whimpering: "Wait ... you wouldn't plan to jump in? Are you crazy? This thing is not your swimming pool. ! "

"I didn't intend to go swimming," I slowly released my strength and felt the void filled my body-everything around became ethereal, and I seemed to have moved away from the perception of the physical world and turned to a higher From the perspective of analyzing all the feelings that the physical world gives me, the form of void, now I seem to be more and more accustomed to this marvelous sensory journey. This is the iron law. I am the natural enemy of that thing. "

"But how many times is that thing bigger than you do you know?" Bettis looked a little angry. "You haven't fully matured yet, you're in the void and can't hold on to this form for too long in your own territory ..."

"Tavel, how long will it take to get all the people out?" I made a slightly restless gesture to Icetis, then looked at Tavel, who responded with a little thought: "Five minutes, everything They are all in the teleportation sequence. Your Majesty, your subordinates have no right to interfere with any of your decisions, but from the perspective of a researcher. Your subordinates think your decisions are risky. "

"It's just the shallow area of ​​the abyss, and it's very close to the gate," I knew there were five minutes left, so I grabbed my body and moved. It doesn't make sense, but it seems to give me a little psychological effect: tell myself that I'm ready, "Um. Actually, I'm hiding something from you-when I was training how to clean up the abyss pollution, I secretly touched the abyss primitive ... is the two-dimensional pattern that is fixed in the psychic field. There is nothing at all, really, otherwise you think I'm hot today? "

As soon as the voice fell, the temperature seemed to drop by five degrees directly, and Sandola's voice gritted. "After we return, let's have a good talk ..."

When I turned my head, I found Sandora was grinding her claws: one side of her body had been shrouded in black mist, and one arm had become a huge black claw. This is an abyss form. "What are you doing? Wouldn't you plan to use this to scratch people?" I asked coldly.

"I'll go with you," Sandora said for granted, then glanced at the time, "Well, no time wasted, ready to go."

I have n’t had time to say anything, Sandora has made her decision and grinned at me: "You forgot one thing: you are not afraid to jump into the abyss door, I am even more afraid: I have skipped it once. I have 100% It ’s safe there. ”

"Okay, okay, it looks like we have to add another one," Bingtis stretched his waist, the black wings behind him spread out, and there was a pale golden mist of holy light around him. "I have the experience of dying from the gate of the abyss, and it seems that the corpse is relatively strong, right?"

Sandora glanced at Bingtis and seemed to want to stop it, but found that from her own perspective, she could not refute Bingtis's reason, so she nodded acquiesce.

No one seems to be able to change their minds. A queen and a female hooligan are hard-liners. I smiled and nodded at my sister who was still worried, then looked at Lin Xue: "Don't bother, just look at my luck today."

"It's not bad, except that it might be beaten by his wife." Lin Xue gave me a white look, and said angrily. I don't know if she counted herself as a hit.

Except for a few commanders who need to stay at the end and Lin Xue and others who need to stay alive (oh, but also the shallowness of time stagnancy near the gate of the abyss), the staff in the test field is fast Being evacuated, only unattended workstations remain in the universe, and there are three guys who plan to jump through the gates. We teleported directly to the gate of the abyss and stood on a psionic obelisk closest to the gate. The gate had begun to expand before the collapse. The obelisk, which had not touched the gate, was now located in the dark misty area under the three. A hundred meters away from the foot is the gate of the abyss tumbling like a liquid. The obelisk that had been suppressing the gate now seems to be an island on the Black Sea. The blue barrier released is reluctantly connected with other nearby obelisks, and it has tried hard to prevent the gate from collapsing. I knew the strange spatial phenomenon of the door of the abyss before: no matter what angle you look at the door, what you see is always a black round face facing you, which is obviously a virtual one presented in the three-dimensional world. Dimensional phenomenon: Beyond the dimension, self-contained system. The role of the Phantom Obelisk is to use the Phantom that can also work in all dimensions to bind the door of the abyss, so that it can be solidified in the physical world, thereby forming a fixed plane. The door in front of us now seems to be breaking away from this dimension lock, because when we look at other angles, the door of the abyss that we see is already a black round cake that gradually stands up.

"Well, it feels familiar," Bingtis covered her nose, as if she could really smell it in this environment. "I remembered that the bearded man reported that his work boat was polluted. Then, he suddenly hung up the communication, right? Maybe at that time, he found that the situation was not good, and he was ready to stop returning to the ship—yes, he also specially reminded you not to send a second engineering team down, definitely Something bad was coming, but he didn't have time to report. "

"I thought about it, too," Sandora sighed. "There are many such people in Teijin who are loyal, but there are some who can cause headaches."

Bettis glanced at Sandora and me, and suddenly laughed: "For a work boat and a group of engineering soldiers. The head of the empire jumped into the gate of the abyss. Chen would make such a move because of his character. So, how about you? Sandora, I remember that you are a more calm queen. Has your partner been infected with a blood factor? "

"It's just him being bloody," Sandora bluntly scratched me, using that one-meter-long claw, "I'm really sure I'll be fine: I have an abyss. The fog in the door won't take the initiative Attacking a signal source that is similar in nature. This is the nature of the abyss. It does not destroy what has been destroyed. "

"Oh. I found a vortex, and that may be the breakthrough point mentioned by Tavel--" Bingtis suddenly pointed at the distance, and we stopped here for a few minutes just to find a more suitable time to jump in, Bingtis's eyes seemed to be better. "The dark goddess gave me red eyes, so that I can find darker things in the gate of the abyss of the black rump ... ain't rhyme ..."

Sandora and I: "... less nonsense! Hurry up!"

It was only a matter of seconds before the gravity of the red giant fell into the gate of the abyss. When I walked through the so-called gate, there didn't seem to be any special feeling. I felt that I just passed through a layer of wavy water, maybe there was some "soft" touch? It may also be just their own psychological effect. After all, when we jump down, the shape of the abyss gate is already the same as the spring of the same water.

"Is this here?" I said to myself, opening my eyes, and the red sea of ​​fire surging by the storm of the red giant has disappeared. Just like the broken illusion before, there is only endless darkness in front of me.

The surroundings are full of indescribable sense of disobedience. As a void creature, I didn't feel that the abyss had harmed my body. But the ubiquitous rejection and some kind of tight-hearted "crisis approaching" still make you quite uncomfortable. This feeling is like covering your eyes and ears, and then placing beasts around you You can't see them or hear them, but some kind of faint breath makes your hairs stand upright. The beasts in the cage can't hurt people, but the keen spirit will tell you: danger is imminent.

This is the unpleasant atmosphere, but fortunately, it does not seem that the abyss can erode his body. It seems that even the high-intensity polluted environment such as the gate of the abyss, when facing the gap at the level of "Void" It is impossible to cross qualitative change with quantitative change.

First of all, we must find a way to restore "sight". No matter what method is used, we must be able to sense the surrounding environment. I recall the method Sandor told me to release the spiritual power, look for "tracks where the order was broken," and at the same time look for a physical target: that was what was coming in from across the door, including the work boat, and Shan Dora and Icetis. This novel method of "seeing" things is more troublesome than using eyes, but years of tempering your own spirit has given you some skills. Soon, a cloudy fog appears in your "field of vision". The indescribable storm, turbulence that does not conform to any physical common sense to change the trajectory arbitrarily, and Sandora and Icedis, who followed them, turned out to be by their side, and they were really scared when they suddenly emerged from the darkness I jumped.

Sandola noticed a change in my expression, wrinkled her nose, and asked with a smile: "It looks like you've adapted, how do you feel?"

"Not good, pretty bad, I feel like the whole environment is going to kill myself," I poked, "but better than expected, I didn't feel that something was destroying my body, or simply said, nothing at all Touching the abyss. "

"Because they took the initiative to retreat," Bingdishu spread his wings, and the huge black wings floated against the golden light of the sense of disobedience, looking at the black cotton like ... Hehe, her face was loose. The look of tone, looked at me with interest, "Sai Shen and Sandora are ready to resist, but after you open the void realm, the abyss starts to recede, now they are all hovering around the periphery of your aura. Didn't you find them? Those fogs detoured in a spherical area around it. Well, you better stay in this state, Slim and Sandora are now protected in your aura. "

Bingtis said, laughing and laughing: "Mother, my mother is also sometimes protected by men!"

Sandora immediately added solemnly: "It's my man, and I collect the rent after an hour."

"Cough," I coughed, and secretly rejoiced that I didn't blush now, and then looked around, "I can't see where the work boat is. How far can we see in this environment?"

"It's not much farther than the sight of mortals," Bingtis took out his scripture and tore off a book page, which turned into a diffused light spot. "They can expand your perception range in the abyss environment. We Protoss will occasionally enter the gates of the abyss to carry out missions. You have your own probe technology, and we have something similar-although the life span is relatively short, just one minute. "

"That is the door to the abyss? Where do we come in?" I looked around ~ www.readwn.com ~ and found that I was diagonally above (perhaps above? Now I can only judge from above and below from my own perspective) I can't see the huge vortex groups on the margins. Countless large and small vortex patterns float on a dark background, exuding off-white luster, and combined into a whole that appears to be a circular array. Then hit the edge of the array, from these vortexes, I felt a vague sense of the familiar atmosphere of the material world: this feeling is unclear, but it seems as if it is locked in a completely sealed box, and suddenly a place appears Opening, even with your eyes closed, you can feel the fresh air coming in from there.

"It looks like ... it was supposed to be a static off-white mirror, but now it is ... it should be the cause of the door's collapse. Something disturbed the peace, and it was on the side of the door." Bettis analyzed it very professionally. In this respect, it seems that she has more insight than Sandora: the exaggerated life and experience of the Protoss are full of superiority at this time.

Sandora reminded: "Don't go too far. Once we can't see these vortexes or feel them, we can't go back again-unless we can find another door to the abyss before we run out of energy. . "

"It's so big, it's too far to go invisible," Bingtis laughed, and then suddenly hesitated, "Well, there's a work boat ... but there's something else around it!" Continued)

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