Xiling Empire

Chapter 1038: Female hooligan style does not diminish

As the culmination of civilization, both the Spirit and the Starfield have their own systems of research and response to the abyss, which not only counters the various disasters generated by the abyss, but also includes the analysis of the abyss itself: through the gate of the abyss.

The old empire's deep dive plan is not the first project to cross the gate. It is only the furthest to go, the craziest project to do. Before the deep dive plan, the old empire had put probes and There are no people outposts, of course, there are several "crossing the door" plans that personnel participated in, but the data of those plans are now missing, and we do not know how the old empire at the time let the personnel safely perform the task opposite the gate of the abyss. -It is also possible that all similar projects have failed. In short, the records of that year have not been queried up to now.

In contrast to the empire, the Protoss' exploration of the Abyss Gate should be started earlier and more comprehensively. They use the special advantages of their race to carry out the exploration and seal activities of the Abyss Gate. (Of course, this is a method that the Empire cannot copy. The personal qualities of the rich second generation are too out of specification ...) Of course, even for the Protoss, this kind of activity is still the most dangerous project-Bettenstein said that she followed me today. If anything, let her dad know that at least it ’s a fat meal. It may be hunted by her dad all over the world ...

"So you're out today, but you have to be grateful to Dade," said Bates on the way to the workboat.

Well, I know she just wants to relax the atmosphere, after all, we feel it too. There is quite a strong energy pooling phenomenon ahead. These powerful energy pooling phenomena cannot be spontaneous in the abyss realm-something that also comes from the main material world broke into our test field, and most likely it is these Something broke the test and besieged our engineering team. In the abyss realm. It was a joy to be able to see things in the main material world, but now this is the exception.

"Hopefully it's not the sad group of guys, they're causing enough trouble." Sandora bit her lip. She didn't look good, and I knew exactly what she was referring to: she could live in the abyss realm. And the guy who destroyed the Empire project has nothing but the fallen apostles, and that kind of strong energy response ... Although the induction is not very clear due to the influence of the abyss, it does have the characteristics of psionic energy.

"I'm afraid you guessed it ... look at the front!" Bettis said suddenly, pulling us to stop.

As if it suddenly appeared, a huge black shadow appeared thousands of kilometers away in front of it, like a weird monster that emerged from the night sky. One of the unsophisticated figures is the engineering ship that has lost contact. Its condition does not look good. Although the shield is still there, it is dim at least half compared to the time of departure. The outer shield is weird. The black pattern is a symptom of pollution from the abyss, and its shield system is refreshing, but it seems that it can't keep up with the speed of pollution. There are two obvious laceration scars on the rear armor of the engineering ship, which should be the location of the escape tower-I also remembered when the beard reported that the escape tower of the work ship suddenly disintegrated.

The shield is still there, but the escape tower is disintegrating. This is really abnormal.

Opposite our engineering ship, it is a black warship shrouded in deep fog. It is only about ten kilometers away from the engineering ship (this number may be inaccurate. In the abyss environment, it seems that the previously proud spirit detection method also lost its accuracy, and all feelings are a bit empty). It's a model of a battleship we've never seen before, but the black paint is so familiar—the battleship of the fallen apostles.

Just as the abyss breath interfered with our perception, it seems that the other party failed to find us. In the chaotic background clutter, the three small figures could not be identified by the ship-borne radar at all, but as they gradually approached each other, Shan Dora is still cautiously disguised: she releases the abyss of her body, synchronizing us with the surrounding environment. In this state, she appears to be an abyss aggregate on most of the energy-sensing radars, as confirmed by a series of studies conducted by Tavel based on the various special abilities of the empire leader: Sandora has The ability to completely hide the breath in the abyss.

Before today, we really didn't expect the use of this ability of Sandora ...

"It doesn't look like a battleship," Sandora observed the fallen apostle spacecraft shrouded in mist, the latter facing the engineering ship quietly, but we didn't find it had an obvious weapon system. It looked like ... A spacecraft for scientific research, "It's a strange way of snorkeling. It seems that the fallen apostles have developed their own technology tree in the field of" deep diving. "

"Is that the layer of fog?" Bingtis frowned. "It smells of an abyss. They have made their spaceships highly abyssal. They are immune to erosion through camouflage. They drink and quench their thirst. I bet the abyss shield of this ship will Slowly destroy their own structures. "

"The engineering ship didn't answer, as if they had shut down the communication channel and spiritual connection from the inside," Sandora looked away from the mysterious fallen apostle ship and landed on our engineering ship, "but I can feel it It has not been eroded by the abyss. Should you kill the fallen apostle's ship first? Or capture it? "

"I choose the second one," I moved my body, "Tavel will definitely like this specimen-I go up to open the monster, Sandora pays attention to the control, Fedith brushes my blood, I count three two one, buff ... ... up! "

As soon as the words fell, Sandora and Fedith gave me a kick at the same time: "Hurry up!"

I left Sandola's abyss, and swaggered away from the front to the ship of the fallen apostle. Obviously, I was a very large target: in the polluted surroundings, a void “clean area” suddenly appeared, just like Anwina in the night was generally dazzling, and the ship of the fallen apostle almost immediately responded to our expectations, adjusted his attitude, and turned his head and ran-this is normal, and the goods do not look like a main battle ship. Naturally, I won't stay and wait for death, and I think my image should be well-known in the fallen apostles-especially this post-modern style with black eyes, no nose, no eyes, and people who have seen one side can never forget, The timid fell asleep and dreamed to cry. The fallen apostle was fortunate to have killed a few ships on the battlefield in the void form. They knew that even if it was a giant like the eternal class, there was almost no fight against a void creature after the transformation.

The moment the other party turned around and ran away. Bingtis rushed out of her hiding place, and she held up the holy scripture in her hand. The wings on the back are stretched to the maximum in the shining of the light. The silver-white long hair with ankles seems to be plated with a flowing light, dancing without the wind. In the hair flying, the light is diffused, the ice is holy to let People can't just look at it: even if it is out of conscience, I have to admit that it is really beautiful now. Then the holy female hooligan rounded her arms and threw the scriptures, slamming her head on the engine of the black spaceship--

I came out for this purpose. The black ship was forced to run away, exposing the position of the power pack, and then Icetis violently damaged its engine. Sandora remained hidden in the dark. If the fallen apostle wanted to detonate her ship, she would use mental shock to kill or enslave. All the crew members inside, this is our three short-term agreed plans, and this tile thrown out by Fedice is the most critical step.

To capture a spaceship. The most effective method is to destroy its engine first, but in the face of a spacecraft model that has never been seen before, you can't determine where its engine weakness is, especially those made by Hilling Technology. Most of these engines produce driving effects by modifying the space constants in a certain area, so they can be installed almost anywhere in the spacecraft-the only requirement is that they must be placed in the outer zone. Because its energy radiation is too strong, it will affect the stability of core equipment. As an engineering ship working in special environments, this black spacecraft not only has a special drive design, but also hides its own power module. However, Sandora was unable to judge empirically in which compartment her propulsion group was located. But this is not a problem. As soon as the black spacecraft is started, its power group will inevitably have energy flow. Even if the thing is hidden deeper, it cannot escape the energy perception of the series such as Bingtis, and thanks to the abyss environment, here In this kind of place, even the imperial spaceship can only use the original continuous drive engine. Without the ability to jump in space, the fallen apostle spaceship can't escape the ice-fried tiles: under the blessing of the Holy Light, I even I suspect that thing is flying at the speed of light ...

The golden sacred scripture penetrated the abyss of the fog surrounding the black spaceship, and then sturdyly hit the fully exposed engine power supply pipeline. The shield and armor that could withstand strong attacks against the violent attack of Icetis That is to say, a series of huge explosions broke out in the second half of the black spacecraft. The cracked metal components and large pieces of debris scattered like fireworks. The holy slabs of Icetis were extremely powerful. I once saw this thing pass through Expedition-class armor, and this small engineering ship is only one-tenth the size of the expedition-class, and was killed by the ice sister on the spot ...

Um, it seems that the female hooligan is too much effort ... the spaceship will not be directly hit by the girl, right? !!

"Mother, it may be off ..." Bingtis exclaimed immediately, and she rushed past me in a fierce rush. The holy light on her body once again violently protected the black spaceship that was in the process of chain collapse. However, it seems too late, things destroyed in the abyss environment will be annihilated faster than in the material world. The defense system of the black spacecraft is no longer complete, and the surrounding abyss energy rushes into the ground and destroys its interior. Structure, it turns out that even the fallen apostles who infect the abyss have been harmed in the gate of the abyss: after all, their bodies and creations are based on order. Sandora also lifted her camouflage. She didn't have the power of sheltering others with the light as Bingtis did, but she had the identity of an abyss: to a certain extent, she could command a secondary abyss.

Sandora rushed into the torrent of Holy Light of Icetis, pierced the black claws into the radiant barrier, and the runaway abyss that had poured into the black spacecraft immediately poured over, rushing towards Sandora's giant claws, as if Magnets attract iron filings alike. Sandora had a disgusted expression on her face, but now she seems to have become the "mother" of those abyss forces trapped in the environment of the Holy Light, even if she is upset, she must continue.

"Ajun, there will be a new storm in this way!" Sandora's spiritual link sounded in my mind. "This ghost place, it amplifies all the destructive behavior, the block of Bingtis becomes a fuse ... you must find a way to calm the chaos here!"

As we all know, my most powerful skill in the void is the simplicity and power. A close-to-hand combat that is extremely versatile and explosive, and highlights the aesthetics of violence and naive values: Wang Baquan, but I thought about it and might not be able to use it in this situation now ... I try to expand Nether Realm. The black spaceship that had been dismantled halfway into the void space was achieved with certain results: the abyss storm was isolated. Slowing down the speed of the black spacecraft's self-destruction, however, it is still self-destructing, disintegrating itself under the protection of the Holy Light of Icetis, the purification of the power of the void, and the drainage of Sandora's abyss. I suddenly realized one thing: Abyss forces have cast "destruction" as an attribute in this spaceship, and now its only goal is to collapse. "Continuous self-destruction" has become some of its physical properties. !!

The abyss power can flourish in its own lair and lose the order of the material world as a buffer. Chaos and destruction are the mainstream here. Once there is a loophole in the defense system. Fatal Corrosion will intrude along that gap ... If the black spacecraft uses technology similar to ours, it may be better, but the shield it uses to resist the abyss invasion is also abyssal ... I don't quite understand the technology tree of the fallen apostles, but now it seems that this shield has turned back to accelerate the death of this ship.

But just when I was about to let the fallen apostle ship die on its own, Bingtis suddenly blew up, she rushed up, and the holy light permeating from her wings was as dazzling as the new day. "Mother. It ’s a terrible disaster. I did n’t save this thing today, and I went back and gave you two wings and burned them!"

Me: "..." This groaning swearing way, don't you be afraid that Sandora will take it seriously?

In such a blink of an eye, Bettis has turned into a pure light. And quickly grew into a huge holy flame, I was 100% sure that I saw her body transform from substance to light, which is really incredible ... Sandora suddenly shouted at the Holy Light group pointing at the incarnation of Bingtis: "Ah, you haven't become beans! You said me a while ago!"

I once again: "..." Why is this girl still thinking about her failure to become a Pac-Man but a bean?

"Chen, protect yourself! By the way, take care of your wife!" Bingtis's frantic voice came from the spiritual connection, and I quickly strengthened the stability of the Void Realm again, concentrated my mind, and did not let the surrounding abyss storms have The slightest chance to get close, and at the same time glance at Sandora: You can now sing "My Sun".

Sandora ignored me, I think the main reason is that she has incomplete tone, otherwise she would dare to sing ...

The huge sphere of holy light has wrapped the entire black spaceship in it, and those pieces of the spacecraft that are constantly self-dissolving pierced frantically inside the sphere of light, leaving behind a filthy black trajectory, but compared to the nearby holy light, this point Pollution is almost instantaneously purified, but I still feel it for a while when I look at it: How much more painful? Isn't this equivalent to the numerous sprinting iron rods inside Bingtis?

Even though I knew it was a cold female hooligan, I suddenly felt a little moved. But then from the spiritual connection came the arrogant rant of Bingtis, which sounded even more moving:

"I'm x! Your mother has an x! It's worse than the old lady! The old lady killed the gate of the abyss that was bigger than your ancestors! Hurry up and get out of this group of black iron crickets! Oh ... Nima Come again! Do n’t force your old lady to do a trick! Do n’t think that your invisible and innocent old lady will take you for granted, you ’ve never seen a holy storm, you ’ve never seen a holy eulogy! In the name of his mother ’s holy light, this The goddess killed you x .... "

The shouting was thrilling and full of vitality, and I felt that the female hooligan was absolutely energetic enough to scourge dozens of abyss gates. Immediately, the heart's emotions disappeared, and she turned to look at Sandora, and her queen blocked her claw Facing his face, it seemed to collapse, and shivered and said to me, "Ajun, I don't know this product, really ... why don't we go?"

"Go hair, my mother is done!" Bingtis's full voice suddenly inserted into the spiritual network suddenly, and then the turbulent super strong light in the nearby space finally calmed down, in the afterglow of the light I saw Sister Bing who turned back ... Um, it shouldn't be that moment ... Absolutely, the figure of that strange sister was too exaggerated and made me hallucinate!

Well, I still have to say ~ www.readwn.com ~ When the beautiful girl turned, the holy light or something was terrible-and this time it was the real holy light, the real real evil ...

"Rescue a bit of debris from your body," Bingtis threw a small metal component over the hill, and there was a glowing holy light on the set, which blocked the further erosion of the abyss: the holy light itself has no temperature. , But its similar energy response to psychic energy makes me very sensitive to all kinds of energy. I feel a burning illusion. This piece looks like a small part of the middle part of the black spacecraft. Although it is not large, it is better than other places. May be more valuable: The middle section of the engineering ship is usually a precision equipment and sample storage room. I saw Sandora's eyes clearly brighter, while Bingtis was still flickering, "Cut, it's really disappointing, it seems like it's inside No one, I thought I could catch a few captives. Please put this away and remember to purify with your fraternity boxing. We will have a gift for the glasses girl when we go back. "

I was stunned, watching the hot Bingtis, watching her fly to the engineering ship approaching this side, slamming Wang Baquan and smashing the upper deck of the latter, then opened a hole from the other deck of the engineering ship, A big beard emerged from the inside, and we made an embarrassing gesture to us. There was a crying explanation in the spirit connection: "Well ... can you tell her that the doorway is here?" (To be continued. If you like this Works, you are welcome

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