Xiling Empire

Chapter 1073: Sky Tower

A deep, long voice came from the lower reaches of the river, with an echo of low octave, as if a giant monster was inflating with its nose. I had never heard such a voice, but Sagina's face suddenly appeared happy. Look: "Oh, our time is so good, the ship is coming so soon!" It seems that just now is the whistle of a ship in this world while sailing.

A mighty figure appeared in the distance with the sound of the whistle, and it moved forward very quickly. It didn't take long to fully appear in our sight. It was a double- or triple-layer metal structure ship. It is painted with strange colored lines, but the sails are not seen, but the white waves can be seen at the stern. From a distance, I felt that a stable energy source inside it was releasing energy, which may explain why we did not see the sail on this wooden boat: it seemed to be magically driven.

What is the product of alchemy technology ... Well, I have become accustomed to this magical world, a variety of ingenious civilian machinery, who said that magic can not produce the same civilian fields as scientific and technological civilization, following automatic anti-gravity magic After the elevator, we saw another steel freighter with a shield and a speed of 35 knots, and the surface of the cargo also used the enchanting technology to solve the problem of water resistance-the last point is stretching in my mind What Araiye found is that the sleepy worm ’s occult knowledge is at its peak. In terms of knowledge alone, a true **** like Bingtis who fights for a living cannot compare with her. No matter what rules the current world follows, just analyze it. Ambient energy activity and some "frequency". Allayer can judge more than 80% of the magical forms in this world.

I have to say that this is a terrible ability, but the only thing that guys with this terrible ability currently seem to doze off and take the child in my mind. Oh by the way, and I came out three to five to let her comb her hair. Alaya is really degenerate into a complete pig.

From her own carry-on space (after Lin ’s direct “blessing”, the two half-dragon girls have now got their own carry-on space, although they are not skilled at using them, they are always more convenient than their original large backpacks. .) Took out a small tan square magpie. After playing with it a few times, after a short while, the steel freighter approaching here made a short three whistle sound, which seemed to be responding to something. Sakina smiled and raised a small square in her hand: "This is a sender for help. Explorers will bring this kind of thing when they go out. Many large teams working outside have equipment that accepts this help signal. Because of the existence of the Lost World. A variety of field rescue technologies are developing fastest here. This is the last essential benefit that this world retains for the high-risk profession of explorers. "Saina may be from Lirina The word "welfare" was learned there, and it is now applied accurately and accurately.

Me: "..." Meow. No one on Earth has this technology-of course. It can also be said that there is such a technology, but it is not as complete as this magical world, and people have established instant help networks around the world. Is this really where there are rules?

Soon the big ship came near us. It was hundreds of meters away from the shore. It just put down a small boat. Three black sailors in rough shirts drove the boat: "Hey! Did you just send the signal? "

"Ah. We are spies ... travelers," Sakina replied. He took the money out of his pocket and said, "We are going to the Sky Tower. Hope to get a boat, of course, we pay the tolls as required."

"Go to the tower of the sky?" The uncle Heizhuang, who was the leader, glanced at our group of people. "There are a lot of people ... Um, I said, wouldn't you come from the transfer point here?" The other party seemed to suddenly remember What happened, looked up at the mist on the far side of the river bank, where the transport area came from the mother continent. As a sailor walking on this river all year round, he certainly knew that it was a day when the transport was open.

"Well, for a special reason." Sakina smiled indiscriminately. "Can we get on board now?"

The black and strong sailor looked at us with an uncertain eye, and in the end, he may feel that even the bold private evacuation group did not lead his wife and children out to rob the cargo ship on the river, so he nodded and sighed quietly. Said, "Come up, but don't disturb, and remember the rules on the floating river, children cannot go to the rear deck."

A large group of people took the boat to the colossal steel freighter. The freighter issued a long flute and set off on the voyage again in the wind and waves. They led a group of baby heads happily around the wide deck. Go, take a camera card and wipe the card constantly, I guess she intends to post on Weibo after going back-then I have to find a way to stop her. The elder sister lay on the side of the ship and blew the breeze on the floating river, the black hair slightly flicked in the air, and then she glanced at me: "If you send it directly upstream, it will not be so fun. Look Looking below, it seems that you can see the clouds under the river faintly. "

I agree with my sister's opinion. On a magic-driven cargo ship, sailing on a high-hanging river, you can see not only the water surface and the river bank, but the endless cloud sea. The river below is clear and can even Vaguely seeing the clouds deep in the water, this kind of fairy tale-like scenery is indeed rare. Although I have been to many strange worlds, I have also seen various magical sights including cosmic wonders. There are still many things that I have never seen before: for example, here.

Such a wonderful view, it is no wonder that Shallow will be happy like that.

"Ajun, Ajun! Look at that!" Qianchan suddenly ran over, pulling my arm to the horizon, and following the direction of her fingers, I was suddenly surprised: at the edge of the sea of ​​clouds, faintly appeared A white castle.

It is also suspended in the sky, as if made of clouds, the whole white and crystal magnificent castle reflects the shining light under the sky from the unknown source.

"It feels like the world of fairy tales!" Shook my arm happily. "My childhood dream finally came true!"

I identified it for a long time, and finally realized that the cloud castle in the sky is nothing else. It is the frozen castle in my own house. If you look closely, the huge cave in the castle gate is still there!

"The one I put there just now is still in the sky," Qian said with a smug look, as if waiting for others to praise her creativity. "Isn't it more like a fairy tale world? I dreamed of it when I was nine years old, sitting on a flying magic ship, there is a castle built by clouds in the distance, and there is a beautiful princess of clouds and mist, and then I am The witch from the north went to grab the prince from the princess ... "

Lin Xue stood beside, and she was intoxicated with the wonders here. She was even more attracted by the fairy tales she told: at least in the first half, but when she heard the second half, she still didn't come up and breathed out: "Ahem ... become a witch to follow The princess robbed the prince? How did this girl get excited when she was a kid? "

"She has follow-up to this story." I glanced at the young lady. "She met Eastern witches, western witches, and southern witches halfway, so four people teamed up to brush the princess, and finally demolished the Cloud Castle with the prince. She wrote every fairy tale book she continued when she was a child, She's still hidden by her as a baby, do you want to see? "

Lin Xue was stunned and muttered to himself: "... until the age of eleven I dreamed that I would be the princess of the fairy kingdom ... It was really weak compared to this guy who was nine years old and turned into a witch to brush the princess and prince. exploded……"

I smiled and looked at the light around me. Suddenly thought that this might be the cutest side of the other person, aside from the messy association. I have been able to treasure the fairy tale from the age of nine until now, and really built a cloud castle in the sky. And I am still enjoying it. I haven't noticed the impact of the passage of time on my heart. How can such a girl be described besides being cute?

Well, I know there is another way to describe it as stupid ... I don't deny it, really.

"Ajun, you see! There are fish in the river!" I couldn't help for a moment, just put away the frozen castle at my urging (I'm worried that the stuff is scary, although it seems here and it (The mirage is almost the same), and she cried again, pointing to the ship's side. It turned out that the side of the freighter did not know when a large school of fish gathered and was leaning tightly against the side of the ship. Of course, it was a fish because it was swimming in the water Just moving, these strange creatures are very different from the fish on the earth. They have gray-black shells on their backs, their bodies are almost perpendicular to the water surface, and their belly is close to the high-speed cargo ships. They come together in groups, looking like I want to hang myself on the boat. Occasionally, weird monsters with weak physical strength were repelled by nearby shock waves, but most of them eventually got close to the hull of the ship safely.

"That's a gray snail fish, a unique specialty of the suspended river," Sakina introduced. "This kind of fish lives near the broken riverbank in the middle of the suspended river, and it needs to flow upstream to lay eggs every other month because it is small. Fish fry are weak, and do not look for rocky nests to avoid turbulence. If they are born directly downstream, they will be washed out of the floating river and float into the clouds. They are very smart guys, and they will wait specifically when they go up As the cargo ship passing by, rushed up to take a ride, of course, if you didn't squeeze into the position, you can only go upstream. "

"Oh-" Sandora raised his voice and suddenly dragged my arm. "Ajun, I want to eat."

I covered my head: "It's all rare animals, so just stay eloquent."

"Ajun, Ajun," Qian Qian didn't know when he reached the tip of the bow, opened his arms and greeted me with the river wind, "Come and hold me from behind, look like Titanic, I still sing that song, I keep the law of my heart ... "

My sister and I hurriedly pulled the girl down and said, "This is not auspicious!"

The time spent with this girl is so much fun that she can't do something that normal people can think of.

Sailing all the way is smooth and fast. Cargo ships driven by magic rely on controlling water elements directly at the rear of the hull to generate propulsion. At the same time, the enchantment on the ship offsets 70 to 80% of the water resistance, so the speed is amazing. The ship slowed down once: it was near a narrow river, and the cargo ship needed to slow down for safety.

Sailing on a floating river is a bit more dangerous than sailing on a river on the ground, that is, it must not be near-shore-shore. On a land-based ship, if the course is out of control near the river bank, the worst case is just a touch on the reef and stranded. Even if the ship sinks, it is easy to rescue, but on a suspended river, once it rushes out of the channel ... There is no river bank in the lot, and you will fly out of the water body and rush into the cloud of more than ten kilometers. Then I do n’t know where to go. It is said that a similar accident occurred in history. It was the early days of the suspended river route. A magic-powered cargo ship lost control when it passed a curve and plunged into the nearby sea of ​​clouds. The wrecked cargo ship was still floating in the clouds, drifting slowly around the suspended river as the clouds and mist flowed. The crew was lucky enough to be found and rescued by the Gryphon knights before starving to death. But people couldn't pull that huge ship back to the river. So it became a warning monument. If your eyesight is good and you're lucky, you can even occasionally see the tall ship's bow protrude from the extreme clouds.

The above stories are all told by Saina, she is like an encyclopedia. Although she has a low level of self-deprecating culture, she has a lot of strange tales and stories, all of which have been accumulated in adventure life for many years.

"Mumbles—" A louder whistle tweet than before interrupted our chat of heartless tourists. It turned out that the cargo ship had begun to slow down unknowingly. In front of us, the river channel suddenly became extremely wide. Both sides are already covered by a vast river, if not their own vision has been strengthened. Maybe you can't see the river bank and the buildings in the distance, and mistakenly think that you have come to the sea. In front of it is an island covered with green vegetation. The small island is facing a recessed place right here. It is a pure natural port, and cargo ships are about to call it.

"The two sides of the strait are residential areas, but there is nothing to look at. The place is crowded. There are only two military towns with soldiers in them," said Sakina. "The transmission area of ​​the Sky Tower is on the island. It's not too far ashore. Let's do it. Ready to fight, the back door of the Sky Tower is guarded. "

Sona went to say hello to the boss of the boat, and helped her sister and sister-in-law to gather the bear children and queen bear children who had been running around on the deck together. A group of us got off the boat and set foot on it. The land of the largest island on this suspended river.

There are not many people in the suspended river area. In the final analysis, this is also the lost world, not the mother continent. The people stationed here are equivalent to being stationed in a different space. Naturally, it cannot be too large. On this island, except for the cargo loading port, some troops and Apart from the permanent presence of the workers, the rest are basically barren areas: no one plans to set up a business in such a place anyway. The transmission point of the Sky Tower is below the cliff 100 meters away from the port, and the back is a boulder cliff. In front of it is an open river beach. The size of this transmission point is quite small. In fact, the only difference that can be seen is The shape is only a piece of stone brick floor on the river beach, which is only about a hundred square meters: a stone brick floor is projected on the river beach piled up with gravel and stones, which is the entrance to the sky tower.

However, as long as we stand on this stone brick floor, the scenery around us changes instantly.

The wide water surface of the suspended river disappeared in front of it, and was replaced by a huge and astounding megalithic square.

Huge stone bricks with a side length of several meters are laid to the ground with the flatness of the sky. Each stone brick has simple and proportionate mysterious lines. These lines extend closely and seamlessly, forming in the entire square. Complete pattern: Of course, standing on the ground can't see what pattern it is. Except for this megalithic square, the crowd was empty in front of everyone's eyes, and nothing could be seen except that the edge of the square was connected to the clouds.

"That's the tower of the sky," Senna turned, pointing at the crowd. "It's spectacular, isn't it? It's an amazing miracle no matter how many times I've seen it. Unfortunately, Sona and I have only been here. Once or twice here, the Sky Tower is too dangerous for a small team like ours. "

"I'm going!" I turned my head and exclaimed, "This ... this Nima is even bigger than the tree of the world!"

What I see is not a tower at all! In other words, it is indeed a tower, but I don't see it as a tower structure at this distance: this stuff is too big! What appeared in front of me was a wall with a slight arc and boundlessness. The wall extended to the sides to the end of the line of sight. It was like a vertical horizon, and how high was it?

I can't see the ceiling, I tilt my head to the limit, I can only see that this wall of sky and sky has disappeared at the end of the clear sky.

Of course, this huge thing is not the first time I have seen ~ www.readwn.com ~ In fact, as long as you look at the giant space warships made by the Empire, each of them can give you the same feeling, similar to the huge I have seen a lot of the illusion of a "vertical ground" in the Empire Star Harbor. I can't beat the Eternal Mothership even if the tower in the sky is too big. The size of a medium empire battleship. But this place is different. This is not a shadow city. This is a different world. It is a different world that even depends on stones and wooden blocks to build a house!

This tower is definitely not made by any civilization existing in this world-of course, I already knew that every relic in the lost world was not created by any civilization existing in the mother continent, but this tower of sky The scale is still more than I expected.

No decoration can be seen on the outer wall of the Sky Tower. It is a light yellow smooth surface, no windows and no brick seams, and there is no sign of its layering. The material is not gold, wood or stone, just This layer of exterior wall has caused us a lot of interest.

"It's a complex synthetic material," Sandola scanned the composition of the tower wall with only a glance, but she clearly thought of more than just what the tower was made of. "The height of the tower reached thirty Five kilometers, self-weight ... It doesn't make sense. It relies on anti-gravity and regional vector fine-tuning to maintain its stability. The entire tower is changing its net mass at a fixed period. In addition, there is energy shielding in the tower.

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