Xiling Empire

Chapter 1074: defender

The Sky Tower is a giant building made of advanced composite materials. Its height exceeds the largest thing that ordinary civilization can build-a vertical height of more than 30 kilometers. It is completely sensational for a building. If the builder is not a giant but a creature similar to human body, then this height is even more sensational.

Of course, the Spirit Empire has made a lot of behemoths. We built planet ecological controllers of several kilometers in height, dozens of kilometers of warships, dozens of hundreds of kilometers of heavy aircraft carriers, even star fortresses, and even more maddening Military extreme product: Phantom Death Star. These things are exaggerated more than one size, and even reach a point where it is a bit difficult to describe the size: The last time the Phantom Death Star ejected the coronal material was thousands of kilometers. However, the single building we have made has never been too exaggerated: because it is not necessary, as a planetary surface building, the height of tens of kilometers is unnecessary and wastes energy, and it is vulnerable to heavy fire attacks.

I do n’t know why the builders of the Sky Tower built such a huge tower that year, let alone what level of civilization they developed. What surprised me was that Sandora felt that there was a layer of energy barrier when scanning the tower of the sky, and its strength was enough to affect some of Sandora's radar. Of course, for an Emperor Spirit, it was necessary to break through this kind of The barrier is quite simple, but Sandora is worried that forcible destruction will cause some sensitive equipment in the Sky Tower to start, so she hasn't acted lightly for the time being.

"There is an entrance at the bottom of the tower. But it looks like we have to get some ..." Sandora pointed at the bottom of the tower in the distance, and her words were interrupted by a blast of sound close at hand. "Boom!" The scorching gas waves from the explosion even distorted a considerable amount of air, but it was impossible to break through the energy shields around us. Senna and Sona were protected inside the shields and saw the distorted surroundings. The hot air changed the color on his face. And this is just the beginning. Just one or two seconds later, the deafening explosions covered the space where everyone was.

"Get some unfriendly guards." Sandora shrugged. Look at more colossuses rising from the ground in the distance.

After we approached the Sky Tower for a certain distance, the guard system here was activated. Sajina and Sona told everyone from the beginning that there were dangerous ancient guards here, so we did n’t feel much surprised, just those ancient The shape of the guards admires the imagination of their designers: they are giant statues made of silver-white metal, with an average height of about ten meters, and they seem to be covered with metal rings. Or it is a loop-by-loop metal structure, with parallel ring-shaped folds from head to toe. This layer of metal is both their skin and their armor. In addition, I can't see any other armor clothes on them. These silver-white metal giants have no facial features and gender characteristics, only strong humanoid structures, and their face positions are a smooth trapezoidal mirror surface. Blinking light reflected in the sky. When the invaders were locked in, all the colossus immediately launched a fierce attack-to my surprise, they all used long-range attacks. The colossus's hands are some kind of artillery launcher, with the help of that ring-shaped metal structure. Their entire palms can be instantly shrunk and folded into their wrists, leaving a round black muzzle. The gold-red high-temperature spheres flying from medium to high speed can instantly produce a big explosion when they contact the ground. This attack is extremely fast, almost like a machine gun, and forms a barrage cover around us in an instant. As for these gold-red The power of the sphere ...

Okay, our group of guys support the joint shield, and Ilsson, a professional mt, has opened a skewed aura. How do you know how powerful they are? I only know that this square is also special, or that metal The colossus attack can automatically identify the enemy and me. In such a mighty bombardment, the gray boulder ground around them didn't even show a crack.

Because the existence of the Sky Tower itself has exceeded our expectations, and everyone has a lot of curiosity about the guard system here. After the more than a hundred metal giants rose from the ground, my sister and I Hold down Pandora and Huesca who are about to go out. We need to see how strong the guard system is. Sandora activated her spare radar matrix and began measuring the attack power of each metal colossus, her frown deepened.

"The outer layer of these golden red photospheres is arcane energy. The core has an unstable mass collapse point. The arcane energy layer is used to generate range killing. The core mass collapse point is obviously to destroy the solid armor. This ammunition structure ... doesn't seem to deal with ordinary invaders, they are more suitable for attacking things equipped with shields and heavy armor at the same time, such as ... ground assault vehicles of interstellar civilization. "

Sandora looked up at the colossus. The guards without consciousness were still steadily bombarding the invaders and changed their formation after finding that their firepower had not achieved the desired effect. The colossus formed a three-person group Alternating cover, back and forth, each three-person group has a slightly more special giant image: the smooth trapezoidal metal plate on their faces is constantly refreshing complex magic runes, as if the display, this giant image Maybe it's an elite unit like the squad leader.

I was a little stunned at this time, and looked at Sandora inconceivably: "You said ... the arcane layer is easy for me to understand, do you say that these light **** are a mass collapse point? Such a high-end thing?"

How do I sound like I jumped from the middle-earth world of Nima to the fortress in an instant!

"Their attack power is almost equivalent to the elite Imperial soldiers. If there are other attack methods, it may even be the same as that of the grass-roots commander-not counting the fact that the Imperial soldiers summon the fire of time and space." Said softly.

Just when I was taken aback and prepared to confirm if Sandora had made a mistake, a frantic call finally came beside me: "Hey! I said! This is not the time to discuss issues calmly! Now being attacked! ... bombed by hundreds of ancient colossus! This is enough bombardment for the entire Knights to evaporate instantly! Hurry up and find a way to do something!

I turned my head to meet Saina's frenzied and frantic look, and Sona next to her looked nervously at the big explosion outside the shield. The golden red arcane energy ball produced The shock wave does not produce too much smoke, so she can see more colossal figures pressing through the twisted air more clearly. Although Sona still maintains a calm, silent, but her tail is The frequency of three seconds slaps on the ground quickly, and Senna is worse. She had coiled her tail in her arms: this was a subconscious habit when she was severely insecure.

"Woo-at least get rid of the colossus here?" Saina's scales turned blue, and she said bitterly.

Sandora shrugged, signaled that I could let Pandora go out, and the small brain pressed by my loose hand, told me uneasily before the girl rushed out: "Try to leave one or two corpses as far as possible, we still want to Do research. "

Pandora stepped down and nodded aggrievedly: she must have thought of cutting the colossus into pieces, as she thought. The height of each section cannot exceed 1.2 meters, but now it seems that this idea can only be put down.

When Pandora and Huesca rushed out, a half-dragon girl duo exclaimed. They may subconsciously think that the two short (!) Little guys rushing out is too dangerous. But soon they remembered that there were examples such as Madiwen and Lin on the scene, so they were calm and calm-until they saw two dwarf melons facing the colossus of giant elephants, they took out two calibers almost Corresponding to their height cannons. I suddenly thought it was a huge mistake to let these two madmen go out: did they really have the concept of leaving the whole body? Especially facing a group of huge humanoid objects that are eight times their height. But it's too late to say now: there is a roar of cannons coming out of the shield.

The loud noise of the explosion has swept the audience, and there are twisted halos and harsh metal tears everywhere. The fighting power of the metal colossus is said to be on par with the elite soldiers or low-level commanders. Power, but they are unlucky. I met a group of people who could already be classified as out of specification. The mass collapse bombs they dropped could not break through the layer of unexplained joint shields around you (you think about this layer of shields because it has many components) It's complicated. The leaders of the Protoss and all the spirits charge their shields inside), and the arcane energy outside the natural bomb can't play any role. Pandora and Huesca ’s artillery is specially prepared to destroy heavy targets. The name is the anti-ship gun. Small warships can be shot through from the beginning to the end by the thing. The colossus is like this The shot flies exploded one by one, and I noticed a detail: when they were attacked, a layer of crystal-clear shield appeared instantly on their bodies. Although this layer of shields could not completely stop the shelling, its existence In itself, it enhances the strategic value of this colossus in my mind. Perhaps while possessing the attack power of the elite soldiers, their defense is not weak at all?

Although these guards are miscellaneous soldiers in front of Pandora, in this kind of place, it is still very interesting to see a group of ancient colossus that can rival the empire.

But in less than a minute, the world is quiet. The giant colossus is actually not slow, even as flexible as humans, but they can be as fast as the enemy radar of Sister Pandora. A group of anti-aircraft guns who joined the battle later was annihilated, and all the guards in the square persisted for forty-six seconds.

Sakina looked stupidly at the craggy square after the smoke was cleared (the pits were all made by Pandora. Although the sisters have carefully restricted the firepower, the blast shock waves that escaped broke the nearby boulders. Board, and the attacks of the colossus did not hurt the square itself, which is really wonderful), and finally took a rest for a while: "Ah-"

I guess she has never seen so many explosions appear at her side in her life at all. The lack of legs is a manifestation of this girl's strong will. Also scared with Sakina are the little crow. Although the bird is definitely not less powerful than the bird itself, after all, she has just had a full moon, not long ago, and has not seen a big scene. The silly bird looked around. Opened his arms and fluttered twice. Make a "quack". Then he mumbled into his sister's arms.

"Brother, all you want." Pandora ran over with a small hand, pointing away.

I looked up and found that Pandora and Veska really remembered to leave a research sample: a colossus soldier was not destroyed by them, but was laid to the ground. Veska carried a huge Cannon, using the base as a hammer. This hapless colossus soldier, facing upwards, was beating everywhere. The Colossus has apparently not stopped functioning. It moves its slightly deformed limbs and tries to stand up again, while Veska uses super fast space to jump around and flash, as long as a part of the Colossus' body is lifted to 1.2 meters. Above the height, the girl immediately smashed a cannon, and the cat's eye loli wielding a huge cannon flashed in the air like that, smashing with joy. There was a bang of metal bangs and a cheerful cheer from Huesca in the air-this bear kid really played.

The colossus was also tenacious, and his hands and feet were crushed. But still persistently want to stand up-not yet uncle smart. At least my uncle's first reaction after seeing Sister Pandora was to squat down, and this product even wanted to stand up!

"Okay, stop." I asked Lillina to fix the colossus firmly on the ground with vines, and reached out and held down Vesca's little brain. Cat-eye Lolita walked under me. Jumping up: "Brother, brother, I hit it twice, I hit it again!"

"It will be flat again if I hit it again." I gave her a brainburst. The little girl finally calmed down. Sandora crouched down and knocked on the metal statue, which was still **** all over the body but still struggling. A hollow metal echo came from where she struck.

"It's empty." One of Sandora's fingers turned into a blue stinger, stabbed fiercely in the chest of the metal colossus. Then cut a knife vertically and cut off the metal ring structure around the colossus body to form a one-foot-long crack. "The sturdy shell has the same strength as the starship's armor plate, and There's a charged structure. Inside ... that's it. "

She tore open the sturdy metal shell with her bare hands. In the harsh sound of alloy tearing, the colossus's chest was completely cut open, exposing the cavity inside, and there was no mechanical structure in sight, let alone flesh and bones and other Similar organs, the colossus is empty in the body, and only a halo that is constantly changing colors flows in the cavity like flowing water. This halo has a nearly touchable texture, which contains extremely powerful energy. Response-I feel a bit close to the energy response on the Raven. Of course, just the "mystery" of this energy gives a similar feeling. There is no psionic response on the colossus. They seem to be arcane-driven.

Even if the body is cut open, the colossus has not weakened its vitality at all, it is still shaking violently, and the torn rip on the chest is slowly closing: this thing even has a strong ability to repair itself.

"Fortunately, we are met. If the colossus and the same number of imperial soldiers go to war, it will be a tough battle just now." Sandora couldn't help saying that after seeing the colossus and such high self-repair ability.

Of course, this repair ability couldn't keep up with Sandora's anatomical speed. Soon, the colossus's weapon was also displayed in our eyes. Sandora cut off one of her arms and traversed the structure that could be retracted into her wrist and formed a muzzle. Appearing in front of us are complex runes and energy arrays, as well as a circle of crystal structure, but although there is no lack of knowledgeable people at the scene, the technical content of this gadget is really not low (with such a high combat effectiveness, this also It is not difficult to imagine), no one can see how it is driven.

There is no one on the mysterious side of the empire-and the technology house of Bingtis does not seem to be good at this field.

诶 Wait, it seems that the mysterious side is not completely unmanned, I seem to always have one with me!

"Araiye, what is the principle ... how did this guy fall asleep again!" I greeted a dormant angel in my spiritual world, but in response to myself was a uniform soft snoring, I concentrated my energy and searched, but found that a certain stray cat was holding Zhengxiang who was sleeping with Xiao Qijing. I had to increase the intensity of my spiritual call, "Araiye, sleepy worm, lazy cat, hurry up! You've been sleeping on and off for nearly twenty hours and not enough ?! "

After calling for a long time, Alaiye's lazy and soft humming sound finally came to my mind ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is not easy to wake up the angel sister from doze, but it was finally awake, I let everyone let me go At some point, the holy light traveling around in the open space of the crowd condenses in the next second. The holy light quickly condenses and turns into a white and holy figure. Araiye in a white dress is barefoot and light. The ground fell to the ground and stretched a lazy waist: in the process, a wing flapped and fluttered together and did not know what to do, and then opened his eyes and looked at the people around him with a golden pupil.

"Wow! What is this!" Sagina finally exclaimed.

I thought about it and explained, "Remember Xiao Qijing? This is Xiao Qijing's mother-you just understand it, or it's too complicated to explain."

Sona gave me a strange look and whispered: "Do you have the habit of putting your wife and children in your body?"

Me: "... Let's say something light."

Alaiye blinked for unknown reasons, and finally his golden eyes fell on the metal colossus that was tossing around, and then frowned.

It seemed like she remembered something, and she murmured a word softly with uncertainty: "Ganda statue?" (To be continued)

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