Xiling Empire

Chapter 1075: confusing

"The Colossus of Gonda?" Looking down on the ground, firmly bound by countless tenacious divine vines, the whole body was ripped open, but the metal colossus still desperately resisting, Alaya whispered to himself. stand up.

The bubble popped up at the time: "What or what? Gundam Colossus? Is there such a thing? Is it a collector's edition?"

I squeezed the girl aside and asked Alye, "Do you know these iron golems?"

The angelic sister blinked in confusion, a confused look flashed in her golden pupil, and she showed me a sorry smile: "I'm sorry, Brother Monarch, I ... don't know." "Don't know?" Sandora's eyes squinted. Over here, Alaya's answer was so strange.

The angelic sister nodded earnestly: "I don't know, the name came out suddenly, I must have been in touch with related materials before, but they disappeared from the core of my memory ... Maybe it was the deep sleep that destroyed the memory . But such a powerful magical creation ... has reached the level of the mysterious side of the empire on the technical level. If it was created by other civilizations, it must be the ultimate result of those makers, capable of producing magical creatures of this level. There can be too many civilizations ... but there is no record in the public database. "

"Will this be made by the Empire?" Sandora asked suddenly.

"No ..." I scratched my hair, and instinctively felt that the conjecture was unreliable. "This thing doesn't have any peculiar reaction, and I don't see any traces made by the empire. Is it something made by the empire? Don't you see it at a glance? "

"But the creation on the mysterious side is an exception." Sandora shook her head. "Not all empire creations have distinctive characteristics, and not every empire creation has a psionic reaction. The Raven has a third of the mysterious system. Skills can not be driven by psionic energy. The power used by Araiye is the same divine light as the protoss, and is equal to the psionic power. In addition, there are many things on the mysterious side that use secondary energy, such as arcane energy and elements. Energy, relying on the advantages of the mysterious system to correct mathematical laws. Those devices using secondary energy can also produce the same effects as psionic devices, so it is sometimes difficult to judge whether the same mystic system is an empire product through energy response. , Unless it has an obvious logo or serial number on it. Of course, if the design style has significant empire characteristics, it will be easy to judge. But these colossus in front of me ... I do n’t know if the empire has made such things. Their fighting power It is the biggest doubt that makes people suspect that it is related to the mysterious side of the empire. "

"Material is not something that the Empire used ... at least this metal is not recorded in my database."

Cut a small piece of metal from the colossus, crush it in your hand, and scan the structure of the metal fragments. Sandora came to a conclusion. It would be more perfect if she didn't shove those things into her mouth after making this conclusion.

"Mystery is good at distorting matter, and even making utopian matter." Alaya squatted beside the colossus. Observing the energy flow in the cavity, he reached out and touched the slowly healing metal crack on the giant statue. "Look, this has become something else."

As Arayer swipes his fingers, the metal section of the colossus quickly presents a crystal-clear texture, as if it had suddenly become glass, at the same time. Its irresistible self-healing ability also abruptly stopped with the great change of its material foundation, and a deep echo came from the cavity. The energy flow is also hindered by the denaturation of the conductive medium, and the magnitude of the colossus's activity decreases instantly.

"The foundations of all things in the world must follow a simple set of constraint formulas. Or information clusters, which are a complete set of descriptions of elementary particles. Finding a correction rule for this formula can change everything, and is pursued by the alchemy of mortal races The ultimate answer is nothing more than this. "Speaking of her professional field, even the stupid Araiye can talk freely, although she still has such a soft tone, she now unexpectedly makes people reliable. Feeling, "Changing the formula will leave traces of the operation, and invert these traces to find the original form of the substance. Now I try to reverse the material composition of this thing and see what state it has experienced during the manufacturing process."

Arayer said, pressing his finger on the colossus's chest, and a metal plate there quickly began to transform, first it turned into a gray-white rough metal, and then it gave a crystalline texture, and then it melted as if it was about to liquefy. Rising, the physical form of the colossus was changing rapidly, Lin Xue couldn't help whispering: "... even in the scrap purchase station, this is also a veteran of the Five Dynasties ..."

I think about it too, how many times has this iron iron been turned back in front of me? This is!

"Here it is." Araiye whispered suddenly, then stood up, and a large piece of metal plate on the bust of the colossus had completely changed into a piece of blue with a pale, faint crystalline substance.

"The depleted phantom crystal ..." Sandora said in a serious tone. "It turned out to be an empire."

"There is no information on this thing in the database at all," Arayer frowned. "When did we make this kind of thing ... especially the mysterious Golem, I should all know it."

"Perhaps the system has been damaged for too long, but it's also possible ..." Sandora looked up at the Sky Tower not far away. "In short, I don't think the situation is right. The Empire's creation appeared in this place, but we But no one knows what they are, and the key information is missing in the database. You do n’t even recognize the operating mode of the colossus: no matter how critical you are, you should not forget it. Do n’t worry about it here Colossus, hurry up to that tower ... "

"Squeak--" Sandora just said halfway, suddenly interrupted by a sharp tweet from the ground, the colossus that was about to be completely hung up finally tossed a bit, and made a strange sound in the body, then it face Numerous deep red complex runes suddenly appeared on the smooth metal panel everywhere, as if the screen refreshed rapidly. Blockbusters and runes swam up and down the face of the colossus. At the same time, the cavity inside the colossus suddenly burst into a dazzling white light!

"Your sister!" I immediately opened my shield, but there was also a faster protection expert. Ilson summoned a beam of light to cover the colossus and the area around half a meter, and next second, Inside the beam of light was completely filled with the dazzling white light of the explosion.

The beam of light dispersed. There is only one deep hole left in place: all the impact forces are focused by the beam of light in two directions, and the result is that it penetrates the suspended continent where the tower of the sky is located, looking down from the big hole left in place You can even see the slowly floating clouds on the other side of the earth. When the colossus blew up, it was finally impossible to use the attack technique to identify the enemy.

"I believe this stuff is made by the Empire now." Li Lina patted herself on Ma Pingchuan's small chest. "Explosion."

The group temporarily put their conjectures on the colossus behind them, and soon came to the entrance of the Sky Tower: this magnificent building has an unexpectedly simple entrance, but there is only one on the bottom of the smooth tower. Rows of semi-circular arches about three meters high, without any decoration. It's even just a row of dark holes, inside which are straight, deep hallways illuminated with magic crystals.

"It looks more like a building vent or a waste pipe." Sandora couldn't help muttering.

"I also knew for the first time that there was an entrance here," Saina said in surprise. "The back door square of the Sky Tower is a dead place. In history, I do n’t know how many explorers have been evaporated by those terrible colossus. No one broke through the line of defense to reach this position. Sona and I just heard about it here: We were then Entered through the main entrance. "

"The main entrance is better than here." Lin Xue muttered casually, stepped into this "back door" that looks like the exit of the sewage pipe, and immediately covered his nose. "Oh, it won't really be a sewer. It ’s so big. The smell! "

The channel was dim, and only magic crystals floating near the vault provided lighting. There are stubbornly growing vines on the smooth walls on both sides: they protrude from the grooves on the ground and the wall joints. The ground is different from the boulder square outside, covered with a layer of gray-white alloy-like material. This thing does not know how many years have passed, but there are no traces of mottle on it. Surrounded by plants and other weird smells that could not be traced to the source, we had to open our shields.

"You can feel the magic wave," Alaya radiated a soft light, which greatly eased the problem of the dim corridor, and now finally arrived at his own home. The dormant seemed to be full of energy, "This position seems to be a large The components of the magic array, the energy is converging forward in a regular way, and then transformed into another state ... There are several forks in the front, I will lead the way, and following this energy flow should be safe to bypass Possible defense ... wow! "

The angel sister exclaimed a short exclaim, and fell to the ground in the silent attention of us all.

… It should be said that it ’s habitual or something. This kind of heart-stopping situation is really subtle. It always felt that the moment when Alaya fell to the ground, there was only one word in his heart: This world is indeed normal.

"It doesn't matter, anyway?" Senna finally didn't understand this stupid angel, and immediately gathered up with concern. I raised my hand while holding up a flat wrestling master cat: "Relax, this is a natural phenomenon."

At this time, Araiye thought of rubbing his nose and looked at me solemnly: "Beware of the monarch and the brother, the ground here is slippery, I just accidentally fell down." The basic nervous structure of this nerd That's it.

"It feels like you are all weird guys." Sahina muttered a few words and returned to the middle of the team again. Two half-dragon girls, sister-in-law, Lin Xue, Xiao Xue, and Xiao Bubiao were protected in the middle of the team. None of them can be counted as combatants, so it is better to protect them slightly. At first we didn't think very carefully about this kind of place, but after confirming that the colossus was made by the empire, and there seemed to be something wrong with the core of the memory of all the Spirit Apostles present, Sandora thought it was weird at this moment, so she decided to proceed carefully. .

Of course, what made us decide to proceed with caution was the predictions of Lin Xue and Xiao Xue's mother and daughter: the hidden secrets in this sky tower are earth-shaking, and its defense system is not only as simple as those giant soldiers outside. The prophets spoke like this, and we naturally had to be careful.

Alaya floated in midair. While acting as a searchlight, I led everyone around the forks and crossroads that I encountered halfway. I do n’t know how she judged the road ahead. To be honest, although she can feel the surrounding energy, in her own perception, these The flow of energy is chaotic and there is no law at all, and only experts such as Alaya who have a deep understanding of the mysterious side of the empire can find a safe channel from these chaotic energy. Under her leadership. We walked for half an hour without touching any of the guards. After bypassing the last corner, the team finally broke away from the dark road suspected of being a sewer. The vision in front of it suddenly widened, and the semicircular was dark. The vaults and dim magic crystals turned into wide alloy corridors, where the soft and even light came from nowhere. Filled with space in all directions. The ground under our feet is no longer that off-white alloy, but a milky substance with a crystalline texture. There are small bright spots flickering quickly among these milky white crystals. Follow the seemingly regular trajectory through the entire corridor and disappear into the distance.

"This is the outer part of a giant energy matrix," Alaya fell gently on the ground, knocked over and struck the crystal. "Functionally, it may provide a redundant energy buffer for the entire matrix, if I guess correctly If so, all the corridors and passages in a large area here have the same function. They are all parts of a matrix. This tower must require amazing energy to operate. "

"That is to say, we are now walking on a wire." The shallow metaphor is always unexpectedly accurate, although it escapes. "It feels similar to many things made by the Empire, and it is particularly large."

"After all, it is suspected of being an empire," Sandora nodded, and said with a tangled expression, "I have to figure out what's going on anyway: since this is something made by the empire, I just look at it Do n’t come out! Even though many things on the mysterious side do n’t have such obvious empire characteristics, they have already come here and obviously have touched the key structural part of the tower. They have n’t found anything that touches the empire, anyway. It's too strange. "

Alaya flew into the air, sensing the flow of energy around him, and then happily flew to the fork on the left front: "Brother Monarch, here here! Here is the road leading to the inner area ... Wow!"

Flying too high can easily hit the roof, especially if your judgment decreases after sleeping for twenty hours ...

Xiao Pao rushed to collect Araye's feathers happily, and we saw a small door hidden in the corner of the corridor under the instructions of the angel sister. After opening the small door, a huge hall appeared in front of everyone.

Perhaps this can no longer be described by the word "lobby", because this is already an indoor square!

This is a circular space with a visual radius of perhaps hundreds of meters. It is empty in all directions. The ground is covered with milky white crystals like the corridor. Mysterious blue light flows around the ground and outlines a complete large array. Obviously, this array is not all, because there is a huge crystal cluster in the center of the hall. All the optical flow in the energy array finally converges to the base of this crystal cluster, and then flows all the way up to the ceiling of tens of meters. Going up—may be on the second floor.

Except for the crystal cluster with a radius of tens of meters in the center of the hall, no supporting pillars can be seen throughout the hall.

"This is the place called the Assembly Hall." Sagina looked at this spectacular interior space with excitement, Sona looked back and said in surprise, "The entrance disappeared."

It was the small door we passed when we just came in. Now it has disappeared.

"Seamless space teleport." Sandora knocked on the wall behind him. "The back is solid. The side door just now should be a teleporter. Unless the array here is brute-forced, it probably won't be found. . "

"Wow! Such a big place! You can fly away happily!" Ding Dang happily flicked out of my pocket, wandering around in the air, the mercury lamp also flew out, and the two long-winged guys blinked Just a few hundred meters away, Xiaobuo cheered, "Gou acridine!", Rushed towards the center of the hall: her attention was completely attracted by the huge crystal cluster in the center of the hall The eyes are full of reflected stars. The little guy climbed up into the air along the crystal cluster with great joy, and started to hold down a green emerald alertly, and Ji blinked loudly in panic below. Greetings: "Come down! This one can't be moved randomly!"

The older sister also hurried over, let's talk about getting the little girl off the shiny crystal: Although we all understand the little bubble has a passion for shiny things, but this place looks pretty after all Important ruins, if she really breaks the key things here, it won't be fun.

After discovering that there was nothing interesting in the rest of the hall, our attention also focused on the most central crystal cluster. This thing seems to be piled up by many colorful sharp crystals ~ www.readwn.com ~ with a radius of dozens of meters, and the surface is crisscrossed with crystals pointing to the air. Sandora scanned the inside of this thing. The structure, unfortunately, we didn't find the ancient treasures and undressed girls sealed inside. Of course, there isn't an old man who Bogutong is ready to pass on to you. It only contains crystals and high-energy response. "It would be enough to destroy the world if it exploded." Sandora said of the energy contained in the crystal.

"The explorer came to this hall, but walked through the secure front door," Sagina flipped out of her notebook and could see that although she had also been to the Sky Tower, she was still unfamiliar with this place: As a weak team, most of the two of them came here to work for other large teams. It is impossible to have a deep understanding of this kind of place. "Look, most of the floors in the Sky Tower can't follow the rules. When the route arrives, you can find the lobby or room on each floor. The crystal cluster in the center of the lobby or room is the transmission device. Here I remember the several known starting methods and sequences from the older generation. There is one below the crystal cluster. The console can be transferred to other floors through the console. To return to the entrance, just tap the crystal cluster quickly several times ... "

As she spoke, she turned around the crystal for a small half circle and found what she was looking for: a two-foot-square, crystal-clear version of the crystal floated in mid-air.

There is a familiar cross-shaped emblem on it. (To be continued)

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