Xiling Empire

Chapter 1076: Araye Nore Coreta

(I don't want to ask for a ticket on this festival, which is neither the end of the month nor the beginning of the month-because I suddenly remembered this)

It seems to be specifically to confirm the premonition of Sandorla and me. When Sajina found the crystal plate suspended in the air, the first thing that entered our eyes was a very familiar cross-shaped mark: a cross-shaped diamond. , Empire logo.

At this moment, I should be surprised in theory, but I do n’t know why, this time I can only feel a burst of weakness, as if I have already been immune to this situation where I will encounter the imperial heritage in another world. I shrugged and gave a helpless smile to Sandora: "Look, it really is the incombustible garbage of the empire. You really littered everywhere."

Sagina and Sona had a confused look on their faces. Of course they couldn't understand what I was talking about, but they didn't ask much. And Sandola's face was another expression: neither surprised nor happy, but serious doubt and incredible, she stared at the Empire logo on that crystal panel as if to force the latter to speak Talk the same, then squeeze a few words out of the teeth: "The situation is abnormal!"

"Huh?" Her sister glanced at her. "What's the matter?"

"Here we are, the Empire logo has appeared in front of me," Sandora bite very hard, expressing her solemnity and uneasiness in this way, "but I still haven't noticed that there is anything like the old Empire here. Related things, everything here is strange. Strange matter, strange energy array, strange technology, even strange atmosphere ... It's abnormal, even if it's mysterious, it's too strange. It ’s normal, as if they have nothing to do with the Empire: except for this mark. Ah Jun, you may not understand my feelings. But now I feel like I see a group of completely unfamiliar civilizations, but I use the Empire one by one Mark, and calling himself an Apostle of the Spirit, it's like ... it's like I'm an outsider myself. That feels terrible. "

I put my eyes on Alaya. She is the only expert here who knows the mysterious side of the empire. Facing the eyes of my question, the cat angel nodded gently: "Brother Monarch. I feel similar. . "

"Brother, me too." Pandora nodded before I asked. But Veska looked around the adults curiously: "What are you talking about? Why am I alone?" Brother Brother. Can you understand me? "

"Visca is not a normal apostle of the Spirit, so she may not have a similar feeling." Even Bubble, who was always out of shape, temporarily jumped out of her two-dimensional world and explained to me By the way, he also pointed to the small bubble that was watching the crystal cluster biting his finger. "Although I can't say it, my daughter also feels that the environment here is weird. She says she is very confused. Of course. She cares more It's still when these shiny things can be carried back. "

This strange disobedience produced by Sandora and several genuine spirit spirit apostles at the same time cannot be felt by outsiders, but through their description. I can also roughly think of what is happening now. But no one can explain what is going on, why the logo of the empire appears on a group of things that are unfamiliar to the empire, of course. I also wondered if it would be the remains of a family member of the old empire (we don't consider why the old empire family appears in such a remote and broken world), but Sandora immediately rejected this conjecture: "Impossible, empire The logo cannot be used by relatives in this way. Only Emperor Bei and Apostles can use the standard crusader emblem. Family members and the like must use this emblem to deform it and add their own race mark. This is the old empire. Iron law. Even now, haven't you noticed that the emperor's emblem printed on the equipment of all the minions has the coat of arms of the Ministry of Military Affairs. "

I'm really embarrassed to admit that I haven't noticed-it seems that I have a lot to learn.

"Go ahead. Some things may be answered when they get there."

Sandora exhaled suddenly, and seemed to set aside the mist for a moment. She looked up at the dome of the hall several tens of meters high and frowned. "Although there is nothing related to it in memory, But my gut tells me that we should move on. "

There is a complicated space division system in the Sky Tower. It is impossible to move inside the tower through a solid staircase corridor. Unless the space transmission system is violently cracked, we can only use the hall according to the rules here. The central crystal cluster comes to move.

We certainly considered brute-force cracking at the beginning: it fits well with the Empire style. But now that the situation has changed, violent cracking is not suitable. The Sky Tower is made by the empire. It must hide very high-end technology. I ’m afraid that violent cracking will make mistakes: we ca n’t treat this as a simple facility made by low civilization. Treated. After a little analysis, Arayer judged that the crystal suspended next to the crystal cluster is a kind of thing called a "node converter". The name is very high-end, but it is actually an operation panel. By touching, the panel appears There are complex lines, these lines are the stuff to control the transmission system of the tower of the sky-this thing is just an elevator switch in the final analysis.

Since it is only an elevator switch, it is not surprising that several generations of explorers in this world have accidentally hit a part of the instructions transmitted in the Sky Tower. After all, it is not encrypted and there is no difficulty in operation. The Sky Tower's permission recognition system has also been disconnected. Primitives may not fly, but is it still wrong to drive an elevator?

Sahina compared to the picture on the notebook and slid her finger on the panel, and Araiye looked aside: according to the instructions that the explorer had concluded, she could crack the transmission cipher text of the entire Sky Tower faster.

The moment the half-dragon girl finished the operation, the crystal cluster next to us made a clear sound, echoing as if hitting a tuning fork, the next second. The surrounding scene changes.

It is still a hall, but it is completely different from the hall on the first floor. It is full of things: wherever you look, there are piles of neatly stacked crystal stone bricks, which are about a foot long and several inches thick. Pure crystals with blue and white crystal luster are neatly arranged into a square cargo pile with a length of about three meters. There is a little bit of bright light walking in the hall. Some of the light is immersed in these stone bricks, and the latter will suddenly light up, as if it is responding to the energy in the surrounding environment.

Bubble sighed and continued to hug his girlfriend from behind: a little girl was happy and crazy.

"Warehouse?" Sandora looked at the same scene as the storeroom and said to herself, beckoning casually. A crystal stone brick flew from a distance, hovering slowly before us. "It looks like a crystal of energy. Does it store arcane and other magical energy ... still can't see the shadow of empire technology. It's of no value, just energy." After that, she threw the crystal aside.

Sagina looked surprised: "How did you do that? Many explorers want to collect crystals here, but no one can move those things, they seem to have infinite weight."

"Because this is what we are," Sandora said lightly. "Well, there is something for us."

"Is this the second floor?" My sister looked around, trying to find something like a house number: If there were such halls in the Sky Tower, it would be boring. And we don't even know where we are.

"No, here is the sixty-seventh floor." Alaya pointed upwards. Then I noticed that the upper part of the original crystal cluster was surrounded by a circle of holographic projection. Unfortunately, there are characters I do n’t recognize. Use. The entire tower is a precisely designed array, and the bricks and stones here are all part of the magic circle. "

Araiye said, she couldn't hide her admiration for the exquisite design here. After continuing to collect the energy samples here, she let Sahina continue to transmit to a known area. She felt that she had two more You should be able to grasp the teleportation rules here.

Unlike the indigenous people who can't understand this complex mysterious knowledge and can only blindly understand, Araye has mastered all types of magic array algorithms. As long as Sagina demonstrates a few known operating procedures, she is very You can crack this system soon.

The second teleportation, we came to the fifteenth floor.

"This elevator is kicking in the sky," Sandora looked up at the holographic projection on the crystal cluster, her voice quiet.

The fifteenth floor is worthless. The hall is still a dead-hearted hall, and this time even the piled goods have been saved. There are only one cylindrical stone platform emerging from the ground in all directions. The stone platform is just over one meter high. There is one on average every ten meters, and there is a metal ball emitting light on the top. "It's just a relay point for the magic circle, for diversion purposes," Arayer explained.

Sagina started the crystal cluster again. After the familiar scene changes, we finally came to a place that looked worthy of investigation: This time it was not a circular hall but a hexagonal space that appeared in front of us. Surrounded by silver-white alloys, there is a low hum from behind these alloy walls: this may be a place to store some important equipment.

Sandora glanced up, her tone very delicate: "The 269th floor." This unreliable elevator ...

Saina is very happy, she looks at Sandor with admiration: "It's awesome, we never know which level of the Sky Tower we have reached. Many old predecessors have a legend. In fact, there is a Sky Tower. Countless layers, and there is no difference between the top and bottom, the transmission can never be located ... "She just said in general, Xiao Xue interrupted:" It's just that you don't understand the instructions. "

This bear child speaks with the same precision as her mother.

"I've found the key information." Arayer mumbled for a long time beside the crystal cluster, suddenly raised her head and said happily, then she flew straight to the nearest alloy wall, pressed her hand on it, muttered a phrase in a low voice, and at the same time Unleashed his power.

The original hexagonal closed wall without doors and windows suddenly appeared without countless gaps. Numerous crisscross blue and white light streams suddenly appeared, as if the machine that had been in standby for a long time was reactivated, and the low buzzing sound behind the wall was also Then the tone was suddenly raised, and then a soft and gentle synthetic voice sounded around it: "The defense system was reinitialized. The outer closed system was connected and went online, and the inner defense system was completely shut down. Trying to reactivate the authorization authentication ... Error, the authentication target is not Existing, permission authentication failed. Enabling the default alternative ... you will be logged in to the system as a special user and you cannot enable administrator permissions. "

"It can only be this way," Araiye smiled with regret at me. "I don't know why. The tower's defense system has been shut down for tens of thousands of years. After restarting, the only thing that can be used is to close all the entrances and exits. Function. In addition, I turned off the internal defense device here. The tower can't identify the outsider. I am worried that there will be the same defense facilities as the colossus on the square outside, so I just turned off the system. "

I nodded. Even though the shelf life of things made by the Apostles of the Spirit was generally long and appalling, there was always the possibility of accidents over a long period of time. This sky tower is weird everywhere, and it is not unthinkable that its protective devices have failed.

In fact, thanks to the protection of the tower of the sky was shut down for tens of thousands of years. Otherwise, the explorers of this world will not find a way to enter the tower. Just look at those Gundams who are still active in the back gate square of the Sky Tower ... Ahem, the Gundam Colossus can know the arcane explosion and mass collapse point of the machine gun-like rate of fire. This stuff is used to deal with the imperial capital. It looks cruel, let alone an expedition composed of ordinary people of the level of Shakina, if the protection system of the Sky Tower is still in effect ... It is estimated that we will only see the layers of adventurer corpses here.

"Can you see what this place is doing?" Seeing Alye put his hand on the nearby wall, closed his eyes for a long time and didn't move. I couldn't help asking.

Angel sister opened her eyes, and a flash of light flashed in her golden pupil. Then he shook his head: "I don't have administrator rights and can't connect to the database. But I got a part of the structure of the Sky Tower. Look, that's it."

Araiye said, flapping his wings slightly and fluttering, the layers of dream-like mists drifted away immediately in the air around them, these rays gradually condensed into a model of the tower of the sky, just one meter high, The delicate and clever, translucent model is full of dazzling fine details, and this model is obviously incomplete: its upper end comes to an abrupt end, there is only a thin layer of black shadow, and the words floating on the shadow ... .

"Wow, it's like this inside the Sky Tower?" Shakina approached the holographic projection curiously, looking at the dizzying lines inside, "Well? Why are so many things moving?"

"This model is connected to the transmission system of the Sky Tower in real time," Arayer explained. "The space inside this tower is not fixed. Except for the same layering, each floor has an independent corridor structure and belt. Places with small rooms are constantly changing positions. I said that the Sky Tower was originally a huge magic array, and this array is still the most complicated one: it adjusts itself and has never stopped for tens of thousands of years. "

Bingtis pinched his mouth: "I ca n’t understand anymore ... The technical house also has a specialization in the art industry. It seems that your research in mysticism was not much shallower than the Protoss."

Alaya smiled stupidly: "It's weird, I still can't remember when there was a branch like the Sky Tower in Imperial Mystery Technology-it obviously came from a complete magic system, but I have never seen it ... "

At this moment, an exclamation from Sandora came from the side, interrupting Araiye's words: "Ajun, Alaiye, come on! Watch this!"

Sandora stood next to the teleportation crystal cluster, pointing at the various data emerging from it. After the facilities of the Sky Tower were partially activated in Alaya, the holographic projection around this thing was not limited to the floor, but a lot of text was added. Some were runes that could not understand the meaning, and some were constantly refreshed. The data should be showing the operation of the Sky Tower and the like. When Alaya started to study the structure of the tower of the sky, Sandora was watching these holographic projections. Although it was only some operational data, it might contain the key secret of the tower.

Now, she apparently has found the secret: it is a line of not-so-obvious Greek text, which seems to be used as the header of a data table, and the line has not changed its position when other information is refreshed. The text is very simple, with only one sentence: No. 776 Energy Transfer Protocol, in stable operation, the publisher of the agreement: Alaye Nore Coreta.

Alaya's three words are particularly conspicuous: because I have never heard of the subsequent name.

"Me?" Sister Angel pointed stupidly at herself, looking at the name on the holographic projection dumbfounded, and Shallow grasped the cat's shoulder in amazement, looking cheerful: "Wow, your name is so long what!"

Sister Angel scratched her hair: "I almost forgot, and not many people call me like that."

Everyone: "..."

"This is really Araye's name?" Lin Xue magically swept his gaze between the holographic projection and the stray cat angel ~ www.readwn.com ~ and then nodded without waiting for the answer, "Oh, still It ’s you. Will it have the same name? How many of the old empires were called Alaya? ”

"Every angel is surnamed Kerita, but there is only one angel named Alaya." Pandora, who was silent all the way, suddenly spoke, explaining carefully, not seeing anything on her face that has not changed for thousands of years. Feelings fluctuated, but I felt she was not calmer than us.

"Okay, finally confirm it," Bingtis slapped the angel's sister on the shoulder, stunned the cat, "You really don't know what's going on with this tower?"

"I don't know." Allay answered in a very straightforward manner, then looked at me pitifully, "Brother Monarch, is my brain broken?"

Bingtis had a poke at her feet, and then walked away with her belly in her arms. "No, this girl is too cola. She walked to her side and laughed for a while."

At this moment, I can't take care of the slobbering angel sister's dull head and the ice-capped gag, watching the flickering holographic projections all around, listening to the sound of the buzzing equipment running behind the wall, I feel for no reason, maybe It's going to be rough today. (To be continued) RQ

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