Xiling Empire

Chapter 1079: Split parent star

"A man can go up to 100 floors!"

In the face of this tower of sky that has been tortured by our party with various mysteries and anomalies, I issued such an ambitious vow. Allayer was more honest, and he corrected it immediately. "Brother, most of the girls here are girls, and we are already on the 576th floor ..."

Me: "..." You say, this is really strange. Naturally, occasionally the fighting power is very strong. The angel sister is really important ...

"Cough, I don't consider the details," I quickly coughed twice before Bingtis, the out of stock, and turned to Araiye. "Start teleporting, you look for a suitable floor. Say this How many floors does the tower have? It's over 500 floors now? "

"The number of floors is not fixed," Araiye said while carefully setting the crystal cluster teleportation target. "The tower is more than 30 kilometers in total, but the height of each floor is different, and the sky tower The internal space is constantly changing, and even some unknown functions will suddenly disappear randomly-because I do n’t know what these floors are about, I did n’t venture to teleport. So I do n’t know how many floors are here. I can only go Those places where space is stable. Next we go to the 735th floor. This is the last focus of the entire magic energy array. According to the mystical theory I have mastered, this focus should be a very important place. Focus is key. "

Alaya's voice dropped, and the crystal cluster had already started teleporting. Once again, everyone came to another strange area.

Since breaking into this tower of the sky, everyone seems to have been spreading around. There are strange things everywhere. The clues that are constantly discovered make it impossible for us to stop the pace of exploration. When staying on the floor for more than 30 minutes, I do n’t know when such a jump back and forth is counted-the moment I started the teleportation, these thoughts popped into my mind.

Then the turbulent light and shadow stabilized. I looked back from my wild thoughts and found that there was a starry sky in front of me.

At the foot is the characteristic crystalline ground like the Tower of Sky, which extends to a very wide distance. Behind is a cluster of crystals for transmission, still exuding a faint light, while the dome above is full of twinkling stars and The spectacular nebula.

The huge image of the planet is slowly spinning around us. Make a low hum.

Thankfully, we are not greeted with elite soldiers of the old Empire who are neatly lined up. It's a bunch of holograms.

"It was an indoor virgin forest just now. Have you replaced it with a diagram of outer space and galaxies?" Sandora glanced around and said in an indifferent tone. She had already given the "surprise" frequently thrown by the tower of the sky. Immunity, but with a little discomfort in her tone, but she was a proud Queen of Spirits, but today she was confused and would not be happy.

"This ... what is this !!!" The girl's exclaimed sound suddenly beside her. It was Saina who couldn't help crying, she was holding Sona. Looking around in amazement, they could not see the magnificent Xinghe River in the sky that they could not see on the ground. I do n’t know if the space environment simulated by this layer of Sky Tower is also the cosmic region where the parent star Gaia was, but one thing is certain, no matter what kind of space scenery is, it will be enough for two lifetimes to not know the earth. It was a half-dragon girl who exclaimed.

This magnificence and shock can inspire any intelligent creature born under this starry sky. The universe is itself the ultimate magnificent picture in the world-cough. Woke up.

"This is the universe in which you live," the sister took a deep breath, as if by this way to confirm that she is still in the tower and not in a vacuum universe environment, "these shining stars are better than you The earth that grows is millions of times, and there are countless such stars in the real universe. These huge spheres around you are planets, and the mother continent you live in is one of them. I ca n’t explain to you what a star is. And planets, anyway, just know that this is the world you live in. "

"Is it a planet?" I thought that Saina might not have the concept of "the earth is a ball", but she did not expect that she would come to understand a little later, "Oh, I know, those scholars mentioned that the motherland where everything lives In fact, it is spherical. It revolves around the sun again and again. I have been to Wangdu before and I have seen an alchemy device called the "astronomical observatory", which describes this statement. "

"But that thing is compared to here ..." Sona said as she looked around, with an incredible look on her face, "there is no meaning at all. This is ... the world? We live in such a magnificent ... place ? "

"Imagine not." After finally realizing slightly the scale of "Universe" and "Planet", Sagina decisively revealed her abandonment. "Forget it, this is not something two little mortals should think about, this is your **** Will care about the scale. "

In fact, if I have time, I would like to give a class to two half-dragon girls. After all, in the environment where I live, I have not experienced the superiority in knowledge for a long time (except when teaching mercury lamp writing) ) Unfortunately, this is obviously not the time.

This layer of the Sky Tower is the most special layer we have explored so far, and it is even more special than that of the original indoor virgin forest. This is the only floor that is completely dominated by projection. There is nothing stored here and nothing. Function, it is a thorough projection hall, the sole purpose of existence is to show us a starry sky, but this projection hall is based on the last focus of the entire magic energy matrix: According to Alaya, the magic energy focus is The place with the highest energy index in the entire matrix is ​​also the most convenient place to control the entire matrix. Setting up a projection hall in such a key place, the image here is very intriguing. The lynx angel has flew to the edge of the projection. Reading the arcane flow here, I hope to find the secret behind these images, and I and Sandora study the projections of the planets next to me. They look interesting, and ... there are some interesting details.

Extremely high-precision fantasy scenes constitute everything in all directions, making this layer feel like it is standing on a boulder platform floating in the universe. The top is a twinkling starry sky, and beside it is a huge moving slowly. Image of the planet, all of which filled this megalithic platform with a mysterious atmosphere. Each of those huge planetary images is about the same size. The radius is about two or three meters, and the distance between them is not more than twenty meters. This shows that the planet images here are not scaled. They may be schematic diagrams, or each is an independent model. Showing the former scenery of the fifteenth day zone of the old empire-I first saw the figure of the parent star Gaia from these planet models at first glance, so this conjecture was generated.

Until now. I was not surprised to see the holographic projection of the parent star Gaia in the Sky Tower.

Another planet, whose parent Gaia's model has recently floated, looks a bit strange. But the details were identified carefully. After comparing the maps at hand, we finally confirmed that this planet is the planet where the mother continent of this world is located.

And in the distance there are several wonderful planet models floating on it. One is an ecological planet, and the others are barren, with only mottled cracks or hot magma on the surface. There are satellites or lithotripes around some planets.

All these planet models are slowly moving in concentric circular orbits, and they show a schematic diagram of a star system.

"If you follow the straightforward way of understanding. This model system shows that at some time, the parent star Gaia and the world's parent continent planet were in the same star system." Sandora said, "the rest of the planets around should be that There are other planets in the same star system in the same year. One of them also has life. "

"But in fact, I have released a probe to confirm that there are no other planets in the star system in which the home planet is located."

The home planet, of course, refers to the planet that Sagina and Sona grew up. After coming to this world, we really didn't care about the universe environment of this planet: after all, there is no threat in this world Sandora will not waste energy scanning the empty space. But now, it is necessary for us to understand the state of space around here. The home planet is located in a lonely star system environment. In this star system with an orange-yellow sun, there is only one planet and an asteroid belt on the outer edge. It is regarded as a "cold" family in the celestial system with life and reproduction . However, the large model of the celestial body in front of us shows that the parent planet is close to the parent star Gaia, and there are many other planets around-where have these planets gone?

Is Gaia, the parent star on this model, the one in the shadow space, or the one in the fragmented space fragment?

The answer seems to be the latter, but now I can't be sure of my guess.

"Observatory, the name of this floor is Observatory," heard the sound of wings flapping in his ears, and Alaiye fell lightly next to me. "The system indicates that the space scene at the end of the old empire is shown here."

"In other words, was Gaia the parent planet in such a planetary system in the age of the old empire," Sandora connected spiritually, connecting the shadow space, "Gaia, ask you something. Do you remember? Remember the environment in which the parent star was located? I mean, how many planets did you have in the stellar system that year? What are the characteristics of the sun there? "

Gaia responded immediately: "Without a companion planet, my memory is blank in terms of relevant information."

"Gaia doesn't remember being adjacent to any planet," Sandora glanced at us, "that is to say, this celestial model in front of us may show a replica of the mother star in the fifteenth day zone. In the age of the old empire, This replica is located near the parent planet, and there must have been an accident later. The entire stellar system produced a situation such as space distortion. Except for the parent planet, which was spared, all the planets including the parent star replica changed. Become a 'lost world'. This is everything I can infer based on current intelligence. "

"But there are still a lot of omissions, aren't they?" My sister spread her hands. "What's going on with this tower of the sky, and it can be seen everywhere here. Alye's name. If there is only one Alye, then it must be here It was built by the old empire, and there is something wrong with your memory. "

"Until today, I was still confident in the core of my memory." Sando pulled at the corner of his mouth and resignedly laughed at himself. Alaya blinked and whispered, "I have never been confident in this area, so the blow is not great ..."

This natural stupidity is quite self-aware ... But is it really possible that there is something wrong with the core of the memory of the Apostles of the Spirit? !! Rather than doubting this, I would rather believe that Earth people can solve the problem of mother-in-law relationship in the world within 20 years!

At this time, Qian Qian has completed her "adventure", studied all the surrounding planet models, and ran over and grabbed my sleeve: "Nah. Ah Jun, in fact, the mother star and shadow space on this model That mother star is different. "

Seeing that she successfully attracted everyone's attention, she was very happy and announced her discovery: "Look, the mother star on this model does not have those buildings that we are familiar with, above the mother star Gaia in shadow space. There are storage arrays, there are heavy factories. There are big things like weather controllers, but all the corresponding places on this model are blank wasteland. Isn't that a big difference? "

"Well. We found this out long ago," Sandola waved. "What does this difference mean?"

"There's something else," Shallow pointed at the holographic projection next to it, "You see, although the facilities corresponding to the facilities on the shadow space's parent star are wasteland, there are other artifacts near the wasteland. These The area is magnified with a little hand. There are particularly huge squares here. There are crystal towers, and things like magic circles. They all look mysterious, right? "

Sandora's eyes lightened, and she didn't pay attention to this detail at first: we just focused on the geomorphology of the planet model in front of the star Gaia, but did not notice any problems with the buildings on the surface. Only when you are bored will you notice these details.

"Indeed ... There are a lot of buildings on the planet model that look like mysterious sides," Sandora zoomed in on those building complexes she found shallowly, looking at the man-made artifacts there, "though I still can't see Function, but it may have been created by the mysterious side of the old empire. Wait, what is our corresponding place on the surface of the parent star in shadow space? "

"Badlands, forests, all kinds of undeveloped areas." I just checked the pictures sent by Gaia and answered immediately.

Yes, there is a large area of ​​undeveloped land on the wasteland and the mang forest, the parent star Gaia, and there is a wild grass plain growing next to Gaia's storage array-we have never known why that plain has not been Use it. But now, on the model of the planet in front of me, the coordinates of the storage array are barren grasslands, but there is a crystal tower in the place that should have been barren grasslands!

No one has ever noticed the undeveloped area on the parent star before. I only think that it is the age of the old empire. The parent star's ecological environment in the fifteenth day zone is good, but after comparing with the planet model in front of me, I feel a sense of contradiction. The child came out.

"I seem to be thinking about something," Lin Xue said with a thoughtful look. "In front of this mother star model, there are only buildings on the mysterious side, and the corresponding areas on the technology side are all wasteland. On the mother star in shadow space, the two overlap The place is exactly the opposite ... if you merge the two together ... "Lin Xue said, combining the holographic projection of the parent star sent by Gaia and the projection in front of our eyes, respectively, replacing the abnormal surfaces of the two. Blank strip.

A new parent star is before us.

Seventy percent of the planet's surface is still unchanged, and it is tightly stitched together, while other areas with artificial facilities are scattered to form large and neatly planned building groups.

The mysterious side-style crystal architecture and the high-tech steel city have almost no conflicts. They are interspersed with each other in a precise and astounding manner. In individual overlapping places, those buildings subtly avoid each other's edges.

It's almost like ...

"Printed in advance, and then cut the same jigsaw," Sandora said, turning her head to look at Alye.

"Some ... familiar." Angel Sister finally no longer expressed no impression. Although she still couldn't think of specific things, she had already developed a sense of familiarity. She couldn't help reaching out and touching an area on the new holographic projection. After the image is enlarged, what appears before us is a magnificent fortress constructed of silver-white metal and crystal alternately.

On the square in front of the fort, two rows of angel sculptures are neatly arranged.

"This is the place where angels are made," said Arayeh vaguely. "Yeah, I was born, I should have a place to be born ... I was born on the mother star, there must be there Angel factory. But Gaia does not. "

"The parent star was split into two?" Lin Xue finally frowned and said the most bizarre, but also the most exciting guess, "half the technology side and half the mysterious side?"

"A probe has sent information from other lost worlds." At this moment, Sandora finally got the first batch of news from the probe, and everyone called out almost in unison: "Let's see! "

Not all probes have reached their destination, but many are already in place ~ www.readwn.com ~ They are now distributed in more than twenty lost worlds, and they return to us the pictures they have taken.

The continent floating in the universe, the fragmented chain of horizon islands, the lakes in the clouds, the towers undulating in the magma lakes, the ancient cities shrouded in mist ... These lost worlds are really rich and colorful.

Then, about a third of the lost world found a corresponding position on the parent star.

As guessed by shallow, there are many lost worlds that cannot correspond to the parent star. Soon, however, we found suspicious locations on the surrounding planetary projections.

The previous conjectures have been confirmed one by one. The only question that remains now is how exactly the connection between the parent star in shadow space and the broken parent star in this marginal world.

"Now, Brother Monarch," just as I watched the real-time picture transmitted by the probe, Allay suddenly made a noise, "I have made a great discovery."


Angel Sister organized the language and said a few seconds later: "There may be two towers in the sky ..." (to be continued)

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