Xiling Empire

Chapter 1080: Ha ha, the defense system here is not broken ...

"There may be two towers in the sky."

Sister Angel saw that we were all a bit overwhelmed, and repeated it honestly, with a particularly serious expression.

Seeing the dull little face of this guy and the honest face, I couldn't help but reached out and squeezed the tip of each other's nose before coughing twice: "Cough, two towers in the sky? What on earth did you see? "

"Magic energy matrix distribution map," Alaiye has always floated a model of the sky tower condensed with the Holy Light. In the past few hours, this thing has become a non-combat pet of the angel sister. She put the model Pushed in front of us, pointing to the upper half of the shadow area, "Our approximate location is now here. I said that this is the last focus of the magic matrix. I originally thought that such a place should be the entire sky tower. Control room, but I guessed wrong, here is just an observatory for displaying astronomical data. The real control room is not in this tower where everyone is, but it should be in the corresponding position of another tower. I call it Phantom Tower. I just observed that the magic energy entered a bifurcation point after passing through this layer, and a part of the energy was sent to a different space. By tracking this part of the energy, I found that there is one in a certain space that is very similar to here. A similar magic environment. I tried to invert all the magic energy readings collected along the way using the "Helka transposition formula", and then filled them into the sky tower one. The base circle, they observed ...... "

Alye eloquently explained mysterious knowledge that was difficult to understand (although she might think she had explained it quite clearly). More than half of the people present were lethargic, and just when I couldn't help asking her what the magic matrix was, the angelic sister finally said the point: "The energy that escapes forms Got this thing: "

She lifted the model of the Sky Tower, and a part of the holy light poured down from the tower, and slowly condensed directly under the suspended platform where the Sky Tower was located, forming a high tower exactly like the upper half, but like a reflection The "Sky Tower" standing upside down.

"If converted to real space, it is directly below the platform on which the Sky Tower is located. There is also an identical Phantom Tower, at least their magic structure is exactly the same. This tower is located in a different space and can hide any scans . "

"Is this secret still hidden here?" Sandora faced the new secret exposed by the Tower of Sky with a complete numbness, and only asked lightly, "Can you find the entrance to this Phantom Tower? Is it? On the first floor? Shall we go down? "

It's no wonder that Sandora guessed that the corresponding posture of the phantom tower in the real world is a reflection of the dividing line of the tower of the sky. Naturally people can't help associating, its entrance may be on the bottom of the Sky Tower-perhaps using an extra large amount of space to explode a bomb can make an entrance on the first floor of the Sky Tower? Keke. Ok. I'm not Pandora. I should think of a normal person.

"The entrance is at the top of the tower," Arayer directly said the opposite answer. "Because the two towers are reflections of each other, they are completely opposite in the concept of up and down. Oh, you don't need to know that it is too complicated It ’s the principle, just follow me. "

You should have said this! We have several magic idiots here!

Alaya quickly activated the crystal cluster again. Ignoring where there might be something hidden in the middle floors, she directly set the teleportation destination to the top of the sky tower. Maybe somewhere else in this tower. There are countless wonderful and confusing secrets waiting for everyone, but now we have no time to waste our limited energy on infinite puzzle solving. So he had to give up his plan to continue exploring on other floors: this made Qian Qian very depressed. Well, if I have a chance in the future, it ’s okay to lead her here for a few days and nights. I can even pack the entire tower and drag it to Shadow City, but now—intuition tells me that the real ultimate answer should be hidden In the reflection of the Sky Tower, we should go there-well, in fact, intuition told Lin Xue first, and then Lin Xue told me.

This time, the transmission was unexpectedly smooth. I thought that our group of "visitors" who had no rights to forcibly enter the top of the tower of the sky would at least face a group of guards, but in fact nothing happened: the whole The tower's core security system seemed to be completely broken.

When the transmitted glare dissipated, we came to an empty place, and the surrounding light suddenly became very bright.

"The wind is blowing on all sides, and this time it is not a holographic projection." I first looked around and found that this is a real open space. There is a circle of gray-white megalithic pillars in the distance, supporting the mirror-like roof above. The megalithic pillars are clear outside. As the blue sky and white clouds washed, the breeze blowing in slowly from the gap between the boulders, cold and dry: this place is much brighter than the weird halls one after the other. Unexpectedly, the top of the Sky Tower turned out to be open on all sides. I thought I would see a larger hall again.

"The mirror is on it." Looking up at my head and looking at the roof ten meters away from the top of my head, that was the strangest place on this floor. The roof turned out to be a smooth mirror, completely reflecting the scene below, including ten A few raised faces and the back of Medivh's head: The silly bird was the only guy at the scene who had no sense of the surrounding environment, and she is now looking for stones on the ground again.

"I think the images in the mirror are weird," Liliana leaned her head up and murmured as she looked at the roof of the mirror. "Oh, boss, I found out that all the images in the mirror are black and white except for a few of our images!" "

"There is the entrance to the Phantom Tower." Alaya looked at the model beside him, looked up at the roof again, and said with certainty.

"Because it is a mirror-like tower, is the entrance just a mirror?" Bingtis looked up in a pergola, slowly showing his eager expression, "Can it be possible to just fly in?" She said that when she saw this Alaiye glanced and nodded in the direction, so Sister Bing opened her wings and said, "It's a real torment at this entrance. It's so high above my head-go and go!"

The voice dropped, Bingtis had flapped his wings and flew into the sky, and rushed into the layer of seemingly intact and smooth mirror surface. When passing through the plane, the mirror surface had a ripple of water ripples. There is no other change outside, the whole process is safe and stable, then. The figure of Bingtis is in the space of the mirror: lying on the floor on the side of the body in a five-body position, of course, it seems to us that it is attached to the ceiling like a spider. "I X," Bingtis's voice sounded in the spiritual connection. "Be careful when you come here. The gravity is reversed here!" Everyone: "..." It is good to have a mine.

Thank you silently for the contribution made by the foolish silly sister to the team. We all took off and passed through that "mirror".

A moment through the mirror. I can feel the sense of contradiction of space switching, next second. The direction of gravity produced a 180-degree twist. Originally, I felt that I was flying upwards, and all of a sudden it fell into my head and feet. Fortunately, everyone was well prepared under the reminder of Bingjie. No one except Araiye was planted like Bingtis. On the ground, as for the stupid cat angel who fluttered and fluttered around in the four-backed eight-pronged street, her wrestling was completely a natural phenomenon.

"This is the other side?" She looked around curiously. "Everything is the same as the opposite, but without color."

The side that comes through the mirror has the exact same layout as the other side of the mirror. It is also a large platform paved by huge stones, empty in all directions. Above the head is the layer of mirrors we just crossed, and in the distance stands a magnificent boulder pillar. Outside the boulder pillar, there is a twisted gray-white sky: it looks like the very light ink falls on the tissue paper and spreads out. The same smudge formed. Just like the shallow one, the things on the two sides are exactly the same, except that everything here is not colored, only the black and white gradation.

And we ourselves are the only colored "things" in this black and white space.

"Well, it feels weird," Bingtis froze like a goosebump, grinning bitterly. "She thinks there is definitely something wrong here, shouldn't you stay here for a long time." Then she looked up, Said: "Look above."

The above is of course the mirror just passed by everyone, but contrary to what we can see on the opposite side, the space in the mirror looks bright, and some of our images have become black and white. Seeing this scene, she said something very creative: "Haha, it looks like a post photo!"

... how can you say that this girl can express such a happy expression!

"Great, teleportation crystal clusters are still usable," Araiye first checked the teleportation crystal in the center of the platform, and then happily found that the teleportation rules in the Phantom Tower and the real Sky Tower were the same, but soon She also found the bad news, "Well, brother Monarch, the control room floor is locked and transmission is prohibited."

"Well, it's normal," I wasn't surprised. "After all, it's a real control room. It must not be so easy to go in. Go to another floor to see if this mirror tower is exactly the same as the real tower outside. Right Go to the lobby on the first floor. "

According to the information that Arayer "listened" from the focus of the nearby matrix, this phantom tower is exactly the same as the real sky tower in the outside world, but it is unknown what will be on each floor. , Where there is no exploration target at all, and the only suspected target (control room) is not reachable, naturally it is the same everywhere. In contrast, the first floor of the Phantom Tower seemed a bit safer.

Alaya quickly started teleporting again, but this time, the crystal cluster that had turned into a black and white noise group did not emit the familiar crisp sound, replaced by a sharp and harsh whistling, like countless sharp The blade cut hundreds or thousands of steel plates in an instant. We looked at each other in surprise and thought that the crystal cluster in the Phantom Tower was faulty, but the transmission started normally in the next second. After a moment of light and shadow shaking, we found that we had come to the extremely wide and empty assembly hall.

"Not quite right, there is something around." Immediately after the teleportation was completed, Lin Xue, who had the keenest instinct, frowned, and muttered, and at the same time, Bingtis had taken out her holy light brick ... Okay Well, with the chain-struck Bible, put on a stance to meet the enemy, but after a little hesitation. She put away the Bible and instead took out a gorgeous golden bow with strong energy.

I almost forgot that the real weapon of this female hooligan was actually a bow and arrow: a blade that was completely disproportionate to this guy's underworld temperament, as disproportionate as the elegant black evening dress.

The people protected Sakina and other weak combatants in the center of the team, carefully guarding the surroundings. I didn't see the enemy, but the environment here was really not right. The black and white hall was filled with a grayish mist. The walls across the hall were blurred and unreadable, and the sense of disobedience came from this layer of mist. They seemed to hide something inside, and they were slowly gathering together as the invaders arrived. Sandora began to diffuse golden light around her, and the mind control force had already started, her gaze moved slowly around. Look for possible targets. The power of the spirit grabber is great for finding hidden enemies, no matter where they hide. By what means to hide body. Thoughts cannot be hidden, so the Aura of the Spirit can therefore be regarded as one of Sandora's radars.

However, after a glance, Sandora shook her head: "There are enemies, but they can't find their place. Thoughts come from every inch of space. In other words, all of us are now inside a huge spiritual world."

"But it's much colder than the spirit of the monarch's brother." Alaya narrowed his neck. Describe your feelings in a very special way.

No one at the scene could empathize with her, except for Xiao Qijing, who was sleeping in my head.

Just when everyone is on guard. The attack came without warning-a slight buzz came from directly above, and then a thin, thin golden blade suddenly condensed in the thin mist. The golden blade slashed down fiercely. After touching the joint shield of the crowd, a dazzling light and harsh sound broke out. Of course, it failed to break through this layer of defense, but outside the shield, the contact point of the attack Beside, there were countless black slits bursting in an instant, and the surrounding scene was instantly distorted: the space was shredded.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the blue-and-white beam emitted by the single-handed cannon instantly broke the golden sword: almost at the same time as the attack arrived, Pandora quickly locked the enemy's coordinates, although there was only a volley suspension Little sword, the little guy still fired without hesitation. The psionic beam destroyed the long sword that cut the shield for the second time in the front view, and also dispersed a considerable range of mist. However, it still failed to force the enemy to respond to Pandora's attack. Only a larger number of golden blades emerged from the air.

"Boom boom !!!" Continuously more intense explosions began to echo in the entire hall. A Pandora's counterattack directly became a signal of the start of a large-scale attack, and more sharp blades quickly condensed in the air in all directions, and at the same time began to emerge. Something else: the golden nucleus of light, the pale arcane focus, the golden red ray of scorching rays, and more attack methods that I can't even name. They overwhelmed and bombarded the joint shield like a storm. These attacks have one thing in common, and that is that they are all extremely powerful magical powers. When these things come together and bombard them, I even feel that there are a hundred suns around me!

At the moment the attack began, the entire hall also changed: the crystal clusters and the distant walls disappeared instantly, replaced by endless chaos.

Space is replaced.

"Well, this must be a higher level of alert," seeing the surrounding space changes, Bingtis, a battle-experienced guy, immediately thought of the bad possibility, "is sent to a different space, that is to say Is the fire full? "

"Where's the enemy? This is," the elder sister frowned, looking very uncomfortable, and the black air field surrounding her made everyone like Bingtis retreat for several meters, "If you ca n’t lock the target, you can only Defensive. "

The elder sister has been trying to apply a vague curse to solve the enemy: without a target, only "hostile units" can be set as vague targets to counterattack. This is the only shortcoming of her terrible curse power. Generally In this case, the short board is not a problem. In the face of mysterious doom, the difference between direct curse killing and being tortured by a series of probability events is actually not much different, but now, this short board is obviously enlarged many times and launched against us. The attack should be the most elite mysterious power of the old empire. "They" are definitely more resistant to curse, which is also a bit more mysterious. Apart from the probabilistic failure of the surrounding attacks, I did not see my sister. The curse of the law takes effect everywhere. It's no wonder that my elder sister, who is always mild and indifferent, will be so upset.

"嗤 ——" A howling sound caused by the rapid heating of the air erupted nearby, and at the same time, the pressure of the shield around it sharply increased: two structures and their complex arrays appeared in the air hundreds of meters away. The two gold-red dazzling beams of light radiating from the core of the array were focusing on my shield, and continued to cut the shield.

"Nima, it's this thing again!" I strengthened the resistance of the shield, but I didn't understand how to stop this powerful ray. I have been attacked by this thing just now. I tried to use what I was best at. Detonation of energy to destroy the two normal arrays, as a result, the output power of the latter was directly increased several times. Is it possible that this thing can only be achieved with the power of the void? Their overload capacity is too high!

"This is the focus of prismatic light ~ www.readwn.com ~ Arayer is quickly drawing a dizzying three-dimensional array in the air, while taking the time to explain," The mysterious side is very good at compressing a large amount of energy in the extreme When used in a small range, the prismatic focus is actually a large-scale energy storm like the starship main gun, which can fill any form of energy in the range and release it into the matrix. The true dimensions of those two arrays are at least half a kilometer or more, but with an 'anti-mathematical change', the initiator can compress the prismatic focus relative to the real world and turn it into such a small-scale ray-but its power It is still the battleship main gun class. "

"I'm going, I understand," Lin Xue almost jumped up. "Actually, I changed my scale with respect to the entire universe-do you have this foul technique on the mysterious side? Nothing to the main gun of the battleship! Shrink to a person's head? What are you doing with this thing? "

"It's used to drop the abyss aggregates," Araiye answered honestly. "We used to do this often. Half of them were responsible for creating the planet's energy storm, and the other half were responsible for changing the scale of them and pressing them to the size of fingernails. Then stuffed into the belly of the abyss polymer. "


Everyone: "..."

Really worthy of the Empire! (To be continued)

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