Xiling Empire

Chapter 1093: Chief of guard

I am embarrassed to admit that I have forgotten the purpose of a group of people here for a long time with the dragons that seem to have diverged from the evolutionary tree.

"There is an ancient ruin near here," I said aloud, looking at the black dragon, Charrta's daughter-in-law (I don't know why I feel special every time I think of the word), "In fact we are for that ruin Come. "

All the dragons calmed down in unison, and Char touched his wife's neck and whispered, "He is talking about the Forgotten Garden. They want to open the forbidden area."

The atmosphere seems to have undergone a subtle and rapid change. If there was a group of happy hermits that had evolved in the last second, I felt like I was standing in front of them as a group of guardian dragons. Black Dragon Tracey looked at this side with huge eyes, and her voice suddenly became serious: "You are going to forget the garden? Do you know where it is?"

"Know, according to us, it should be the building complex left by our compatriots a long time ago," Sandora looked naturally at Tracey, saying naturally, "Lin and Char had known the ruin before. Happening."

"You said, you are the same family of ancient gods who left this world?" The oldest and most stable red dragon asked with a thunderous low voice, "It's not time to be kidding-you mean Really? "

"I feel a little strange," my sister frowned, looking at each other. "What is the relationship between you ... and the" ancient **** "in your mouth? What did you think we were at first?"

"Our relationship with the ancient gods is not important. As for your identity ... Chale said you are gods," the red dragon murmured, "I thought he meant you were the mother mainland. Mortals are revered as the ancient spirit of God. "

Sandola's glasses frowned slightly. "Oh? In your opinion. What do those ancient spirits mean?"

"It's just a stronger creature," the Red Dragon shook his wings, "but the mortals of the motherland say that they are gods, it's just a name anyway. But here. The" God "of the motherland and our dragon legend The ancient gods are two sayings. It seems that I misunderstood the introduction of Char. Do you want to say that you are actually ancient gods? "

"Um, haven't you noticed it?" I suddenly realized vaguely that this group of dragons might have encountered the most troublesome "shielding effect" that everyone had encountered not long ago. "Do you know these things?"

With that said, I started a set of holographic projections, projecting in the mid-air the most classic empire battleship clusters and phantom crystals. Considering that this world is all about the mysterious side of the old empire, I finally projected the images of raven and angel again.

"The final image is indeed a **** warrior. They have wings on their backs and fight with light and lightning. But what are those things in front?" Tracey looked curiously at the virtual projection in midair. Holding out her claws and trying to touch the images-of course, she didn't touch anything, "You wouldn't mean to say that those castles floating in the stars are your evidence of being ancient gods? I don't remember the kind of ancient gods Things. Although they have not experienced the glorious era of the ancient gods' rule, the things in the legend will not be mistaken. "

"Additionally, those castles are really spectacular," Char muttered. "Although there was the will of the ancestors, I couldn't confirm the identity of these people, so I brought them over. They are really not the motherland. As ancient spirits of the 'gods', but it doesn't seem to be the legendary ancient god. "

It really appeared! That weird split shield!

Like Pandora they have no memory of these lost worlds. The dragons that the world once contacted with the old empire have no legendary information on the technology side of the old empire. Since the disaster, the technology side and the mysterious side of the old empire have been completely divided with this world as the dividing line. Divided, there is an unexplainable information barrier on both sides.

Or more strictly speaking, this information barrier is based on the fifteenth day zone of the old empire. All the scientific side data and more than eighty percent of the mysterious side data of the fifteen day zone of the old empire are cut apart.

"Fortunately, you at least know the image of an angel," I pointed my finger to Alaya next to me. And the missing angel, who is being held by a small rope with a rope, "This can prove something."

"I noticed that it really looks like the legendary warrior of the ancient gods, but to be honest, I have never seen what the real **** warrior looks like," Tracey said with a sniff, shaking her head, "but it doesn't matter If you want to go to the Forgotten Garden, go, we can lead the way, where it was originally open. "

"Ha ?!" Lin Xue could not help but screamed, "Why didn't you say it earlier! I thought you were the guardian dragons of the ruins! Take this effort!" Don't say Lin Xue, we all think so, I originally thought that the dragons here were responsible for guarding the ruins of the ancient empire. Why can it be released so easily when I hear it? Why are they here? !!

"We? Of course we are guarding the ruins, but this task has just ended," Red Dragon nodded to Lin, and said, "The instructions passed down from the ancients said very clearly that the spirit of the ancestors can go to the forgotten garden, and the ancestors All visitors brought by the spirit are also possible. In addition, visitors who can independently open the gates of the garden are also allowed to enter if there is no way to guide the spirit of the ancestors. "

I roughly understood, looked at Sandora, and said in the spiritual connection: "It seems that after the fifteen days of the district was divided, there is a back road. Some people hope that the protoss or the empire survivors can open this ruin. We You've come to the right place. "

The older sister looked at Tracey and said, "That is to say, whoever comes to the Dragon Kingdom and asks to go to that ... forgotten garden, you will lead the way, as long as you can open the door, you can enter, but if I ca n’t open that door ... "

"Visitors can try a time of rising and sunset. If the door is still not opened after that, then don't even think about leaving the Dragon Kingdom alive. This space will be completely closed until the Dragon destroys all invaders." The dragon with bronze scales on its head said, "We are not the main guardian dragons. There are real guards at the entrance of the garden. They are the guardians who have survived from ancient times to the present. They are stronger than us. The worst-case scenario mentioned comes up. We're going to fight with the guards-yes, you can talk to the guards and see if they know something. "

"Then take us to the ruins." It seems that the records of the dragons themselves are also messy. I no longer expect how much knowledge they can keep, but I put forward my requirements directly. It seems that his party met the conditions of the open road by accident. Although we can't guarantee that we can open the gate of the ruins, we happen to be carrying a dragon god—just one thing I do n’t quite understand why the dragon ’s in the Legends. Only the spirit of their ancestors (that is, the dragon **** of the stars) can bring people into the ruins, but the other star gods did not even mention it. Did the people who left such a back road to the fifteen days zone only know Does the astral protoss have a dragon god?

I discussed this issue on the Spirit Link public channel and finally everyone agreed. It's the brainy dragons that have been around for too long. I misremembered what the owner told me ...

Char and Tracy were the ones who led us, but this time our transportation was no longer Lynn—Sandora was worried that this dumb would destroy the precious empire ruins when they landed, so everyone would rather Fly by herself, Lynn was also ordered to fly in human form. We were quickly away from the misty mountains where the dragons lived. Fly toward the deep sea of ​​clouds.

I was holding a small bubble. Little bubble was holding a rope in his hand, and a sadistic angel was tied to the rope. Sandora next to us looked at our group and asked curiously, "You say this angel can be used as an open door. Is it the key? "

"Have to try, we are the only one who has the right to open the mysterious department in the fifteen-day district."

I was talking. At the same time, be careful not to accidentally throw away the "Kite". This missing angel now seems very significant. In the past two days of communication with the other party (or the process of constantly talking and then supplementing my brain with a little movement of the other party), I am sure she is in various lost world ruins All of them have certain operation permissions, but I don't know how high this permission can be. Now we know that the "forgotten garden" in the mouth of the dragon is closed, and the only hope for opening the door is this glowing kite.

Under the leadership of the dragon. The team passed through thick clouds and the height kept falling. I even feel that the height of the descent is enough to reach the surface: if the lost world has a horizon. In the end, when the last cloud was swept away, a vast plain appeared before us.

This is still a piece of land floating in mid-air, but it is already quite large-perhaps even as large as Shadow City. The desolation and openness on the plain, you can't even see the shadow of any plants, are very different from those lush mountains in the sky. At a high altitude, you can see that the ground below is covered with a huge flash array. This array stretches to the end of the land. Its size is large enough to make any magic array that can be studied by ordinary magic civilization shed tears. Outside the array of bare stone earth, we did not see any shadow of the building.

Not to mention the ruins, there is not even a decent stone house. The only thing you can see is a huge arch on the plain that is still standing intact-the only artificial trace on the plain.

Chale and Tracey led us to land in front of this arch, and I found out that this door was really unusually tall, and its height was at least 200 meters. Lin could even fly directly from the middle with her own dragon form. past!

A two-hundred-meter-high door is not uncommon, and it is rare that this two-hundred-meter-high thing is still a ground structure-is it necessary to make such a large thing on the ground?

"Um ... this is the ruin ..." Looking up at the empty arch in front of me, the latter seems to be made of a building material similar to the tower of the sky, and it is still the kind that no one can recognize , But the technical content and starship alloy are comparable to advanced gadgets. It has stood here for many thousands of years, but it is still as clean as new, and even a scar cannot be seen on the surface.

"We know the other lost worlds," Tracey touched the cold metal on the arch with the tip of her nose, with some emotion in her voice. "In those places where the power of the ancient gods cannot visit, everything has turned upside down, in the past. There are many intelligent creatures who have found those lost worlds, and left a lot of fragile city-states that they built there. As time goes by, those lost worlds have accumulated the ruins of countless mortals from all ages. But none can stay like the ancient **** It ’s as long as the last thing. According to the oldest guardian, it still looks like the closed time of the garden. No one has left any trace here for many years. ”

The emotion of this black dragon is not unreasonable. We know a lot from Sajina about the lost world. In the lost world, the ruins are not only the buildings left by the old empire, but more common. What civilization left behind. The collapse of the old empire has been many thousands of years, and this period is enough for the motherland's wide variety of intelligent creatures to circulate several civilizations. Most of the broken buildings that can be found in the lost world are left by the mortal civilizations that have been active in this period of time until the destruction of the old empire. Today, the city-states built by mortal civilizations have been destroyed one after another, "Ancient God". The relics left by the ancient spirit apostles still stand intact on the land of the lost world. Waiting as if watching us arrive.

Now is not the time to sigh. I take my mind back and focus on the huge arch in front of me.

"Here is the entrance to the Forgotten Garden?" I looked at Tracey. "Is it a teleporter or something? And where is the guard you said?"

"The Forgotten Garden was closed when I was born. So I didn't know what the gate was, and I never saw it open," Tracey stood in the middle of the arch, and the scales began to float. The dark shadow explained to us, "All the dragons don't know. We are just waiting according to the instructions left by our ancestors. As for the guardians here, you will soon see ..." The voice dropped, The power of the shadow on the black dragon has become as substantial as possible, and then she suddenly growled, and all the black energy in the whole body erupted instantly, forming a dark fan-shaped curtain. Sputtered onto the surrounding posts.

These shadow energies apparently activated some sort of identification device, and then we heard a straight, mechanically synthesized female voice: "The identification system is activated-it is determined to be a soldier communication. The guard is about to appear."

"Boom-boom-boom" sounds of rhythmic lowness came from the empty side of the arch. As if a giant was approaching here, the heavy footsteps stopped when they came to the arch, Tracy and Char reverently lowered their heads and took a few steps back, and then we saw a huge, A cold metal light reflected from the air in the middle of the arch.

It is a slightly familiar shape, just like the metal giant soldier that was seen in the back door square of the Sky Tower that day. It is a silver-white giant consisting entirely of mysterious metal and more than ten meters tall, but this silver-white giant Apparently different from the original guard, its skin does not have that ring structure, but it is a whole, and it has a delicate and mighty armor on it, and a heavy golden yellow lightning scepter in its hand. Floating on the opponent's heavy armor is the shining of the magical power of flowing water. The empire's cross crystal mark is inlaid on the chest. On the edge of the armor, there are complex and esoteric runes walking around. Two-thirds are made of metal, and one-third are pure arcane lightning-if it is a spear with a thunder blade, it seems reasonable. The face of this metal giant is not a smooth trapezoidal metal like the guardian colossus of the Sky Tower, but has fine features: it is a middle-aged man who must be plump and not angry.

I can't help but think of the Atlantis leader. Zeus seems to be a bit like him in shape ... Of course, Zeus definitely can't beat the captain of the energy reaction like the battleship reactor.

"Well, the children of the former guards ... Oh, I forgot, you are now guards, you are here, what's the news this time?" The metal giant is more than ten meters tall enough to talk with Tracey face to face, He ignored our group directly, and focused completely on the two guardian dragons, his voice roaring like a thunder, standing upright in front of an ancient arch, like a giant **** guarding heaven.

At this moment I couldn't help but glance at Sandora: a mysterious side guardian of the old empire that was even perfectly normal!

This can be communicated!

"We bring yet another group of visitors who want to open the Forgotten Garden," Charr now completely disappeared from the previous frivolous and unreliable appearance. He nodded respectfully to the giant, and the respect of the attitude was no less than that. When it comes to the spirit of our ancestors, "According to ancient orders, we will bring all qualified visitors to you for inspection until someone can open the door to the Forgotten Garden."

"Is it an adventurer again?" The giant's attitude seemed a little disappointed ~ www.readwn.com ~ Your grandfather brought a batch 30,000 years ago, but it was burned to ashes. This time I do n’t know how is it. "

"They are not the same as the last batch 30,000 years ago," Tracey glanced at Lin. "They were led to the Dragon Kingdom by the spirit of the ancestors of the dragon family, and they claimed to be ancient gods. "

"The spirit of the ancestors? It is the judgment of the souls of your dragons ... wait, you said the ancient **** ?!" The giant suddenly responded, and the energy halo of his body suddenly increased several times. The stones instantly turned into dust under the sudden increase of pressure. "Ancient god? The master of the garden? They call themselves this?"

"I said, big man, you should almost notice someone under your feet, right?"

I finally decided to get the other's attention and shouted.

The giant was attracted by the call from his feet. He definitely noticed our group from the beginning, but he didn't care too much. Now his sight completely falls on us. I smile at the other person and prepare to introduce myself. a bit.

But the next second, the giant's response to us was-wielding the lightning scepter in his hand!

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