Xiling Empire

Chapter 1094: Shallow battle

"Om--" A lightning rod of more than ten meters fell from the sky, causing a deep buzz, and there was a sound of crackling sparks splashing in the middle. This unexpected attack made people stunned, But at least two-thirds of the scene were battle-fighting guys who were invincible all over the world. At the moment of the giant attack, I had stabilized the little puppet on my shoulder, reached out and dragged the mule, and easily avoided the past. Others They also protected the people around them who had low combat effectiveness to flash away the giant's attack range, and Ilson, a professional mt, instantly summoned his golden giant sword and heraldic giant shield, held the shield above his head, and resisted the giant on the front. This is nothing fancy.

"Hey!" A deafening metal boom clawed with the sound of a thunderous explosion erupted from the weapon that the two were in contact with, centered around Ilson, and a hundred-meter-wide Thunder shock wave suddenly burst around, instantly vaporizing. With all the sand and gravel in the range and the ground more than half a meter thick, the giant's power control is quite high-end. In addition to these shock waves that are used to disturb the enemy's innocence, 99% of his energy for an attack is accurately focused on On the target-so Ilson flew back in smoke, sideways.

"Brother!" Monina flew to catch the **** idiot, "You ... you're almost done!"

"My sister, please don't tell a joke when your brother is half dead," Ilson stood straight with his teeth grinning. During a previous confrontation, he was good at defense and fell into the wind without suspense, even I was smashed so far. This made the blond dead handsome man lose his face, but he also had to admit that he was in trouble this time. "It seems that I can't really do it if I am alone-the damage caused by that scepter is useless. In any way. "

"Any arbitrary attack will inevitably cause the expected damage. No wonder your iron shell is useless." Monina pulled out her dark double-edged sword for alertness, while Ding Dong did not know when to wake up from jet lag. He has begun to treat Ilson's injury, and even after the little thing enters a combat situation, it is still not sloppy. And a hundred meters away. After the giant with a scepter attacked, there was no next move. A large silver-white metal face could not see any expression, but just looked at it lightly.

Sandora frowned at the giant, her voice chilling like a cold wind: "You want to kill the king?"

"The mission is like this," the Giant replied lightly. "The concept has been split, and according to what I have monitored for the past tens of thousands of years. It should be the other side that survived, then the information in this box has been isolated. Whether you are me or not Master. Everything here is destined to be unable to identify you, even if you are a star protoss, you and we will not have any common identification method. The only way to do this is to defeat the captain of the guard. Prepare to fight. The challenge is limited to one person. . Of course, you can also choose to leave. Now that the outposts recognize the identity of the dragon ancestors. At least you have something to do with the Star Protoss, but don't try to force them through. Otherwise all the guards will wake up. "

After the giant said these words, he stopped speaking, but stood straight in front of the huge arch. The lightning scepter buzzing in his hand, he seemed to give us time to make a decision. The other party ’s words seemed to reveal a little bit of key information, but how he looked at it, he did n’t seem to have the intention to continue to explain it. His sister wanted to use other methods to prove everyone ’s access permissions—including putting that silly side by the small bubble. The kite angel fluttering forward, but the giant was unmoved by any method of identification other than the established procedure.

So despite the doubts, it seems that there is only one way to start, but there are still some things to confirm before starting.

"Even if you beat the identification process?" Sandora frowned, and she understood what the process meant. "So sloppy authentication? What other race would defeat you in case? Even me Nor does he believe that the Apostles of the Spirit are already strong enough to be defeated by any other race. "

"It doesn't matter, the mission is so," the giant waited patiently, and didn't seem to mind answering our questions. "The original setting did not expect the return of the former owner. If a strong enough stranger comes, he can bring the empire It is also possible to record the history of everything. Everything has been set and only the owner can use it. Outsiders, even through the gate, can only obtain historical data. "

"Is it just a tombstone that I hope someone will come to hang," the elder sister looked at the silver metal statue. "Where is the gravekeeper ... well, we will defeat you, but I still want to know how to break it ... you know, this splitting effect? ​​So that we can confirm each other's identity? It's always a concern in the heart. "

The giant looked down at his elder sister: "It seems that you really intend to prove that you are the former owner, but the instructions tell me that I should not believe any words. I can only expect what you say. As for how to break the split effect ... if you can If you find the Supreme Master who gave the order that day, you will naturally know what to do. Now it is time to make a decision, who will challenge the guard, or leave here while there is still a chance. "

"I'll fight you!" Just when I was about to take a step, Shallow suddenly jumped out from behind, with an expression of interest on her face, trying to attract the giant's attention, "If you beat you, you can Did you get in? Then talk about it first! Anyway, Ah Jun will find a way to restore everyone's memory-right?

I just finished talking like crackling beans, and then I thought about turning my head and looking at me, and smiled happily, as if I had really solved all the problems: This girl really is, no matter what time, no reason to me I have 200% trust.

"I see," the Giant said, no matter whether it was shallow or not, his program was started when the subject stood up, and he held up the lightning scepter in his hand and pierced it into the ground. Open the testing ground. "

The surrounding earth and sky disappeared, replaced by an endless chaotic white mist, just as we imagined. The giant opened a special space before the battle, just like the defense system encountered in the Mirage Tower that day. When the battle intensity reached a certain level, the surface environment was not suitable.

When the special space opened, three "people" were excluded, including Tracey and Charr, and Lynn. The two-headed dragon does not belong to the test subject. It is easy to understand, and Lin is excluded, so she does not know what is going on. Maybe because she is the ancestor of the dragon, so the guards count her as a member of the dragon clan?

"Shallow," I confirmed in a spiritual connection the thought of a girl who escaped, "really no problem? This big man seems to be a high-end combat force in the old empire, but 123 was just crashed."

"At this time, you should wait for my triumph, not to worry about nothing." Said coolly-my girl is also in combat.

"Drink!" After the giant waited until the surrounding space was completely stable, he launched an attack relentlessly. The starting hand was still the kind of fancy and aggressive frontal assault: Raising the scepter in his hand and waving a dazzling thunder. He stood in front of the volley. By contrast, a fragile and petite girl like a canary is hit hard!

The thunder used by the giant is definitely not the lightning that can be seen in nature, nor is it a simple arcane power. Just 123 has carried it once. It can be sure that the thing is dangerously many times more than the above two things. It may be mixed. Some kind of law power causes all units in contact with the Thunder to be completely harmed. Of course, Qianchan also knows this. So the moment the Thunder fell, she was already behind the giant. Then he stretched out his hand and pointed at each other: "The sand of time goes with the wind!"

The metal giant's body stunned immediately, and the whole body's light faded. But this state of weakness only lasted for a moment, and he recovered again, turning his head to look shallow, with a serious look on his face: "It's not an instant move, but you shifted in a dimension I can't see. "The giant said casually, but without any confusion because the enemy's power could not be identified, he raised his scepter again and aimed at the shallow direction." Calibration, information conversion javelin. "

"Om--" The gray-white beam burst from the top of the lightning rod pierced the mist on the battlefield, frowned slightly, and the figure disappeared into the air in the blink of an eye. The giant's attack lost its target and disappeared into the distance.

This is what we see through ordinary perspectives, but Qian Qian always enjoys the intelligence she perceives in a spiritual connection. After a one-second delay, we "see" the replay of the confrontation just now: released by the giant When the ray traveled halfway, he shook his body tentatively, and the off-white light beam immediately adjusted the direction. Obviously, this attack had the ferocious characteristics that can be accurately guided at the speed of sub-light. Seeing this, Qian Qian immediately changed her tactics. She first used the second gap to detach herself from the locked state, while stagnating the surrounding time, then carefully observed for a while before reaching the beam, and then pulled out a mirror to reflect the beam— —As a result, the mirror disappeared as soon as it came into contact with the beam, and she took out a star slab of brick (don't ask me why she took this thing) and blocked it in front of the beam. As a result, although this powerful metal of God seemed to resist Beam the light, and eventually a big hole was drilled. Next, shallowly took out at least twenty different things from the portable space, and wanted to test the giant's upper limit of attack, including nook stone, neutron star material, her stockings, a hairpin, a lighted cross, The fried stinky tofu and a piece of sliced ​​cake all failed, so they ran to the giant who was still, angrily, and kicked the latter with a stubborn grin. The giant's defense was at least the same. Battleship class. So she didn't make a difference, she hung herself to the second gap again and let go of time control-the next scene we saw. With a quick iu, the giant's attack failed, and his expression stood coldly at a distance of 100 meters. The above facts prove that even the blackened state entered after the launching ability, the wonder of shallow thinking has never changed-only her temper has changed.

These all happened in a very brief moment, from the attack by the giant, to the shallow exploration of the nature of the attack, to the use of time dislocation to get rid of the "information conversion javelin" tracking, all occurred in a shallow In the "time period" that we can calculate by ourselves, we still rely on the spirit of connecting with that girl, sharing all the information to understand what just happened, and the giant frowned in confusion, apparently wondering if he was enough Delete any known substances, including lapis. And in any case, why the endless stunts of the target have failed.

It must be said that no matter who it is, as long as you don't understand the shallow power, the fight against that girl willfully be weird and humiliating.

Because you absolutely can't find any chance to get a chance, and at the same time it's hard to know what action Shallow has taken.

It was mentioned before that the shallow power gave her the talent to grasp all the "instantaneous", in the battle with her, as long as your actions are based on time. Then no matter how fast you move, the extremely short "moment" will be caught by her, and then enlarged to a level that is enough for her to leisurely formulate more than twenty action plans and then experiment one by one. Therefore, if you want to rely on speed or "advantage" to fight shallow battles is definitely the stupidest act in the world, then the girl itself is already the spokesperson for all "advanced opportunities". Fighting with her can only rely on absolute power, and must not be anxious: especially when you see a lot of incomprehensible natural phenomena, even more calm.

At present, it is known that there are only two kinds of attack hits except the Void Power. One is the Psionic Energy with extremely high concentration and strength. The Psionic Energy itself takes effect in all space-time dimensions. If you want to confine your energy, it is not enough to just stand still. You need to block all information flow within a certain range. It is only necessary to generate a "quiet field" that does not produce any evolutionary phenomenon. This difficult operation is a huge consumption even for the shallower and stronger ones. In addition, it is advanced divine magic, which can also affect everything in the world. Information, the power to fight divine magic is no less than that of the imprisoned puppet energy. After the above two forces reach a certain level, they can naturally break through the imprisonment of time.

The giant's ability does not seem to be good at condensing psionic power or divine magic with sufficient intensity on such a small target.

It is not easy to attack shallow. It was more difficult to defend her attack, the reason was still that "instantaneous". The concept of a moment has very different meanings for ordinary people and shallow ones. For Superficial, all her effective attacks can be compressed into a moment. No matter how complicated or slow the big move, she can compress it into a short period of time that you can't detect, and anyone will not have enough reaction time for a shallow attack-in fact "reaction time "These four words have been deleted when you face the shallow. You ca n’t block or dodge, because you do n’t have that time, and the only way to deal with it is to resist it: fortunately in general, Shallow ’s own attack power is not strong, and she has limits on the expansion and compression of time, otherwise That girl is really invincible.

Just as it is now, the trouble for the giant is that any attack of its own will take time to launch, so it will never hit the target, and the effects of decay, lapse, etc., which is best at shallow, may have exceeded tens of millions of years for this design life. The metal giant also had no effect. She also tried time tearing to make each part of the giant's body run at different time scales. It also had little effect. The energy intensity of the other party was too high, and it was full from inside to outside. Psionic energy and arcane, which form an environment with a large amount of information. In this environment, for each additional timeline created, the shallow consumption will increase several times or even dozens of times, and the time splitting effect will be invalidated.

"Huh, huh ... **** reinforced iron bones," after a few clashes that seemed strange to an outsider, he stopped slightly, panting, standing at the giant several hundred meters away, "your How long is the design life! "

"Infinite," the metal giant replied indifferently, "I am only part of this system. The entire system is constantly evolving and repairing itself. In the field of information that can be calculated, there is no life expectancy."

She suddenly lost her body, and the cold image maintained by her personality change also destroyed most of it: "Who ... who designed this thing!"

"Perhaps my master. If I can remember his name, I will be proud to tell you," the giant raised his scepter again. "You are indeed difficult to defeat. I guess your strength may be related to time. Do n’t Amazed, I am still familiar with the phenomenon caused by the chaos of time. I admit that this power is extremely difficult to deal with in the current dimension, but the battle must continue. Next, I will use the power left by the master, which may bring you It's very troublesome, it's not limited by time ... "

"It doesn't matter, you're already annoying me." Qian Qian replied coldly, then concentrated again.

The scepter in the giant's hand was swung down vigorously, and a thunderous roar rang through the space: "Cataclysm!"

"A thousand kills in a flash!" The shallow voice sounded almost at the same time as the other party, and then the time again became chaotic.

This time, the entire battle space is no longer affected by the chaos of time, because soon I find that the time lapse I can see is still normal, and the only one who is imprisoned is the metal giant himself.

Ashenyin flew over with a chopping ship knife on his face, muttering with resentment in his mouth: "I make you arrogant, make you arrogant, see what you do this time!"

"Boom!" With a loud bang, the slashing sword slammed heavily on the giant's leg that was still still, followed by a second and a third ... "Boom! Boom! Boom!" The loud noises became denser, with a countless number of words in the middle: "One, two, three, four ..."

"Um ~ www.readwn.com ~ girl, what are you doing?" I couldn't help it, my eyes twitched and looked shallow.

"A thousand kills in a flash is a super stunt," Shallowly shook his hair coolly. "In a shortest time unit, let the enemy bear more than a thousand attacks. Now the moment for this big man has begun. I have to open a blood hole in him ... Um, where did I count just now? Well, let's start from the beginning: one, two, three, four ... "


"It turned out that you did this in a flash ?!" Bingtis looked at Shallowly in shock.

"Yeah," said Shallow while cutting trees happily. "But in the past I would freeze the entire battlefield time or drag myself to an infinitely high speed, so you ca n’t see the details of this trick, but This time, the power consumption is a bit large, and only a simplified version can be used. But there is no difference, anyway, the big man himself cannot detect it-oh, I forgot to count it, and start from scratch! "

Me: "..." This silly girl, have you forgotten that you can hold each other for a limited time? !! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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