Xiling Empire

Chapter 1095: Angel city

In the end, Shallow still won.

Of course, it's not easy to win, and it's definitely not based on the "smart-thousand-kill" of that pit father, although I admit that "the enemy can withstand more than a thousand fatal attacks at a moment when the target cannot be detected", However, he waved a machete on the giant's legs and smashed it for a long time without slashing a gap for the opponent. The girl was good at attacking in a variety of ways, but it definitely did not include carrying a large movie knife and slashing people. In the end, her hands were almost cramping, and the giant was also freed from the stillness of time. The only successful result of the shallow creative "several thousand kills" was to bring us great joy. What really made the giant admit that he failed was that after he was released from the static state of time, he saw hundreds of tons of phantom crystals stacked within a 200-meter radius around him. Although he "does not know" phantom crystals, but that He could see the unprecedentedly powerful energy response inside. In the face of an enemy who can't possibly hit, but the other side can find countless attacking enemies every moment, the giant frankly acknowledged his failure.

"You won," the giant glanced at the distant hand holding the detonator, holding the detonator in one hand and the chopping knives in one hand. Somehow, "But what are these things? These energy ... well, energy I know, but this crystal has never been seen. Is it really something that the owner used in the past?"

"Yu ... Yu Nengjing, whisper," Qian Qian breathed evenly and stole the dangerous explosive she had just thrown all over the ground. "You don't even know this. If it wasn't for a reason, you should have been thrown into the reactor."

At this time, Qian Qian had lifted the fighting status, and her character had changed back. After the giant acknowledged the failure, she immediately flew in front of us with an angry look on her face. "Although I won, I feel very upset!" Shallowly bumped against my shoulder and muttered. "In the end, I won by crystal. I thought I was already very good."

"You're pretty good at first, but this time you happened to meet a highly resistant opponent." I patted my light hair lightly, but in fact, the comfort is the same: the girl smiled before I spoke. Now, her mood changes at the same speed as her ability, and I ca n’t react most of the time-of course, the rest of the time I have no response at all ...

In fact, speaking of shallow time force is not suitable for heads-up type. Although her ability is undoubtedly strong, the power of time is more powerful in terms of assistance, regulation and macro phenomena. It should be used for small-scale attacks. There are only a few methods she uses the most: to accelerate evolution and make the enemy die quickly-invalid for giants, retrospective time, weakening the enemy-still invalid for giants, and finally the effect of time tearing or splitting, which is the most powerful and An elusive trick, she can keep the enemy in different timelines at the same time. As a result, the target is erased by paradoxes or disintegrated in three-dimensional spacetime. This attack technique has been strengthened and trained by her many times. It may now be regarded as a rule attack, but this skill still fails when facing giants: the energy field filled by the opponent's body creates an overly complex information environment. In terms of shallowness, the greater the amount of information and energy intensity contained in the target, the more limited her ability is. The amount of information makes it difficult for her to precisely control the target category to be affected in the timeline operation. The energy intensity means that she wants It takes more mental power to penetrate the resistance of the enemy. Unfortunately, the giant, as a high-level combat unit made by the old empire, has exactly two things.

In this way, it is not suitable for heads-up combat, but also encounters an opponent who just restrains himself. In the end, shallow failed to use time to hurt the giant. Although victory also took time, it was still decisive. Hundreds of tons of explosives. For this girl who is often prone to tangling in strange angles, this is worthy of humiliation, um, it is worthy of full twelve seconds ... this silly happy girl.

Fortunately, the opponent that Qian Qian met this time is not a real enemy. Otherwise, I will never let her run out to challenge others. After all, the ability of the Lord of Time should still be placed on the team. I believe She knows this too-well, maybe. God knows why this time the girl would go out and find someone to fight with such enthusiasm. Generally, she is not the one who likes fighting.

"Following the previous instructions, I will open the Forgotten Garden." The giant said, paused the scepter, centered on himself, and released a silver-white arcane blast, blowing off the surrounding fog and recovering again. In the surrounding space, the vast, flat, desolate and monotonous air plain appeared again in front of us, as well as huge metal arches, and of course, Tracy and Char, hundreds of meters away. When the giant opened the different space, they The two were excluded, and it seems that to the giants, the dragons here are not guards at all, although he also refers to the latter as "soldier". Hearing the news here, Char and Tracy, who were busy whispering, looked up subconsciously, then the former shouted: "Ah! Are you still alive? Then I'll fill those pits ... "

Immediately I stepped on my feet, and it felt like a daddy might have happened: "pit? What pit?"

Char didn't see Tracy desperately winking at him, instead she proudly shook her neck and pointed us to several super-large pits two hundred meters away with a tip of her nose. Planned out in a short time: "I have heard that when the people on the mother mainland die, they will plan a pit and bury it. After you are pulled away by the guard, I will dig a pit-but now I have to fill it. To suffer ... "

"Whether you fill not fill the hole, and today was really to play ......" Ice Atlantis Events wrist, finger sent a shiver of people all over muscle "click it" sound internode, "his aging mother's life Zouren numerous, you Thirty seconds to say goodbye to my wife. "

Char finally reacted, his jaw almost dislocated, and he suddenly cramped in front of the momentum that the female hooligan pressed down. Then he hid behind Tracey: "Wait ... wait! I'm joking! In fact, the two of us were really bored outside and we had a few hits! How could you have the ancestor spirit blessing? Well, right? You have to bless me!

Talking that Chaer had rushed to Lin in full without restraint, the pious shed tears: "The spirit of the ancestors witnessed, I just made those pits just because I was bored, right?"

As soon as Char ’s voice fell, he heard only a loud bang, and a dazzling thunderbolt appeared out of thin air. It struck Char's brain with great accuracy, and the Silver Dragon, who could swim in the magma, was chopped and flew out. Meter. Mostly dark, lying down and pumping.

Lin hurriedly trot to Cha's "remains" in two steps and bowed her head to apologize: "Sorry, but I didn't mean it-you will be thundered by lying in front of me. You should have been thundered by five thunder, but I I think it's too pitiful to take the initiative ... "

"Thanks to the ancestors for giving me four cuts ..." A black smoke squirted from Charles' mouth and twitched.

Lin embarrassed her finger: "No. Because long pain is worse than short pain, so I just tied Wudao Thunder together."

Charr spewed a black smoke again. Not moving at all. Bingtis slaps and slaps and laughs: "Oh, this girl is so cola! Monina, you can pull it back and do a good job. Maybe you can grow up to take the old man's mantle!"

I just came out this little time, this group of unscrupulous guys can toss out so many moths, and I shrugged with a smile, but I just wanted to pull back the Icetis who was holding on to the ground and going to make a knife. The scenery changed instantly!

This time, not everyone was sent to a different space, and the surrounding desolate plains did not disappear. It was the countless haze that suddenly appeared on the ground that was empty. Originally portrayed on the earth, the magic array that shimmered in light and penetrated the entire floating continent did not know when it had started. Those mysterious lines are surging with powerful energy and light several times stronger than before. When these rays reach a certain level, they turn into tiny particles and flutter into the air. Blend into the light and fog that are quickly materializing from the hazy state. I do n’t know where the low, slow rhythm came from, as if the extremely distant ocean sent the roar of the waves from the horizon, and as if millions of people were chanting in a corner, this sound was almost impossible to hear from the wind at first Distinguished in the medium, but it is becoming clearer now. The mysterious and distant deep rhythm is straight into the human heart. Although it does not sound like any kind of music that human beings can understand, it gives people a sense of purity and solemnity. Suddenly, I remembered that when I woke up accidentally on weekdays, I saw Araye standing at the window and watching the night quietly. At that time, the holy power on the angel sister would give me this feeling—yes, That's how it feels!

In the past four years, I have been intoxicated more than once by such a quiet scene like a fairy tale: when I wake up, I see that the room is filled with a slight white light, and looking down the white light, I see that in the quiet night, the holy angel is quiet Standing in front of the window, as if watching a distant deceased under the cold and lonely night sky, I have never known why Araya sometimes exudes that kind of atmosphere, even the angel sister herself does not know why she occasionally runs to the window Before being dazed, now I seem to find some answers.

It is the remnants of the soul that have not given up and are looking for the homeland of the past.

The gates of the Forgotten Garden are opening.

I have been thinking about what kind of space or state the forgotten garden is in. What we can see is only a huge arch. The shadow of the forgotten garden is not visible on the plain, so I guess it may be in a different space. The arch was a teleportation device-the way the giant appeared before seemed to prove it. But now I understand that the Forgotten Garden is not anywhere else. It is by our side. It has been on this plain in the sky from beginning to end.

The light and mist in the air are rapidly materializing, and soon appear a large number of phantoms of grand and magnificent buildings. It is not clear what they look like, but they can actually feel the vastness, solemnity, and people. The suffocating momentum, the whole process of the forgotten garden from virtual to real seems like a dream is gradually floating on the surface of the real world. We look around with wonder, watching a holy and mysterious city gradually replace the bare gravel on the plain. With Xiaoqiu, Monina suddenly exclaimed: "It's the structure of the divine realm! The concept layer!"

"Have you forgotten it?" Monina looked at me for a moment. Immediately explained, "Did you forget that the world structure of the divine realm is layered? Each space is equivalent to many layers of the world at the same time, different conceptual layers are superimposed, and they are intertwined because of different world views. No one except God the Father himself knows what the lowest level of the divine realm looks like. Here is the same structure. The surrounding buildings have always been protected in another conceptual layer under the same spatial coordinates. They are not invisible. They are not parallel. Space, but independent of the world view, it's no wonder that Master Icetis hasn't found where the forgotten garden is hidden. Did you also have this technology? "

"Perhaps this technology was obtained from Divine Realm, but no one knows it anymore." I replied casually.

The Forgotten Garden protects itself by separating itself from the "worldview" of the real world, so it has been in a state that cannot be affected by anything in the real world for a long time. Everything here has not evolved. It is saved in the same snapshot as The bottom of the world: Think of it here. I couldn't help but feel excited for a while, feeling that I was about to come into contact with a secret I had never had before.

finally. The materialization of the Forgotten Garden is coming to an end. The surrounding building community is completely in front of everyone's eyes. When I saw this mysterious and ancient empire city, I held my breath.

This is a white and brilliant city-although its name is called the garden. Here, spotless white is the main color of everything. All buildings have a streamlined silhouette and elegance like a light cloud, and strive for simplicity. Only the golden lines visible on the building edges and the mosaic on the building's exterior wall Blue crystal can be counted as decoration. In addition, all colors are white. The huge arch in front of us is not a "gate". In fact, it should be a relay node for a large facility. The arch is located in a small circular square with a radius of hundreds of meters. The square is covered with white crystal stone bricks, with rune lines shining softly. The small square symmetrically extends four broad straight roads. The road extends to the distance. You can see four other squares that are exactly the same here. The square also has the same metal arches as our eyes. Such building combinations have been extended one by one. Just what you can see in the line of sight, it is already More than a dozen groups of identical buildings appeared. That's why I guess this metal arch is a relay node for a large facility. Between these symmetrically distributed squares, many tall 100-meter towers can be seen. They look like giant street lamps arranged neatly. The lower part is a single column with a streamlined closing line, and the upper part is a protruding column. An oval platform with a half-moon-shaped notch at the front of the platform, suspended in the gap is a blue crystal emitting light. In the distance, you can see many towering towers, castles, floating terraces in the air, and huge buildings that cannot be named at all and can only be modified with thin words such as "magnificent" and "elegant" . Each building is contoured by pleasing parabola or inwardly sunken arcs, and strives to explore the sky. The silhouettes of these buildings seem to be reminiscent of angel feathers, which are also slightly curved, and white , The same mystery. All these huge buildings are very different from the Empire facilities I have seen in the past. Although the same blue crystal cross emblem can be seen on their surface, their size and scale are similar to the steel fortress on the technology side of the Empire. The white and light texture ... it is really hard to imagine, this is something built by the iron blood and powerful Spirit Empire.

However, when I saw Alye next to her, she couldn't help floating in the air and flying to the closest tower to her, and I suddenly understood: The empire can make such elegant and powerful angels, why can't they build them to meet them? City of Angels?

What I have seen all along is that only the cold and straight empire of steel lines is actually incomplete. When those sharp and strong steel fortresses are combined with this light and mysterious city of angels, it is the true meaning of mystery. Both the power of science and technology have reached their peak, and they have begun to understand the integrity of the spirit empire of void truth.

"Brother Monarch! Here!" Araiye's voice came from not far away. We looked around and saw that Angel Sister was poking her head from the upper edge of the nearest tower. She was happily around from the beginning. Flying between those tall and elegant towers, and now finally found a place to fall, Angel sister's face with a slight red halo, the wings behind her backed up, and leaned out while waving her hands vigorously at us, "I like This place! I like this place! "

"There is a sense of divine realm," Bingtis also finally disappeared the look of that giggling face, she looked closely at the surrounding buildings, and sighed, "Although the style is not the same, this white harmony The lines are very similar to those of the light buildings. "

The angel sister leap a few times between the towers, and finally landed beside us again, with a look of great joy. I couldn't help pinching her wings to calm the girl. Then her sister turned her head, her gaze fell on the direction when the crowd came.

The guarding giant was still standing at the entrance ~ www.readwn.com ~ holding his lightning scepter, his eyes fell on us.

"Go in, you can walk around as you wish, and I hope you can find what you are looking for," said the giant rumblingly.

The older sister looked at each other: "Are you letting go? You still haven't confirmed our identity, don't you worry that 'strangers' will destroy things here?"

"The mission is like this," said the giant, shaking his head. "If the masters never return, leaving these tombstones empty is worthless. If the master can return one day, then we will rebuild a city. There is no sense of hanging things if they are idle Waste, we reject this waste, and I stay here just because of the owner ’s order, not to make these buildings that can no longer produce value last. "

Really familiar values ​​...

"What about you?" The sister asked casually.

The giant glanced at us, calmly:

"I stay and continue to wait for the owner to come back." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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