Xiling Empire

Chapter 1101: What do you see

When Ding Dong was eager to point out her findings, the combination of Bingtis and Qian Qian and Lin finally caught up from behind. In fact, they should be teleported to a position closer to the end than everyone else. The first batch should be in place, but unfortunately there is a strange girl here, which is doomed to go all the way. When Sister Bing appeared, she had a bitter and bitter expression on her face. As soon as she came up, she grabbed my neck and began to count the guilt along the way. Basically, it was all the entertainment programs that the girl was whimpering. In addition to the evil behavior of a dragon **** sister who is helping and abusing (in other words, Lin is easily fooled by me?).

Bingtis can be described as tossing all the way, but he still ca n’t beat him or even say no, do n’t look at Bing Sister as a female hooligan, but she is also a principled female hooligan. She couldn't do anything to kill her ...

Bingtis and I tossed and protested for a few minutes without protesting. Until finally, Sandora couldn't stand it anymore. Then she said, "I ca n’t touch the dry food with the master." Two righteous words were given away for serious reasons.

Only then did Ding-Dong find a chance to jump out again, and jumped up and down to show us her big discovery-

"Here, here!" The little thing fluttered around in the air, pointing to a pillar not far behind him. It was a white pillar less than one meter in height. It was made of unknown synthetic materials. A holographic projection surrounded by shimmering light. This thing has a specially prepared independent energy source. There is a light beam above the column, and a silver-white command knife is suspended in the light beam. That's what Ding Dang let us see. It wo n’t work for a long time! ”

"The Storm Commander's Sabre?" My first reaction was this, but after a closer look, I found that it was not. The sword's Eye of Lightning emblem was not seen on the knife's handle, and the guards were extremely The gorgeous patterns are not like those owned by ordinary storm commanders. This should be a decorative sabre that once belonged to a senior officer, not for use on the battlefield, but as part of a military uniform.

"Strange, there's nothing here, why is there only a decorative saber left." Sandora frowned, reached into the beam and held the scabbard of the command knife, and took it out of the force field with a little force Come out. After a metal chirping sound, Sandora pulled out the cold weapon that was unknown for years. The sharp blade that was still shining was revealed. The faint blue energy radiance emerged from the hand protector as soon as the blade left the scabbard, diffused to the blade, and issued a slight "humming" sound.

Sandora waved this decorative sabre at will, and the energy halo of the latter then drawn several beautiful and sharp cutting lines in the air. It can be seen that even if she never fights without cold weapons, she has accumulated amazing experience. under. Her Majesty's mastery of this thing is also master-level, definitely several orders of magnitude higher than the so-called cold weapon master among mortals-well. Actually I didn't see anything, but didn't I say that I was very professional. "The structure is intact. The function is intact and the operation is good, but the biggest problem is that it is just a sabre, there is no hidden recording equipment, and it is not equipped with virtual intelligence, alas." Sandora commented on this thing After carefully scanning its structure, Her Majesty looked disappointed.

"I also have a similar sabre, but I have never used it." Sandora handed me a weapon of little practical value. "This is not a combat thing, but it is quite useful as a symbol of force. You or?"

"Why do I want this?" I shrugged, and learned the way Sandola did just now. I flicked my wrist and slashed in the air a few times. Don't you say that, I think these two things are quite like that Yes, there is absolutely nothing wrong with Wu Gang when you throw me in Guanghan Palace ...

We searched around and found quite disappointed: nothing here.

The entire platform is empty. Nothing valuable is left on this huge square, which is equivalent to several football stadiums connected, not to mention the expected sleeping compartment and database, not even a note, located in the center of the square. This commanding knife is the only relic we found-although it is very beautiful, what can this thing do in this situation? Can I take it home to chop dumplings for Anveena?

The crowd was disappointed, and the vigorous fighting spirit that had originally entered the assembly hall was cleaned up. Here we only find a plausible old phantom and a commanding knife that may have been of great significance. Now Ding Dong has also been found. It seems that there will be no more gains. I glanced at my sister: "Let ’s withdraw when they come up, this is really disappointing."

"I always don't think it should end like this," the older sister muttered, took the command knife in my hand and flung it at will. Well, her knife level is basically at the same level as me. Maybe this knife In her hands, she can really only chop dumpling stuffing. "The Apostles of the Spirit rarely do anything worthless, especially if they place the command knife so solemnly, even if it is an ornament, it is also a weapon. . "

No one noticed that the command knife had changed since when it was known. The blue and white halo on the blade gradually became brighter at an imperceptible speed until the older sister was ready to insert the knife back into the scabbard. Then he stunned in surprise: "Well? How did this knife become so bright?"

"Throw it away!" I screamed subconsciously, but before the elder sister responded, a violent white light suddenly filled everyone's sight, not from the knife, but from the platform under our feet. !!

The white light dissipated after two or three seconds, and I raised my eyes to look at it, and Lin Xue instantly said in unison: "I'll go!"

Hundreds of people stood neatly lined up less than a hundred meters in front of everyone! Most of them are emperors in military uniforms!

Sandor made a subconscious gesture to fight, and I opened my shield at about the same time. Others were ready to go, but just then, my sister suddenly pulled me: "Wait a minute, this is all projection."

"I'm going, startled." I scratched my hair awkwardly, mainly because what happened just now was too big, I had fully mobilized the vigilance of everyone, and after the white light had dissipated, hundreds of emperors suddenly appeared before me. And one by one, I am afraid that anyone will be subconsciously vigilant, but at this time, carefully look at the past, the hundreds of neatly arranged figures in front of them are still different from the entity, they have a layer of very low light, and individual projection There are signs of translucency at the edges of the body.

"This is the old phantom that is impossible?" I said to myself, watching the images facing away from the crowd. Yes, all images are facing away from the crowd. They are of course projections and they will certainly not react to us. Eighty percent of the people in these images wear familiar emperor costumes: Although their uniform styles are different from those of today's senior officers in Shadow City, the emperor emblem and details on the design style are still easy to judge Of the other 20%, they may be non-military high-ranking apostles. The figures standing slightly in front of the queue are particularly noticeable: they have wings on their backs and wear white clothes, without exception. It is silver-white hair, this shape similar to the Star Protoss but different, needless to say, the Angel of the Spirit Empire version.

"It's the commanders of the mysterious side of the old empire," said her older sister Wu Wu nodded, "they must have assembled here before."

"That could be Alaya." Sandora touched my arm. Point to the forefront of the projection queues not far away, where there is a very blurry image standing back to us. The edge of her body is constantly releasing clutter like a severely disturbed TV picture. I know how Sandor judged it: According to speculation, when there is a body standing nearby, the old phantoms in this space will be blurred by the information disturbance. The projected figures in the front are very clear. But the angel commander who was standing in the forefront of the team was a vague outline, and naturally it was easy to connect with the stupid cat angel who was standing beside me and swaying outside.

"These projections seem to be waiting for something." My sister reached up and stretched her hands on the closest image, and naturally it easily penetrated this layer of phantom, "Ah, someone appeared!"

Another vague figure appeared abruptly in the air. She looked like a woman, but could not see the other person's face, but she could only see that she was wearing a long trench coat-like clothes. Huhushengfeng. As soon as this figure appeared, I felt that the other party was different. Although it was only a phantom recorded in ancient times, she still carried a heavy aura of unclear words, even if it was just a little feeling. It really exists. She walked in front of the neatly lined emperor team, so the officers collectively performed a military salute-even if it was just a group of phantoms, I still felt a momentum called "Army" coming.

After observing for a while, I suddenly noticed that the newly appeared female Phantom had a sabre around her waist, which is exactly the one now held by her older sister! This knife was worn by that phantom that year!

We took a few steps back, watching the pictures passed down from the ancient times like watching a movie on the side, one by one breathless, as if we were afraid that a breath would interrupt this precious video.

"That should be the emperor of the fifteen-day zone of the old empire!" Sandora whispered, although she knew that those phantoms would not realize that she existed, she still did so subconsciously. "Sandora seemed to suddenly think of something, and her eyes opened suddenly. But a sudden sound came from the projection not far away at this time, interrupting her next words.

"Everyone is here," she began to speak with the fuzzy image that Sandora had guessed as the emperor in the fifteen days of the old empire. Her voice was severely distorted, with noisy electronic sounds, but the content of her words Still appearing directly in the minds of everyone, "How is the preparation going?"

An old emperor wearing a silver-white light armor came up from the queue: "Everything is ready, Your Majesty. Conceptual separation will start the moment the leader of the Araiye army leaves this universe, after which the mother star will follow your The instructions are drawn into two parts. "

"Very well," the vague figure of the emperor nodded, and then she looked at the angel who was invisible at the forefront of the line. "Arayay, you prepare, when the world on the other side begins to reflect in the mirror, you will meet with Pandora."

"Yes, Your Majesty," the stubborn high-ranking angel was indeed Alaya. She bowed and saluted the former fifteen-day district emperor, but then asked a question. "But is this really appropriate? I'm the mysterious commander and I should be with my soldiers."

"Some things can't be perfect." The emperor's projection in the fifteen days area trembled slightly, as if the signal was severely disturbed again, but we could still hear her "voice". From this sound, we heard helplessness and There is no trace: "Even if there is only a 50% chance. Keep an arbitration institution as much as possible, or you leave your soldiers. Or let Pandora give up her legion. You can only choose the same, in order to make as much as possible The forces that can be saved on both sides are equalized, and I will stay here personally, so ... three arbitration agencies, corresponding to an emperor and a royal guard, may be equivalent. "

"Yes, my Majesty. This is indeed the only option." Alaya's old phantom bowed slightly. "Then I set off."

The emperor's figure nodded: "Arayay. This is the last time I'll send you off and say goodbye to Pandora and Gaia on my behalf. Before you forget what's going on here ... No, let's not, don't mention it to them Here, let everything take its course. Odysseus, escorted the commander to the tower and returned as soon as possible. "

A burly male officer wearing a tall uniform with two arcane lightning bolts in his eyes stepped out of the queue, saluted Alye, and then disappeared in the glory of transmission together.

"Okay, everything is done," the emperor's figure looked at his commanders, his voice muffled. "N7-05, turn off the equipment on the mother star one by one as planned, Yogg, and finally check our Has the Legion all gone dormant, Yilan, to check the status of the gatekeeper, I am afraid he will stand for the longest post-if we are saved. What about the situation of the dragons outside? "

This last sentence was what she said to the air next to her. The voice dropped, and a female face composed of a trembling data stream appeared in the air: "The gardener reports to you. The dragon group has completed the transformation, and the gardener has replaced the dragon. The group ’s life ladder in this world is dislocated to the ens-30596-layer, and they will be partially free from conceptual fragmentation and can accept instinctual instructions from the soul of the group. However, the progress of the project encountered obstacles previously expected, and perhaps they are only possible The Dragon God of Starfield was identified, and the rest of the protoss could not be recognized. The gardener was deeply sorry for this. "

"Can't you increase the sensitivity a little bit?"

"The gardener expresses regret. My Majesty, if he hopes that the dragon group can recognize the gods other than the dragon god, they need to be separated from the conception to a greater extent. This may cause the world to use the star field as a springboard and once again Generate mappings on the other side, your exemption plan will fail, and our millennium transformation and camouflage of these artificial dragons will also have flaws, please try to avoid this risk. "

"Well, that's all right, Millennium transformation-we can't let Fana's sacrifice in vain," the emperor's figure exhaled, "in this way, the two divided mother stars will have their own conditions "The power left by Fanna is still there, and the impact may be blocked for another hundred years or so. In this century, we always have to do something."

"Your Majesty, are you really sure?" The image of a commander stood out. "This chance of success is too low, almost fantasy. The source of the signal we scanned is likely to be just an ordinary wreckage, or even a percent. One hundred is an ordinary wreckage of the world. You know how low the probability of the existence of a god-like existence is, near theoretical zero ... "

"I know, but I want to try."

"Well, this is your will, but even if there is a conscious individual hidden in it, how will you communicate with it? Or, is it communicable? This is a completely indescribable 'race', I'm afraid we can't guarantee your safety--especially if that individual is likely not yet fully capable. "

"Yes, your worries are very reasonable. No one can defeat the void creature, especially in its cradle." The figure of the emperor raised his voice and his voice rose up. "But the Father God said that the void creature was born with There is no problem in communication. I do n’t have to fight with it. In fact, the only thing I need to worry about is the other ’s view of good and evil. Perhaps in the eyes of a newly born void creature, the life and death of any visible race does not matter. It still doesn't understand what 'living' and 'death' mean to mortals, but I think at least the abyss can be used as a bargaining chip. Void creatures are born to hate the abyss, and hopefully it can touch it. "

"Subordinate to prepare your fleet," said the unknown commander, bowing.

"No, I only need to bring the Royal Guard and those vassals. All of you, except Lei Ji, go to sleep as planned. Lei Ji, if you set off with me, your ability may be useful for negotiation, after all We don't know what language structure a newly born void creature uses to communicate-I'm afraid it doesn't even use language. "

"Yes, my majesty." A female voice mixed with hissing noises rang.

Called Lei Ji is a female officer standing behind Alaya's old phantom. She was wearing a long black trench coat, and her presence seemed so low that no one noticed her. When she stood up Only then did I discover one thing: this is also a phantom whose figure is extremely blurred and can't see his face at all!

If the previous guess is correct, there is only one reason for these old phantoms to be disturbed, that is ... their bodies are nearby. We looked at each other, the expressions on our faces were better than one, how can we explain this now? Not to mention anything else, the old phantom of the emperor in the 15th day is still cluttering there. How can this phenomenon be explained?

"Their body is nearby, it's among us." Sandora's gaze swept over the crowd, but she didn't continue, because the phantoms in front of them were still active ~ www.readwn.com ~ this The "video" was longer than we expected.

"Lei Ji, what are you looking at?" The old phantom of the emperor in the fifteen-day district suddenly spoke, drawing the attention of us again. I subconsciously looked up, but found the one called "Lei Ji" The commander of the mysterious side of the old empire did not know when she had turned her body. Although she could not see her face, according to the figure of the opponent, her sight was falling on ...

Fall on us!

Falling on a group of people who did not stand in front of her at all!

I subconsciously looked behind me, thinking that the other party was watching something behind us. After all, for a "video" recorded many thousands of years ago, we did not exist, but soon I found out that behind me Nothing, "Lei Ji" is watching, it is our group of uninvited guests who broke into this place over a long time.

"Lei Ji, what are you looking at?" The emperor's voice sounded again, with deep curiosity.

"It's interesting to see something ... but it has nothing to do with you now." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for referrals and monthly passes. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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