Xiling Empire

Chapter 1102: Blockbuster Limited Anniversary Edition (Part 1)

The surroundings quietened strangely. Less than twenty meters in front of us stood a phantom called "Lei Ji", a senior officer on the mysterious side of the ancient Spirit empire. Yes, she was a phantom, like The video is as illusory. When this image was recorded, it has a history of many thousands of years. What we see is what this old emperor named "Lei Ji" did many thousands of years ago. Although the distance between us and these phantoms in front of us is only tens of meters, there is a farther distance between them: the sea and the sea.

However, it is such an image recorded in the ancient times, and now it is looking at us-when she did that, there must be nothing in front of her. What did she see?

Due to interference factors, the influence named "Lei Ji" is ambiguous, and it is impossible to judge the appearance of the other party, and her eyes can not be seen, but suddenly, I feel that a line of sight has fallen on myself, which is the projection The sight of those eyes is a pair of powerful eyes that penetrated the vicissitudes of the sea and the space-time barrier in ten thousand years and fell on me. The other person seemed to smile a little, and I heard a distorted voice: "See something ... … It's fun, but it has nothing to do with you now. "

She said to her emperor, but I feel that this sentence is also conveying a message for us, yes, she is telling us this sentence: "I see you."

"Really," the figure of the emperor in the fifteen days froze for a moment, as if thinking of something, and then chuckled. "Well, I know your rules, I won't ask more. Ready to go. We have less than a hundred years to complete this last expedition. Within a hundred years, whether or not we can find that void creature or get With its help, we must all return to the sea, and then meet the shock. As for this 50% selection rate, whoever can wake up again can only be left to fate. "The old emperor seemed to laugh at himself. After shaking his head, then the momentum of the body was full, and slowly raised his hand: "But no matter who wakes up, we must always remember, for the empire! We will revenge!"

All commanders performed a military salute at the same time. In unison, magnificent: "For the empire! We will revenge!"

Then everything was quiet. The hologram is frozen. Just like the old phantoms after the "play", the information recorded on this platform ends here, and what happened afterwards is unknown. The last emperor embarked on her century-old expedition and went to the depths of the void to find the last bit of hope. What she was looking for was a newly born void creature ...

The surrounding phantom began to dissipate quickly after a few tremors, and I was in a state of confusion. I didn't notice this at all until almost all the phantoms became light particles that gradually disappeared. I realized that there was another figure left.

That was one who had stood there before, with white wings behind him. Wearing a slender white dress in the same style as Araiye's clothes and a slender female Spirit Angel, she has been standing among the angels behind Araiye, facing her like all other phantoms, so much No one has ever realized how she is different from other old phantoms. After all the phantoms have dissipated, the only shadow left is to attract everyone's attention. When I was going to take a step forward to see the situation, the other person suddenly Speak!

"Her Majesty left her sabre here before leaving, but in the end, they never returned, and no one took it off the platform again." The female Spirit Angel, who was facing away from the crowd, said softly, her voice Clear and soft, it is completely different from the old phantom that everyone encountered before, because no one expected that this situation would be encountered. When the other party spoke, we stopped involuntarily and looked at each other with surprise. Sandora couldn't help but still spoke: "Are you saying that emperor didn't return?"

"Hundred years passed very quickly. Her Majesty and her fleet were silent. There was no trace of fighting in the void, but the entire army evaporated." The other side sounded as if he was talking to himself, not speaking to Sandora. She expressed any concern, but what she said was clearly answered, and it was said to each of us, "I waited until the last minute to hope to see Her Majesty return, but nothing. Since the beginning of the conceptual split, I am forgetting a lot of things every day. This process lasts for a hundred years, and I also forget a hundred years. However, I only know that I have forgotten something, but I do n’t know what it is that I have forgotten. Large blanks appear on the mother star every day. , And then refilled with randomly assigned information, and finally, I never realized that I had lost half of my siblings and closed the world. "

"Until today," the other person suddenly turned around, and I saw ... a hazy face covered with light and mist. "You came and brought back the one I stayed in the tower as the defensive center. Missing the avatar. "

I could only see the back, and the other person's sudden talk caused my attention to be a little confusing. I didn't realize that the other person was actually familiar. At this time, she suddenly turned her head, and I finally realized that the angel in front of me knew her, so she blurted out: "Well? Kite ?!"

That's right, the body in front of me is erratic, and the face and most of the body are covered by layers of mist, which is the kite angel who has been with him for several days!

"... My name is Aurelia, but ... whatever you call it." The angel shrouded in mist gently flapped his wings and jumped lightly, "It seems that the plan of the year has been deduced for so long Finally, there was still a deviation. The current situation is unexpected, but the overall development is not bad. Although you have been making various mistakes in your identification, I think you are the people I have been waiting for. But the concept The residual effects of the cleavage effect are still entangled in this world. My memory recovery is very bad, and I am just as confused as you. Maybe we can exchange what we know and piece together the truth. "

"..." I silently watched this "Kite" that has been around for a few days. The other person's sudden change into such a "live" object is quite unaccustomed. I don't know which link caused the current situation. Maybe the other person recovered his mind after being sucked into the assembly hall, or it may be the phantom phenomenon just now Function, but I think the most urgent thing now is that our group of people need time to sort out their thoughts, so I waved her hands: "Then you wait a moment, we are a bit messy and need to be stunned."

"Please help yourself." The angel woman who claimed to be Alleria stepped back slightly to indicate that she would not bother to come up.

The mysterious crowd came together. You look at me and I look at you. Finally, Bingtis, the guy with the most nerves, said first: "Chen, I'm afraid your family won't be able to run one at a time. There are problems."

I ignored the disgusting words of Bingtis, and my eyes fell on my sister: "Sister, what ... what do you think ..."

"Oh," the elder sister gave a troubled smile. She had never been more calm. She was a little confused at this time, but in the end. She still sighed. "Although I can't imagine it, I'm afraid we all have a great relationship with the 15-day district of the year."

"The relationship is too big to imagine," Bingtis sighed leisurely. "According to experience, the old phantoms of this place will only be disturbed if their bodies exist in a certain range nearby. You count There are only a few severely disturbed images in the previous video, including the emperor of the fifteen days zone-Ming said it. If you can accept this statement, I think one of you is the old empire fifteen days The emperor of the district ... "

Everyone looked at each other again. Well, Bingtis directly said that everyone had guessed but no one was sure. After all, this reasoning is too bizarre, but I have to say that this is also the most logical. Now based on the premise that Bindis is correct, let's exclude it: Alaya and Pandora have each found their corresponding phantoms and exclude. Sandora and Veska have clear identities, exclude, and similarly, Bindis He Lin and Monina also ruled out, I don't need to say it myself, ruled out. In this way, when the projection is disturbed, the people in the area of ​​influence are only shallow, Lin Xue, and sister ... So this thing is particularly incredible.

"Can't you be so dramatic?" I felt my head was a mess, and I couldn't think of why the situation would be so bizarre. I originally thought that I had been exercising when I was identified as a void creature. As a result, it now seems that you can never imagine how big a joke life can give you-how big and how big this joke is.

"It's not your wonderful family without dramatizing," Bingtis looked at me like a concluding remark. "See the kite over there? She knows more than us, just to see if she wants to say, Chen, as a charger in the past few days, go and talk to your battery, we all rely on you. "

Me: "... Wind ... Eurelia, we're done, let's talk about what you know now."

Aurelia-well, I still used to call her kite-after hearing what I said, she floated here and there, and she always had a calm, unhurried temperament on her body, and I felt a new face She should not be calmer than our former chief, but at least now it looks like she is indifferent like the same gust. After floating in front of us, she first gave a military salute to Alaya and said in a soft voice, "Welcome back, commander."

"I can't remember," Araya said honestly. "Sorry, I can't remember who you are."

"It's normal, because His Majesty splits all the information of the parent star in parallel into two parts, and each part of the parent star is the real and only parent star. Therefore, you must ensure that the information of the two parent star is completely split and never communicate , So that we can maintain stability. There is only a small part of the information that has been released, and it just doesn't include your memory. "

"Is the emperor in the fifteen days district one of us?" Lin Xue looked at the vague face of the kite and asked a question that seemed unanswered.

"Yes," the kite turned slightly, and bowed in homage to the elder sister who still had the command knife, "I'm glad to see you again, my Majesty-although you have become like this, you are still mine emperor."

There was silence, everyone was in a state of half shock and half-expected chaos, and we were silent for a few seconds, fixing our own three views. Superficial is the easiest to repair—because she really does n’t know if there are three views, so she said the first one: “Sister Chen Qian was really the emperor of that year? Are you correct? Is there any evidence? Sister Chen Qian is a human! She was born on the earth, and I was with her when I was a kid ... "

I reluctantly pointed to myself: "Two years ago, I felt like I was here, and you were with me when you were a kid."

"Soul similarity, information mark, some key information points, and this knife," Aurelia Kite pointed to the commanding knife in her sister's hand. "The combination of this knife and this space is an information entanglement that integrates the most advanced occult techniques of the empire. Her Majesty the Emperor is also one of the parts of this entanglement. When she split the information of the two parent stars, she In each of the two parts, the key to release the split state was left. The situation on the other side is not clear to me, but on this side, the key to release the split state is His Majesty. Only she can resonate with the knife. , And then release the 'lock core' in the space. When I restored part of my memory, there was no need to doubt the identity of Her Majesty. "

"Okay. I see, let's put this topic aside," the elder sister suddenly said. Her complexion was very complex, with very rare confusion and anxiety, but she still controlled her emotions well, And squeezed my hand gently. "Ajun, don't worry. I'm fine-Aurelia, can you explain what happened from the beginning to the end? Why did the mother star split. Why did the emperor of the year ... the same year I would go to the void Deep down, then disappeared, you know what you know. We are now ... very confused. "

Alleria Kite seemed to think for a moment before she nodded: "To the best of my ability, this is a long story."

The crowds calmed down and prepared to listen to this misty history to this day.

"I do n’t need to explain the disaster, you should already know that history," Aurelia glanced at us, and got a positive response from everyone. "I want to talk about the eve of the disaster, which will be on the eve of the empire. Action taken. Unlike other emperors in the heavenly area, Her Majesty's Emperor in the past 15 days was never keen on that crazy plan of the year. She was far-sighted and realized early that once problems occurred in those large experiments, they would be disastrous. Consequences, but in the overall assembly of 135 emperors, there are less than ten people who have a non-participation attitude towards that plan, and only four or five people who have a clear opposition attitude. Everything is irresistible. of.

Her Majesty has been working hard and once tried to join forces with other emperors. She did convince several emperors who opposed the Void Test, but just before they took action, the disaster broke out-even Lei, who has the ability to predict the future. Master Ji, did not expect the form and exact time of the disaster. "

"It's normal," Sandora sighed. "Void, the abyss, both things are so simple and predictable, not to mention the big explosion that combined them together. You can feel things before. Miao this is already quite simple. "

I heard a bit of helplessness in Sandora's tone. Although she didn't say it clearly, but for a long period of time, she could communicate with her, and I could detect what she was thinking-in fact, everything could have been avoided at that time. The Emperor of Heaven and her prophet could successfully remind the organizers of the experiment that the disaster would not have broken out.

But in the end, no one listened to such a warning. The original powerful and wise, the omnipotent Spirit Apostles had collectively fallen into a state of blindness and fanaticism at the time. Their arrogance did not allow them to admit that their race would be The catastrophic destruction of the field, even the presence of the prophet, has not changed the enthusiastic researchers-of course, may be a bit useful, the warning from the fifteen days zone may let them in the test field Placing a few more psionic barriers may allow them to re-examine the test equipment, and may also allow them to slightly reduce the energy supply to the Void Converter, but to an abyss shock that is about to erupt in the spiritual network of the Apostles. In other words, what can such measures do?

"If you don't listen to the prophets, you will suffer a lot." Lin Xue shook her head and sighed. She did not know what it was like to listen to others discussing the deeds of someone who was suspected of her previous life. I gave her a favoured look: anyway, as far as we are concerned, no one dare to ignore any word this girl said, although many times she said "If you take me to eat roast duck, there will be tomorrow "Bloodlight".

Three or two opposing voices were eventually overwhelmed by more than a hundred enthusiastic voices. The district could only take action to save itself 15 days after the disaster. I do n’t know why the emperor here did not participate in the “Documentary Museum” plan of the year. It seems that Aurelia didn't even know that someone had set up a documentary library after the disaster, not to mention that more than thirty Emperors of the Spirit were sacrificed in the documentary library. The fifteen-day district was completely acting on its own. Did they give up? Have you communicated with your fellow citizens?

When I raised these questions, Alleria seemed to smile.

"I don't know what the documentary museum is, but Lord Lei Ji ordered the closure of all external information communication channels in the 15-day zone and even cut off the spiritual network between us and the hinterland of the empire. Now it seems that our actions are correct."

"Listen to the words of the prophet to survive."

Lin Xue shook her head again. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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