Xiling Empire

Chapter 1103: Blockbuster Limited Anniversary Edition (↓)

"You can only survive if you listen to the prophet." Lin Xue shook her head again, and she seemed to have substituted herself into the role of a high-ranking officer in the fifteen-day zone that turned the tide, even though she didn't know anything about the officer's life-Ole Leah just said nothing

"Do you waive the abyss infection by splitting the parent star?" Sandora asked.

"Yes," Aurelia nodded, "the spirit civilization has a unique feature, that is, it has both technology and mystery, which can be independent of each other and have complete structural systems, even if one system completely disappears. In addition, Half of the technology system also has its own set of cornerstones that can be continued. His Majesty the Emperor and his senior consultants after discussions decided to organize all the information in the fifteen days zone, then split it into two parts, and give each part ' The established concept of 'the only real capital planet in the fifteen-day zone' is what you see "

There are two copies of the parent star in the fifteen-day zone. One of the parent stars has only the creation on the technology side, and the other parent star has only the mysterious side. At the same time, all the apostles in the fifteen-day zone are also divided into one. Second, isolated from each other, and even forgotten the existence of the other party ...

"The cleavage is not performed with 100% accuracy. A small part of the overlapping things is left. Ancient technology information can still be found in this world. I think there is also a record of magic on another part of the parent star. This is for the purpose of division. The two parent stars opened keep the most basic connection, and at least some of them will have the opportunity to develop another set of technical systems after this wake-up. Only this 'preservation threshold'. At that time we calculated a total of 132 years. " Alleria says

Sandora pondered for a moment, and suddenly nodded: "During the process of destroying things in the abyss, the destroyed target should be unique, but you have created two distinct but equally true mother stars from the conceptual level. The information of the two parent stars is completely isolated, and does not interfere with each other even one byte of information, so even if they are both true and unique 'parent stars', there will not be a paradox—Ajun you can understand this In a storage device, two similar files with the same name cannot exist in the same directory, but if these two files with the same name are placed in the same directory with two memories, they will not be affected because the two files are physically separated , They will never produce information overlap, if they are thinking, they will not even be aware of the existence of another file-so that they can stably save and maintain this split state. Of course, what happened on the fifteen-day zone mother star is more than This is complicated because there is only one void, and the second star in the fifteen-day zone will not have a second memory available, so it splits to avoid causing paradoxes. When in the same section of the same channel, the high frequency and low frequency are used to record two information that would otherwise cover each other. As long as there is no information flow between the two, the other parent star does not matter. Does not exist, it is irrelevant for this system "

I nodded and understood that Sandora now mastered the skill of translating advanced knowledge to a level that I can understand. I thought about it and stated my understanding: "In this way, when the abyss destroys the mother When it was a star, it could only destroy one and then "The file name or directory is not empty, and the deletion of the file failed." I used to see this on my computer, leaving a folder that could not be deleted alive, and so on. After the abyss has passed, the remaining half of the parent star will always be safe. "

Lin Xue kicked me from the back: "Look at h-net less in the future, you can watch the live at home now"

Me: "..." Why do you say Miss Lin can be so ridiculous at such a serious time?

"I don't know what you're talking about, but it seems your understanding is correct," Alleria focused on me. "That's how we saved the fifteen-day zone—one-half"

"Is Schrodinger's cat limited edition enhanced?" Lin Xuesha murmured with certainty. "Because there is a cat that is half dead, so it is simply cut into two parts that are both dead and alive, so one must be alive. ...... It seems that this understanding is not right ... forget it, I give up, you still toss this high-end stuff "

"Now it seems that Pandora were finally saved," I looked at Pandora and Alaya, and there was still no emotional fluctuation on Pandora's face. Only Alaya was listening attentively, but for this paragraph In history, she was doomed to feel the same. "So half the mother star here has been hit by the abyss?"

"This is the biggest problem," Aurelia glanced at me. "As you can see, the world is a mess, but it still exists. If it has been eroded by the abyss, there should be nothing left here-also That is to say, if everything goes according to plan, then when Lord Araiye awakened on the other half of the parent star, it should have died out here, and the plan of the year had an unexplainable strange phenomenon: both parent stars were retained Down, although one of them is fragmented, 'broken' and 'disappeared' are two concepts "

I involuntarily glanced at Sandora, hoping she knew how to explain the phenomenon

"The problem should be the result of the negotiations with the Nether creatures," Sandora frowned, trying to organize the information. "I can't think of anyone other than the Nether creatures who can distort everything like this"

"What would happen if both parent stars were retained and the intersection of information occurred again?"

I think of a lot of bad things, and I can't help worrying. As Alleria said, both parent stars are given the "only real" established concept, that is, they are both real and unique. The parent star Gaia, in the state where the information of the two is completely split, this conflict state will not show up, because no matter which half of the parent stars, the other half of the parent star does not exist, but now, the two The conceptual split between the parent stars is clearly no longer sustainable, what happens?

According to general reasoning, at this time the phenomenon of annihilation appears ...

"Are the intersection of information again ..." Aurelia seemed to be thinking about the problem, and after a few seconds, she suddenly laughed lightly. "It turned out to be this way, I understand, Lord Leiji's intention was then"

Seeing the confusion on everyone's face, Aurelia pointed at the commanding knife in the elder sister's hand: "I have been wondering why His Majesty left a key on both parts of the mother star that can lift the split of the concept. The setting is theoretically meaningless, because no matter which part of the parent star is retained, it means that the other half of the parent star has been destroyed by the abyss, and it has been destroyed under the condition of information fragmentation. It has all past, present, and future history. The above will no longer exist. In this case, even if the conceptual split is lifted, it does not make any sense because the split information has long disappeared. You cannot piece together something that has never existed but your Majesty left this. The key ... she left it at the suggestion of Lord Regie "

"She already knew that both mother stars would be retained?" Sandora opened her eyes wide. "Can an officer named Leiji predict such a thing? In this case, she is at least enough to become another emperor ? "

"She did it," Aurelia glanced at Lin Xue's direction silently. "But at the cost of her eternal life, you should know from the previous records that you should keep the 15-day zone. In the capital, Lord Reiki and Lord Vanna choose to sacrifice themselves. This is their sacrifice. Even the Apostles of the Spirit are limited in strength. Lord Reji, who has the ability to predict, cannot see through the void, but after the disaster erupts, she must Find the only way to hope, and this road is likely to rely on the power of the void, so she sublimated her soul and immersed herself in the void to give up eternal life, after the end of the power of Lord Vanna It was at the cost of immediate demise that I gained such a powerful force, as did Lord Vanna; we have spent thousands of years creating a special dragon family that allows this dragon family to still recognize the astral dragon **** in the case of conceptual fragmentation Information, we fine-tune their lives, so that they do n’t have a chance to leave this world, and on the other half of the mother star, we did a similar thing. A special communication channel was added to the mother Spirit host named Gaia so that she can receive several preset wake-up signals in the case of closed information. After completing these two things, we can still have a century of Respite: Obviously, time, all of this takes time, and Lord Vana has won it. She is a mystery master who can control time. By sacrificing life in the void, she will die at the cost of immediate death. The entire capital of the fifteen-day zone is placed in a protective layer delayed by 1,300 years ... "

Everyone's eyes focused on Shallow body. The girl who was busy biting her ears with Visca immediately looked at Aurelia curiously. It took a long time to respond, pointing to her chin: "Speaking of me?"

"Suspiciously, suspiciously," Bettis said succinctly, then gently raised her little finger and dangled on my sister and me. "Can you explain the situation of these two now? Reincarnation? Or something else?" "

"I don't know," Aurelia shook her head. "I'm confused. Her Majesty's soul is still there, but she has a ... strange. After the concept was split, she was already 'bound' in this world, But because she failed to return in time, she seemed to have lost all memories of this world, that is, she and two parts of the mother star were separated ... and the two chiefs who had died in the past, "Aurelia said Looking at Qian Qian and Lin Xue: "Although I'm sorry, but I must say that I cannot recognize your identity. Only a small part of you can be identified. That is the hidden wave of power. In addition, you My soul is completely strange in my eyes "

"Is the ID still fake?" Miss Lin sighed, but she didn't care much about her face. "The only thing that is completely blank between us now is when the emperor in the 15th day of the district found that void creature. What happened, why did she not return home in time, but after being delayed for so many years, she was suddenly born on Earth as a human. Why did the half of the parent star on the mysterious side not disappear as planned, but left so much? Fragments, why the two commanders who have been theoretically and must have been suspended— "Ms. Miss pointed to herself and pointed to shallowness:" It became like this-only the strength still touched, but the soul did not Like the emperor of the district, "

"I think this last point can be explained, because you really died once," Bingtis looked thoughtfully. "The one named Fanna died at the moment when he opened a big shield for the capital world, and then the one named Lei Ji's, originally the remaining life should be quite short, but it lasted for some time because of Vanna ’s power. It must have died at the end of the 100-year expedition. Only the two of you, the emperor in the fifteen-day zone, died. And that newborn void creature is not dead ... "

Miss Lin frowned and looked at Bingtis for a long time, and finally couldn't help but say, "How can I sound so awkward?"

"Yes, you are a living person listening to others discussing when you died. If you are still awkward, then I should be awkward," I dragged Lin Xue over and kissed, "There is a shallow one like this Is enough "

The young lady first froze, and then reacted: "What do you do? So many people, what nerve do you have?"

Usually, she is used to intimate contact with me even when it ’s bigger, but when she ’s no one, it ’s okay, but it ’s not in the presence of others. Now, in front of everyone ’s kisses, she has challenged the shame line of this soft lady. Seeing the flushing on her face that had spread to the root of her neck, I knew that if she could not have a reasonable explanation, she would probably cycle through all the fighting techniques from childhood to college.

I exhaled slowly and felt that my thoughts had finally cooled down, before glancing at Lin Xue with a smile: "It's nothing, but it suddenly came to me. Is this the fate of my last life ..."

"Destined to your sister, you will die as soon as you last life. I am afraid that I will hang up before I say a few words to you." The young lady wiped her mouth vigorously. "And I did n’t even have a soul, who agreed with your past life ... ... "

It was so stingy, and it seemed to make sense, but the increasingly noticeable flushing on the face of the young lady was not very convincing. I squeezed her nose with a smile, and she always jumped up because of this. No response, what else does this mean?

Shallow eyes also murmured, and came together happily: "Ajun, I also kiss ~~"

Aurelia was stunned and looked at the development in front of her. Okay, although she couldn't see her face, but I think she should be stunned for a long time before she said: "Your reaction ... weird"

"Habit, they are all virtues." Bingtis patted Aurelia's wings. "Stress syndrome, when they start, they will get nervous and talk about what to do next, right. Do you know how much remains of the mysterious side mother star here? How much is available? Where are all the commanders here? "

Sandora glanced strangely at Bettis: "How come you feel like you're an empire?"

Bingtis froze, and immediately patted his head: "Mother, I have been with you for a long time, and almost forgot that the mother is a protoss ..."

"What was the sleeping commander," Aurelia couldn't help gazing at us, but her mouth didn't stop. "Including me, three hundred and one mysterious officers are here, But in addition to staying in the surface world as a watcher, other people ’s dormant places have sunk to the basic information surface of the bottom of the world. Now they are stored in the world view in the form of data of this bottom of the world, because here The parent star has been destroyed and has not been awakened in accordance with the normal process, so it may take some time to recall those commanders, but it only takes time as far as the army ... I am afraid there is not much, except that there may be some ancient times sleeping in the ruins everywhere In addition to the guards of the world, the mysterious legion that was originally stationed on the surface of the world should have been dragged into the gaps and voids of the world with the impact, and may still occasionally find some remaining dormant facilities from the debris of the world, but do n’t reserve it The army ’s expectations are so great that the corresponding infrastructure is the same. As soon as I woke up, I discovered that the universe was already torn apart. Xu then we are left with infrastructure are all finished. "

Compared with the Pandora Corps, which maintained a relatively complete system at the time, but the spacecraft and heavy industry facilities need maintenance, the mysterious side legion that remains in this broken home star is bleak. According to Aurelia, it is actually mysterious. There are only 301 commanders left in the entire legion, all of them are bare pole commanders, no soldiers, no equipment, or even bases-I don't know if they can still be called legions in this case.

But compared to the original plan ~ www.readwn.com ~ As long as the technology-side mother star survives, the mysterious side mother star will inevitably end. This situation is already impeccable.

"You should not be able to merge with our permission system now,"

Sandora glanced at Aurelia. She had noticed that although the other party could confirm our identity, she did not confirm the position of each of us in the permission list. "I'm Sandora? Kelly? Yura Sith, Empire Emperor "

"Can't confirm your permissions, you can only judge that you are a compatriot," Aurelia nodded, "perhaps the permissions list of all survivors on the mysterious side must be reloaded, otherwise we will be independent of the current empire system but this operation The process only allows our monarch to do it in person, please understand, at least so far, most of you are still unknown individuals in my eyes. "

Only her monarch is allowed-I glanced at my elder sister and greeted the latter's troubled smile: "I'm not ready yet ..."

"Hurry up," Sandola sighed with a grin, "I'm afraid we have a lot more to do."


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