Xiling Empire

Chapter 1134: 23 things about Lina

Or say that multiple people think that things are different, and Lin Xue's prompts made me suddenly bright.

In fact, I almost have to forget how many research projects Tavel is doing, and how many of them are in the tackling phase, but Lin Xue still remembers, and the two things were linked in the first time. When I got up, I wasn't slow or hopeless, of course, I immediately thought of the reason: It seems that when I do n’t know, the big lady who likes to talk hard has never let up. She always works secretly, okay It can help me when it is critical. Although she always shows a lack of heart and lungs, but whenever I need help, I can always see her shadow-as shallow as, probably It's really lack of heart and lungs ...

So after I froze for a moment, I immediately showed my overjoyed look, holding Lin Xue's face in my mouth. It was just a mouthful ...

"Hey! You're neurotic!" The young lady jumped out of my arms like an electric shock, squatted on the back of the sofa and stared at this side. Vanilla turned her head at this moment, and she was surprised when she saw this scene, and Muttered muttering: "The rabbi can also lie on the back of the couch like this against the wall ..."

I was stunned, remembering that the rabbi in her mouth was the timid catwoman, the one who taught children to read and write in the sacred crows. Don't you say it, the performance of the young lady when she was frightened ... really Like a cat.

"The folds on the smiley face betrayed the puppets in your head deeply," the young lady punched me, and noticed how much she was standing on the sofa back with her waist bowed against the wall and her four feet on the floor. Shocking. So he jumped down swiftly and smartly, while wearing socks and looking for shoes, and said, "Okay, it's getting late, I'll go home and drop Xiaoxue back. Remember to supervise her face and brush her teeth at night, don't let her stay up late with the bubble After playing games together, you know, that child is just like you are used to. "

In fact, I want to say that I haven't gotten used to that girl yet. But in this case, you obviously have no reason to talk to her, so only decisive cooperation is the way out. "Yes, yes, my mother—" I replied deliberately with a longer voice. The four sensitive words instantly made the young lady's face blush, and at the same time the bubble did not know where it came from: "Hey, here it is. The child, her father, are you asking me for something?"

Me: "..." How can I meet this guy popping up to feel the presence of anger anytime?

The young lady glared at me and Bubble for a while (the bubble belongs to the active pop-up shot), turned her head and opened a portal directly to her bedroom at home. The last sentence dissipated in the air: "I'm back, Don't forget what I told you. "

As the voice fell, the figure of the young lady had disappeared into a twisted light curtain, but after two seconds a roar came from across the portal: "Dead girl! What did you make of my house! Put that back! "

Everyone in the living room was stunned by this sudden Hedong lion, and their eyes focused on the portal. After a while, the mass-destructive girl Chen Xiaoxue flew out of the space door and threw herself on the carpet: she This was definitely thrown over by Lin Xue.

According to Lin Xue's violent voice just now, I know what this girl is doing to be angry, how to say it. Quite unexpected—and Xiao Xue was so embarrassed that she looked up and showed me a deadly smirk: "Dad, I found some good things in my mother's house 屋-you want to know what color my mother likes to wear underwear Do not?"

I tossed Xiaoxue blankly to my elder sister: "You deserve to be educated-and on this subject, according to normal ethics and physics, I should be earlier than you know."

The moment Xiao Xue was caught by the elder sister's collar, the expression on her face began to change like a swipe. Finally, she fixed her expression on a resolute expression, and was dragged upstairs by her sister.

We still have two guests who are unfamiliar with the inside story. Sagina and Sona are stunned and gazed at each other. This looks nothing like a normal family, but when they are carefully studied, they look too much like ordinary families. Xiao Xue disappeared behind the corner of the stairs on the second floor. Sona looked worried, and said to me uneasily, "Although you shouldn't talk more ... but the child wouldn't be beaten too badly?"

"Hit?" I rolled my eyelids. "My sister won't hit people easily. The most serious thing is just two slaps."

"Then why is your daughter's look so terrible?" Sakina couldn't control her curiosity.

I thought about it, and felt that it was difficult to answer this question: "How do you say ... my sister must have special functions, anyway, regardless of size and age, all bear children must be as honest as seeing nemesis when they see me. When I was young After every naughty mischief, I feel that my sister is the most terrible creature in the world. There is no one. "

When Saina heard it, her curiosity became even more irresistible, and she even asked her sister why she was so powerful. I do n’t know why this half-Dragon girl who had n’t even talked about love was so interested in how to discipline bears. Anyway, I can only explain to her according to her understanding and memory: "I really do n’t know. My sister's method is to justify the facts and understand the emotions. She has a kind of gas field to cooperate with this. This kind of gas field, after telling you a set of truths, can make you really feel like you have betrayed the entire world. Conscience condemns the unprecedented hugeness, and you ca n’t wait to arbitrarily thank the world and not to let go, so you are even more condemned. -That's the feeling. "

After I remembered my sister ’s education when I was a kid, I could n’t help but feel scared for a while—you said how bad I was then. I broke the school glass to steal the teacher ’s lunch box, sprinkled pepper noodles into the principal ’s cigarette box, and imitated the teacher ’s handwriting to teach The director wrote a confession letter. Thanks to the nemesis of his sister, he has become such a good young man with five stresses and four beauty. Otherwise, this year, you can only see my picture on the screen while the legal system is running ...

Of course, in addition to this, I feel more amazing: under the premise of such a powerful parent education, Xiao Xue has become like this. You said that the girl was so bad that it was so unscientific-I mixed with Lin Xue's genes. Which part of this TM produced this mutation that turned magic into decay ...

In the early morning of the next morning, I was awakened by a box (attempt) of a mercury lamp in accordance with the usual practice. After throwing the little puppet who could fly over with the box accurately in the sleepy state, I turned my head and looked at the window. In the sky, I found that it was gloomy outside-it seemed that a spring rain was inevitable, so I also thought about hanging out. When I came to the living room on the first floor, I found that Sae Kina was awake. Sitting on the sofa, she listened to Lynn with a serious expression—about the use of divine magic and the like. The little crow also sat next to Lynn in the same way, looking like a **** who imparted knowledge to others, in fact, she had been chewing on nuts. She neither listened nor lectured, and when she saw me, she immediately jumped over with joy: "Ga!"

"Is it OK to rest yesterday?" I smiled and said to Sae Gina. Asking casually, Sona had a strange look on her face, and said a little uneasily, "Actually ... is there something weird in this house?"

I was stunned then: "Ah?"

Saina spit out her tongue: "Sona said that the house is haunted, and strange noises always come from the walls around the night, but I didn't hear it, I slept heavily."

Me: "... Anna!"

The ghost maid immediately emerged from the desk not far away: "Ah? Master, do you call me?"

"You like to sing this is no problem, but in the evening, try to sing something positive ..."

"Oh." The ghost maid nodded nicely, and got into the table again. However, despite this explanation, I still feel that the haunted situation at home in the middle of the night may not improve much-An Weina is known as the soul singer. I guess she can sing a joyous song to make you hear the illusion of the autumn wind and the tomb ...

"It's not haunted, it's Anvena who is singing ... You saw it too, she's a ghost and hardly sleeps." I explained to Sakina awkwardly that they might have accepted our family. Strange situation. They didn't show any more surprised expressions, just nodded calmly and continued listening to Lin's lecture. The dragon **** girl is talking about the fighting method using the power of the gods. Don't look at the soft look that is usually afraid of shrinking and afraid of being bullied. Lin occasionally takes it seriously and it is quite a bit of mentor's feeling: "The battle should be brave In front of us, no matter what kind of enemies we face, we will use all our strength to hit it. The role of the tail is important in this process, but the claws cannot be ignored ... "

I quickly rushed out the savory herbs that I was listening to: "This tutorial is not for you, you should ..." Then, I looked at the little crow who was holding the walnut shell, and looked around the living room: "You should find Lilina gives you a lecture ... Where did Lilina go? "

"Master Lelina said she would arrange some religious activities in the prayer room."

Prayer room? Arranging religious activities? What famous girl does that girl do? In a flash, my curiosity was fully mobilized, and I set aside the vanilla and walked towards the prayer room. The so-called prayer room is on the second floor, next to Li Lina's room. It was originally an empty room and was once reserved for Ding Dang-later Ding Dang felt that it was most practical to sleep in the lamp shade of my house, so that room was empty Liliana was transformed into a prayer room to symbolize that she is actually a very religious religious person.

When the door of the prayer room is opened, the first thing that catches the eye is the giant tree in the center that reaches the roof and the green vines covering all the walls and ceilings. Due to the support of the expansion of the space, the actual area of ​​the prayer room is larger than its theory. The area is more than ten times larger, and Lina will arrange it here like a corner of a virgin forest. There is even a slab path between these dense but patchy plants, winding to the back of a giant tree in the center of the room: There is a small altar there-in other words, Liliana's handwriting is really big.

The air is filled with a pleasant plant fragrance, and I can hear the soft prayer sounds of Lina that are very different from the usual kind of humorous movements: "May God give me wise eyes, identify good and evil on earth, and may God give me love Tolerate heaven and earth and all people, may God give me mighty power, purify all evil, may God give me— "

I found the switch of the horn, and stunned it, so the prayer in the air came to an abrupt end, and then I found Lina, who was studying at the desk behind the tree, holding her ears and splitting her head to cover her face with an education: "Do you dare Nothing to do? Record your prayers. Use the two horns to loop to the statue of Ding Dong. Have you been a Pope like this! "

Lilina hung my arm in the air, her calf kicked up and down: "Boss, boss, let go, hurt, hurt ..."

"What do you write?" I noticed that Lilina had written a large piece of stuff in a small notebook spread out on the table, and carefully divided several chapters. There were even illustrations, so I realized that this girl was really planning some big event, and immediately became curious. "Well, let me see ... Preliminary plan for God's coming celebration ... Hey, what's this?"

"The celebration of the Goddess of Life is rampant." Lilian octopus coiled my arms and simply hung there. "I just discovered it a couple of days ago. In terms of the new empire, March 15th is Goddess birthday, what a grand day you say it is! Christianity has a Christmas day, and I plan to add a godsend to the goddess of life ... "

Immediately, I was happy and took out Ding Dong from my pocket happily: "Are you going to birthday?"

"Birthday? That's a **** horse thing?" Ding Dang looked at me stupidly and licked the sugar residue in the corner of her mouth. "Ah, I see. The days when Ding Dang fell from the tree? Ding Dang can't get that, the Protoss are all But it ’s troublesome for my birthday ... ”

I patted my head and said that I had forgotten the stubble, and according to the time concept of the eternal immortal group of protoss. Any activity plan based on time is probably nonsense, not to mention repeating one thing every 365 days. They may be too bored to panic. If they really just want to gather together to celebrate, they can find countless reasons at any time, such as a small gathering of the goddess of life in the world, even to commemorate a little sister who eats 200 kinds of honey. Celebrate. Isn't that fun? Therefore, they have absolutely no need to organize any event to commemorate the day of their birth.

But even though Ding Dong has no feeling for her birthday, Li Lina is full of energy. She is determined to add a religious festival to the goddess of life, and lists three celebrations and festivals. While looking at her notebook, Lirina explained to me with interest: "Look, it ’s God ’s Day from March 15th. The celebration is mainly on the day. The believers will start from March 14th. I eat communion at midnight, and then start the celebration the next morning. The whole festival lasts three days, and then every country that uses the goddess of life as the state religion should arrange for seven days of vacation. This is the first festival. Actually, there is a smaller celebration on April 15th ... "

"April 15th? Is there a way to say that?" I asked strangely, feeling that I wouldn't be in the village until now.

"Oh, boss, you are so confused-the goddess full moon on April 15th, and a **** full moon festival ..."

Me: "... Is this OK?"

"What's wrong, every move of the goddess is memorable, and who doesn't like the festival," Li Lina grabbed my notebook from my hand and started to brush up to add something, while continuing to mutter, "then next March On the 15th ... "

"Well, you don't need to say that, I know," I broke Lina with a thigh slap, "Dong Dang ’s first birthday anniversary on March 15th, right?"

"..." Li Lina looked at me with a look at rare animals, "Boss, March 15 next year will be God's next day ... Festivals cannot be done like a serial. I want to say, On March 15 next year, everything will probably be on track. "

Me: "..." I suddenly felt that my life was dark, and I asked a silly X question just now ...

"Well, the basic arrangement is like this, the rest is to go to the Temple of the Goddess to broadcast it," Li Lina just made a footnote to the so-called God Full Moon Festival on April 15th, and then left the book aside , Stretched her waist lazily, and seemed to want to show me the shape of her young girl, Ma Pingchuan, "Boss, do you think this lazy figure is uniquely feminine?"

...... A lazy waist creaked, yawned, and accidentally drained water. The body was even better than Pandora. How can you answer this sharp question?

"Actually, boss, I'm thinking about your incident by the way."

Seeing that I didn't care about her, Lilina changed the subject. Don't you say it, and suddenly my attention was raised again: "My business? What's my business?"

"Boss, your god, sir," Li Lina sat cross-legged in the air, as fanatic as a saint praying, "think about it ~ www.readwn.com ~ the spirit of the third protoss is about to be created God leader, boss, are you a level cadre with Father God and King Huron? Okay, there must always be a title that belongs to the gods. It ca n’t be called like an ordinary Emperor Spirit. You see, sister Qian shallow is The God of Time, Sister Chen Qian is the Goddess of Cursing, Sister Lin Xue is the God of Prophecy ... How about you? "

Li Lina thought that things would really only go around her old business. I really didn't think about this problem, and I also didn't think there was much to be concerned about it: "Well, whatever, does this make any sense?"

"No, this is of great significance!" Li Lina was resolute in her attitude. "There must be a name. I have studied it. The name of the father is only for prayer, not your official name as the boss ..."

When I heard this, I immediately felt an urge to move. I lifted Lina up with a hand: "Hit me, you can notice this problem! These two words are almost becoming a big shadow of my life. You know not! "

Li Lina waved to me in an old-fashioned way: "So you have to decide on a new God. There are the Father God in the astral domain, and the King God in Huron. These two easiest and most intuitive names have been occupied by others. We ca n’t use it, so ... um ... Exclude ... Boss, should you call him Daddy? "

Me: "..." RS

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