Xiling Empire

Chapter 1135: They may be alive

You know, sometimes I have a hard time understanding what's in Lina's head. Obviously, she's not the same as superficial--so she certainly doesn't have a thought process that lacks heart and lungs, but this girl is always at any time. There are countless ideas that can make you stunned and terrible. Whenever I look at Li Lina's serious face and expectant little eyes, I do n’t know what she said in the last second. Is it serious? For example, now she is serious about making me a **** of spirit ...

I have n’t seen such a bad idea for a long time since the city ’s second high school decided to build a central theme public toilet ...

Fortunately, this time, Lina revealed her unexpected thoughts in advance, and I was able to use thunder to shoot out this unreliable idea. Otherwise, the word daddy and **** will surely become the stain of my life over time-only The word "Holy Father", which has been widely extolled in Macroworld, is printed on all religious brochures.

The three of Sae Kina and her group greeted us after breakfast. Although the family really wanted to keep them for a few more minutes, it seemed that there was still a lot of work to be done on the mother mainland side. The little crow reluctantly dragged the vanilla and took out a few colored small stones that he had collected. He wanted to help each other to bring to the children of the holy capital. In the holy capital, the little crow often played with a few local children. Noisy, the little guy has a deep affection for his partner. Lilina reminded Vanilla to put away the stones to prevent them from being taken away by the pagans and transformed into the core of the obliteration of the world. My heart was beating beside me. It is deeply felt that the little crow must deepen her understanding of her power as soon as possible, otherwise she can only guarantee to follow the young goddess twenty-four hours later to collect the needle and brain she fell off.

"I know the situation of those ancient spirits, I am afraid that you will have to work very hard for a long time in the future-it is not easy to follow the steps of God." I said to Senna, who smiled at me: "Actually I don't feel hard at all. Although I'm a little bit busy, I'm happy every day ... It's better than the muddy days before. "

"Our people have found a place with water sources and suitable geology more than two hundred kilometers south of the Holy Capital," said Sona with a happy expression. "We built a few camps there, and we started to build our new home after the last group of people came from the north, the first city that belonged to the half dragons. We have a new home. We have a new life, and then No one dares to bully us, everyone has a goal ... Such a day has been the dream of many generations of half-long dragons. Who would complain about work fatigue? "

The two half-dragon girls couldn't help but set their sights on Lin who was standing behind the crowd. The dragon **** girl showed a shy smile to them, raised her fist and made a cheering gesture: "Work hard, my strength Oh always on you. "

"Ah, by the way, I prepared gifts for you ~! ~!" Suddenly remembered something big jumped out, and then pulled out three pink bows from the crowd of curious onlookers, "Girls must learn Dress up-and you will be public figures in the future. "She said that she had tied a bow to Vanilla's head, and then bent down to grab Gina's tail:" I saw it yesterday. You half Dragons are used to tying this to their tails ... "

Everyone: "..."

Sona's face was embarrassed: "... this ... it's just that Saina feels fun ..."

Her words are useless. If the shallow action can be interfered by external forces, she will not be shallow. When Sona's voice falls, she will have a beautiful little bow on the tip of her tail. There are two. She clapped her hands with satisfaction, and said to herself, "It's okay, but it's a big deal that you take the lead in turning this into a half-dragon girl. The half-dragon is not a second-class race now, and you are still race leaders I learn to dress myself more temperamentally. "

By putting a bow on the tip of the tail?

The three were sent away, and each went back to his own business. The Protoss quintessentials do not seem to be irritating today. Usually at this time, most of them are crowded in front of the television to study the entertainment spirit of the Earth people, or they gang out to fight and smash the cake stalls. But this time they were surprisingly very quiet. Five people sat in a circle near the window, one person poked around with a shiny crystal slate, and occasionally gave mysteriously a whisper, and then poked the board in front of me again. I thought it was a group of shift class who was holding a tablet in the cafe. I took a curious look and found that the crystal plate in their hands was full of symbols they could not understand, but Distinguish the text of the Protoss.

"What is this?" I finally spoke.

"Remote system log," Bing Sister did not look up, "The world we manage is not here, and of course the world management terminal is not here, so use this as a remote desktop. The system log is reported once a week ..."

"But I've never seen you guys watch this. Today is the first time."

"So we haven't read the report for half a year," Bettis finally lifted his head. "Don't show this kind of look, you know everything, you must be the same as us now the night before the exam ... busy. Leave us alone. "

Leaving his mouth shut, he shrugged helplessly and left the protoss sliver quintet who suddenly entered the desperate state before the test. Their current condition is too visual. I am very worried that if I stand next to them for too long, I will have bronchitis due to the inability to vomit.

Maybe it ’s so easy for our family to relax after returning from Xinxiang for so many days, which made me born with physical troubles and Ms. Lin ’s troubles. The physical constitution was a little bit tempted, and I thought that today I am going to be together again. I spent leisurely in harmony, and at most in the afternoon, I needed to accompany Sandora to the Shadow City or the "City of Heaven" city, and the situation suddenly appeared.

There was an emergency communication from the Space and Time Management Center in the spiritual connection: "Your Majesty, the Ambassador Tree Elf has just returned. It brings an emergency and needs to report to you in person."

I received this communication at the same time as Sandora and couldn't help looking at each other: Ambassador Tree Elf was the messenger of the new empire dedicated to the exchange of ordinary civilizations. Presumably, everyone who has just joined the Empire family is completely different from ordinary dependents The Empire vassals are still very impressed, because of their racial specificity, they almost never participate in the actions of the Emperor's affairs-at least the Tree Elves have not participated in any military missions so far. Therefore, the Ambassador Tree Elf can only return the news of Macro World. So ...

What kind of situation may occur in the macro world, even so serious that it needs the Ambassador of Tree Elves to report directly to the emperor?

When this confusion occurred, I also passed the transmission request on the communication link. A portal appeared in the middle of the living room, and then a young girl in a long green dress ran out of the door briskly, followed by several heavily armed Imperial soldiers. I didn't ask which Ambassador of Tree Elf had any situation to report before. Only then did I know who it was: "Oh, Luan, haven't seen you for a few days?"

The caller was one of the first tree elves we saw when we were at Green Star. She was smashed into Lily Girl's green puppet by Lina ’s head. Because she was a little bit broken when she was hit by Lilina, she told the latter A variety of incredibly “admiring” tendencies have emerged, making Lina the first person in her life to be sexually oriented and to be extremely normal in her three views. Later, in order to get rid of the entanglement, Lina became a tree elf again. Opportunities of the subordinates of the empire, flickering as the green elf ambassador. Responsible for communicating with lower-level ordinary civilizations in the Empire. Because of this, we haven't seen this lively girl for a long time.

"Good afternoon, Green Puppet reports ..." The skinny elf girl with a green shawl said, her eyes began to flutter in the living room, and then in the corner of my eye, I saw Lina covered with a shock. clever. Her hair felt a little swollen, and the next second, she fluttered to the next room. Lu Ye also saw this scene, and could not help showing a regretful look on her face, but after all, she was now a slightly more mature "soldier", and she knew the priorities. It then reported that "special intelligence had just been sent from the exiles, and they said they had received help from the Fifth Fleet."

"Exile ... Fifth Fleet ..." It may be that the recent encounter is too much and too complicated. I didn't respond for a while, and only one thing after a few seconds: The exile refers to what was once in the After the collapse of the old empire, the combined fleets of the various worlds that fled from the border area. They were mistakenly entered into the macro world channel before they were discovered by us. They are now in the empire as a member of the macro world. And fear, we have recently designated the tree elves to communicate with those in exile on behalf of the empire. The Fifth Fleet is an exile. When they fled to the end, they grouped the last battleships into five fleets and proceeded to different void quadrants. Among them, the first to third fleets were shortly afterwards. The fallen apostles were found and massacred. The Fifth Fleet is now the "Exile". As for the Fifth Fleet, it has long lost contact, and life and death are still unknown. According to the parliament's supreme ruler, they should have been Deep into the void, no one has ever explored.

It is theoretically impossible to contact the Fourth Fleet at the end of the Void again.

"They confirmed it was the Fifth Fleet's distress message? When? What? Did they disclose their location?"

The matter of the exiles can be said to be the biggest stain and heavy responsibility in the history of the empire. Therefore, Sandora also paid special attention to those survivors. After hearing the news, Her Majesty immediately threw a series of questions.

"The" Parliament "indicates that it has at least 90% credibility," Lvyi nodded quickly, "there is a special identification method among the exiles, and they said that the authority determination system is second only to the empire. The information for help is three I received it a few days ago, and it was initially mistaken for communication clutter. It was not until yesterday morning that some clear signals appeared. The general content was that the Fifth Fleet was attacked by ... something did not reveal its location-' Parliament 'believes that the Fifth Fleet does not know where it is, because they do not have the ability to accurately locate in the void, and they do not have a perfect map of the void territory like the empire. "

"The situation is very caring ... if the distress signal is true, then the Fifth Fleet may still be rescued ..." I took two steps while rubbing my hands. Looking up at Sandora, "Go and see what's going on with the exile?"

"I followed," the elder sister suddenly stepped forward. "It has been nothing at home for several days, and inactive activities will mold. But unfortunately Lin Xue is not here. In this case, her ability will be very it works."

Just think. With his neck on his back, he greeted: "Xiao Xue! Stop playing! I have a task today!"

Xiao Xue's voice passed down across the floor immediately: "I see, Dad, I'll change clothes!"

"Xiao Xue has the same ability as Lin Xue. It is because she does not adjust all day long, and people are forgetting." I said to my sister, and Bubble whispered next to her: "Lin Xue's uprightness. Daughter's avatar! Child her father, I am even more powerful. I am a multiple daughter avatar ... "

At this moment, I don't know what kind of expression to show. This girl is not just talking casually, but she has really done it like this: In the bustling street market where people in Shadow City come and go, he yelled nervously: "Multiple? Shadow avatar! "Then behind her were more than a hundred mass-produced bubbles in the same pose as her, and the scene was spectacular. This guy is basically hopeless as long as the second disease is onset. Whenever I try to pretend not to know her ...

To go to the world of the exiles does not require much preparation. After passing through the "parliament", we transmitted to the new homes of those exiles through the macro world channel on the dimensional hub square. Not only did not bring the accompanying spacecraft, not even the guards-this fully took into account the original agreement with those exiles.

The exit of the portal is located inside a space dock. This orbiting station orbits a yellow-green terrestrial planet, and its orbital position is very low. It is a transit station from the surface to the deep-sky star port, and it is also one of the first facilities established by the fleet of exiles after the home of this universe One. The dock has a very distinctive Toberu zerg style, with dark and smooth alloy covering the inner wall of the dock. It forms a round cabin like some kind of "nest", but this layout does not give people a sense of depression and weirdness. From the dimensional gate platform at the center of the dock, there are six symmetrically distributed cylindrical channels leading to six observation stations.

Port of call. When I came to the observation station, I saw the name of the dock, which was written in the spirit script and a kind of quirky writing: Morning Star Station.

The observation station itself is also an oval-shaped cabin. A quarter of the front end of the cabin is a transparent static barrier. Now the docking station is just running to a position where the surface can be directly observed through this observation station. We came to this huge window with three points of curiosity and looked at the ground below.

Very obvious artifacts can be seen on the yellow-green planet surface, such as the straight landform boundary and several brightly colored patches symmetrically distributed—those that should be quite large and have special functions on the planet's surface buildings . Outside of these artificial traces, the planet's surface completely maintains the most primitive vegetation distribution.

"Speaking of which, since they took over the world, we seem to have never been here, have we?"

The older sister said suddenly, looking at the planetary surface of the colony already under the observation station.

"No way, they're not used to seeing the Empire," Sandora said flatly. She certainly wouldn't be happy about this situation, but there wouldn't be any complaints. "It looks like they're doing well with their new home. I thought it would take them at least two years to move from their star battleships to these colonial stars. "

Think of those Zerg shapes, but have developed an alternative Zerg of Zenith Star Technology: "Don't forget, the technology level of the Toberu Zerg is not low."

While we were chatting, the gate behind the observatory issued a slight beep, and then "snapped" and slid open to both sides. A teenager in a light brown uniform and a triangle head hung on his body. The eccentric Zerg appeared behind the door and walked towards us quickly: "Ah, welcome! Welcome! You are finally here!"

The Zerg who resembled a praying mantis also lifted its slightly thinner left forelimb and greeted us: "I am happy, Tuo raised his hand and did not meet. It has been a long time since the last separation."

...... I heard the strange way of talking about Toberu's Zerg ~ www.readwn.com ~ When I first heard it, I felt so uncomfortable. Now I hear it again after so long, I feel ... ...

Still not used to it, like watching prose poems.

Appearing in front of us were the two friends whom they encountered when they first came into contact with the exile fleet for the first time-well, it may be too early to say that they are friends, but at least they are also acquaintances-Jin, and Tuo. Now I still remember the appearance of the young soldier Jin Jin enemies holding weapons, and Tuo was shot by the young lady in a pan. It ’s just that the attitude of the two of us has changed 180 degrees compared with the original. Maybe they should be the ones in the fleet of exiles who first expressed optimism towards the empire, so they were sent here. Meet us?

"Well, in fact, this time you came in a secret operation, the council did not disclose the empire's arrival to this universe to the whole people, so there will be no welcome ceremony. We will directly transfer to the capital and meet the council adults ..." Kim His face was a bit restrained, like the young soldier who tried hard to hide his face but couldn't hide his age. I smiled at him: "We already know, you can rest assured, we don't mind this kind of thing. Let's go now- — The situation can not be tolerated. "


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