Xiling Empire

Chapter 1149: Your uncle

I proposed to see what the gods of the blue star indigenous people believe—or visit their churches. It would be even better. I heard this request from the "alien visitors". A vote of experts, scholars, cadres and officials The reception staff were all very happy-well, basically expected, since the world has developed to such a high level of technology, religious supremacy is still maintained, even "scientists" (or here it should be called magicology) Home?) All researched spaceships under the guidance of gods, then I have reason to believe that these indigenous people will be very happy to introduce their gods to "foreign visitors."

Would they even consider preaching to me and Sandora? I thought about this interesting guess, so I smiled with Sandora, and it seemed that Her Majesty had thought of going with me.

"We are glad that you are so interested in our gods, and we are also happy to let more races know the greatness of the gods," said an old man sitting slightly behind, his eyes fluttering, and he couldn't help but say, "In your presence At that time, we have held a prayer, but the **** has not yet responded. I think the **** must also be very happy to know that his child has taken this crucial step in the evolution of civilization ... Oh, you want to see Our god, of course this is possible, but it may take a while, I have informed the temple, but a long-lasting ritual has not yet ended, I hope guests can wait. "

"This is one of the most respected War God priests on our planet, Ray." Immediately someone introduced Sandorla and me to the frowning old man there. "He is committed to preaching God's teachings, and it is also a space Great supporter of the detection project ... "

"Oh, oh, hello." I nodded to the high priest called "Thunder", and after a while of communication, I already knew a little about the social form of this world. Seen on the surface. The Azure Star is an enlightened civilization developed on the road of magic, or occult techniques. The power of magic is applied in all aspects. On this planet, magicians and arcane scholars are probably the equivalent of engineers and scientists on Earth, and enjoy high honors. And at the same time. There is only one religion in the whole world. This religion has no name. People call it the "church" directly. The church believes in the God of War. This deity has supreme authority. Men, women, and children all over the world believe in the existence of God of War. I am sure that it is the God of War that has protected the entire world, so that I can live in peace today. What is surprising is that the religion in this world has not hindered the development of technology, even the opposite: on the blue star. The church is a loyal defender and promoter of technology. They claim that God has a will, that mortals can use their creativity freely, and encourage mortals to pursue the truths of the world. Most of the cutting-edge technologies in this world are actually propelled by the church to invest in people, and even the strange alien enthusiast of the past, Father Joe. It's also a second-level priest—well, I didn't really see this one before.

The Blue Star has also had a constant battle and fierce "Era of Obscurity", but after one of the forces received the inspiration of God of War, after one day in the world, the planet is now under the leadership of the unified government, leading the Blue Star All human beings are groups called "parliaments." This parliament consists of four parts: civilians running for parliament; representatives of various industries in Konon; industry senior clergy; traditional party rotations. The above four parts have full equal voting rights, and the highest speaker of the parliament is the highest church leader: God of War Pope concurrently. This is a relatively common and relatively stable government structure, and many worlds have similar "theoretical republic" governments. The parliament ’s supreme speaker, which seems to be the most unfair part of the whole process, has the support of the people around the world: because they believe that the pope who talks directly with the God of War will never lie and favor, regardless of any decision The Pope did not deliberately favor members of the church when he made a decision as speaker.

"Yes, the Pope is the only human being who can't lie and be biased," said the middle-aged man who was responsible for explaining the local customs and customs with an awe on his face. If you violate the precepts of the gods, you will be punished on the spot. This is exactly the 'last line of death' to ensure the political stability of Azure Star. "

The other party did not mention whether or not a certain unfortunate pope was hit by thunder in public, but looking at the firm look on everyone's face at the scene, I am afraid that the so-called divine punishment is true. At this moment, Sandora and I couldn't help looking at each other and saw the same thing in each other's eyes:

Is the **** of this world's faith ... the true **** of the astral domain?

"We've been delaying a lot of time here, it should be time for us to take a look at your city, right?" After establishing a preliminary trust with each other, it seems that the other party is not as close to the enemy as it was at first I finally couldn't help but speak. This place is a remote landing site. According to the scan, it is also hundreds of kilometers away from the nearest city. This arrangement is obviously because the authorities hope to temporarily isolate the "alien" in a relatively safe place. Place, there is a buffer time to study the safety of foreign visitors. Sandora and I can understand all these actions, but if the delay is too long, it is still a bit annoying after all-I have already begun to consider that if the other party is too arduous, then she and Sandora will flash out and run away. Change into local clothes and walk around ...

Anyway, the alien landing scene is no longer available, there is no slice research in the second half, and there is no Agent vs. Little Green Man-and Sandora and I are looking forward to buying a bunch of gadgets in the local area and going back Share it with the little girls at home.

"Uh ..." A parliamentary representative opened his mouth a little hesitantly, and just then, two staff members came in and pushed in (they should have been communicating with some higher-level leaders before, reporting in real time On-site progress on our side). The representatives of the parliament nodded with confidence after seeing the two men, "Of course, the follow-up reception activities are ready, now we can start ..."

"Don't host the event," I frowned, "I said, we just came down to think about it. You are so troublesome, be careful, you ca n’t really integrate into the interstellar civilization in the future-the code of exchanges between different civilizations Chapter 1155 is more and more troublesome before both parties fully understand each other's cultural form. Any etiquette and rules not directly related to direct communication can cause major misunderstandings. "

So a bunch of experts and scholars suddenly froze and took out small notebooks to quickly take notes. Uncle Qiao looked up and asked seriously: "Well, what are the five points in front of me? This knowledge is so important to our young civilization. It matters! "


Chapter 1155 of Nima got up, and became tall, beautiful, and tidy, which apparently entered the urban area. A highly developed (by Earthman standard) magical civilization. However, it may be because there are too many strange and strange worlds I have seen. The unique buildings and urban style here do not make me feel novel. The biggest feature of this city is that most of the buildings Both are close to cylindrical—the indigenous residents of the Blue Star seem to be quite fond of the “circle” and its associated geometry. Their single-person aircraft is a disc, the big spaceship is an ellipsoid, and the building is a cylinder or a hemisphere. This is a The planet is full of smooth parabola, and the symmetrical structure of the building is arranged in a circle. There are no street lights on both sides of urban arterial roads that seem a bit wide compared to the earth. In fact, no public lighting-like equipment can be seen everywhere. I don't know how they solve the problem of urban night lighting. It's also unbelievable that this city is obviously quite large, but we didn't see too many pedestrians along the way, and the streets were very deserted-I can't help but think that maybe the authorities have evacuated all the people.

Thinking of this, I looked up at the sky: a large piece of the roof of this oval suspension car was transparent.

Clear and cloudless dome. You can see the grayish-white shadows almost covering the entire sky. The shadows are so large that they cannot be counted, and some of them are moving fast. That's chapter 1155 on the track. A lot of people! "Sandora suddenly whispered pointing out the window, interrupting my imagination, and then I noticed that after a period of unusually deserted streets, we finally encountered the bustling side of the city-bustling Too much!

Crowds of ordinary citizens gathered on wide streets and roadside squares. Everyone was wearing weird clothes and holding a huge and eye-catching sign in my hand. I tossed for a long time before opening the window of the suspended car, and suddenly a wave of sound almost fainted me. The sound of anti-profit sky outside was almost stormy same. There are many high platforms on the side of the road-maybe temporary. Most of them stand on one or a group of seemingly motivated characters. On the nearest high platform there is a man wearing a magician robe. The old man with white hair, this old magician who is more than Gandalf, waving his staff in high hands, wrapped in lightning and shouting, "In the name of magic! Aliens exist!"

Then the following group of mages who seemed to run out of Dalaran shouted, "Citizens have the right to know the truth! Communication with aliens must be all open!"

On the opposite side of the table stood a group of young wizards with limited points. They also attracted the attention of the people with arcane lightning. They held strange weird little green man models in their hands, one more than one voice. Big: "Communication with aliens must be careful! And it is a matter for all humanity! We call for this process to be made public!"

The following citizens have even more diverse slogans:

"Should report to the God of War immediately! We now need God's instructions to act!"

"This is the test that God has given us to verify whether human civilization can step out of the cradle planet! We must solve everything independently to satisfy God!"

"I was kidnapped by aliens ten years ago and gathered a lot of people with the same destiny around me! We have not paid much attention to it for many years, and now we ask for a way to experience it in public and welcome more people with the same fate Fellows join the team, and our contact information is ... "

"Astrological psychic organizations are calling for this! All people with special abilities who can directly communicate with aliens by radio waves should unite, and we should become a key bridge for communication with aliens-believe us, we understand Their language !!! @ # ¥% …………% # ¥ @ #% # ¥% …… ¥! "

I hurried to Master Qiao: "The feeling just now is what alien language you studied?"

Mr. Qiao's face turned red: "I actively promoted my research, and it looks like a folk version finally ..."

I have no words to look at the sky, this strange old man is really harmful ...

The outside scene really made me feel uneasy. A slot stuck in my throat could not go up or down. You said that if you saw such a civic rally in an American science fiction blockbuster, it might not be much, but now there is a man wearing a mage robe outside. Grandpa Gandalf shouted, "Aliens exist". I was deeply aware of the strong trend of mystery and technology finally becoming unified, and inevitably remembered the shadow city gangs riding heavy The Blood Elf Speed ​​Party on Motor Street Drag Racing, as well as the Tauren Machine Gunners and the Undercity Death Metal Rock Band ...

When I think of Shadow City, I finally can't help but cover my head: what kind of world did I tm create ...

Father Joe and the God of War priest named "Thunder" apologized to me and Sandora awkwardly. They felt that it was a shame for the aliens to see such a morbid behavior of the blue star people. Already ordered to evacuate the people here, but Sandora and I immediately expressed their inattention and understanding of the matter-in fact this is normal in many cases, no need to make a fuss, neither Sandora nor me There will be any dissatisfaction.

And after hearing my explanation, Mr. Joe fell into deep thought: "It seems that the place called Hollywood does often contact aliens, but they have contacted so many times, and now they still put the president Tucked in an air-raid shelter? "

Me: "Hehe ... hehehe ..."

Just then ~ www.readwn.com ~ Our levitating car went around a street corner, and a large, quiet open space suddenly appeared in front of it.

Although it is less than tens of meters away from the scene of civic gatherings and lively like fighting, there is no one here who dares to make a loud noise. The whole area is shrouded in a peaceful atmosphere, even as if the sound It was filtered, leaving only the standard ambient sound of forty centimeters—the two regions are so different from each other, as if an invisible wall blocked them.

Because there is a statue in the middle of this clearing, for the locals, it is a sacred statue that would rather die than offend: their supreme statue of war is standing here.

I looked out of the window and stared at the ten-meter-high, life-like stone statue. After thinking about it for a long time, there was only one sentence that could describe the excitement in my heart at the moment:

Your uncle's 123!

(Sure enough, many people guessed it ... whenever you talk about the God of War, who you think of.) Welcome to your support is my biggest motivation.



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