Xiling Empire

Chapter 1150: So what happened is no surprise to me at 1

(I ask for a ticket at the end of the month! Now I am a man who will not forget to ask for a monthly ticket!)

In general, the kingdom of God is supreme, and the classic idol worship method is pursued. The most important building in the city must be the temple, and the most important decoration must be the idol. It can even be said that the idol has far exceeded the function of the city decoration. , And rose to the point of the spiritual backbone of the people. Just in this city, the statue of God of War is located in the most prosperous area, and we just met.

It is a rock colossus standing at the intersection of three city avenues. It is nearly ten meters high and lifelike. The entire sculpture is obviously blessed by some sacred ritual. It is just a stone, but it is filled with a layer of pale gold. The holy light of this layer spreads evenly and softly throughout the small square, so that it is filled with a peaceful atmosphere, and the hustle and bustle of people's gatherings just a few dozen meters away is also sacred here. The quiet force field is perfectly isolated. The sculpture is located on a hexagonal base, and the image represented is a powerful armed soldier. This young and energetic warrior is wearing a strong and heavy armor. The armor is carved with a mysterious and elegant pattern. With a long cloak, the cloak flew open, showing the lightness of the stone carving material, which is difficult to express. This sculpture even the fold lines on the cloak are clear and detailed. It can be seen that the artisans who carved this artwork It is time to work with all piety and devotion. The warrior of the sculpture clings to a large shield on his left hand, blocking his side. Holding a giant sword decorated with gorgeous wings in his right hand, he is struggling to chop forward, and the entire body of the sculpture has shown a slight forward leaning posture-this artwork shows a fighting Image of the warrior.

After moving the line of sight and finally focusing on the sculpture's face, what I saw was a handsome face with the perfect edges and corners of a beautiful Greek man. Well, handsome is a bit terrible. And in order to show the bravery of the soldiers, the sculptor also deliberately showed a faint anger and infinite bravery in the face of the enemy, which basically brought the residual value of this face to home. I can say with confidence that I can use this face to shine in public. You can hook up a little girl who strengthens the company, rather than have to do something with the master of this face ...

I'm quite familiar with this face, but the second version I see most often is neither brave and mighty, nor the thin anger of the moment. On the contrary, the owner of this face only needs to keep his eyes open. At that time, I squatted at the gate or lay on the window sill 10% of the day, and showed a simple and clean smile in the sunshine outside, and greeted the big girl and daughter-in-law who passed by like the second goods ... One hundred or twenty percent of the time is busy eating, and he has no time to care.

of course. When eating, he was still the same as the second-goods. He was the only adult in the family other than shallow. He could hide his face and grab the puddings with the little girls.

I kept my body out of the car window for several minutes, so I was stunned looking at the carved cowhide God of War sculpture on the square, and repeated it in my mouth again: your uncle's 123 ...

I tm actually reached the guy's site. So what did I do with Sandora and the chicken jump at home?

"Uh ... this is really ... but it's a script that happened only once with A Jun." Sandora also saw the outside, and after flanking with me for a while, scratched her hair and showed a little A distressed smile, to be honest with her, I was kind of concerned-why is it a script that only happens with me? Do I bring a cheating halo and the effect is +10 per level?

"Come on, let's hope to go home," I shrugged. I am going to start the spiritual connection and report this good news with Lin Xue. However, as soon as I entered the spiritual connection, I found that there was no connection-it was not completely unreachable, and Lin Xue's response could be sensed, but the information could not be passed at all. It suddenly occurred to me at this time that Lin Xue seemed to have said that he was going to lie in the "coffin" of Tavel and use the old antenna of that year to locate the Fifth Fleet. Now they may have started debugging the equipment.

That old antenna needs to be matched when the system is started, to the core of the system (that is, Lin Xue), and to the target being irradiated (that is, Fifth Fleet). During this period, the signal intensity will fluctuate greatly, and Lin Xue himself will also I can't tell the spirit, probably because of this, the communication between her and me was temporarily interrupted. I glanced at Sandora and shrugged to explain the situation. In fact, there is an alternative now: maybe he and Xiaoxue can also connect directly. After all, the girl inherited a half-fairy cell from her mother, but just now I suddenly came up with another idea, this novel idea. It was so irritating, so I immediately decided to report to the house without mental connection for the time being.

"Excuse me, can your temple be visited now?"

I turned to the front seat and asked, sitting in front was the Lord God of War priest Lei who temporarily counted half of our guides. I guess he is probably the largest official in the church except the Pope in this city-the most unlucky is also a Second hand.

"Ajun? What do you want?" Sandora glanced at me unclearly, and she probably had a hard time guessing what I planned. To be a spirit apostle, of course, only simple and efficient things are good-how does Her Majesty understand what is bad taste?

"I'll try what the so-called God Line is," I smiled at Sandora frowning. "Isn't there a temple of 123 here? Let's use the one that can directly talk to 123. No, definitely. Quite fun."

Sandola blinked her big blue eyes and fixedly looked at me for a few seconds, saying indifferently, "Well, listen to you, just take it as an experiment."

I mentioned before that I wanted to see the temple of the God of War, but at the time, "Ray" told us that the recent temple was holding a ceremony so it could not be opened for the time being, whether it was true or false-because at that time they seemed to be watching the "alien "Intent to come to Azure Star. Maybe there is still a little bit of fear of alien visitors, or maybe they are really praying to the **** of war in order to get instructions from the gods on the "foreign guest" incident-but now I think about how this ceremony should be completed. Sure enough, this time the other party didn't do more evasion, and I don't know how he contacted the temple. Anyway, "Thunder" covered his ears and seemed to confirm something with someone, and then turned his head and said to me: "Exactly. Temple prayer The event is over. I'm sorry for the delay. We will go to the temple now. "

The levitated car rises to a higher altitude-which is equivalent to entering the fast lane-and then accelerates directly to the fastest speed, rushing straight towards the center of the city. Looking down at this height, I saw several city avenues extending straight ahead, and finally converging around a tall and magnificent building. There should be the Temple of War.

This feeling is very delicate ... It is actually 123, the temple of the daddy, which is more subtle than seeing the temple of Ding Dang, because at least I have seen Ding Dang handling business affairs, and 123 ... the most diligent time is every six months Looking at a report, I really can't imagine how he got such a firm group of believers in this world.

The suspended vehicle stopped shortly in front of the magnificent building in the center of the city. This is a gothic cathedral distinct from the surrounding buildings. Apparently Ilson ordered his followers to build the building according to his own preferences. This is also the characteristic of most of the temples in the multiverse-no matter what the architectural style of the local world is, the temples will be built according to the astral style or the personal style of the gods under the guidance of "Shen Qi". Corresponds to every world ruled by the gods. The temples are almost the same. This also leads to the fact that in the world managed by the Star Protoss, the temples can often stand out from the crowd of chickens-a Gothic cathedral suddenly emerges from a circle of cylindrical alien houses, and it must inevitably stand up, and The crane is very large in front of our eyes.

For a group of steadfast believers, it is not too much labor to build a unique house for the gods. For the gods themselves, it is a very efficient and wise solution to build the temple into a specific specification and it is more convenient to generate the magic nodes everywhere.

At the gate of the temple, we once again saw the cowhide statue of 123. This time it is not a fighting posture, but a post-war warrior image with a sword staring into the distance. Sandora and I watched at the door for half a minute, and finally couldn't bear the torment of conscience and closed their eyes-we can't stand it anymore ...

Under the guidance of Father Lei and Father Qiao (saying that each time these two names are mentioned, how do I feel that this is a story that happened in the third ring of K city?), Sandora and I stepped into The cathedral also temporarily blocked the "guards" behind who thought they were well hidden: behind us, of course, were the "staff" of the Blue Star authorities. They all followed, and it was really hard. of.

As with most religious assembly halls, after entering the gate of the Temple of War, there are first and foremost a set of reliefs symbolizing the performance of the gods. Some temples will be a set of totem poles, and Dingdang's temple will usually have flower and rattan walls on both sides. Whatever it is, the first thing to enter the gate to greet you is something similar, and then straight forward is the hall where the believers meet, a wide rectangular space. The usual ceremonies are held here, and the main hall is also the place for daily sermons and certain religious witnesses. There is no obstruction between the hall and the gate of the temple. There is a strict requirement here. Except for the only gate, nothing is allowed to block the idols and children outside the temple. Among the people, it is necessary to push the door to the main hall. This symbolic significance is estimated by everyone to see it.

The main hall of the Temple of War is different from ordinary churches. There are no rows of benches here. There are only simple cushions arranged neatly on the ground. Therefore, the hall looks extra spacious and gorgeous stained glass is lined on both sides of the main hall. The golden light spilled through the stained glass into the hall, creating a sense of sacredness and warmth for no reason. At the end of the main hall is a sermon-like thing. There is also a statue of God of War behind the sermon. Well, it still looks ashamed. Believers always like to make the image of their gods everywhere, because it really can give them great power-whether psychological or physical-but the more I look at the 123 statue The harder it is to witness, this delicate psychological deficit is difficult for outsiders to understand: there is a second good beside you that has nothing except meals. In another world, it is portrayed as powerful as the savior. As an insider who knows this second cargo well, this seems to be the rhythm of six pack abs ...

"This is where we pray to God of War and receive blessings, and this is our great God of War," Ray spread his hands with a pious expression and pointed us at the statue of War behind the preacher. "His power was in the obscurity period. Saved humanity from all over the world. I do n’t know if it ’s on a different planet. Do you have a similar belief ... Oh, this may be a sensitive topic, but please forgive a believer ’s strong thirst for knowledge in this regard. ”

I'm coming. Sure enough, Father Lei finally couldn't hold back his sense of historical mission as a missionary, and was ready to open up his religious market among aliens-but how should I answer this **** question now?

"Um ... about gods. We do know this concept in our world, and like you, we take gods as a matter of course, and our understanding of gods is much deeper than you, um, It ’s much deeper. It ’s just that our attitude towards gods is not belief ... ”

It's the attitude of raising (ding dong) and stocking (striped fivesome)-I didn't dare to say the second half of the sentence, because I was afraid that the old man couldn't breathe out on the spot and really went to Ilson.

At this moment, Yu Guang in the corner of my eye suddenly saw a person coming out of the side door beside the preaching platform, which was a long white dress. The girl with long blonde hair and a golden crown on her head went to the preaching table without anyone and began to wipe the ritual offerings on it.

Ignore the stranger in front of me completely.

"Uh ... this is it?" I asked curiously at the girl, taking the opportunity to shift the subject.

"She is the servant of God of War. She is responsible for taking care of the spiritual image of God of War in this world-that is, this church," Ray said with a loving smile on her face. "In the church, she is also called the Virgin. As a **** For those who talk directly, the work of the Virgin is sacred and strict. When acting as a sage, she is not allowed to talk directly with mortals, but only with high-level priests and the gods themselves, so she is not To tell you ... "

Mr. Lei had just said halfway, there was a melodious bell from the church suddenly, and then the elegant blonde lady looked up at us and said clearly, "Oh, grandpa, bring the guests here Are you there? Oh, my name is Eva ... "

Mr. Lei shrugged: "The maiden gets off work at 5:30 every afternoon, as God of War stipulates."


Actually I'm not surprised at all, you know what?

And Father Lei is certainly not even surprised: he has worked for such a **** of war for most of his life.

I and Sandora kept a calm smile and looked up at the statue of God of War on the preaching stage, which was equal to the time for Master Lei to explain things, so the self-proclaimed Eva's "God of War" was pulled aside Murmured. At this time I also noticed that the girl had a temperamental temperament, even if she suddenly spoke, it did not destroy the feeling-I was curious how she was still under the influence of Ilson ’s unspectacular gas field every day. This elegant.

Anyway ~ www.readwn.com ~ she really deserves the name of the word "Virgin".

"So it is," Eva came over with a smile after a while, "Friends from a different world, welcome to God's meeting room, I'm glad you came with peace. So what am I Can I help you? "

Lei said beside her: "Actually, Eva is my granddaughter. She grew up in the church area from a young age and knows the God of War very well. If you are interested in this church and ceremonies, she can answer most of them. problem."

I nodded and pointed at the statue of 123 and said, "Now, I want to ask, what should we do if we want to talk to your gods?"

Lei and Eva apparently never thought of the voice messages of chapters 1156 and 1156 of the "Gods from Outside". "

Eva turned her head and showed us a simple smile: "Sorry, God of War is off work." Welcome to your support is my biggest motivation.


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