Xiling Empire

Chapter 1197: The Change of Celestial City

---------------------- Xiao Xue, who is with her now, is not a real existence, and her current status should be just a combination of information— -Self-consistent, complete, and accurate representation of various types of information are combined according to certain rules to form a phantom such as "Xiao Xue" that looks the same as the entity, but she still does not exist in this time and space, forming her All the information needed does not belong to the phantom herself, but the material she "borrowed" from the current space-time, which is equivalent to borrowing to buy a car, but when the repayment period comes, everything must be repaid, and for the phantom around her Xiaoxue, the repayment period is the moment when the great cataclysm in the sky occurs. The essence of the repayment is that her phantom is re-divided into the information elements that were originally "borrowed".

But the disintegration of the phantom body still left something, which was her own information before the disassembly, that is, her entire memory. These memories are not borrowed, but the wealth that really belongs to this phantom body-even to say, is the only thing that Xiao Xue really has in this time and space.

When the Nether Cataclysm occurs, all the memories and personality carried by the phantom will not disappear, but will advance with the time axis and gradually merge with her body, which seems to be based on two bear children (Xiao Xue and Xiao (Shallow) calculations, this merger will be accompanied by Xiao Xue's entire childhood, and completed completely when she was seventeen. By then, the seventeen-year-old Xiaoxue will become an ultimate, true, upright, super bear child, and she will have a unique memory: inverted memory. And the specific moment of this part of memory formation is the moment when she projected her phantom.

However, this is just a guess from the bear child. What will happen at the time? Even Xiao Xue and Xiao Qian who did not plan to do this do not know. Xiao Xue uses a famous saying to make a footnote to his plan: theoretically such.

"I said, the two of you are really brave enough." After pushing these things that could not be smoothed into my head, and back and forth several times, I still couldn't help but poke on Xiao Xue's head, "Do something to yourself on the timeline. You are not afraid to ruin yourself? And if these abnormal memories start to appear at the age of three, will there be any problems? A three-year-old child may not be able to bear the psychological quality ... ... "

Xiaoxue cast a grimace over his eyes with resentment: "At the age of four, I heard Sister Lirina tell the story of Little Red Riding Hood and more than forty flower thieves. Which one do you think has a greater impact on Sanguan?"

When I turned around, I saw that Li Lina was crumbling out of the chair, watching as I planned to slip away. Immediately grabbed the girl's back collar to mention midair. Dangling desperately: "What's wrong with a one- or four-year-old girl! You can tell her that Liu Guan, Zhang Taoyuan, Sanjie Yibao Tang Monk can go to the Vatican to learn the Bible!"

"Boss ... Boss hurry up ..." Lilina was spinning like a drum washing machine in midair, her voice couldn't catch up, "Broken ... Broken ... wow! Clothes are broken!"

Then I heard a stab, and Lina fell out of her clothes almost smooth. With an exclamation of "I can't marry", the archbishop of false loli turned into a green light into the room. I Looking straight at the half of the clothes in his hand, the heart said how this unfolding method-could Ya Shen's official robe be torn because of the weight of more than thirty pounds? !!

The way the girl ran away was getting smarter! In the next step, she estimates that she can do it naked!

Xiao Xue turned a blind eye to everything that happened, and then followed what I said just now: "The story of Liu Guan, Zhang Taoyuan, Sanjie Yibao Tang Monk, went to the Vatican to learn from the blessings. She said that Tang Monk also had a mount called Chitu I took it from Lu Bu while passing the Huoluo Pass ... "

I: "..." According to her understanding of shallowness, she did not say that it was snatched from Emperor Sui Yang, which has shown that her history has improved ... Xiao Xue, the child, is going to be more magnificent in childhood?

"Anyway, knowing that you can make a smooth return after the Void Catastrophe, I feel more at ease." I rubbed Xiaoxue's hair. I am very pleased to say that although I can't understand many details, I am very happy to know this premise. Xiao Xue looked at it with a smirk: "Dad, wouldn't you see the phantom in front of me and my body as two people?"

I was stunned and suddenly noticed that I might have thought involuntarily.

"Before the information returns completely, there will be a split illusion. After all, after this phantom state dissipates. Until my body is seventeen years old, this period is a blank period, but in the end the phantom It ’s the ontology, the unified personality. In the end, there is a unified memory. The only difference is probably the sequence of the memory ... Well, Dad is really a man who thinks wildly. "

I found that when I talked to Xiaoxue, the most common situation was speechlessness: this girl not only jumped out of her thinking, but also knew her dad so well that I even felt that she knew herself better than myself, so now I didn't bother to talk to her, just lay down on the grass and watch the stars with my girlfriend.

How long haven't you experienced this moment of watching the stars in the courtyard on a quiet night?

"Yes, Dad, when you were a kid, you stayed at home occasionally, and you liked to show me the stars like this. You told me about driving around with these spaceships and telling me that these stars are basically Stars, and then we started to guess which star has a planet around it, and which star has actually died ... "

"Oh, what then?"

"Then you took me to the spacecraft and flew over to see who was right. You often lied about it. Later I learned that all the celestial bodies in the shadow space are artificial and can run around. I haven't Guessed! "

Me: "..." How could my future life be so high? !!

At noon the next day, the Merovas were seduced ... Well, the trapping operation was officially launched. The research center repaired the cube dorm bay, and in order to ensure that the trans-empty signal it sent could be received by the Merovas. Those scientists also equipped it with a more powerful amplification module-of course, the high power is strictly restricted to prevent the enemy from being alert. This dorm was placed in the colonial giant ship that it transported from the beginning, and sailed to the empty "white zone" outside the empire's distant territory. Together with the colony giant ship, there were several old fleets of the fifth fleet. Frigate.

Everything was simulated to the most realistic degree, and Cocokina even restored two giant hollows on the front of the colonial giant ship: the two giant hollows that penetrated the entire outer protective layer were escaped by the Merlot when they escaped the shelter. Coca-Kina recovered them when the Warwah's main gun penetrated. In order to make the illusion that the colonial giant ship and its **** ship have been fleeing here since the separation of the large troops, in the eyes of the Merovas, the empire or any third party that may cause their vigilance to appear All traces of it were erased.

These ships, disguised as lost troops, are likely to be gone, at least for the escorts, according to the information they had before. The Mellows are indeed the old empires. The tactics of fast and accurate and fierce wave play are exerted to the fullest. They found that this fleet as a bait should learn the lesson of letting the other party escape last time, directly destroy all escorts with heavy artillery, and then start to storm the colonial giant ship. Stop the latter from jumping, so Coco Keina is ready to abandon these ships, and he did not leave people on the ships-they are driven by temporarily installed automatic systems, anyway, we do not need them to fight, simple The autonomous driving function should be sufficient.

And set off with this enemy fleet. It was the most elite space assault force led by the sisters of Asida Asidora. This little unit was hiding in the colonial giant ship and staying with the cubic dorm bay. The Mellows absolutely Unexpectedly, it looks shabby, and the rushing colonial giant ship will hide a group of the most defenseless predators in the world. Asida and Asidola's mission is simple, before the Merova base camps detect their presence. "Flick" the entire enemy fleet into the empire. This is an impossible task for ordinary space raiders, because such a high-speed and large-scale space switching requires the operator extremely much, and the void environment will have a huge interference on this operation, only Asi Space twins like Sister Da dare to accept such a task. In fact, the operation of "dumping" the Merawa fleet will be completed by the poor sisters. As for the other space raiders who accompanied the sisters, they basically only undertake the work of enhancing hiding and guarding.

We don't know when the Merawas will be able to hook, or even if they will. In fact, this trapping plan is all based on the "inference is established". Although there is actual evidence that the Mellowans did not nest in a place that could not be hit by eight poles, there is no direct evidence that they really It's in the empty space outside the distant land. In Sandorah's words, our plan is to fish with luck. You do n’t know if it ’s the fish or Isana who will bite the hook at that time, but it does n’t cost much anyway. The ships of the Fifth Fleet are basically scrapped, and the pair of Asida and Asidola Lily ... I won't say anything. Except when the two of them are performing tasks, they are a pair of mascots. The existence value in Shadow City is not as good as the city management team. Instead of watching the poor poor sisters spend their days in themselves It ’s better to cook for a few meters in the small shop. It ’s better to give them something to do. At least, they can eat a few meals, or they snore are all preservatives.

And I still remember the promise to a little puppet the night before, and I want to take her out to play today, the destination is Celestial City, so when the sisters of Asida set off and finished the work at hand, I went to a family Zi, led a group of happy bear children into this new world mounted in the shadow space.

Of course, when it comes to playing, probably only a group of happy little guys at home will play it down (maybe plus the lack of heart and lungs?) I am now infected with work syndrome As long as there is anything related to work within two hundred meters, I can't help but calm down. I thought about it. There seems to be no place in the entire heavenly city to be careful: that place is now busy with reconstruction!

Our teleportation point is set on the wall of the angel. This is the most magnificent building in the entire heavenly city, and it is also the building with the fastest restoration progress. In fact, the restoration work here has basically been completed, except for some key equipment that is still being adjusted. The Wall of Angels has completely restored its former busy scene. Immediately after coming out of the portal, Cindia ran a large circle along the immensely wide high wall for the first time, and then cheered and rushed forward: "Uncle, uncle! You also built this kind of temple floating in the sky what?"

I thought about it and thought that this child must have thought of his own home: the heavenly city is indeed a little like the world of the gods, especially more than 90% of the buildings here are shaped like temples or have a bit of mysticism, and the whole The building complex floats in the clouds again. This scene is very close to the glorious temple.

"Why did she follow me, too?" The puppet stopped riding on the shoulders this time, but on my neck like a horse, completely occupying all the commanding heights. She whispered while shaking her body slightly. "She's not a child of ..."

I turned my shoulders: "A lot of people are busy."

The little puppet kicked me hard: "Isn't it lively enough every day? The fool with a grass on his head snatched my snack again at noon! Don't worry about it!"

After "green idiot", "pretend idiot", "god idiot". Lilina finally got a new title in this little doll's mouth: a stupid with a grass on his head. The latter followed. When I heard such a puppet, I immediately proudly straightened the funny tender grass on my head: "You're envious! Do you want to grow this feature yet! Have you ever seen photosynthetic dull hair, Have you seen it ?! "

My sister couldn't help but slap her on Lina's head, and patted the grass down: "Okay, it's not a long face thing. This is the first time you've grown something weird and weird. Long jasmine ... "

Li Lina glanced at me grievously: "Don't you still drink tea?"

I felt that the topic became more and more dangerous as I talked about it, so I quickly stopped.

I looked around and saw a few white figures in the distance coming quickly. It was Aurelia and others who felt we came into the space and greeted them. They didn't notify her when they came and wanted to surprise her. And further afield, I saw a lot of things I hadn't seen when I came here last time.

Element suspensions and golem soldiers who are on duty are already appearing on the suspended platforms and air corridors suspended in the clouds, and the giant Goanda Colossus is patrolling along the wide sky avenue. A translucent, lilac magical creature that resembles a long-tailed bird in the clouds, probably a unit like a guard. At the various nodes of the Angel Wall, the standing soldiers are the new mysterious side apostles of the spirit-I can't tell whether it is a magic vanguard or an arcane law enforcement officer. The two units are not different from my point of view. They haven't remembered their uniforms yet.

Compared to the last time I left, this place has been a lot angry.

"His Majesty the Emperor!" Aurelia's voice evoked herself from her gaze. I turned my head and saw Odysseus and a few senior officers behind her, who looked like they were visiting the Celestial City before.

Of course, Aurelia and others were pleasantly surprised by our sudden visit, but before she said anything, Cindia suddenly popped out: "Wow. Are you an uncle's relative? Why are you faceless?"

...... This child still remembers the appearance of my void form. She now sees the faceless people as my relatives. Say this guy should be pure trouble! According to God the Father, Cindia ’s mind is actually more than that of adults, so she is definitely making trouble now!

Aurelia was stunned by the little girl who jumped out in front of her, and the haze on her body became brighter and brighter. I immediately took Cindia's head and introduced her: "Xingchen's Daughter ... eh, the child of the Father and God ’s family, come and stay with us for two days. "

"Her Royal Highness the Princess of God?" Aurelia had never seen Cindia before, and said something unexpectedly, but otherwise she was not too surprised. It is estimated that she had met the high-level Protoss in the old empire. There is no shortage. At present, this one is at least a little special. For the Apostles of the Spirit, things that do not involve the specific interests of the Empire need not be too concerned.

"Uncle, shall I go there, okay?" Cindia rolled her eyes and found that she was interested in all directions. She immediately pointed at a distant tower that exudes a soft glow, around her neck. The little puppet immediately followed and echoed: "That's it! Things I haven't seen before, they weren't there when we came last time!"

"Today I brought the children over to play." I said to Aurelia with a smile, and the latter nodded, waved and let the accompanying officers leave, and fluttered open wings to me: "Then I come Be a guide. There is a new energy node over there. The nearby buildings have begun to operate, and the demand for energy has returned to normal levels. Now we are rebuilding the old multiplied energy supply network. "

"It looks like your project is progressing very fast." I looked around and felt that every place was very fresh. There were a lot of things I had never seen before: buildings and soldiers. It is said that the city of heaven was almost renovated in seven days. The speed is building. Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, I guess that if Aurelia did not lead the way, she should have lost her way within two hundred meters from the portal.

"Not enough ~ www.readwn.com ~ The reconstruction of the infrastructure is going smoothly, but large facilities, such as the Star Pond, will take time to fully start. Now we have only operating factories that manufacture various space vehicles and large weapons. Less than three-thirds ... "

"Don't say these things !!!" Aurelia was interrupted by an impatient puppet as soon as she said half of her words, "Don't you say you want to rest today?"

I put my hand on my head to block the little fist that fell like a raindrop, and gave Aurelia a helpless smile: "Forget it, you can write it in the report after you go back."

"Acridine!" Little Bubble followed us in a confused way, and then suddenly made a cry of unknown meaning, and then pulled out something that made Aurelia stiff:

A rope.

"Kite!" Little bubble happily uttered a clear vocabulary, and I patted my head: this little guy finally reacted!

(Well, the Departed Garden Forum is soliciting empire fans. Although I don't know when the forum will return to normal ... but in order to prevent me from forgetting it, let me say in advance ...) ______________________

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