Xiling Empire

Chapter 1198: New home of the half dragon

"Kite acridine! Kite acridine !!!" Little Bubble held a rope and began to chase Aurelia in a happily circle. A luminous body and a luminous controller ran around the crowd at a speed of more than ten revolutions per minute. Shallowly pinched my arm: "Ajun, Ajun! Little Bubble has learned to speak new words! Let's celebrate?"

Xiaobao's language expression has always been a big problem. At the same time, she has lost her talent for normal speaking and language learning while gaining an unprecedented ability to "incubate and promote". So far this little girl is still using her own little bubble to talk to People communicate, and no one in the school dares to let her recite the text except the teacher who has water in her head-so every new word this child learns will make us happy for half a day and celebrate half a day like the festival. But this time I thought about it, faintly remembering that Xiao Bubble seemed to have learned to say "kite" before, but she only knew one kite, that is Alleria, so I never had the chance to say ...

I think that in addition to Li Lina, I need to add a little bubble in the family.

"Her Majesty! Please do something!" I was still wandering around, and Aurelia finally couldn't bear it and started asking for help. She flew as fast as she could, and the latter occasionally Suddenly appeared in front of Aurelia with her own special ability, and scared the poor kite angel, and Rao Yi's calmness couldn't stand it at this time.

I snorted for a while and waited for a while. When the little bubble finally passed by, the eye quickly grabbed the little girl's collar, and the little bubble "wheeze" suddenly, was caught dancing in the air. She looked around in confusion, then turned to show me a signature smirk, handed the rope in one hand, and frightened Aurelia, not far away: "Dad! Kite! Kite!"

"Your Majesty, please think twice!" Aurelia fell from the air in an instant, and the huge wings suddenly clawed herself into a mule, only her head was exposed. "It's been months since my subordinates did kite!"

I grabbed the little bubble's collar and put the **** the ground, shoved her a crystal ball, and pointed at Aurelia: "Sister Aurelia, she's not a kite."

Little Bubble held the crystal ball and licked it, and found that it was inedible, then nodded, seemingly regretful, and put away the rope in his hands with regret. I looked around and felt particularly Coke: a serious and serious character like Aurelia, but was chased up and down by a bear child. It always looks fun at all times. To be honest, I felt a little sorry, Aurelia: The first person who tied the rope to her came by herself. At that time, she was still a miss angel who couldn't even speak. She couldn't pull her back with a rope. It took only a few months for this blink of an eye to pass, and Kite Angel became his own Deputy Lieutenant. As an engineer and a street director, he is active and presides over the reconstruction of the entire world. This development was unexpected.

We led a group of elated little guys to wander around the mysterious building complex of the Celestial City. The joy of the little ones is no less than when they first went to the **** world. Qian Qian and Miss Lin are being supervised strictly. I have to prevent her from habitually writing about this trip at any time. Every time Li Lina goes to a new place, she will start trying to flicker small lights to look at those that look suspicious The small pipes and windows, the small lamps have been pitted more than once by the bad archbishop in a similar way, how can you be fooled once? So every time she was fooled twice by Liliana ...

Then we have to save the little puppet stuck in a horned owl, and keep going again and again-this puppet girl's intelligence is getting more and more worrying recently, which may be related to her wearing clothes to stretch out her hands and open mouth Life without mind is related to life. Sooner or later, one day she will have to be fooled by Liliana to death. Hang yourself to Taobao to sell ...

Alas, I found out that this is the way to make money. Anyway, she can take a taxi back after selling herself as a doll ...

I was particularly touched by this idea that popped up suddenly. The doll looked up at me for a long time and muttered, "I always think you are thinking about rude things again."

I smirked and turned my attention. Now we are on a suspension that seems to have special functions. The suspension is generally octagonal, but the edges are not neat. Many uneven crystal clusters pierce from the edge of the suspension. The angels who landed on this suspended platform must have good psychological qualities. The material of the suspension is the same as other mysterious side buildings. It is a special material between white crystal and metal. It exudes extremely dim light, and the radius of the suspension is about 100 meters. It can be considered very wide, and nearly two-thirds of its area is occupied by a surging "pool". This "pool" is a perfectly round facility located in the center of the suspension platform. It protrudes less than one meter from the ground. The edges are decorated with golden magic patterns and complex obscure magic characters. It looks like a huge pool, but its The water inside is not water, but large erratic clouds. These clouds should be a condensed state of energy. When they are enriched, they will have a texture like a liquid, but at the same time they will retain the gas. Light, flowing slowly in the "pool". The center of the cloud is clearly bulging upward, rolling continuously, emitting a deep booming sound, like a real fountain-if it is not composed of gas and light.

We have seen several facilities that look mysterious and beautiful like this. Every time I see a new one, I have to ask Aurelia. Compared with the technology side, the biggest feature is the mysterious facilities. The degree of modularity on the exterior is low. Their modularity is reflected in the internal magic lines and energy arrays. In the exterior style, the facilities on the mysterious side are extremely free and elegant, and those that rely on tough lines and unit repeats to generate poles. The grand and magnificent technology-side buildings have different aesthetics-of course, what I am most curious about is what this pool does, because the Spirit Apostle in my impression does not seem to be the kind who would put a fountain in front of his house. There is no need to use the creatures for good-looking creatures, and even if they want to make some special art, they will only choose two things: the emblem of the emperor and their own picture of the emperor.

"What's this for?" I lay on the edge of the pool, watching the rolling light and mist inside, and followed by the little **** both sides, and the adults next to them held the bears' bodies to prevent them from falling. But Aurelia had just wanted to answer, and I suddenly heard a click from my chest, followed by a squeak of screams, if any.

"Now, Ding-Dong has fallen in," I watched the rolling clouds in the pool expressionlessly, and waited for a moment, "and it hasn't floated up yet."

"Captain!" Ilson was frightened, and a net bag for catching birds came out of the space immediately. Fishing around in the pond, "Captain you hold on! I'll fish you up!"

When Monina saw the appearance of Ilson's goods, she was furious, and flew up to take him out of the net with him for more than two meters: "You have a brain, can't you! Your net pocket is too big?" Then, the captain will leak out of it-Captain, hold on! I will fish you up! "

Talking about it, Monina pulled out a small mesh bag for catching dragonflies and poked in the mysterious pool with unknown function. I looked aside, stunned, and said that based on the performance of this group of living treasures, there is no need to worry about Dingdang's safety ...

"Um, this is the fountain of Aoneng," Aurelia whispered for two seconds after seeing this messy behavior pattern of our family before whispering, "The light and fog inside are ordinary creatures. It will be overloaded to death's energy as soon as it is touched, but it should be harmless to Ding Dong. At best, it is dizziness and bloating. "

"What's it for?" I feel that if this "fountain" is placed in Shadow City, it should be good, grab the bunch of sales, let alone tie it into a mule and hang it down to dip the pig cage. In the long run, it must have a significant effect and die. Can't, "Oh, I know what's going on ... That's how the guards came here?"

In front of everyone, a violent cloud suddenly rolled up in the "Aoneng Spring", just like boiling water boiling away, and a deep whistling sound continued in the spring water condensed by the light and fog. As if there was a turbulent storm inside. Soon, the cloud began to condense. The entity gradually appeared, and the energy spark inside it became brighter. This process lasted for about ten seconds. In the end, a height of four or five meters, roughly the shape of a human, but was completely composed of an amorphous blue and white light. The cloud giant appears before us. This elemental creature looked around, and a dazzling group of red lightnings jumped in the chest. As the lightning gradually subsided, it—or he ended this somewhat confused state and saluted the crowd at the scene, and then strode The ground left the spring and headed for the portal on the edge of the suspension platform.

Behind this giant cloud of mist, the activity of the Aoneng Spring rose rapidly at a rate visible to the naked eye. The calm mist of light originally mumbled as if it were boiling oil dripping into cold water, and a huge mass of light rose from the spring water. And after a dozen seconds, a new cloud giant is formed. These are entangled with lightning and light, as if the god-like elemental creatures living in the clouds in religious legends marched neatly out of the Aoneng Spring, Go to the assembly point in their program settings to prepare for the mission, and then we see a giant cloud and mist in it ...

Aurelia hurriedly stopped the element soldier, took the net bag in Monina's hand, and fished in the other's stomach for a long time. I watched as I almost fell into dementia, and she finally made a green body. The little dots of light were taken out of the giant. The newborn element soldier gave out a muffled murmur in confusion, his body gradually recovered from Dingdang green to lightning white, and he limped to catch up with the big army: his belly was hollowed out, it seemed necessary It takes a few minutes to heal.

Everyone: "..."

"The Element Guard here has two sources, one is the Plastic Factory, and the other is the Fountain of Arcane Energy. The latter collects the free energy dissipated from the heavens and the city to create the Elemental Soldier, so it takes a long time to charge. The energy period can only be run once. Although the production efficiency is relatively low, it is a facility for recycling the dissipated energy. It is better than nothing, "said Aurelia, with her eyes closed and talking nonsense. Handed it over, "It seems that the power of the goddess of life has produced a little catalytic effect, and the spring of Aoneng has become active one hour and thirty-seven minutes earlier than expected."

Catalysis ... I twitched slightly at the corner of my mouth and looked at the little guy in my palm holding my knees in a ball. Ding Dang's positioning is getting stranger and we can use it to sell cute. It can be used to stew soup, soak in water to clear heat and detoxify, can be tied to her forehead and let her flutter her wings as a small electric fan. Now she can also be soaked in an industrial tank as a catalyst ... It seems that except for the goddess, she is in every position All industries are doing well.

"Ajun ... Ding Dong is amazing ... Ding Dong just learned to freestyle ..."

The little thing turned over in my palm, talking nonsense stupidly, it seemed a little cold, so I dragged my thumb and covered it on her belly.

Everyone: "..."

"Is this guy okay?" He was so nervous as Bingtis. At this time, she couldn't help but speak, Aurelia immediately waved her hand: "Don't worry, don't worry, it's like this when you stay in the arcane environment for a long time, and you will feel a hundred times more asleep, and to be honest. This pair There is good health, it is said to whiten ... "


I turned my head, seeing Bettis jumping into the pool without hesitation, Aurelia was stunned, but still didn't stop her mouth, and took the second half of the sentence: "Only valid for elemental creatures ..."

"Nima, don't say it earlier." Bingtis jumped out again, and his body wasn't wet at all-also, it wasn't originally a pool. So what am I expecting?

We turned around for a long time in the city of heaven. According to the evaluation of the small lamp, this novel place is more fun than the Shadow City. It seems that before this girl feels tired, I don't have to worry about asking her to do something. And just as we were about to leave, Tianjie Metropolis welcomed two special visitors.

Sagina and Sona.

The two half-dragon girls suddenly appeared on the teleportation platform, and we were walking across from us who were preparing to go home. Suddenly, Qian Qian immediately greeted them with joy: "Hah, Senna and Sona. You What happened? "

"Um." Sakyina reacted, her first thing was to salute Lin. Then he grinned at us, "That, Sona and I came back to return the elemental soldiers I had borrowed before."

As her voice fell, several tall figures appeared one after another from the transmission platform. It was the element guards everywhere in the Celestial City. Alleria explained on the side: "Because the Kingdom of the Half-Dragon has just been established, there are Many places that need help, gave them some staff a few days ago. "

"Oh, this is the case," I nodded, and I really do n’t need to report to myself about these trivial matters, but speaking of the half-dragon kingdom, I still showed surprise to the two of Saeena, "The new half-dragon family has been built Woke up?"

"Under construction," Sona said with an excited expression on her face. "We don't have the same ability as God, we can build a city overnight, but with the power of God, our new home is still With the prototype, more than 80% of the half-dragon people on the mainland have now concentrated in the south. We are building three new cities, and the largest one is next to the sacred capital of the crow. We want to use them as half-dragon people. s capital……"

"Look at it, right?" Shallow jumped out.

Then when everyone responded, the girl had already set the transmission parameters on the transmission platform, and she turned her head and beckoned to everyone, "Come here, don't you want to go and see?"

Lin Xue's expression was a little frizzy: "Uh ... as always ..."

Saina and Sona didn't have much time to say, they were already pulled by us and ran onto the teleportation platform. As soon as I said hello to Aurelia, I saw a flash of white light in front of me. When the white light dispersed, I was already standing Banlong people's new home.

In front of me is a new city.

After the adjustment, the time of the mother continent and the entire shadow space have reached synchronization. Now it is just a short time before the mother continent's dusk, tilting the evening sun falling from the sky to the earth, giving everything in front of it a thick and magnificent Dark gold color, a wide boulevard paved with huge stones stretches straight from the front to the end of the line of sight. On both sides of the boulevard, there are houses that are also stacked with megalithic slabs and thick stone beams. These tall houses are not carved. www.readwn.com ~ There is no gorgeous decoration, but the rough and thick original beauty is everywhere. In front of these newly built houses, it is a huge stone brazier as a street lamp. As the sunset gradually goes west, the brazier is The boulder boulevard was lit one by one, and there was no fuel in it. The bright flame should be some kind of mysterious power.

Half-Dragons do not use magic-however, after being blessed, they use more daunting powers than magic. Since the day of divine gift, the two kinds of divine magic and dragon magic have only appeared in legend The power of the middle appears in the half-dragon people, and now they have stood on this land-as the solemn "people".

This should not be considered a city-despite so many buildings in front of us, at the end of the line of sight, we can see that most of the unfinished buildings still occupy the majority. Outside the avenue, there are piles of stone and fresh rocks everywhere. Excavated foundations and trenches. This new home was built on a wasteland. Everything is starting from scratch. Now the people of Banlong built it, and it was just a large dwelling place. However, they proudly called this place their capital. It is the greatest city in their minds. The last rays of the setting sun are scattered on this land that is gradually emerging from the desolation. Every rough carved corner of the boulder is glittering like gold-plated. Sona points to the city that has just risen from the wasteland. Embryonic, with endless pride in tone:

"Look, this is our new home!"

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