Xiling Empire

Chapter 1203: capture

No major incidents happened in the next few days, and everything is proceeding as usual, including all R & D projects and military preparations and increase in personnel. Although there are still a lot of tasks to be dealt with daily, there are no emergencies that come out every three to five. The situation is already very comforting. If I can, I really hope that such a day will be as long as possible-study the world peace in the morning, and lead the nine-tailed husky and a group of bear children to the park in the afternoon, so life can If you continue, you can do nothing.

News from the Celestial City confirmed Sandora's speculation that Alleria did not find the ancient equipment. At the same time, Gaia also checked the parent star and confirmed that it was not on the technology side, so in the end everything pointed to the only possibility: the Merovah had stolen the precious communication array, and now all we have is Worried if they had smashed the baby, if it was taken seriously, Sandora would have smashed every planet of the Merovas.

There has n’t been much movement on the side of the fallen apostles. Although there is evidence that the other party is also actively mobilizing the army and may be doing the same preparations as us, their frequency of border activities has dropped significantly. This should be a deterrent. The last time the father and **** suddenly brought pressure on them, it may also be that they need time to buffer the losses in the last ambush, and get the R & D project at hand. In short anyway, a tense "state of peace" is spreading, and everyone knows that mega wars are inevitable and will break out at any time, but at least it seems that no one will act lightly. Under such pressure, all empire military projects are speeding up. The six main legions and the independent Royal Fleet are changing quickly. Sandora hopes to complete the strengthening and reorganization of these troops before the outbreak of the war and give them Add new equipment and main ships, increase the combat effectiveness of mysterious units, and increase targeted combat training for abyss units ... No one knows how fast the fallen apostles can prepare for war, so the only way is to determine that they are not enough fast. Then invest unlimited power for future wars.

On the other hand, Shadow City is awaiting news from Asida and Asidora.

They have set off for almost a week, and patrolling the empty space in the remote Xinjiang region for such a long time is a very risky behavior, and the danger increases as the patrol time increases. The "white zone" is a blind spot in the void that has not been detected and cannot provide immediate support. The empire's power in the white zone is zero and its level of understanding is zero. There may be an unknown large abyss door, another sub-fleet of the fallen apostles, and of course the meloha rebels. The Space Geminis only have a few Fifth Fleet Immigrants that are basically non-combatant-they can only be repaired by tinkering, and their only reliance is on their super transmission capabilities. So they have to be infinitely cautious, be extra careful, and this state lasts longer. The chances of an accident are also greater-and we must also consider the issue of "waste". Senior officers such as Asida and Asidola and their elite troops must not waste too much in that place to serve as fishing hooks. With more energy, if the Merovas never show up, I'm afraid I can only think about getting the sisters back. But now the trapping fleet has been wandering in the White Zone for so long. If the Mellows were really far away, they should have found these ships long ago, and they should have received the ancient dormant facilities. The reason why the identification signal has not been acted on so far is due to extreme caution. Ok. As expected, after all, they found the Fifth Fleet in an extremely distant place. However, after the latter escaped, they suddenly appeared "coincidentally" at their door, and the most important immigration ship appeared to be in harmony The big troops are separated. No matter who appears in front of the pie in the sky, the other party must be careful. I just hope that the Mellowans are not too cautious, if they wait a few more days ...

Then Ashitah and Asidora probably don't know how to proceed.

In the end, however, good luck is on our side, after the White Zone has been wandering for so long. The Mellows finally dispelled their doubts. Appeared……

They must have followed the immigrant ships for a long time to make sure that there were no groups of thugs hidden near the latter. The sisters of Asida waited until the end to order the shutdown of the colony's main engine and ordered the bomber's set of shield generators to be blown. This was done in order to cause serious damage to the giant ship. The illusion that the void is gradually disintegrating. The main engine stopped, which meant that the giant ship could not escape the scene, the shield generator collapsed, which meant that the order field was about to be overloaded, the giant ship was about to be swallowed up by the void, and the sisters of Asida were still a hidden acting school. The slowly-occurring Void Sea is difficult to tell the truth and the truth is difficult to discern, so the Mellows finally lose their breath-once the colonial giant ship collapses, the ancient dorm may be thrown somewhere, so they have to charge come out.

Well, there were 232 mother ship-class main ships and thousands of small gray machines ...

In the headquarters, there were two sisters standing in front of me as if they were carved out of a mold. The other side had their heads slightly lowered, and there was an atmosphere full of resentment all over their bodies.

"So, in order to grab a colony ship, they dealt with two or three frigates that were all about to sink. They sent a legion of troops ..." My voice fluttered and my eyes looked at the sky. "This is the rhythm of nuclear bombs hitting mosquitoes." what……"

"I was taken aback at that time," the sisters of Asida replied in a synchronized voice. "When the trap ship was dispatched, it was considered to prevent the enemy's army from being attracted. However, they did not expect them to be ... "

"It's so funny," I couldn't help but lie on the table and add my hand. "So in the end you got a small plane and two captives, and the rest of the army ran, right?"

"The subordinates are not good at completing the task, please be punished!" The sisters suddenly said a very classic sentence-I already guessed that they had responded to this, so they waved their hands immediately, "Well, it's not your fault, fault The enemies are more funny than expected. Blinking, do you need to send an army to intercept several civil aviation ... Then how did you kill a small gray machine in the army? , I feel that you can soon adapt a personal heroism blockbuster. "

Sister Asida took a military salute seriously, telling their heroic deeds:

"At that time, the ship-borne radar suddenly detected a phenomenal scale of physicalization outside the order field, and the entire trap formation was shrouded in a larger order field. At that time, we felt that the situation might be wrong, but the order of the Merawas The field technology seems to be almost the same as the empire. They completed the encirclement of the formation and their own fleet almost instantly. We were surprised to find that they were enveloped by hundreds of mother ships and a large number of small ships. In this case, According to the original plan, it was impossible to take away all the enemies that were trapped without suspicion of Mellowa ’s native land. We did not have enough power. The auxiliary tactical procedures suggested that the mission be abandoned, which was indeed at the time. The most secure option, but then we took a more risky approach-after all, next time we will not trap the Merovas.

"Using the high-speed response capabilities of space raiders, we created continuous explosions around the colonial giant ship, making the illusion that the giant ship crew was ready to die together, and the spacecraft was about to self-destruct.

"Then we blew up the front and rear connecting bridges of the giant ship, exposing the entrance of Gnacu.

"Merawa's assault formation tried to rush into Gnacu by suicide. Rescue the dormant capsule.

"Then we detonated all the bombs on hand, destroying the entire colonial giant ship in 0.35 seconds, and also ordered other convoys to detonate."

I laughed: "At the moment of the explosion, you pulled the Merova spaceship that had rushed into the giant ship Gaku into the portal. It was a good shot-well done, in that situation, there really was only one way It worked. In the process, the enemy should not be aware of your existence? "

"Yes," Sister Asida nodded. "Without any jet lag, space teleportation began at the moment the order field collapsed, so from the outside world, the missing spacecraft was swallowed up by the void because the order field was torn. We blow up everything that can be blown, Merlot. The Wa people will not find any fragments, nor will they find that there are no people in the colony ship. The void is extremely fast and the explosion at the scene is unprecedented. They will not have this opportunity. In addition, we also rescued the ancient The dorm ... but it suffered a lot of damage in the explosion, and this is where we made mistakes. "

The Sister Asida said with ease. But I can imagine how time-consuming the scene was. In order to prevent the Mellowans from discovering the truth, they had to start the teleportation as soon as the order field collapsed, and the collapse of the order field of the colonial giant ship would destroy all other small ships within range. Order field, so as long as it was a moment slow, all the Merova ships were really ashes, and they caught this blink of time and collapsed an order field, which was about to be swallowed by the void. The spacecraft dragged over—the crew inside was alive. What's even more frustrating is that the two crazy sisters even rescued the ancient dorm cabin by the way. I estimate that their aPm must be at least four digits.

I asked Sister Asida to report to the headquarters and go back to rest (of course I guess they would stop by the cafeteria for a meal or something), then I got up and went to the second research room at the staff center, Asida The Melova, which the sister managed to capture, has been sent there and is now being examined by experts. We need to find the jumping coordinates of the Melova world from the fighter's shipboard computer. It is estimated that this is a very cumbersome technical task-regardless of any civilization, the highest degree of confidentiality in their aircraft is the coordinates of their own home world. The Lowas were propped up by the Empire, and they knew how important it was to protect the coordinates of their homes.

As you might have guessed, a group of experts in the second laboratory was having a headache with the seized Merova fighter, while Sandora was watching the scene in person.

"How? Encryption of the navigation system is very strong?" I asked over, and my eyes fell on the gravity-free platform in the center of the room. The Merovat's fighter looked slightly smaller than the empire's individual fighter. The squashed egg is roughly oval in shape, with a narrower end and a wider end. At the wider end, the fuselage expands into a hemispherical shape, which is probably the cockpit or the like. There is no conventional engine visible on this small aircraft, but there is a circle of light that emits gleam along the outer edge of the ellipse. This ring of light is similar to the Empire ’s stepless vector engine, which is estimated to be similar Things: As an ancient vassal that has been ruled by the empire for so long, the Mellowans' technology tree should have been destroyed in the old empire era, and the technology in their hands should be all copycat technology.

This small aircraft, which looks similar to the old-fashioned urban legend, has a golden finish, and two-thirds of the surface of the aircraft is painted with gorgeous patterns in bright colors. For advanced civilizations, all space weapons do not rely on visual locking and firing. Therefore, the use of any painting on the space vehicle has no effect, but it does not make sense to look at it. The act of painting a small plane with flashy golden coat of arms is indeed the first time I have seen this. At the front end, we also saw the empire badge after being distorted and deformed-apparently deformed based on the emblem of the Spirit Army, but it has been distorted to the extent that it is completely unrecognizable.

"Their navigation computer used a similar encryption method to the old empire, and it broke encryption once," Sandora replied. "It seems that the Mellows are very careful about the coordinates of their homes. As long as this encryption device detects any illegal reading, even if only once, it will self-destruct immediately. Its judgment system is a modified Empire equipment. It's difficult to crack. "

"Well. I didn't expect what the Merovas were capable of." I cut off, but there was nothing too unexpected in my mind. Maybe the Merovas only inherited a little bit of the old empire, but they were after all The first family, coupled with such tens of thousands of years of development, would be really sorry for the cultivation of the empire if it could still be manipulated at will.

"In fact, it is not impossible to crack the navigation computer above, but it takes too much time. The fuzzy computing function of the Schilling host is used in theory. It can theoretically decipher any encryption device that can be described, but I worry that it will take too long. There will be problems in the long run, "Sandola glanced at me, and said to herself," I know how the sisters captured this fighter. There was no problem in the arrest process itself, but the overall trapping plan is still There is something to doubt, and for a long time, the Merovas may be wondering what happened to the single spaceships that happened to appear to them in the first place. After all, there is no such thing as Yuanjiang. It's too far away from the empire area of ​​the year. It's not too difficult to modify the coordinates of your world. "

I nodded clearly. Eyes once again look over the various devices in front of me. The captured Melova fighter has been removed from the side armor, revealing the dark pipeline inside. The low-level assistant technicians fixed a group of non-contact scanning devices a few centimeters in front of these pipelines. In this relatively safe way, the data stream of the target device can be "copied" to the lower-level device and then uploaded to the host computer. Deciphered. The research room resounded with a slight sound of equipment operation, and a spirited bubble sound suddenly came out in the spiritual link: "Children, dad, please rest assured! Isn't it just such a little thing, wait for me to dive deeply After the ship's simulation mission, I dealt with it personally ... "

I was even more relieved ...

"Okay, your load is already high enough, don't worry about it, in case the mother machine goes down, it is really a disaster," I snapped the rustling voice in the spiritual link and turned my head to look Sandora, "Where are the two captives?"

Sandora shrugged. "Where else, Zone 4 ..."

Me: "... I'll go!"

"Don't worry, they're still alive, and they can live a long time with visual inspection. Lilina is leading them to visit District 4."

I wiped my forehead and sweated coldly: "It's time to take a look ... Lilian's dark-hearted guy seems to be finally looking for fun this time."

After leaving the headquarters, I set off directly to the fourth district-the entire shadow city ... no ~ www.readwn.com ~ I am afraid that it will be harder to find a place that can stop children crying more than this-human rights freeze zone.

The so-called fourth district is an exact existence in the eyes of the residents of the shadow space, but anyone would rather regard it as a place of urban weirdness. Its existence is public, but no one wants to have a little bit of relationship with this place. . The fourth area is located in the secondary parallel space of Shadow City. It overlaps with the eastern part of Shadow City. It requires special space doors or someone to guide to enter. It looks like the Shadow City has just been built: dead and cold. ,weird. This place is a nightmare for the guilty and vicious prisoners of war. Entering the fourth zone is equivalent to entering the gap between the living and the dead.

This kind of place is essential for an empire. Peace and justice often require a sufficient amount of shadow and cruelty as a guarantee. We cannot guarantee that every inch of the territory ruled by the empire strictly adheres to the Spirit Code. In many cases, extreme crimes are committed. And mouths that have to be tortured to be opened by torture are both headaches, so even the Empire needs prisons and wardens, and of course, execution courts. And the fourth area ... is at least the most extreme place of all "killing grounds" I know. Few people will be so guilty that they must be sent to District 4 to get "purified", but as long as they are sent to this place, none will persist for too long.

And the two Merova prisoners of war were sent here unfortunately.

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