Xiling Empire

Chapter 1204: District 4

(In other words, this is Lina's home field, the whole process is high energy ...)

Entering the fourth district is very simple. There is a military outpost at the border of Dongcheng District. Through this outpost, you can accept space replacement. After the replacement, you will enter the "alienated shadow city" from the normal shadow city. [Full text reading ny.]

There was still a lot of traffic behind me in the last second, with crowds flowing and weaving, a lively and bustling urban landscape. After passing the outpost to replace the door, it suddenly quieted down as if the whole world had left itself. The original clear and bright sky was covered by a chaotic gray mist, and the surrounding light was dimmed. The sky in the fourth area is monotonous, because there is no need to prepare any landscape for the prisoners here to relax. I looked up at the sky. The sun, moon, and stars were not visible in the gray mist. The only color was absolute. The average method covers the entire field of vision. All the surrounding buildings and streets are twisted, connected, and overlapped in strange ways. The cracked road twists into the sky. The entangled buildings turn back in the air at a strange angle, and then half buried in the ground. A hundred meters away, a skyscraper slowly floated and floated high. Half of the building was fragmented and cut into countless neat and smooth cubes. Among these cut cubes, there were flickers. The dim light was flashing. Next to the only flat road underneath, a neon sign crooked halfway out of the tar pit and said in bright red writing: Welcome to Zone 4.

This is the view of this "inner city".

"It's really Lina's bad taste ..." I looked at these absurd and twisted things around, they were trying to shape into a nightmare in reality, as if forcibly extracting the thinking process of a neurological patient, and then carved into countless abstract symbols Stacked together, those distorted and broken buildings and will not lead to any place at all, the roads of all buildings are scams, moving forward to them, you will never find any end point.

I waited for a few seconds and saw a pipe out of the ground not far ahead. It is as rough as the oil pipeline. The surface is rough coated with dirty dark green paint. Under the paint layer, a suspicious dark red background is exposed. A black paint hole is suddenly cracked in the pipe, and then from the inside. A one-eyed ghoul in a plumber's uniform and a ridiculous red cloth hat was drilled out. The ghoul's red cloth hat had big words written on it, and an old-style gramophone was slung across his body. A hoarse, crunching sound from the gramophone is a story about a wolf and a spider written by Liliana.

I know this ghoul. It is said that I have been a receptionist in District 4 for more than a year. My favorite game to play is Super Mary, my favorite activity is play, and I am also a music lover ... … Each of the above hobbies is fine. But if they appear on a ghoul, then there is a problem. After the elements are merged, the strange shape in front of you is born ...

The twisted ghoul limped in front of me, with a hoarse running wind in his throat: "Your Majesty, the warden is examining the prisoner, do you ..."

"Oh, I know, it was her," I waved. "Open the door-and can't you turn off this creaking thing on you?"

The ghoul cracked his head, revealed a big smile, and opened the portal while saying, "This is a gift from the warden to Peby. Peby likes the story of the wolf and the spider ... the story of the wolf being eaten by the spider ... ... "

I felt like I didn't have to eat today's dinner again, so I quickly stopped, stepped into the dark red portal opened by the ghoul doorman, and flickered in front of me, and came to the place where Li Lina was "working".

It looks mediocre, a very spacious office. There is a large mahogany desk in the room. There is a large bookshelf that occupies the entire wall, but it is estimated that no one will ever turn it over. There is a solid wood carved steering wheel at the northeast corner of the room. The words "Shanghai rafting, riding the wind and breaking waves" are written in large gold letters, and the wall above the steering wheel is hung with antique ink paintings depicting the scenery of green mountains and mist. This is an ordinary room that looks like the general manager's office of a large company on the earth. There is not much to pay attention to except for the spacious and upstart-like decoration. If there is anything special, it is that this room has no windows at all, only a large floor-to-ceiling window with a height of two and a half meters is painted with poor watercolors on the east wall. This one is painted with colored pencils. The floor-to-ceiling window looks like a child's handwriting. Not only is the color colorful, but the frame is crooked and uneven. The window is painted with children's imaginary outdoor scenery: a gray-blue crayon sky, and a grinning sun father-in-law smiles. There are green lawns.

In such a well-decorated and spacious office, half of the wall is occupied by a floor-to-ceiling window painted with watercolors. At first glance, it seems ridiculous, but soon, you will feel it all haunting madness and Weird atmosphere-and all this was designed by the little dwarf sitting behind the desk and almost buried in the leather seat. The sole purpose of designing these scenes was to satisfy her bad taste.

"Well, boss, you're here, I'm busy."

Lilina leaped from behind the large mahogany desk, and jumped up to the desktop and ran over. I caught her and patted her twice to show her intimacy, and then I looked at the corner of the office: The other thing outside the watercolor floor-to-ceiling windows that is incompatible with this office pattern is two cages surrounded by pillars of energy light. Inside, there are two men who are iron-blue and wearing some sort of military uniform. That should be the Mei who was arrested. Lowa prisoner of war.

Out of curiosity, I glanced over the two captives. At first glance, the other's appearance did not seem to be much different from that of the earth ’s human beings—of course, this is also normal. As everyone knows, they are taller and have deeper eye sockets. The complexion is dark, but I don't know if it is the same for every Merova. Their eyes are the only obvious difference from humans: Hitomi is not white, but with a dark blue hue that looks as if it is reflecting fluorescence. This is the Merova. At first glance ... nothing special.

But it was they who became the first vassal to betray the empire.

When I observed these two people out of curiosity, the other person also raised his eyes and looked at them curiously. No fear or hostility could be seen from the eyes of these two people. Maybe they didn't know who the person was. Maybe I have given up hope?

"You guys are Melova?" I put Liliana on the ground. He turned his head and asked casually.

There was no answer. The two just snorted coldly. I found that there was no trauma on their bodies. It seems that the wicked fellow Liliana has not yet begun to torture the confession which he loves.

"Don't like to talk?" I came to one of them, and it was incredible that I felt calm: this was the enemy, the proper enemy, who had treason tens of thousands of years ago and demolished the home of her older sister's life. It may even kill a large number of Apostles in the dormant facility in the process, each of which is a death sentence, yet I speak to the other side so calmly. The man in front of him looked up at me, and suddenly opened his mouth to reveal a harsh expression: "Your time is long gone, son-in-law."

I: "... wipe, temper is quite big. Um. Not guts, do you think treason is such an understatement?"

"Merova will go farther than you hybrids, Merova will replace you and become true gods, Merova will conquer every world, Merova will punish every heresy ..."

"Is this product neurotic?" I froze and turned to ask Li Lina, and the little girl poked her lips. "There are traces of brainwashing and extreme paranoia. I guess he has been transformed from genes to souls. So he is not afraid. The empire, even if the empire was able to stop babies in full void, he was not afraid. This type is the most difficult to deal with, and simple torture is useless. "

"Torture?" Another Merova prisoner of war sneered. "Ten thousand years have passed, your lunatics have really degraded."

The clay figurines are all three-pointed. I talked with the prisoners of war for a long time calmly, but there was no good words from the beginning to the end ... Well, I admit that in this case, no one seems to say good words, but these two people The attitude is really unpleasant. Seen treason. But I have never seen such a righteous assertiveness after the treason was arrested! At that time, I wanted to pull the bricks and turn them one by one (for Icetis, I guess they were both turned over at this time). But before she started to do it herself, Liliana interjected suddenly: "So what. In accordance with the rules of the fourth district, first introduce the living environment here to the prisoners. After all, you have to live here for a long time and have to have Many neighbors-- "

Lilina cleared her throat, so a little girl who looked like a little over a meter was swinging here with high toes, and it was estimated that the two Merova prisoners of war had long been concerned, so the two were really quiet, and Lilian nodded in satisfaction. , With a sweet smile on his face, introduced the living environment to the two new residents in the fourth district:

"First, in District 4, there are three long-lasting 'Bills.'

First, the binary state. There is no citizen or law in the fourth district, and all life here has only two camps, the innocent and the guilty. The innocent has the right to enter and leave the fourth zone freely, and the guilty are here deemed to be able to accept all punishments without trial-because the guilty person has gone through all possible trials before being sent and sentenced Must be sent to Zone 4 to get 'corrected'. Of course, like you two, there are also those who are found guilty without trial, and you will see these prisoners in the future. "

Second, human rights are frozen. The guilty person in the fourth district was declared to have no human rights, not even the right to goods and death. You have a new name here called ‘dust’. This is your identity and all value. Any form of torture, multiple deaths, soul extraction and torture, biochemical tests, weapon tests, and everything you can think of is allowed here for the guilty. Well, everything, your imagination will never compare to the reality here Do n’t worry, you will soon see all this. "

Third, the end of regulatory status. All life in the fourth zone is subject to control, including your survival and death. No voluntary death is allowed here until the result of the approval of the superior is reached. The guilty here may have been killed millions of times in a row, and then resurrected millions of times-because they did not apply for death. "

Lilina said here, suddenly raised her finger and shook it in front of the two prisoners, and said with a smile: "Yes, let me give you a small note. In the fourth district, 100% of prisoners apply for death every day. However, only one percent of people can get what they want each time. Here, death is the only thing worth pursuing, and prisoners will even brutally fight for a death certificate ... Of course you have the right to apply for death. But I hope you are strong enough. At 12 o'clock every night, all the cells in the Central Prison will open. You must fight until 4 am, and the person with the least number of kills in the middle will be completely killed before the next day ... … Or qualifications for liberation. So, if you want to die in this place, the competition is fierce. Well, do n’t show that expression. Believe me, every prisoner ... If you ca n’t stay in the fourth district for a few days, you will cry. Write a death application, giggles ~~~ so do you! "

With a sweet smile on Lilian's face, she seemed to be a child who introduced her toy to a friend, but what she said was not interesting at all. I squinted at the expression on this guy's face. I really feel a long-lost familiarity with her current smile-Li Lina often laughs. When she is with me, she will pretend to be stupid, sell cute, and suddenly cheer up for no reason, but every smile It's different from now, this simple, sweet smile that looks like a true innocence. It would never come from her heart.

This is the most distorted pair of Liliana's masks. She would never show such a clean smile to the dead.

After listening intently to Lilina's introduction, the two prisoners seemed to need some time to understand this strange place, and then they looked at each other and sneered at the same time. Among them, the taller man stared at Lilina, full of Despicably said: "It is nothing but torture, after all, the holy Merova warrior can ignore any pain, how many tricks can be used."

"Of course. Sooner or later." Li Lina had expected the attitude of the other side, she said indifferently. He waved his claws in front of the prisoner, and two green haloes appeared on top of the latter, then slowly fell into their bodies. "Anyway, I have patience and time. Well, let's see what the experts are to crack you first. I ’m going to let you two talk first. "

The two prisoners saw a group of green light infiltrating their bodies. First, they subconsciously tightened their muscles. They thought it was a punishment. However, nothing happened after the green light was in the body. So they showed a confused expression and heard After Lilina's words, the tall prisoner grinned suddenly: "Hah, you just want the coordinates of Merova's home ... Dream it!"

After saying this, a strange creak suddenly sounded in the other's head, as if the meat was scorched. With this strange sound, the prisoner's face was full of blue muscles, as if he was suffering great pain. His The teeth creaked, and the white blood plasma slowly emerged from the eyes, nostrils, and even ears in the dirt, and even the eyeballs overflowed with steaming thick slurry. I realized that the Mellow warriors had Ability to self-destruct!

However, Lilina looked at the scene in front of her so well, as if watching a very interesting juggling, the prisoner in front of her twitched, her head had glowed red light as it was cooked, braving the strong steam, Apparently, he was dead, and another prisoner next to him smiled at us mockingly. Obviously, he was ready-but the second prisoner did not even have time to activate his own self-destruct device. Prisoner No. 1 sat up suddenly.

The resurrected prisoner looked as usual, as if nothing had happened. Only the blood and heat on his face showed that the uncomfortable suicide just now was real. He awoke from a brief confusion and his face gradually changed. It's pale.

"Uncle you are stupid, really," Li Lina looked up at each other. "You should know that the empire has resurrection technology ... Well, it may not have been used for you that year. But has anyone told you that in fact you two were Already dead when delivered? "

The two prisoners were suddenly shocked.

"Well, you were dead when you came here. I guess you committed suicide once at the moment of arrest, but it looks like you were very confused at the time, and you forgot about it ... It was the second time you were resurrected. . "

The prisoner's face changed sharply with Lelina's words. It seemed that the suicide that Lelina mentioned did exist, and now they can finally be sure that death is not the way to escape in this place.

"I just put a little present in your body just now," Liliana said with a smile, "that is the green light. From now on, you are blessed, you will not be mentally deranged, you will not lose your five senses, and you will not feel sleepy. , And it will not cause sensory retardation for any reason. Today is the first day of your arrival in the fourth district. Later, someone will lead you to visit your new house and meet new neighbors here-all They are some very good people. Everyone is guilty of evil, ten is unforgiving, and adorable. They like the new neighbors best, because the rule of the fourth district is that every time a new person is killed, a piece of rot is not so disgusting. The raw meat as a reward, in the eyes of those people ... but lively food ... Spread, then in the next time, I wish two happy parties ... jailer! "

Lirina snapped her fingers, and two skeletons with clown masks wearing medieval European king and queen costumes appeared in the room, pushing the cage holding the prisoner into the hidden door that suddenly appeared in the wall. There was still no fear on the prisoner's face, and it seemed that brainwashing and transformation gave them amazing courage, even in the face of the forthcoming life in the fourth district. After the cage was pushed into the dark grid, a faint whistling sound came across the wall, and it seemed to fall straight. A regretful look came on Liliana's face: "Ah, I seem to have forgotten to open the elevator ... Well, anyway, there is an acid pond below, which can't fall." After that, she said to the two skeletons in costumes: " Jailmen, these two prisoners are numbered special 161 and special 162. They are treated according to special prisoner standards. They are not allowed to give them food or eat their own excrement ~ www.readwn.com ~ Wait for a while After that, take them to visit Kaka's carousel ... well, why don't you leave? "

"Don ... Master Prisoner," the skeleton wearing the king's costume trembled, and took off his own clown mask. Under the mask was a white piece of paper posted on the skull, which was painted with poor watercolors. With a ridiculous king's face: bloated, sluggish, and with a mustache, "The humble prisoner 3755 wants to know how long it will take me and my queen ..."

Lilina raised her eyebrows: "Oh, this is the problem again? Did n’t you order 78,000 'low-class people' for cooking in order to watch the epic drama? Then die 78,000 times, rest assured, someone Let me count you, as long as you are idle, you can lie down in the No. 2 small restaurant. You can die 70 or 80 times a day, and I will be relieved sooner or later. In addition, I have enough of your questions, and I will ask them later Once, the number of deaths is squared, no more, cubic. Get out. "

The two skeletons in costumes trembled, and every bone joint rattled. Then they quickly put on their own clown masks and disappeared into the room.

"Boss, you see, the two tyrants who shocked Macroworld at the time," Li Lina giggled, pointing at the ripples of air left after the two skeletons disappeared, "How kind now?"


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