Xiling Empire

Chapter 1206: This morning is a gathering of various children and her dad

Today Cindia started earlier than usual. This time, without the reminder of her sister, she ran to wash her face obediently. Yi Yihe was ambiguous and sent to 1k.饔 Mei Mu 蚶 蚰 飞 飞 辖 辖 辖 闼  艿 闼  艿 闼  艿 闼  艿 闼  艿锏 Neon, Greek, Chinese, English, French, Chinese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Japanese, Chinese蟀 嗖 缓 缓 缓 缓  芑 乜  芑 乜     锏  锏  锏  锏  锏  锏 桓 鋈 桓 鋈 桓 鋈 桓 鋈 桓 鋈 桓 鋈 桓 鋈 桓 鋈 桓 鋈 桓 鋈 桓 鋈 桓 鋈 桓 鋈 桓 鋈 桓 鋈 偌  桓 鋈 Encouraged Zhai 偌  n 谂 谂 詈 螅  詈 螅  詈 螅  詈 螅  詈 螅  詈 螅  詈 螅  谑 谑 谑 蛔

"I said ... I didn't let you go home to let you die. Is it necessary to make the atmosphere so tragic?"

Cindia's expression on Xianglin's face looked sideways the same as when she just exited from Camel Xiangzi's camera crew: "Uncle, do you know how difficult it is for my mother to cook? My mother came to give me a message and she said to me I have a big table for my daughter to clean the air ... "

I glanced at Sandora silently, and my gaze fell back on Cindia: "Little Nizi, you are too tender, you have never seen the real fear in the world ... Sandora, you calm down! I didn't say anything! That was your illusion just now! Anveena is going to hide your wok and prevent Sandola from going to the kitchen ... wait! What are you doing Sandola! Let go of that rice cooker! What are you going to do to Liliana! "

Cindia's expression on the face of Xiang Linyi was swept away, and she watched the family jump up again in the spring, "Well, my uncle's home is as lively every day. I go home and tell my dad about it, He wouldn't say that Gatti and I draw doors on the wall every day. [Full text reading ...] "

I turned my head and looked out the window. Today is a sunny and sunny weather. The little crow is leading her fissures to feed in the yard, and a group of mini-Medicals, who are only ten centimeters tall, are bouncing in the grass to drill. Going, looking for edible grass seeds and relatively tender grass buds, a detached mini Medivh jumped onto the window sill, holding her innate and inseparable eggshell. Collecting dew on the potted flower on the windowsill-but there is no dew at this time, so the little guy looks a little disappointed. The sister smiled, took a teaspoon and dropped a few drops of tea into the eggshell of the little guy. The mini The Raven God immediately rejoiced, looking for his sister against the eggshell, leaving a string of exclamation "wheezing".

In the living room, a translucent jelly creature was sitting on a sofa near the window. Slowly and lazily shaking, this slime, defined as a toy and pet, should be the happiest guy in the family. It is basking in the sun, while curiously watching the people passing by, and changing into a person at home at any time to improve the sense of existence. This mimicry should be just like a conditioned reflex, because you can't see the intelligence of this slime. I looked around and found this slime's belly filled with mess. Including the shallow Rubik's Cube vision, neon, gown line, v-resistant beam gown, fortunately, lie, n stupid tomb,  餍  庥 鋈 quietly, jealous, straightforward靼 率 踅 禾 迳  锏 脑  The phoenix thumb β pancreatic brain travels slowly, punishes and withdraws, and regrets the procrastination. 2 Bad appearances, apologies, Meng dirty, negative, Wei Wei, sword, and Wei Wei. Industry Awards Locust Mastermind Brain Treach Source Xing Cang, Silly Neon, Backing Out, Blowing Out, Small, Small, and Inscribed on the Uranium, Pro-Yong Award, Men, and Men Huh?

Still having a headache for accidentally dropping a coin into the bed slit? Are you still sad about the postcards full of memories? Don't worry, hurry up with a slime! ――So why am I suddenly thinking of this?

Little Bubble is sitting next to this slime, constantly trying to communicate with the latter. After repeated attempts, the little girl pulled out a straw and inserted it into slime. It seemed to be going to drink some water-I want to stop , But one step late, the little bubble was blackened by the crackling arcane sparks, and ran back with a crying face. I smiled helplessly. Hugging the little guy to wash his face in the water room.

"Hey, stupid. Did you see my shoes?" Just set the little bubble, the small light flew down from the second floor, wearing a shoe on his foot and a white one on the other. Cotton socks, "Why are the new shoes I bought from the D area just a few days ago gone?"

I raised my finger and pointed to the window: "I'm going with Xi Zhilang. Whoever makes you like to throw things casually is probably regarded as debris."

The little puppet hummed to find Xizhilang to settle the account. After a while, a crackle of arcane release and a scream of a small lamp came from the window, and then the unlucky puppet returned with victory. With his head exploding, he held in his hand the new shoes he had just snatched back: "Fool, give me a bath and comb my hair!"

Me: "... when will you remember how to communicate with that jelly?"

"I want you to control!"

This is the case every day, and every morning is as lively and fun as ever. Although there are always many annoying things, there are many things that make people feel depressed, but the life still has to live, and weeping faces show to everyone, right? The days with these funny guys around are daily, and other things are Let it be: Sometimes I really get this idea. Although knowing that what Sandora heard was inevitable, there was another burst of grievances, but once this person relaxes, it will inevitably fall into the mental state of middle-aged and elderly retired workers basking in the sun ...

I carried the little black puppet to bathe her, which was very fast, after all, for a person who is not afraid of water or washing, I will serve you, and I will serve you. Panic 荩  Meng Ci 虢 聿 Liang catching the basket d-I personally feel that this process is as difficult as brushing the bowl-but this idea must not let the small lamp know, otherwise she will bite Hang on my head all day, even refuse to eat in the middle. After the little guy cleans up, put her under a dedicated dryer to blow warm air. This dryer is also one of my ingenious inventions. It was assembled with three dryers. The table below is a grid removed from the oven and used to blow dry the puppets. When using it, put the puppet on the grid, and then blow the mid-range warm air for five minutes: the little puppet likes the mid-range wind speed. As for the motivation for inventing this thing ... Because it is very difficult to wipe a body with a towel with a ball joint and a keyhole, so I invented this thing. At least with her, the small lamp is never there. The excuse was that the towel fiber would tuck into the keyhole and refused to take a bath. Anyone who ever raised a child knows how difficult it is to coax a child into a bathtub ...

At first, the little puppet expressed a strong protest against putting herself under the dryer to blow dry, which she thought was an insult to the right of the puppet. But after blowing it twice, she couldn't help herself. Now she doesn't need to be forced to hold her, and she will get under the hot wind by herself. "The feeling of warm, dry wind at forty or fifty degrees Celsius blowing into the keyhole"-this is how she described her dryer.

It's an incomprehensible sense ... I feel like I've raised a bunch of weird guys.

When the clean puppet was carried out, I found that there were two more people in the living room, and I still knew each other, one was the **** of the father, and the other was the father of Bingtis!

Uncle Kuvain hasn't seen you for a long time. Are you here today to pull your unlucky ghost girl back to kill the people?

"Hey. I'll pick up my daughter and go home," Father God saw me at once, and immediately raised his hand to say hello with great enthusiasm. Cindia had become a little black cat, and now he was humming comfortably in his arms. It's really a different kind of happy scene. "Sora is really urging. She is not used to going out for so long."

Cindia in the form of a black cat raised her paw and patted her father's chin, muttering in her mouth: "Meow ... no, my mother just cares about it, so sooner or later I will spoil me and become a bear child Just like Xiaoxue. "

Do you think you are not bear enough now?

When Cindia said she was going to go home last night, I received news from the Protoss that she was sent to pick her up today. However, I did not expect that Father God and Bingtis's dad were here. I thought that at least a large group of Diplomatic Envoys, diplomatic groups, and the like could be held, and I said that I had to hold a state banquet in the morning. It seems that it is indeed a star protoss, and it is impossible to arrange them according to common sense. The move of the father and **** is probably similar to the uncle who came home from work to drop in to take care of the neighbour's daughter-in-law-I thought about it before .

"Seriously, isn't this girl in trouble?" Father and God smiled and scratched Cindia's chin, and it looked like a funny cat. Otherwise, no one can really put him in his arms. A little black cat is associated with the girl: one of the biggest similarities between Father God and me is that we all have a lot of strange creatures around us.

"No. To be honest. Cindia is good," I thought about it. Make a most sincere judgment, "Not polite, Cindia is really good. My kids need to have half of Cindia's care."

The father and **** are happy, and the little black cat in her arms rolls with excitement. It is not easy for a master such as Cindia to get a good boy evaluation. It seems that the living environment determines everything: if she and our family Children outside try together?

"A child from someone else's house." Xiaoxue held a half-salted dried fish in his mouth and drifted away not far away with a grudge. One sentence made me sigh extraordinarily: I did not expect that I would become the "other-child effect" Is the sponsor of the

"Uncle, I haven't seen you for a long time." I saw that Father God was busy teasing with his own daughter, and had no time to take care of this, so I came to Uncle Kuwain. This uncle who always packs himself like the vampire aristocrat in the Devil Hunter movie is now facing his girlfriend, Bingtis is sitting opposite him, tearing the vacuum-packed chicken legs with Erlang's legs, A weird state of silence was maintained between the father and daughter. My voice finally broke the silence of the two. Uncle Kuwain laughed on his face and turned to say hello to me, "Ah, Chen, it's been a long time ... really a long time?"

I laughed twice: "You have really been a long time."

"This boy is so good," the voice of God the Father came from afar, of course referring to Uncle Kuwain, who was sitting with a serious and serious face, "Since Bingtis returned, he has been worse than before. When I heard that there was a mission to come here, 羒 砭 ,  乇,  乇,  乇, 隼 矗 , 隼 矗   乇Jabber?

Unexpectedly, cold sweat appeared on Uncle Kuwain's face, but he dared to refute the word of the Father. I listened to the sudden feeling of absurdity: you said that this generation around me is chaotic!

I have a relationship with Bingtis as an iron buddy. I call her Bingjie; Uncle Kuwain is Bingtis's father, so I call him Uncle; God the Father is the creator of all gods, so Count the living ancestor of Uncle Kuvain; I am the same period of void creatures as the Father God, so I call the Father God the second brother; Cindia is the daughter of the Father God, so she is called my uncle; Cindia is Bing Tees's childhood friend, so these two are sisters; by analogy, Bingtis should be called my uncle, and I should be called Bingtis ... I guess I can call her anything. But the most amazing thing in the chaos of this blockbuster is that you take out each one individually. It all makes sense!

Since meeting these guys, I have been walking on the brink of ethical issues every day.

Uncle Kuwain came to see his girlfriend, but after seeing it, she did n’t know what to say. Of course, Bingtis was very close to her father, but this female hooligan was not the kind who would roll in her arms. Personality, so the two are screwed here, like a father and daughter who are awkward. But I ca n’t worry about it, either of them is like this. Just as I was about to turn away. The little puppet flew over, holding my head and shaking: "Stupid stupid! Did you see my card?"

I just wanted to suggest that she go to Xizhilang for a look, and heard Uncle Kuwain's cheerful voice coming from behind him: "Oh, isn't this a small lamp, come here, come here to grandpa ..."

Me: "..." Bingtis: "..."

Puppet: "... who is this uncle?" Something that doesn't care about himself. The puppet quickly forgot about it, and at this time she had forgotten Uncle Kuwain, who had had several connections.

"Dad! You draw the wind again ?!" Bingtis finally couldn't keep silent, and he was a lion roaring at his dad, but the latter didn't care about his daughter's violence, but just smiled at the little puppet. Reached out: "Come, let grandpa hug, look at this, look at this eye, look at this hair, look at this wing, look at the expression of 2.5 million or 80,000. Really engraved in a mold of my girl, it is a little smaller ... the kid almost hit the wall when he flew down, didn't he take flight training? "

Speaking of here, the puppet finally remembered who the uncle was in front of him. Suddenly, he was all excited and hung on my back, only a small head came out: "I think of it, that uncle who is nervous ! "

I calmly stepped back for two steps and smiled at Kuwaingan: "My daughter can't marry for a long time and finally feels depressed and has hallucinations. This is."

This statement immediately stimulated two people, one was Kuvain, who was unable to marry her daughter for a long time. He has submitted an application for the following reasons: to get in touch with him, to get rid of it, to get rid of it, to get rid of the epidemic, and to rebel 1014.  斫 心 阋 春  愀 掖 鹩 β 穑 俊?

I did n’t get fooled. I turned my head and walked away. There was a sound of Bingtis dying and dying behind him ... but at this time, it was really finished once she stopped. With Bingtis ’s ritual, she dared to pull her dad to come up together. I……

Breakfast was ready at this time, my sister came out to greet everyone to eat, and today there were two unexpected guests at the house, but the meal is not to be worried-after all, since Sandora came to this house, we have been in the canteen every day. To prepare every meal. Father God happily embraced Cindia and took a seat. With a look of determination to eat and die here today, I suddenly remembered something: "Yes, just now Cindia said that her mother had prepared a table at home. Wait for your grandpa to go back to eat ... "

"Well," Father Father nodded heavily, "Sora asked me to go back after finishing picking up my daughter, but anyway, you guys have cooked dinner here, right? Come on, Cindia, hurry up and eat! "

Me: "..." Dare to ask if you really are the Father God?

"You guys really eat here, can you still eat it when you go back?" Bingtis kept his mouth open, and dared to tease with the Father, of course, the latter didn't care, as he scratched the plate and promised: "Purpose Even if I go back to eat less, and the Emperor Hilling kindly invites me, it is not unreasonable for me to lead my daughter to have a meal, right? Sora will understand. "

A group of people were stunned, and then they all said in horror that the father and **** also threw a look at Qi Qiran at this time, whispering: "I have died of addiction ..."

"..." At this time, I really wanted to use Sandora's cooking skills. I am sure that only once, the number of people who come to their homes to cook in the future can be reduced by at least two-thirds.

Father God came to pick up his daughter to go home ~ www.readwn.com ~ So he got up to leave after eating, and Uncle Kuwain was basically busy with one thing while eating: trying to feed the puppets almost, I estimate that he saw the shadow of Bingtis when he was obedient, so he was so enthusiastic. The puppet block and dodge all the way, and the pain of a meal is unbearable. When this "unusual uncle" finally prepared to leave, she was obviously relieved.

"Child, let me tell you, it's not my dad's anxiety, you're a real boss ..." When the Father opened the portal, Uncle Kuvain dragged Bingtis for the last time, and whispered Everyone in the living room can hear, "You can't go crazy like this ..."

Bingtis has been mad for a long time, at this time he heard nothing but raised his finger here: "Okay, I have discussed with this two goods, really no one wants me, he wants! Satisfied? "

I snapped: "When will we be quoting ..."

Before he finished speaking, Bingtis stared at him with a fierce look. The implication was: dare to talk nonsense, and my mother went to draw you-so I snorted immediately. Uncle Kuwain didn't know what he thought, and it seemed that he had got a satisfactory answer, so Haha turned around and walked away.

...... This stressful morning has passed.

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