Xiling Empire

Chapter 1207: Coordinate to hand

Time is always passing too fast, and Cindia has been home unconsciously for three or four days-of course, in other words, the two Merova prisoners of war have been in the fourth quarter for three or four days. [Read in full text ..]

According to previous records of the prisoner's mental state, three days is the limit time that a mentally toughest intelligent creature can persist in the fourth zone, but the two Merova prisoners of war are said to have undergone all-round transformation, and the degree of transformation is even partial Affects the soul level, so they might persist longer? But I don't think it will grow too much. Everything in the fourth zone is the result of elina's elaborate design. Every criminal who is sent to the fourth zone accepts a "penalty" specifically for the spiritual weakness of intelligent creatures. In the face of this extreme environment, I want to simply Brainwashing and intensive mental training should not do much.

As for the captured Merlova fighter, it is still in the second research room. The core reading work of it is progressing slowly. The data encryption technology of the Merlovans directly inherits from the old empire. This is a huge Trouble, all of our scanning devices have encountered targeted defenses. At present, it seems that the fastest way to turn on that navigation computer is to find a breakthrough point from the two prisoners of war. So I came to District 4 again-although the atmosphere in this place made me feel uncomfortable.

Lilina spends half of her day in the fourth zone. She personally observes the mental state of the two prisoners of war and judges when and to what extent they are stimulated. This unhealthy guy is very happy with this work. Suspicious, insidious laughter suddenly appeared even when eating at home-I'm thankful that this guy is under his control, otherwise throwing her everywhere would be a humanitarian disaster.

"If it weren't for the boss, I would be like them sooner or later." In the surveillance room in the fourth zone, that weird office, Liliana told me that we were waiting for the jailer to bring the two prisoners out of the prison area. And I just mentioned the mental problem of this girl. She did not shy away from me, but pointed directly at the cell shown on the surveillance screen. "I will become a more **** than them, and then I will be locked in the same cell and die a hundred times a day."

It seems that this girl has a little self-knowledge. Whenever I heard her say this, I always felt a little uncomfortable, so I reached out and knocked on Lina's head, and the latter looked up and smirked: "But boss, rest assured. I'm demigod, I have a lot of self-control. I can't do anything that the boss forbids. "

At this moment, a hoarse, low voice came from the side: "His Majesty, Lord Prisoner. The prisoner brought it."

I turned around and saw the two skull prisoners wearing clown masks and the costumes of the king and queen. After learning about Lilina two days ago, I knew that the two tyrants who had ordered the live cooking of tens of thousands of civilians were in the fourth district. The best performing light prisoner, so Lilina was chosen as a jailer. They have to serve here until they have paid for the major crime they have committed. The fourth district is like the **** in religious legends. Everything here is Follow the rules in hell. It is common here for living dead who have both prisoner and jailer status to make atonement for hundreds of years in hell.

The two Melova prisoners were behind two skeleton jailers, wearing pulsed chains of blue light flashing on their bodies, looking pale and weak, but with clean faces and no scratches-this does not mean that they were not injured. It can only be said that these two guys were just resurrected once before being brought. And it was too late to be torn into minced meat by other prisoners. Their original uniforms were destroyed when the two were thrown into the acid pool a few days ago. The two are now wearing prisoner uniforms in the fourth zone, and Lirina has designed different outfits for each type of prisoner. The special prisoner's prison uniform is a furry baby bear suit, and even includes a gray fur hat. This cartoon-like dress is set on two living dead prisoners, in addition to being weird, or weird.

"Stay by you, don't leave now," Lirina waved to the two jailers and asked the skeletons to go to the corner to wait, and she focused her eyes on the two Merova prisoners of war. "Well, live. Are you used to it? "

The eyes of the two prisoners of war were dull, and they seemed to be incapable of understanding the human voice. They only responded to the external voice with a small nod. No madness, no coma, no loss of five senses, even drowsiness. Who do you deceive like dementia? "

It is estimated that only Liliana can use the blessing of life to this effect-but I also found that when she was in the fourth district, she never spoke in the name of a goddess. This is probably her only One of some self-discipline.

"You ... lunatic ..." A prisoner in a baby bear suit looked at Lina fiercely, his voice was weak, and despite his fierce tone, there was no threat at all. After a few days of torture, the barrier in his head Already crumbling.

"Well, tell me how to turn on the navigation computer," Li Lina sat across from the two prisoners, "so you don't have to suffer. There has never been a prisoner in the fourth zone who can leave alive, but maybe The two of you can be an exception-as long as you are willing to speak. "

The two prisoners returned to silence. I can see that the spirits of the two men have actually collapsed, but some kind of long-term brainwashing reflex effect keeps them consciously shutting up in this case. Lilian squints her eyes as if After calculating what the best punishment is now, she smiled: "Speaking of it, haven't you eaten for several days?"

The two prisoners looked at each other in confusion and did not know what this sentence meant: For the environment of the fourth zone, "hunger" was not considered a punishment at all. This was just a normal situation, but Lirina had specifically ordered it before. Don't allow them to eat ... Even the prisoner killings at 12 o'clock every day did not allow them to speak. What effect can such a "hunger" punishment have? In the eyes of the two prisoners, all the orders of the mad warden in front of them were basically elusive, so they chose to remain silent.

"Now you can eat," Liliana smiled at the two prisoners, "the jailer, chop their hands off."

"What are you doing ?!" A prisoner finally couldn't help crying out, and everything he had experienced in the fourth quarter must have made him think of something quite chilling.

"I'll cook for you," Li Lina spread her hand. "The resources in the fourth district are tight. You need to solve the problem yourself. Now, do you want to guess now, it will be your own meat. , Or ... "Then, her gaze swept alternately between the two of them:" Or the flesh of another person? Oh, I've been touched, is this the comrade-in-arms' love. Is it meat in prison? Cannibalism lasted for the last two people, hey ... jailer, what are you doing! King, go to prepare the cooker, queen. Come out with your meat cleaver! The prisoner will also eat! "

I felt nauseated and felt it was time to drag Liliana down, but before taking action, Merova's prisoner of war finally collapsed completely, and one of them softened: "Well ... I said ..."

Lirina waved her hand and let the two skeletons retreat, saying in a spiritual connection: "Frightening them, sometimes the psychological impact is more effective than the pain."

I nodded. Try hard to recall the scene of flesh and blood flying on the battlefield-staying in the fourth area for a long time, you need to adjust something light.

Hmm ... adjust it.

Two Melova prisoners of war were escorted out of the fourth zone, and the moment they saw the outside sky, the two enemies who had undergone brainwashing burst into tears of joy, even though the chains on their bodies sent out sharp pulses, they still knelt and shivered Coming down and kissing the earth, Lilina stood by and watched without urging and punishment: because the punishment had ended. She will not impose any sanctions on those who leave the fourth zone. Although it looks like a rather unreliable and moody guy. But Lirina's paranoia in "justice" is also surprising. She has obeyed a set of laws in the fourth zone-although this set of laws is cruel and terrible.

"So what-if you don't die, you won't die." Li Lina said slowly after the two prisoners of war stood up. "Treasure your life. After really making a big mistake, there will be no chance of recovery. Hell exists, and it is always open. Everyone is on the waiting list ... Sorry for the professional sick. Boss, you take them to the headquarters. "

"Don't you follow the past?" I was a little surprised that Li Lina, who had been busy for years, actually volunteered to leave.

"I'm going to the temple, Fukuzawa is born." Li Lina said with a smile.

Me: "... you just came out of the fourth zone, is this mental state OK?"

Lilina was silent for a moment, then suddenly raised her head: "Boss, do you know that the goddess of life is also the **** of death if you judge from the scope of your work?"


"Relax, I'm a lunatic, so I won't be crazy," Li Lina changed her heartless and heartless smile, turned her head towards the Temple of Life, and her tone instantly changed to that. Low and gentle, the compassionate tone of missionary preaching, "Put **** on the guilty, and grant heaven to the meritorious. The balance here is to reward the good and punish the evil. After dealing with the sinner, I should go to Fuze world ..."


A few minutes later, two Merova prisoners were transferred to headquarters, where Sandora had been waiting for a long time.

"So, the two finally decided to cooperate?" Sandora looked at the expressions on the faces of the two prisoners of war. After listening to what happened in the fourth zone, she had a long-expected look on her face. " Well, faster than expected, so you know what to do? "

Her eyes fell on the prisoner of war of Melova, who was now completely free of the tough and fearless attitude at the beginning. When hearing Sandorah's words, the two prisoners nodded mechanically: "We will Starting the navigation computer, it requires soul recognition, which is ... technology from the Empire. "

The answer was very honest, and I could not see any resistance. It seemed that their brainwashing barrier was destroyed, and the only will was exhausted. I guess even if I have an unrelated passerby now, I will let them open. Go to suicide, they will go.

Sandola frowned. She believed in the power of the fourth zone, but she didn't quite believe in the reliability of the Mellows: "If you play tricks and destroy coordinate data while starting the navigation computer ..."

"I'll call Shallow," I beckoned. "Time goes back, how easy it is."

Sandora patted her head. "Oh, I forgot."

The two Melova prisoners of war looked at each other, and when they heard that there was still time to go back to this bg stuff, it was obvious that they didn't care whether they had done any tricks before, now they must be eliminated. Already.

As soon as I heard that there was excitement here, I went straight to the headquarters almost instantaneously. Then I curiously looked at the two Merovas, and after half a minute of research, I made an evaluation: "Cut, it turned out that I had two eyes and a nose. I had brain supplemented for a few days."

... I basically can't imagine what she has done to the Merova's brain. This girl still has a beautiful image of a little green man in her head.

After understanding their mission briefly, the two Merova prisoners of war were taken to their fighter planes. I wonder if it was an illusion. The moment they saw the fighter planes, it seemed that the whole man was several times older. Well, it ’s normal to think about it carefully. They were arrested while driving this stuff. Now, when they see things, they must have a feeling that once the sea was hard to come by. But now there is no time to remember them, Sandora snorted softly beside them, and the two prisoners of war were all excited like electricity. He climbed in.

At this moment, Qian Qian set a point of restoration for the time and space of the fighter. Later, no matter what happens, she can guarantee that the fighter will return to normal state. Although I don't think that the two Merova prisoners of war have any tricks, but These precautions are necessary in any way. In addition, by the way, she usually likes this restoration skill when she is watching TV. She watches live broadcasts as videos ...

Military experts at the scene connected the data detection equipment to the Melova fighter. Soon, a slight buzz came from the flat oval aircraft, and its core was restarting. After a while, a large amount of data was continuously refreshed on the nearby scanning terminal. A senior assistant technician translated the data and nodded to us: "It is a database of coordinates, very detailed, and the lock of the navigation computer has been released."

"Copy the entire database," Sandora nodded, exhaling softly, "Also, the Third Army is on standby. Ready for the expedition."

quickly. In our hands, we obtained a detailed map of the Merawa people. Visually, this map contains at least 80% of the world of the Merawa people-it certainly cannot be 100% exhaustive. There are always places in an empire that ordinary soldiers do not have the right to know, but this has no effect on us. Experts will quickly calculate the data frequency bands occupied by each world in Merova based on this territory map, and then Calculating how large their entire empire can be, we can block the entire empty void area.

When the two Melova prisoners of war came out of the fighter plane, their eyes were dull, such as their dead bodies. They were destroyed by the will in the fourth area, and now they themselves destroyed the psychological foundation. When the home database was opened to the enemy, all the pillars that had been built in their hearts through brainwashing for a long time collapsed. I can imagine the mission of such a brainwasher: they have no value other than loyalty. So now they really are walking dead.

"What about these two prisoners of war?" I glanced at Sandora. According to regulations, this type of prisoner of war, and also a prisoner of war who has been given an extermination order, must be executed, but I always feel that there is no difference between the two ... How many times will the death penalty be imposed after walking around the fourth district?

"Should be executed, but for the time being," Sandora seemed to have planned, "they can squeeze some surplus value. Take them out on the expedition and keep them well. I want to give the Merovas a gift. "

I glanced at Sandora, I didn't know what idea she was working on, but I didn't ask much, anyway, with Her Majesty's stability, she couldn't make a mistake.

Two prisoners of war were temporarily sent to a regular prison, where they were prepared to be taken to the expeditionary fleet together. The Third Army had already dispatched a few days ago, and they are now ready to go. They only need to update the navigation system. The headquarters recoded the Merova coordinate library just obtained, set it into a format commonly recognized by the Empire, and entered it into the Expeditionary Forces database-it took almost no time because we found out what the Merova used The navigation system is very similar to the current navigation system of the Empire. It only needs a few details to be compatible. This is probably because they used to learn from the Empire ...

Everything they had was inherited from the old empire. Although this would cause us a lot of trouble during the expedition, sometimes it also brought a lot of convenience to the emperor.

When I got home, I announced the news that the world of Merova had been exposed ~ www.readwn.com ~ and then announced that the Expeditionary Force was about to set off: "So ... the fleet could leave in about a day or two. Who will follow this time?"

I looked up at the living room: "First of all, Sandora and I were bound to go out. According to Sandora's meaning, after all, Merova was the oldest vassal of the old empire, so the two emperors gave them" off "appropriately. "

"I'm going to go!" She jumped over without a surprise, and she followed me back from Shadow City. She had been walking many times on the road, and of course I nodded in agreement. Then the two one and two surely followed, the older sister did not know if there was ...

"I'm staying behind," my sister said before she spoke. "The empire will turn into defense after you leave, so be careful of the little actions of the fallen apostles. Tavel has found a way to connect my power to the garden of the deceased, and I happen to be What is the effect of trying to place a seismic network across the border ... "

I nodded silently, saying to my heart that Tavill finally wants to refresh the lower limit of Emperor Reserve ...

"I'll follow too, but before ... can I make a suggestion?"

Lin Xue was lying on the sofa hugging the crow and watching the animal world. Then suddenly such a sentence appeared.

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