Xiling Empire

Chapter 1306: Secrets on the tablet

An hour later, our family gathered in the middle of the courtyard and looked at the huge fountain in front of us in a daze. //// [This article comes from]

This thing looks pretty beautiful, because Lin also made a petal-shaped body on the spot with pure white star gold raw ore-purely handmade, pinching the star gold raw ore into a diameter of ten A few meters of pool, the girl's brute force finally played a role. In this large water fountain with a diameter of more than ten meters, there is a circle of water tank with a width of about three meters. There is a circle of spring eyes symmetrically distributed at the bottom of the water tank. In the center of the water fountain is a green field. It is unclear what species the tree is still in its original place. Bingtis re-reinforced the rock pillars under it with curing magic. After all, when the fox was going crazy before, the tree was almost hollowed out.

This caused our new fountain to look like a weird large flowerpot: there was a circle of water column along the edge in the flowerpot, and a large tree almost covering the sky was planted in the center of the water column, and there was a piece of tree under the tree. The small circular grass, although this strange design comes from the "construction site" left by the fox, has to say that the shallow brain has also played a decisive role in this.

"Let's do it fast." Looking at the beautiful large fountain in the courtyard (maybe this thing should be called a fountain? After all, it is pure and natural, and the size of this thing is too large), Bingtis is satisfied. She nodded. She was also involved in the construction just now. The main task was to hold a popsicle to blindly command and to be dragged aside by me.

Shallowly happily ran around the circle around the fountain, cheerfully like a little girl, reaching out from time to time to catch the falling water droplets: there is now a filter layer under the pool, and the clinker from the underground river is mixed with cinder The muddy water column of mud has been purified to the point where it can be drunk. She walked outside the pool for a while, and suddenly ran along the small stone bridge reserved on the pool to the open space in the middle of the pool, turning in a circle under the shade of the tree. Breathing the fresh, moist cold air inside, he turned and smirked at me: "Ajun, Ajun, it can be cooler here, and it is much better than the two before! It feels like it is in front of the waterfall!"

I continued to look at the pond in front of me silently, and continued to calculate how things developed into this situation.

At first, the fox dredged version returned with good reputation, then she broke her stomach and began to run wild in the yard. Then she dug all the way to the underground river, and then proposed a less mature idea, and our family repaired it by the way. Such a fountain ...

You can't copy this routine anywhere else! What a magical group of guys you have gathered around me!

"I said. When Sandora comes back, how can we explain to her the decoration of the house?" I thought for a while, and said to myself, "Besides, there is Lin Xue, so there is such a thing in the house this day. Here. This is much more dynamic than planting a few flowers for a piece of glass. "

Bingtis next waved his hand unwillingly: "It's okay, let's just say that the brain is wide open and the whole family didn't stop it. This is really the case anyway."

That being said, I looked at Bingtis's advocacy like this: "So what, this is my house ..."

"Don't care about the details, let's talk about what this iron is about," Bingtis waved his hands with arrogance. Instantly treat other people's home as their own, "And look, aren't your little girl films very satisfied with this pool?"

As soon as I saw it, it was true. Suddenly something new was added to the yard. Apart from being shallow, the happiest thing was of course a bunch of bear children at home. At this time, Xiaobuo had crawled to the tree in the middle of the pool, hanging her head from the branches to say hello to me. As he reached out to pick up the drops of water that could almost be sprayed in front of her, Veska yanked and dragged Pandora to the pool. She is studying how to arm this pool. Liliana is also inexperienced at this time. She is planting flowers and plants around the pool with the attitude of a senior late generalized diffuse obsessive-compulsive disorder. Because she is not symmetrical, she has planted three Over and over again.

The little puppet stood in front of the pond, and wanted to go to the shade of the tree, but he looked hesitant. I quite understand her idea: this girl has always been a mature and experienced adult. (Although she is only 92 cm tall), at this time, it must be quite stressful for her and a group of bear children to play in the water. However, I don't think she will be tangled for a long time, because she has a ten thousand-year-old rival Li Lina next to her, there are absolutely countless ways to drag the puppets in.

Then there will be an extra doll girl among the bear children who need to take a bath to clean up ...

Forget it, let these little girls play casually. Compared to tearing down the house, it's not a problem to have an extra fountain in the yard. Thinking about this, I was relieved, and turned my head to find the figure of Ji Shining. I wanted to see where the analysis of her clay tablet went, but I saw she was standing in the corner of the yard, holding two black pieces in her arms. The mud version of Huhu looked at the new pool in the center of the yard with eyes.


It seems that there is one more nanny in the guy who needs to take a bath today.

"Did you finish picking the clay version?" I walked over and reached out to Ji Hing's eyes and let the latter come back to me. "You want to play with the little girls, too? How old are you?"

"No, just suddenly remembered that there was a similar pool in front of Wang's palace at the time," Ji blinked his lips and made an indifferent look, "but more than that! And there is more than one tree in the middle of the pool! "

I was stunned, it turned out that this guy remembered his own events again. It seems that I have time to care about this silly receiving bag. I thought she had stayed with our family for a long time, and she was completely heartless. Here it is.

"Here are two clay tablets that have been found," Ji Huan handed over the two clay owls he held in his hands. "There are four more left, which should be in this pile of things. I really don't know who was responsible for keeping them These precious books are so scattered in the burrows that there aren't even book boxes. If it was the era of the king, such a library keeper would definitely accept the punishment for death in the sun. "

"What the **** is written on it?" I was very curious looking at the heavy Sumerian "book" in my hand. In my eyes, those wedge-shaped strokes that seemed to be dried up probably had the same meaning as the alien text. Well, it ’s harder to understand than alien text—because I know at least Hell.

"There are a lot of things dictated by the **** Xin, and there is a big fireball falling ... Ben Wang has been a bit guessed, but when Sister Sandora comes back, she probably knows more about some things. Well, I am trying to Find out all seven clay plates before eating, and already figured it out, it is easier than Wang imagined. "Ji Shan finished and waved to me. Squatting down continued to sort those "book pages." The original pile of muddy plates piled up by the mess has been carefully sorted into several piles by Ji Bing. It seems that she is not only trying to reorganize the seven muddy books, but also trying to put the rest of the "books" Sort it out. Watching this girl who is rarely obedient and obedient in her daily work so seriously (although it may be related to reading obsessive-compulsive disorder), I suddenly moved my heart and bent over and patted her hair.

"Why? King is working. Don't make trouble if you don't understand." Ji Huan muttered without raising her head.

"Do you remember what your palace looked like?" I thought about it. "Avalon is a big place. Many of the spirits have applied to rebuild their homes during their lifetime. I think that you can also rebuild the places where you lived. One came out: from the spirits you brought from another world, you have no house in Avalon. "

Jill looked up in surprise, noticing the angle at which I stood. She first covered her chest, meaninglessly, and then suddenly laughed: "Ha. Do you think the king is the kind of fragile guy? No, Ben Wang would not be like those guys, and he would be like a fool for the regrets of his life. "

I snapped: "But you weren't ..."

"Excuse me. Don't make trouble while you go." Gill arrogantly pushed my homeowner aside, then thoughtfully, a smile appeared on his face, and he pointed his finger at the big house behind him. "Who said that Wang had nowhere to live? Isn't this the Wang's house?"

Sandora was busy in Shadow City until noon, but she stepped home on time before dinner. Her biological clock has been running perfectly at home for four years, and now it can basically be accurate to the minute. While waiting for the meal, Sandola went around the yard, and rightfully saw the spectacular and abrupt large fountain—to be honest, I saw one in my small courtyard that was not placed in front of the hotel. Too small a fountain, except for shallow, normal people feel abrupt.

"What are you doing at home?" Sandola stared blankly at the already transformed yard. "Did Little Lamp and Lirina fight again at home and blow up the yard?"

I said that Sandora's ability to associate is not bad-of course, it may be because a group of bear children at home are so noisy all day, she is used to it.

"The fox ran a pit in the yard, digged the groundwater, and then made a simple idea to build a fountain," I honestly said, "In fact, it's good, but fortunately, she opened a coal kiln without comment."

Sandora: "... oh."

Sure enough, as Bingtis speculates, as long as the problem is pushed to the shallow brain hole, all the strange phenomena can be explained. Sandola said on the spot that she had nothing to sigh.

The fox soaked in the bathroom for almost an hour before coming out. I guess the big reason was that she was lying in a daze for a long time and couldn't find the door. After washing for a while, the demon fox girl finally turned into a beautiful appearance. She dragged a lot of gorgeous golden retriever tails to say hello to everyone, and she still remembered her past troubles in the yard, now I was so embarrassed to watch and kept bowing and apologizing to the TV cabinet. My sister and I reached a conclusion within two seconds: Ya is still dizzy.

I'm going to ask sister Gil to explain to myself what's on the clay tablet now, but my sister has called everyone to sit down for dinner, so let's leave it alone. After the family hungry and noisy seated, I watched the fox still in a dizzy state moving towards the dining table, holding the table for a long time and finally sat down on the ground ...

Her condition was really serious, because then I saw her poke her braised pork with six chopsticks on her face, and gave her sixty-seven strokes. Then she was fed into the little bubble mouth, and then she was still So curious, I do n’t know why I did n’t eat anything ...

I really can't see it anymore, and patted the fox's head: "Open your mouth!"

Then give her a dish and send it to her mouth: "Eat!"

This is considered to allow the second goods to eat smoothly.

But soon I found myself in trouble. Because Sandora across the table and the light sitting on the other side began to poke at me like a small knife, the moment when I fed the fox to me was 100% accidentally touching the warning point of the two: But I really don't have any worries, it's the foolish look of the fox that makes her anxious for her!

At this time, the girl next to the fox seemed to have just reacted. While chewing the food, she seriously corrected the teapot not far away: "You have to respect, I am Lord Fox, I am not a fox, although you feed me But it ’s not feeding, you know? "

Then my sister patted the fox's head, and the latter opened her mouth again ...

"She's lost her ability to take care of herself." Bingtis didn't feel the surrounding atmosphere at all. She was mainly lamenting the mental state of the fox. "Maybe it's not just as simple as going around hundreds of thousands of circles, she The divine power in her body has not completely dissipated, and those powers have now blinded her perception and thinking ability. "

Sister Bing's analysis is well organized. No, this can't help me to get out of the same sight as Shanda and Sandora's knife. In the end, I can only start to pay for Saka. Of course, Sandora also expressed her hope that someone could feed her, but I thought about Her Majesty's meal and I didn't dare to agree ...

After eating, Ji Shining moved the seven clay tablets and other bits and pieces of valuable book pages that she had sorted out to the living room. Half of the family immediately gathered them up curiously.

"First arrange the order, and then fill in the missing text. Wait for the King to translate it for you." Ji Shining placed the seven clay tablets on the coffee table in order, the "book pages" that were temporarily unavailable. She was left aside. Of the seven clay tablets, only the first one and the other one were barely intact, and the rest were basically damaged, so Ji Rong tore a few small pieces of paper from the small bubble's workbook. Write cuneiform text and place them where they are missing. She filled in nearly a quarter of the entire book, and I was amazed: "Missing so many things? How did you make it up?"

I thought Ji Bing was an unexpected genius, but the other side shook his head proudly at me: "brain supplement ..."

Then I instantly felt a deep despair. The secrets that these seven clay tablets can reveal immediately fell from the historical theme to the fantasy novel. Now the only thing I feel comforted is that this thing is not superficial ...

"On the first mud version, there was a **** named 'Xin' coming to the earth from the sky in the southwest direction. With the blazing fireball," Ji Shuang ignored the weird expression on our faces, she I have translated the contents of the "book" by myself, "There should have been an extra character here, who is the identity of the recorder who talked to the god, but this part just happened to be erased, so we don't know Who the original dictator of these words was, but it doesn't matter. The **** named 'Xin' is not a Sumerian god, he is not even a **** of the two rivers: in clay tablets, this is recorded as 'A **** from outside the world', but considering that at the time, the entire world was as large as the plain of Mesopotamia, so it is likely that the original word of 'Xin' was from another place on earth, this One point can be inferred from the following. "

"The second and third clay tablets are mainly for recording the local customs at that time. They are not important. We skip them."

"The fourth and fifth clay editions record some things that Xin tells a mortal in person, which is interesting here," Ji Shan's tone was slightly subdued, successfully mobilizing everyone's attention After seeing us all staring at her intently, she nodded and continued. "'Xin' tells mortals how far the margin of the Mesopotamia plain is, tells them the length of the two rivers and the starting point and end point, and tells the local People, the world they live in is actually a huge rock ball. 'Xin' tried to let the locals learn a kind of text from 'The Kingdom of God', and hoped that the locals would pass on this kind of text: But this attempt seemed to fail. 'Xin' told mortals that the gods did not live on the clouds, nor did they live on the tops of mountains and in the fog on the lake. He seemed to try to tell the local indigenous gods exactly where they lived. A word representing an unknown-no one understands ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xin's mortal who chooses to communicate is the smartest of humans, but the latter still can't understand 'Xin' Part of the word. "

"Then there are many similar records, 'Xin' tried to make the locals understand something, but hardly anyone could understand, or some could understand, but completely beyond the mortal world view, so it was completely misunderstood or ignored. It is mentioned here that the earth is spherical; the sky is composed of gas, and the thickness of this layer of gas is actually very thin; the stars in the sky are not the residence or incarnation of the gods; the sun actually rises on the other side of the world after the sun goes down, etc. There are many sentences, but it can be seen that the recorder of the clay tablet is just copying these words rigidly. He did not try to understand at all, even did not dare to understand the content, and because of the vocabulary of the ancient Sumerian script Limited, many sentences ca n’t even be repeated. Many things that Xin tells mortals cannot be pronounced in human words, so they use some inexplicable words to record these warnings: so their original meaning can only be It was made up by my brain. "

"The last two pieces of clay describe the power of Xin and his weapons," Gil paused deliberately so that we could fully associate the previous content, and then she looked at it mysteriously and mysteriously. Sandora and I, "You may feel very familiar--a rod that emits blue beams, a shimmering energy shield, a sky crane that can be called out of nowhere, and floating in the air, automatically A thunderbolt that sends out a beast ... a floating gun! "

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