Xiling Empire

Chapter 1307: 1 mess, confusing

Seven clay tablets dug from the burrow recorded in more detail the dialogue between the **** named "Xin" and the locals, and the form and power of the **** in the eyes of the local indigenous people.

Of course, there has indeed been a **** named "Xin" in human history. This **** is from the moon **** of the Semites, and he has a heritage relationship with the Sumerian **** Nanna-but it is obviously not mud. The one mentioned on the edition. As to whether the "Xin" mentioned in the seven-page mud version of the book affects other Semins and Sumerians in the following hundreds of years, we do not know, but according to the information at hand, mud The **** described in the edition is more like an alien with high technology--

On the tablet, it is recorded as follows: The powerful **** "Xin" appeared for the first time on the earth in a crane that glows and spit fire. The flame on the crane is different from the flames of the world. It has a sky. And the color is still and still-from this we judge that the so-called "flame" should be the blue light emitted by the phantom engine. The phantom engine is not driven by the reaction force of the jet working medium. It will work when it is working. Produces a misty and solidified light effect, which should be what is called a "quiet flame" on the tablet. The clay tablet states that a prestigious and recognized wise man received this messenger from heaven, and their dialogue had several witnesses who, together with the "wise man," relayed the warnings they heard from the gods to The scribe left these seven "book pages." "Xin" claims to be loitering, and he is a constant traveling god. He told the locals a lot of incomprehensible knowledge, such as the shape of the earth and the end of the sky, but the locals could n’t fully understand them. Xin also tried to mobilize the local indigenous people to build some large buildings and let them follow some astrological rules. To arrange these buildings. According to the text on the tablet. Those who participated in the "listening" finally understood the teachings of "Xin" as the secret of God. They could not associate it with the land they lived in, and they did not understand how to verify it. Therefore, they chose to directly use these contents as myths. The story is recorded in "The book stayed on the ground for more than ten days to complete some kind of" investigation "and" teaching. "During this time he performed miracles several times to help the locals drive away huge beasts and wipe out the sky fire (we guessed it might A lightning strike in the city ignited a wooden house or something else). The last miracle of "Xin" was to summon the skycar he took when he came, flying to the sky in the eyes of everyone. It disappeared after a few dozen meters of air.

The tablet used to describe the "Xin" weapon is as follows: one of them looks like a staff, with a metallic luster, and has a light surface, and a straight thunder fired from the front end. This weapon eliminated a group of huge bisons that invaded the city. . The bison was burned to ashes immediately after being struck by the thunder, and the bison that was not hit by the front was also burned half of the body, and the remaining half showed a gem-like appearance. Here's a detail: A group of greedy locals saw a "jewel" crystal on the bison burned by the god's heavenly fire, and they had evil thoughts, so they secretly took a few crystals from the bison carcass, but this The action was immediately discovered by the god, who ordered those greedy people to throw away the gem immediately. And wash your body, and throw away any clothes that were used to wrap and hide gems. Most of those greedy people immediately repented and did so, and they saved their lives after a slight fever, but one person was extremely rebellious. After throwing away the gem, he couldn't help but secretly picked it up, hiding from the gods. Three days later, the man who hid the gem died with pain in his body. His death was horrible, his hands were ulcerated, and his skin was cracked one by one. The edge of the wound is like those bisons burned to death by the heavenly fire of God: crystallized. These characteristics are described by the locals in a decent tone, which may be strange to outsiders, but we are simply too familiar:

This is a symptom of psionic radiation, a crystallization syndrome caused by unsafely processed psionic crystals. "Xin" ordered the people who stole the crystal to take a bath and throw away their clothes just to keep them away from the radiation dust.

The weapon used by "Xin" was suspended in the air. Something that can also release God's Skyfire. The recorder of the clay version records in awe and fear: they are as big as cows, with bumps on the surface, and blue fire flows on the surface like flowing water. These flying ghosts are guards that the gods grab from hell, and they are gentle The ground followed the god. When the beast in the forest ran out, the **** didn't even move a finger. Those flying ghosts automatically released the thunder to destroy the enemy. They moved quickly and could shoot down the evil eagle in the sky. Flying, like painting with blood.

I'm also familiar with this thing. There are thousands of Pandoras. She also specially chooses a small size to put in the house and holds it every day when she sleeps. There is such a thing that Pandora uses as a pet and a pillow. Scientific name, called a floating gun.

In fact, based on these descriptions, we can also confirm the identity of "Xin": he is an Imperial soldier.

"At present, there are only three waves of Apostles of the Spirit who have arrived on the earth," Sandola groaned after Ji Shan's translation. "A trek soldier in my avenger came to Earth to do scientific research. Imperial Expedition, and Huesca's Destruction Legion. "

I nodded: "According to the age, the expedition and the Destruction Legion were hundreds of thousands of years ago, so the **** named 'Xin' described on the tablet should be your soldier, Sandora. "

Shallowly, rolling his eyes for a moment, and suddenly he happily came over: "Hey-Ah Jun, there is a little ..."

"Stay!" I froze backwards conditionedly, but instantly saw the appearance of the light and crying, so quickly patted her face, "Um, you say it first, in case I can listen Understand ... "

It took Qian a second to forget the grievance just now, and she said excitedly, "Is the word" Xin "just the spirit?"

Otherwise, it ’s often a step away from genius and what. She is usually unreliable and often confusing, but her ideas can always make people shine in key places. I instantly I think she's making too much sense-if it was really the soldier that Sandora was trekking to earth, what would he say when he introduced himself to the local indigenous people?

"He must have said that he was an" Apostle of the Spirit "," he said lightly at the edge of the tablet. "But these four characters do n’t know any of the locals. The Apostles of the Spirit can synchronize equipment and differences with translators and thinking. Racial communication, but there is something that ca n’t be explained. The Sumerians at the time may think that the “Apostles of the Spirit” was a name, but they did n’t have a corresponding pronunciation or a phrase that could be used for free translation to record the name. They chose a syllable 'Xin' that they could spell out instead. "

"It's true," Ji Bing affirmed the less mature guess of Qian Qian. "The cuneiform vocabulary is not so large. Cuneiform text is suitable for expressing by phrases, but not for phonetic transcription. It can spell the meaning of rain through the words '天' and '水', but the The word "Xiling" belongs to "with sound and meaninglessness", and it is completely impossible to spell it this way. According to the habits of the king's time. In this case, a word with a similar pronunciation was chosen to represent it. "Xin" this The translation was translated by the king based on the transliteration of the clay version. It was pronounced thousands of years ago: * && ...%, um, do you understand? "

The whole family looked at Ji Shining with an expression of expression, and at last the elder sister said, "Uh, huh. It really sounds like the word" Hill "..."

"I didn't expect to find the news of that soldier in another place after so long," Sandora suddenly sighed, "I remember that we first found the tomb ruins in the Taklimakan Desert. I didn't expect him to Have you traveled the entire planet? "

According to the records in the clay tablet book, this is indeed the case: the trek soldier did not stay in one place after arriving on the earth, he was traveling around the world. And do the same thing everywhere. The clay tablet said that “Xin” personally mentioned that he was traveling the world to find all mortal settlements. He added knowledge beyond the cognition of the local indigenous cultural system to guide the local indigenous people to build some useless but possessing Large buildings with a mysterious meaning, or simply leave written records like clay tablets. However, most of the traces left by him have disappeared due to the passage of time. Only the graves covered by the yellow sand of Taklamakan and these clay books left by the plains of Mesopotamia are now available for examination. The latter is even more valuable than the original grave: because this is the first thing to record in detail the soldier's words and deeds, and we can know what that soldier did on earth through the record in the clay tablet. Try to speculate what he did before his death.

The mighty empire warrior died. Thousands of years ago, on a primitive planet, in a place where there was nothing to threaten him at all, he died inexplicably--this thing has always been Sandola's heart was sick. Because Sandora cares about her soldiers, it has always been my heart disease, because I have OCD ...

"On these clay tablets, it can only be determined that the soldier has contacted the Sumerians and tried to raise the awareness of the local indigenous people. He may be trying to leave more records of his activities in this way," said the sister. He did n’t understand the text on the tablet, but still turned the old things with interest, whispering, “But thousands of years ago, humans were not suitable for these in terms of cognitive level and shaping of worldview, so he eventually Did n’t leave much, the only thing is these written records, which have been buried for thousands of years. "

Even so, I think that the soldier may have successfully left a lot of records. Throughout human history, inexplicable astrological knowledge and astronomical observation records often appeared in ancient civilizations. The Maya even calculated the trajectories of many planets in the solar system during the obscurity period. This knowledge beyond ancient human cognition has always been a mystery: say no One or two of them were traces left by the soldier that year: as if he was trying to make the Sumerians remember the thickness of the atmosphere and the thickness of the crust.

It's just that over time, even if he succeeded in leaving any information back then, those traces have now become one of the myth stories of the Earth people, and we have no way to tell.

"Yes, this is a problem," Sandora suddenly thoughtfully. "According to the records on the tablet, his purpose at the time seemed to leave traces of his activities. He tried to teach the locals a word of" God " If it is not wrong, it refers to He Lingwen. He also tried to make the locals understand astrology and geology. These are probably to prepare for the construction of astronomical knowledge in the local culture. He wants to stay in this way. "Culture marks" that can be spread on this planet for a long time, then there is only one reason ... "

Bettis first thought of the conclusion: "He knew at the time that he would die, no doubt, this was to prepare for death!"

I took a look at Bingtis and Sandora, and spent half a minute trying to understand how they came to this series of conclusions. Then I realized afterwards: "Oh ... then we have to change our guess at the beginning."

"Well," Sandora nodded with a moan. "At first we thought that some external force on the earth killed the soldier. Although this was impossible, this was the only guess. Now it seems. That soldier After coming to the earth, he began to prepare for his death, that is, it was not the things on the earth that killed him, but some kind of internal force that he already knew and could not resist. Did he say ... Suffering a fatal injury while traveling through the world? A fatal injury that has no way to repair itself? "

This is also a possibility, but soon, the meticulous elder sister realized that there was a doubt here: "No. There seems to be a problem in time ... When is the age of this tablet?"

"According to the sacrifice activities and customs mentioned on several other clay tablets, it was probably hundreds of years before the reign of the king," Ji Shuang was sitting in the middle of a pile of loach with an air of expression, as if he was a knowledgeable old scholar "It's been over 5,000 years since then."

"Due to the time axis being out of sync, that soldier ’s trek was more than 1,200 years ago for me." Sandora simply converted, "and according to the information he just got, he arrived on Earth. Time is an ancient era at least five thousand years from now. "

If there is no "debugging" by higher civilizations, the time axis between the two native worlds will be misaligned. This phenomenon is already familiar to me. In the world where Sandora was trapped that year, her soldiers disappeared more than 1,200 years ago (for Sandora), but the soldier left a mark on the Earth during the ancient Uruk civilization. . This shows that he arrived on Earth more than 5,000 years ago (for the New Empire timeline), which is the so-called misalignment of the timeline.

However, these two time points are actually not important. What is important is another time point--

"The tomb relic we found in the Taklimakan Desert was built more than a thousand years ago." Sandora recalled the events of that year, and she discovered the biggest problem. "The soldier arrived five thousand years ago. The earth did not die after more than three thousand years: he definitely did not die from injury and exhaustion! For more than three thousand and five hundred years, he has enough time to repair himself, and even repair his teleporter, and return to me. "

That's right. The biggest doubts finally came to light: the soldier who had been trek that year was active for more than 3,500 years after arriving on the earth. He had such a long time to repair himself, or sent a signal to his chief for help, or even just left some Larger ruins are also possible, but in the end he has made almost nothing in the three thousand years. After leaving a pile of semi-informed legends and a group of primitive primitive people, he died so obscurely: even the grave was buried under the yellow sand.

"An elite soldier with a high degree of autonomous consciousness can transform an original planet in three thousand years without being able to contact the parent star." I looked to Sandora, and she must understand what I mean. .

"Even the most basic Spirit soldier has sufficient thinking ability and planning ability," Sandora said slowly. "According to the level of the Earth's indigenous civilization at that time, if you carefully guide the whole process, 3,500 years is enough for one The clumsy soldier extended a group of the most stupid indigenous people to the orbit of Neptune. He only needed to use his absolute authority to rule humanity with the power of the gods, and then let humanity quickly enter the industrial age. You also know that forcing the racial race In terms of the technology tree, the Schilling Empire has a long history. It is not difficult to bring a primitive civilization into the space age within thousands of years. Primitives are not much different from modern people in intelligence. The human brain has not The torch has been basically mature since the torch. For the next few thousand years, Earth people have only tinkered between several blocks of their own brain. "

In this case, if the mind of the empire who trek to Earth was okay, and he really wanted to leave traces of his own activities in human civilization, then the Earth people have at least built colonial points to the edge of the solar system and started Research on deep space navigation technology. But just like what I said just now, for more than 3,000 years, the soldier has done almost nothing ~ www.readwn.com ~ There is something that severely restricts his actions, not the damage of the body or the dark injuries left across the world, It's something deeper, something that can suppress the core abilities of the Apostles of the Spirit, "Sandora quizzed the table a little anxiously." I know the Apostles of the Spirit, and I know my soldier better. From the various records recorded on the tablet, the soldier did try to leave his own cultural heritage in the indigenous people of this world. Ninety percent of them may want to prove that they have come to this world. This is like a signpost or a lighthouse. It was he who prepared for himself after death. It may be that he hopes that one day his army can pass through the world so that he can see the marks left by him. Now that he has this clear goal, he should take a series of effective measures ... I think that his overtime support ability must be locked, and part of his logical thinking ability, cross-world communication His ability was also locked. He did not use high-power weapons to create 'nicks' on the earth, such as a giant rift. This means that even his own weapons in the space are locked ... What is it that can turn a To the extent that the Apostles of the Spirit were completely suppressed? "

I don't know what can be like this, to suppress an apostle of the spirit to the point of being almost completely incapable of action, and only to be a super thug, but I suddenly remembered another thing related to "suppression", so I looked at Xiang Shan Dora: "Sandora, do you remember when we first met, you and your army were trapped on a planet polluted by abyss ..." (To be continued ...)

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