Xiling Empire

Chapter 1311: Debris

(... what the hell, I remembered that there might be double monthly tickets at the end of this month ... It looks like a good deal to cast monthly tickets to the end of the month, right?)

The spirit apostles have always been calm, but they also have moments of excitement-things that involve their home world and ethnic origin are undoubtedly enough to excite them. Anyway, for the first time, I saw a calm person like Sandora show such a hurry. The report from the engineering team made her anxious to rush to the scene the next second, as if she was afraid that she would miss the solution a few seconds later. The chance to solve the mystery of origin is the same. However, despite all this, I still tried to calm her down for a while: at least I had to tell the family, right, we are going to the empire far away.

Hearing the findings of the engineering team, the sisters also showed an unusually strong interest, but in addition to Bingtis and Shallow, everyone else said that they could be housekeepers in the rear. Sister Bing and Qian Qian are always guys who are busy and not equal to wasting their lives. When they heard that they would go to the far-flung expedition, they immediately tangled up. They talked about me and Bingtis got Sando. Pulled, the two stumbled into the team.

And in the end we have to bring an unexpected little guy: the little puppet has to be afraid to follow.

"Fool, you haven't taken me out to play for a long time!" The little puppet fluttered over my shoulder, and while holding my head up and down, said rightly that she was already a petite daughter form.

"We're not going to play," I cried and laughed to explain to this wayward-tempered puppet girl how important the origin of race is, and how big is the difference between this problem and going out, "There is only asteroids in that place Bring, no beautiful clothes and no Barbie suit, you used to have nothing to play. "

"That's your problem. Anyway, I have to follow it," the whole doll was anxious to be wrapped around my head in a ball shape, as if she were a hat, "otherwise you will not be allowed to hold me Go to sleep! "

There was a spray in the living room, otherwise it was a doll-sized creature. It is estimated that the family has already started fighting. I silently looked at Sandorah and Lin Xue, and I said that I had three girls who could take turns to sleep, and I was afraid that the threat of an SD doll would n’t work out--but I did n’t dare to say it because I saw The little puppet grinned next to her face, revealing her iconic one-sided little tiger teeth. The little girl's threat was clear: even if half of her teeth were broken. I will hang myself on your face too!

I looked at Sandora, who was packing things by the way, and Sandys, who was packing Icedis, and asked with her eyes if she could take this little guy who suddenly started to entangle people. Sandora nodded without thinking: "Bring her, you It's been a long time since he took the child out. The engineering team has explored the route. Although the destination is far away, it is far from the territory of the fallen apostles. There is nothing dangerous. "

I picked up the puppet and put it in front of me, explaining to her quite seriously: "Okay, then take you, first say that you must be obedient on the road, don't disturb the samples of the engineering team and the equipment of the scientists, this project very important……"

Before I finished speaking, I heard a crackling sound coming from behind me: it seemed as if a group of bear children were wrapped in the breath that was destroying the world. Look back. Sure enough, Lina Little Bubbles, Veska Ravens, and Pandora being dragged into line have already lined up in front of themselves.

At that time, I had an ominous premonition. As a result, Li Lina opened her mouth, and the premonition came true: "How about, I said that it would be okay to let that puppet look into the grass? She opened the situation and we can all follow ... "

Little Bubble, Medivh, and Veska suddenly cast their admiration for Lina, nodding their heads and saying that Pandora took a half step silently, and looked at me with gray eyes, indicating that the matter had nothing to do with her.


The little puppet on his shoulders had a strange look, but I already guessed what happened. Most of them are Lina, who has a lot of ghost ideas and thieves, and gave her the puppet, let her come up and smash and go out to follow. Among a few girls, the puppet is the most suitable for this role: from personality to body It's suitable to take the Jiaoman route, and then just let me relax. Lilina has a reason to bring a group of bear children to live with the past. This is a story of a little puppet being sold in a minefield, paving the way for a group of sisters and sisters: and the sisters also mixed in an aunt wearing a loli skin. .

"Follow me." I almost waved with these guys who were afraid of the chaos in the world with a dead expression, so a group of little girls suddenly smashed like a holiday: they might go back to the room to clean up and think I can use the "baggage", although I don't understand what baggage can be prepared for a trip to the asteroid. Can one person carry a set of mining machines to collect trititanium in the meteorite group?

"Boss, they are doing good deeds," Lilian whispered suddenly as she walked past me. "It was a year ago that I took all the children out of the house last time. They didn't care if you took them. Going to an asteroid belt or a resort, they just want to go with you to a place they haven't been before. "

I smiled, and of course I could think of these things that Lirina mentioned.

Race origin, hometown world, historical mystery-children in the family will not care about this, they only know that their father has not led themselves out for a whole year to play: you can not ask a group of children to do things other than this How high awareness. As a father, you explain to your children how busy they are at work and do n’t have time to accompany them at home. This is basically the dumbest way. Children do n’t understand and do n’t want to listen. Their world is only parents and play: if you Don't hurry to accompany them when there is only you in their world, so sooner or later you will find that everything in their world is nothing but you.

Fortunately, I think that the group of bear children who do nothing except entangle people will never have such a day. You see Xiao Xue is a living example. A 17-year-old girl who was born in the army and joined the army Growing up, she was already the fleet commander when she came through time and space. She has not yet ended the rebellious period from the age of three, but after all, she is still a bear girl with her parents spending money—so even There is an end to the void, and I don't think there will be an end to the entanglement of these girls.

Oh. There is still good news here. Xiao Xue was ordered by her mother to learn lady etiquette at home, so she could n’t follow along. Otherwise, our ancestors ’mystery of the origin of the ancestors did not know what to do.

After half an hour, we have embarked on the voyage to Yuanjiang. In order to rush to the scene as soon as possible. Instead of boarding the Admiral Empire this time, we chose a high-speed Void Cruiser, and the **** fleet is the elite frigate of the Royal Fleet-it can be said that it is lightly travelled. The members of the royal family did not travel with heavy **** formations. This is a very rare situation, but considering that the engineering team has confirmed the safety of the route before, and Lin Xue gave us a gossip before departure (is this strange statement?) . Make sure this trip is not dangerous, so Sivis, who was responsible for arranging our trip, didn't say much.

The only accident on this trip was that we brought a bunch of noisy little girls. Half of them didn't understand the meaning of the hometown world and the secrets of their ancestors. These little guys came out to play. Especially the little puppet and the little crow, the former hasn't sat in a spaceship for a long time to go out, and the latter hasn't seen much. These two were running around in the cruise ship, and I had to send a few soldiers to follow them all the way to prevent them from losing themselves.

"Such a serious matter, shouldn't I bring these girls?" I looked at Veska, who was lying on the ground and playing with Little Bubble to draw the little green man, and couldn't help but cover his head. . Veska should be the only apostle of the spirit who has no sense of the "mystery of origin" at the scene. This most apostle of the apostles of history does not seem to have the ancestors' memory and the concept of hometown. Basically, she expressed her ignorance about the operation, and even when she saw the material in her hometown, she was very heartless.

She ’s not as good as Little Bubbles — do n’t look at Little Bubbles lying on the ground and drawing little green men, but this is because her child ’s nature is taking the upper hand at this moment. In front of her, the little guy still stared at it for a long while, then murmured a lot of opinions. There is also a record of ancestors and the hometown world in the core of Xiao Pao's memory. Although she does not quite understand what we are doing this time, she seems to have a sense of mission.

Although this little girl with a little sense of mission is still painting the little green man ... Oh, now I start to draw the little grey man.

"It's okay." Sandora had now recovered her indifference and calmness. She looked at the children and smiled. "You can't ask for the silence of the group because of the solemnity of one person-765 years after I became king That said, the core idea is the efficiency and deformalism of the Apostles. "

Me: "Oh ..."

Although we are fast. But a few hours before I arrived at the excavation site, I was bored and I opened the real-world detection window of the fleet to study the outside scene. There is only endless void outside the order field, and there are only frigate groups moving forward in the order field. At first, this scene was quite unclear. The high-tech low-key luxury had connotations, but it was really monotonous after watching it for a long time. When preparing to turn off the monitor, a huge black shadow suddenly flashed across the screen.

I'm sure there is no frigate of this shape in my fleet, so I quickly ordered the probe to track the shadow that just flew by, and everyone was stunned when the latter was fixed in the center of the screen of the monitor.

A giant crow hundreds of meters long was flying around in the order field. A tiny goth girl in black was riding on top of the crow. The goth girl was only over ninety centimeters tall, and she rode on top of the giant crow. As inconspicuous as Ding Dong usually sits on my head.

Then I heard the rushing voice of the royal guard who looked after them, "Your Majesty! The second princess and Lord Crow God are gone!"

I twitched at the corner of my mouth: "Uh ... I saw them, and I was in a state of mind. Hurry up and pick them up in the order field!"

The headless and silly bird and the lawless doll girl ran out of the spaceship! And they are flying around in the order field ...

At that time, I felt that I really underestimated the action ability of the bear child. I should have known for a long time that a crow **** with a poor brain and an awkward person with a disgusting personality would become a combination sooner or later. The order field is not a good place to be a nonsense. Although it is a "safe environment" that provides void shelter for the fleet, it is only a distant line from the void. That silly bird in case ...

I just thought of it here. I saw the doll girl riding on the top of the giant crow cheerfully patted the crow's head under the buttocks, and then the pair crossed a gray shadow in the order field at a completely unresponsive speed and disappeared.

What are they afraid of, they rushed outside the order field!

"Wow!" I jumped up from my chair, "the two crazy girls!"

Asakusa and Sandora were frightened, too. At that time, the fleet should be ordered to stop pushing, and hurried to "salvage" the two crazy women. The danger of the void environment caused a vote of parents to mess up, and a chicken flying in the crew cabin jumped, but at this time, Bingti Suddenly coughed twice: "Don't panic. It's okay. Seeing your concern is chaotic."

I frantically watched this female hooligan who was still calm at this time: "The two crazy girls are running outside the order field!"

Bettis gave me a white look: "So you forget that your family isn't afraid of the void long ago?"

Me: "... oh, too."

"Cut," Bingtis continued to look down at the book. "When the bird was just deified, it could fly around in the void. The puppet has been affected by you for so many years. Of course, it can also survive in the void. You have to learn to adapt. These: Sooner or later. Your damsels will go running in the void all day long, as our protoss children often do. "

"It sounds terrifying," Sandola sighed sincerely. "I can't get used to it for a while."

The little crow's talent is shuttle through the void, at least one of her talents is this: it is not clear what she can evolve into in the future. So I really care about it but mess up. Maybe for the silly bird, now is just her daily bending time, usually the little crow has the habit of flying out for a while every day. But I never knew where she was going. Now I think about this fact, I'm afraid it's scary: most of the time, the bird is wandering around in the void every day. .

Look at this level!

Sandora, who had been staring at the monitor at this time, suddenly dragged my sleeve: "Look, they're back."

At first glance, it turned out that a dark shadow was emerging from the chaos clouds on the edge of the order field, which was another sign that the smaller order field was merging in. A few seconds later, the dark shadow turned into a super huge crow, with the elated little puppet sitting on top of the crow's head, and in the crow's paw ... holding a tattered thing.

"The bird seems to pick up something." She pointed at the holographic projection in front of her in amazement.

A few moments later, I was ordered to return to the cruise ship by two problem children who went out for a mad run. By the way, we recovered the broken metal plate picked up by the silly bird-it was confirmed to be a special alloy almost assimilated and cleaned by the void.

It is regrettable that the little puppet and the silly bird did not realize from their beginnings and ends that they acted rashly and worried others. These two problems were as if nothing had happened after the children returned, maintaining a kind of difficulty Exultant spirit of explanation. The puppet girl crawled on my shoulder, and shook her feet. Like a spring doll who can't relax anymore, the little crow greeted us with a quack and ran to find shallow to ask for candy. Seeing two mad girls who were heartless and heartless, I instinctively wanted to use the subjective initiative of parents to educate them, but I have n’t spoken yet, and the little puppet on my shoulder suddenly dragged my hair to invite me. : "Stupid stupid, go and see the baby we found! You will be interested!"

I blinked: "Well, did you suddenly run out of the order field just to pick up that thing?"

The little puppet nodded strongly, and continued to sway around my shoulder like a spring doll.

I quickly grabbed the little crow and inquired carefully, only to find out that the two girls really didn't run out and go crazy: Madivine somehow felt that there was "something" outside the order field, so she took her own person My sister flew out, trying to pick it up. The reason why she didn't say hello to the grown-up was because the silly bird didn't think there was anything wrong with this behavior: she started flying around in the void not long after she was born, and her ability to be immune to the harm of the void made her fundamental I don't understand the danger of this place. In her opinion, the behavior that just ran outside the order field just now is similar to the nature that she usually ran from the house to the yard and brought back the stone ...

"It looks like this bird is more capable than we thought," Bingtis looked at the little crow who was let off by me and jumped up and down in the cabin, with a rather emotional voice. "She can see directly by instinct The other order fields in the void are more powerful than your ship's radar and sacrifice. "

"Xiao Xue said that the future Raven God is the" Messenger God "in the Greek spirit system. Maybe this messenger also contains the ability of scouts," Sandora nodded. What exactly is the bird picking up? "

We are surrounded by a piece of door-sized metal fragments, and we try to distinguish the origin of this piece of metal ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is why Medivh just rushed out of the field of order: a piece of twisted and twisted, it seems to be almost empty Assimilate clean metal plates. Due to the effect of void erosion, the original color of the metal debris must have been invisible. Now it shows a chaotic luster. The surrounding area is uneven, and it looks like it has experienced an explosion. With a slight golden glow floating in Sandola's eyes, she scanned it for half a minute, and finally analyzed the metal fragment that had almost completely lost its original nature.

"It seems to be the armor plate of the Empire Starship," Sandora frowned. "From the material point of view, the super alloy that Phantom has processed. Only the Empire Starship uses this material. Other civilizations do not have this. This technology, and only this material can persist in the void for so long. It looks as if it was destroyed not too long ago, and it still has a bit of residue that has not changed its nature. "

"On the Empire Starship?" I was surprised. "The engineering team that set off the other day didn't seem to report damage, and our ship never walked on this route."

"... I have a bad feeling," Sandora bit her lip, "this thing reminds me of the fallen apostle ..." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (m ) Vote for referrals and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read m.)

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