Xiling Empire

Chapter 1312: Asteroid Belt Engineering Base

Sandora was startled when she spoke, but she did n’t mention the bad apostle at this time-but soon I found out that Sandora really made sense: First of all, the route was brand new, In this area, we have never sent a spaceship, and the debris cannot come from the Empire Starship. Secondly, the piece of metal found by the little crow from the void was apparently just formed a short time ago: maybe not long ago it was still part of a complete spacecraft. After the spacecraft collapsed, the order field disintegrated, and this fragment drifted to In the void, otherwise there is no way to explain why such a piece of material can persist for so long in the void environment. In addition to the imperial ship, now only the fallen apostles are possible.

"Fleet alert," Sandora immediately issued a command to raise vigilance. "The order field turned into a hidden state, and the speed of the jump dropped to the silent threshold. The early warning formation launched a spy probe to keep the probe a little further away."

The fleet commander immediately responded to the order to take measures, and I stared at the piece of metal, as if to see from the above which "old friend" was behind it. At the same time, I felt astonished: "It is not reasonable to say— —Lin Xue's prediction should not be wrong. "

"Lin Xue just said that we will not meet the enemy during this trip," Sandora had her own opinion, "but she did not say that this generation has no trace of fallen apostles. Maybe they have really been in this place, but they do n’t know It's not here yet. Probably, the most dangerous situation is when the Imperial Army and the fallen apostles pass by. "

Speaking, Sandor stretched his hands and wiped the corroded and distorted metal plate, his eyebrows were not stretched: "I can't feel the abyss on it, and it has probably been purified by the void first. Within the known void, only the forces of the New Empire and the Fallen Apostles are using the Spirit ship. Since this is not our ship, it must be the enemy. "

"In any case, put this thing in the warehouse first," I glanced at the metal plate. "There will be an engineering laboratory until the destination, and Tavel's clone is also there. Let her analyze and analyze this thing origin."

In fact, I think this metal plate has revealed good news, that is, the spaceship to which it originally belongs must be finished: once the order field is broken, there is no room for rescue. The spacecraft sailing in the void, even if it ’s There is only a large pinpointed hole in the barrier, unless an orderly universe can be found in a short time. Otherwise, it will soon suffer the impact of the void and die. We are now in a "desolate zone" in the void. There is no order universe in this frequency band, so this piece of debris means an irreparable void flight. You see, no matter what the reason, at least one wave of fallen apostles died ...

The confrontation between the new empire and the fallen apostles has reached the point where, as long as the opposite side is fine, it is a holiday.

"The chance of an accident with the Empire Starship sailing in the void is almost zero, and it is even as rare as fish gurgling water." After the piece of metal was sent to the warehouse, Sandora exhaled, "The spaceship must be It has been attacked nearby, or it has been severely damaged when it came here. We have never been here before, and the engineering team may have missed the detection of the new route ... Be careful, avoid the information collapse points and Fragment of the world, I don't want the Empire ship to suffer the same fate. "

I thought about it. Began to educate a group of eager bear children behind him: "No one is allowed to run out anymore, but thank you, birdie, you didn't hit anything ..."

It took the fleet almost twice as long to reach its destination after strengthening its alert and slowing its speed, which was a whole day before we set off. However, like Lin Xue ’s previous prediction, the fleet did not encounter any danger along the way. Whether it was a fallen apostle or the world fragments or information collapse points that might have destroyed the fallen apostle ship, the road was quite peaceful. The espionage probes sent by Sandora cruised until they were overloaded and self-destructed. The only result was to draw a rather detailed void navigation map back-the next time you go down this route, it will be easier. .

The day after the departure, the capital's standard time was in the evening-of course it didn't make much sense to us. Just convert to Sandor's timetable. One and a half hours before dinner, the fleet arrived safely in the target universe.

Because of the accident that the bird had discovered before, Sandora decided to continue to be on high alert, and she ordered that some frigates be anchored at the critical point of the world barrier. A large number of early-warning radars and alert drones are deployed in situ: these things may not pose much fire threat to the enemy, but they can effectively prevent us from being caught off guard. Although Lin Xue's predictions escorted it, in this remote area where the situation is unknown, it is not wrong to be extra careful.

The Royal Cruiser and the remaining frigate formations sank to the order universe safely. After two space jumps, we arrived at the so-called "excavation site", a desolate asteroid belt.

This is located on the edge of a middle-aged star system, and the entire star system orbits a small orange sun. There are only two massive solid-state planets composed of barren ice-stone mixtures in the galaxy. Both planets are orbiting away from their sun, cold and dead, and the asteroid belt where the hometown material is found is located in a more remote place. In orbit, its size is quite large and is generally ellipsoidal. According to calculations, it will take 197 years for this asteroid belt to orbit the local star.

Further out, it is cold deep space. The nearest celestial body is six light years away.

As I said at the beginning, this place is extremely desolate, and the special meteorite found in the asteroid belt is the only reason to attract us. This is really not a good place for vacation.

But the little girls still looked back and rushed out cheerfully, ran to the edge of the excavation site, and pushed the fragmentary meteorite to start bumping, just like playing a giant billiard ball ...

Forget it, high-energy bear children naturally have high-energy gameplay. They usually throw grenades at home all day long.

The first engineering teams that arrived here have established outpost laboratories and engineering bases. This base is located in the center of the asteroid belt. Like all temporary space bases, it is the most time-saving and efficient construction method. Relying on several large asteroids as vertices, and built with high-strength interstellar alloys as skeletons, it looks like an irregular scaffolding in space. Various important facilities are fixed on the nodes of these high-strength skeletons, and experiments The room is the only large-scale facility on the entire site that looks quite elegant. It is a hemispherical building with a polygonal dome, which is fixed on the central platform, surrounded by eight supporting beams to connect it with other facilities on the base. The blue marking lights indicate several landing and landing platforms around the laboratory. Between the lights flashing, engineering drones are constantly coming and going on the landing platform: the entire base is in a busy working state.

At the end of a main support beam at the base, there is a dock for small and medium-sized spacecraft to dock. After the little girls ran to play, we landed near the dock. It is said to be a supporting beam, but we all know the "big is beautiful" idea of ​​the building of the Schilling apostle. This supporting beam is actually a giant alloy structure with a width and height of 100 meters. It has long exceeded the concept of "beam". Inside, there is a closed passage leading directly to the laboratory. And bring your own comfortable artificial gravity. Tavel's quality projection is waiting for us at the entrance of the channel. Behind her are several senior assistants and an inexplicable Felice.

"Two majesties, are there any problems on the road?" Tavel wondered why we were hours later than expected.

"A little bit, this route may not be as 'clean' as expected at first, but you don't have to worry about it," Sandora said indifferently. Tavel is a scientist, and traces of the fallen apostles' activities near the route are a matter for the military department. It is useless to tell Tavel, "You move quickly, this base is good."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Tavel accepted the compliment, her gaze was looking at the transparent window next to it: there are many observation windows on both sides of this closed promenade inside the main support beam. After all, this is not a military fortress, no Need to consider the issue of overall protection and lighting control. These observation windows help you to see the expansion of the base anywhere. "We brought a mass production host when we set off, which greatly accelerated the construction of the base. The extension platform No. 4 was about two hours later. It can be completed, and then we can set up large subspace analysis equipment. "

Follow Tavel's sight. I found what she referred to as the "Extended Platform Four."

It is an unfinished building located on the back of the base. It is directly connected to the central laboratory by two parallel supports. It is about one or two kilometers away from our side. Compared with the rest of the brilliant base, four are under construction. The extension platform looks rather dim. Only the light effect during the builder's operation walks upstream of that huge metal platform. You can see the semi-finished building on the platform with a glimmer of light. The builder working on it is undoubtedly the mass production host brought by Tavel just made these two days. Under their busyness, a large facility is rapidly forming in the ever-changing optical network, just like a crazy growth. Giant plants in general: No matter how many times you look at it, the magical field filling and information materialization technology of the builders are amazing. Tavel can build such a large and well-equipped asteroid base in 48 hours. These magical "construction workers" are gone.

Felice, who has been watching the mass production of the main building for two days here, is of course even more amazed. She saw that the conversation between us and Tavel finally came to an end and immediately came over and whispered and expressed her views: " I didn't understand for two days-what exactly is your technology ?! All your buildings originally came from this way? Are your building materials ... are there any building materials? "

I quite understand her excitement now: Not long ago, she had not given up selling ore to the empire, and now, this dream is obviously left to the **** beaten by the engineering technology of the empire.

"How do you say, it's too early for you to get in touch with this technology." I took a look at Phyllis, who was already bright enough to lift the two D light sources. If you don't pour cold water on her in time, this guy She will secretly run to the base to pry parts: she is not doing this for the first time. "You have a good look. Think about it. This technology of making materials out of thin air can crush your existing social order. kind."

Immediately trying to understand the matter, Felice nodded, but she was still surprised: "Are you creating material out of thin air? But this ... Doesn't this violate the laws of science? Where does material come from? Energy Where did it come from? Has your technology advanced to the point where you don't need to follow objective laws? "

"Of course, there are scientific laws," Sandora replied lightly. "But we usually write those laws ourselves. Because natural cosmic constants are often not very easy to use. You Fijians are actually coming into contact with this right now. Knowledge outside the universe is the first step in controlling the truth. Outside the universe, you can easily understand many mysteries that could not even be guessed. Within about thirty years, your complete knowledge system and worldview will be affected. Refresh, you have to re-understand the world and yourself, and rewrite more than half of the technical classics. In the future, all your scientific laws involving the basic worldview will be subject to constraints such as "inside the universe". This will be a new era worth looking forward to. . "

After listening to this energetic declaration, Phyllis was finally convinced that such a profound thing had nothing to do with herself for the time being. So I went to chat with Qian Qian.

"Yes, Tavel, there is something for you to analyze." After Felice walked away, I suddenly wanted to take off a metal cormorant picked up by a small crow in the cargo bay of the takeoff ship, so I hurriedly asked someone to take that piece. The pieces of armor were taken over.

As soon as he saw the strange thing, Tavel showed a surprised expression: "This is found in the void environment? It has a serious tendency to chaos. The physical parameters of the substance itself are already between measurable and unmeasurable. It's time. "

Professionals are professionals. I think Tavill's entire body is composed of scanning equipment and processors, and she can tell at a glance the origin of this thing.

"Let's put it this way, it is because of this thing that we have been delayed for several hours ..."

At the moment, I told Tavel about the unpredictable accident that I encountered halfway, including Sandora's guess about the source of the metal debris. of course. We also do n’t expect Tavel, a scientist, to help formulate an early warning plan and give her the fragments, mainly in the hope that she can use her own technical analysis to analyze whether this thing has fallen off the spaceship of the fallen apostle. , And the possible cause of the ship's destruction.

The fallen apostles were active in this area, and they also lost a spaceship, and this matter cannot be taken lightly. Just now Sandora has been connected to the Shadow City, allowing Sivis to prepare the scout fleet to thoroughly check this remote area, and I want to let Tavel also help: she has enough threads anyway.

"Yes, Your Majesty. The subordinates sent the samples to the newly-built analysis room." Tavel heard what I was talking about and immediately realized that the situation was unusual, so she immediately gave us a military salute, Then a mass projection split from the body, teleporting away with that piece of armor.

I was stunned as a brand new Tavel disappeared before my eyes. Deeply aware that the mad female scientist in front of me has finally cultivated schizophrenia into an active skill ...

"Now talk about your findings," Sandola watched Taverville with a look of indifference, and walked ahead, "we said as we walked."

Tavel followed Sandora and gave a detailed report of what the engineering team had discovered in the past two days, some of which we already knew, and more details were first heard.

"First of all, it can be determined that the formation process of this asteroid belt is related to the material leakage from the hometown world to this world. After calculation, we found that there should have been a large planet in this orbit, right where the meteorite group is now It is very likely that this planet collided with a fault zone where a flash of space occurred and was instantly crushed by the space phenomenon into these scattered fragments to form this asteroid belt. The overall distribution pattern and material composition of the asteroid cluster It also supports this conjecture: they come from a large planet. The torn debris of the planet is now re-aggregating into celestial bodies at an extremely slow rate, so it looks denser than the usual asteroid belt, and most of it has become Meteorites are densely packed, and near the center, there are already small stars of relatively large masses-you can see the big blocks that are aggregated together at this position, as large as the continental shelf ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ According to the residual warping marks in the space, this large area has been in the past for a long time Under the harassment of periodic space flashes, in general, space flashes are a rare space spectacle with a short duration and cannot be repeated in a region. The subordinates are estimated to be the instability of the hometown world or a certain This kind of variation caused the continuous flashes over this period of time. The calculated flash bands are ellipsoidal, just covering the asteroid belt--or the planetary orbit of the year, which not only shattered the planet, And ejected a large amount of material from the home world. These material fragments were suspended on the asteroid belt's necessary path. When the latter passed, it collided with the asteroid head-on like a cannonball, and formed after multiple collisions and fusion. The sample we got for the first time was the kind of 'fruit core specimen' wrapped in a meteorite, but there are more and more wonderful things here. Some homeland material was captured by gravity without encountering collision, so it became here One of the asteroids, some of the hometown material is huge, which in turn encloses the small volume of stones here, and some hometown materials are extremely active and experience High temperatures, where they local material fused together to create a new product was formed the reaction. "

Tavel paused and raised his finger to the front: "Please go to the laboratory with your subordinates, there are a lot of samples, many of them reveal a lot of ... wonderful information." (To be continued. If you like this work, welcome You come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read at m.)

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