Xiling Empire

Chapter 1319: fishing

As we totaled up what we should use to quickly and efficiently hang Harlan out of the open, Brentice flashed. "Eye-catching? Isn't there a super eye-catching thing here?" Bingtis said, turning to look at Phyllis, "apart from the graves of your old ancestors, these are the most eye-catching Filipinos ..."

For the first time in my life, I saw that a person could complete a backflip with a 360-degree turn in a sitting position. Finally, the cat was behind the sofa, and Felice almost turned into a dark shadow to complete the set. Acting, watching her come out from the back of the sofa with a probe, I was surprised and said that the Queen's hamstrings were doing well ...

"Have you played like this?" Felice swept at the three of us with the sight of class enemies. "Do you think it's appropriate to discuss this in front of the victim?"

In fact, I would like to say that in front of Bingtis, a female hooligan, what else do you expect to be related to morality that is "inappropriate" in her mind-but Bingtis said before I said: " Oh, yes, you should say this when you are away. "

At the same time as Sandora: "..."

Felice began to poke holes in Bingtis's face with her eyes: I don't think it has any effect, let alone the eyes on Bingtis's face, because Ding Haishen's needle and pestle had to be broken.

"But this is a good idea," Sandora looked at us, and calmly analyzed. "You see, Haran has already seen the Fijian spaceship. He may not have seen the material of his hometown in person, but for Fiali The merchant ship was very impressed. He knew that the people on these ships had dug the ancestral tombs of the ancestors of Hilling. Secondly, the Fijians were not Hilling apostles. The fallen apostles were also ignorant of the new world macro system. It is suspicious. It can be explained that the hawkers who once dug the ancestor's grave have come to dig the second time. It can also be explained that they are going back to their hometown-Harlan will not be suspicious of this. "

Sandora's analysis was well organized, and Felice continued to lie on the back of the sofa, staring at her: "What about me?"

"I haven't let yours stay with me, either," Bingtis finally couldn't help but remind the queen, a bit teasing, "Pull your boat, your people will follow us back to the Empire. Come on? "

Felice was stunned, and finally found that she had been in a state of brain short circuit for the past few minutes. She didn't respond at all and had this option, so she apologized and smiled at me and Sandora: "Oh, oh. It turned out that ——A boat is cheaper for you ... "

Me: "Shut up."

"You can't do this! How much time did it take us to test the ship across the void? Do you know? It takes two years to build an engine!"

Me: "Shut up-your lieutenant has exposed the stuffing. Your hometown has at least twenty ships for cross-border sailing ..."

Felice: "..." I guess she started to aggregate and go back and sell her lieutenant again. This time, I guess I could get a discount and send it in a sack.

Actually, of course, we cannot take advantage of others at will. No matter how you think about it, there is a fact that it is obvious that if the Fijian ships are going to hook up Harlan ’s army, it is unlikely that they will be able to return completely. It is optimistic that Harlan ’s first thing after finding out is to melt those ships. Spread the **** all over the universe. So I have totaled something that needs to be compensated for Felice, such as another boat, or a bit of civilian technology-but this thing can't be raised in front of Felice, after a period of getting along I already know the nature of this hawker queen. She is the only one who can see Qian Jingguang. The guy who has never let go of the pan under the sword, let her know that we have a compensation plan, and it is estimated that we will never have peace before she pried over a fleet ...

Various facts tell us that in the face of such a person who makes people laugh and cry. The best plan is to cut off first, and then give her a secret compensation plan before talking about it. When the fait accompli is done, there will be no future troubles. You need to talk to her on the spot about compensation. She can blame your back molars on your actions, and then ransom a bunch of vitamin tablets and go back ... she couldn't do it!

It took us two full days to withdraw all personnel and equipment. In fact, it is quite easy to evacuate personnel and equipment: the biggest advantage of engineering sites such as the pioneering research station is that it is easy to disassemble and transfer, most of the asteroid belt engineering base can be abandoned, and several core facilities can be deformed and assembled. Take it to the engineering ship for packing and take away. As for the large laboratory constructed later, Tavel pushed all the key data into the void and wiped it out. These personnel and equipment can set off in about half a day. The real time consuming is the relics of the ancestors. They are huge in number, fragile in structure, and more importantly, Sandora is not willing to drop even a slag-more importantly, in the end we take the entire asteroid belt away Now ...

That ’s it. We spent a day and several production bubbles to supervise ourselves, created a temporary gate of the world, and pushed the entire asteroid belt through the gate of the world to shadow space-I admit that the amount of engineering is a bit large. But you need to understand Sandora's exhilaration in the face of her hometown material and ancestor's relics ...

Anyway, after seeing a gap the size of the moon opening in space, then the entire asteroid belt was pulled into the sky by a gravitational field generator and pulled in a gravel stick to repeat the scene. In a word:

"You guys are crazy ..."

In fact, if it wasn't for the large-scale information flow that would attract the Harlan remnants in the dark, Sandora would have the intention to pack this stellar system back. You must believe that the Spirit apostle drilled holes in the rules of the world. Can something as large as the Death Star still bounce between several universes.

In this way, after spending a few days in this desolate and remote universe, we hurriedly returned to the world of the capital with people, and then Sandora began to prepare for a surprise attack on the distant land. We need the fastest and fierce troops to give Harlan's remnants a blow that can't stand up: and we can't let them run like last time. To this end, Sivis mobilized the Royal Fleet, which had just eased from the last border defense battle, and all the elite parts of the six legions to form a powerful mixed force on standby. The reason we put in such a huge force to deal with Haran is that the opponent has King's Advent on hand. Although Harlan's main force now has only a part of the Royal Fleet, his King Admiral formation is a huge threat, and we have to deal with those things with an overwhelming amount. Of course I also considered letting the Celestial Fleet deal with the King Admiral. However, the fleet moved too slowly and could not catch up at half past one. We are going to engage in an interception war against Harlan, and the Celestial Fleet is not suitable.

In addition to the aforementioned forces, a number of special fleets are also ready for this battle: the Seventh Fleet, which has just taken shape, but has not yet verified its combat effectiveness, the Magic Legion.

The Seventh Fleet is the old Royal Fleet of the Fifteen Days that we received from the Merawas last time. Of course, the name was changed after the reorganization. They were all the most advanced mysterious warships of the year, and despite their long history, they continued the style of durable and unscientific of the Apostles of the Spirit, as long as they were properly repaired. They should be as powerful as they were then. With the assistance of Tavel, Aurelia led all the current technicians on the mysterious side to work day and night, and repaired most of those spacecrafts for months (because we don't have enough star pools-that is mystery) Department of Star Harbor building-so the progress of the repair work is a bit slow, some starships that were severely damaged by the Mellows are still lying in the outer space of the Celestial City, and these ancient mysterious creations form a A new fleet that is much smaller than other legions. We currently call it the Seventh Fleet or the Seventh Army.

Because the number of spacecraft seized is limited. Coupled with the fact that not all ships can be launched, the size of this "Seventh Fleet" is indeed the smallest of all the legions of the new empire. The Royal Fleet is half of the normal legion, and the size of the Seventh Fleet is even half of the Royal Fleet— —As a senior person in charge of the mysterious army, Aurelia is also somewhat depressed about this situation, but there is no way to do it before the plastic star pond is completely completed. The status quo of "no soldiers and no ships" on the mysterious side may have to be maintained for a while.

Of course, I think that to deal with the remaining troops under Harlan, a sophisticated mixed force organized by Sivis plus a seventh fleet should be sufficient. It was also an opportunity to test the combat effectiveness of the Seventh Fleet and their adaptability in the new emperor environment. Anyway, we no longer need to hide these things on the mysterious side. In fact, when the last border battle started, I had the intention to let the Seventh Fleet play at the last moment, but the last time I planned to keep up with the changes ...

Regarding the insufficient establishment of the Seventh Fleet, the top general on the mysterious side did not make any comments: Alye still lived a leisurely, relaxed and happy life, although now she has a lot of work to do. But I really didn't notice any change in the personality of this somewhat natural angelic sister, and I remembered the law that was summarized at the beginning: in the fifteen days zone. The work is estimated to be second-hand, you look at Pandora and Sivis, you look at Alaya and Aurelia ...

Well, we will not discuss the work style of the two general-level figures. In short, after an emergency transfer, we have hoarded a considerable number of troops in the far-flung area-after Haran appeared, let the army go long distances from the empire. The raid was obviously too late, so Sivis let the army stand by in an inconspicuous universe near the distant land in advance. This is the limit distance that will not cause the enemy to detect, and it can also intercept the enemy as soon as it appears The best distance. I believe that as long as Harlan and his stubble show up, these fleets can block another universe within minutes: each of their ships is filled with world barrier jamming devices, and the entire fleet is ready to execute the classic "anti- "Jump" tactics.

While the fleets of all parties were preparing actively, we also threw out the bait prepared for Haran.

In the middle of the night, when the dark winds and high winds struck people and there were few stars, Felice stood on Star Harbor above Gaia, biting a handkerchief and tearing her fingers off her ship, which was three ships. The largest of the merchant ships of Figari. I was with Sandora and the female assistant officer of Felice. Everyone felt black lines when they saw that.

When Felice was ready to touch the scene and endow a long poem, Miss Lieutenant next to her finally couldn't help it: "Master, please be decent."

It seemed that Felice suddenly remembered that the lieutenant had inadvertently undermined her own ruffling scheme, and then suddenly frowning: "Did you sell the letter? Do you have a discount to support cash on delivery and pack the letter for free?"

Miss Lieutenant looked expressionless: "Master Queen, you have planned to sell me 327 times. There are plans to buy one get one free. So please be decent."

Phyllis: "..."

I had to interrupt the weird two with a loud voice: "Did I say you, didn't I leave you two?"

In fact, we originally planned to send out three Fiari merchant ships, but Felice felt that for the first time they had jumped out of the world, at least one of these three ships must be left as a historical souvenir-just before she When she was about to die, Sandora chose to give in. Sandora's own explanation was that it was just a bait anyway, there was no difference between three ships, but I think that the main role was that Felice was too noisy. Before Sandora changed her mind, the Fiale Nether Consortium had already Big horns and banners were prepared in front of their company. It ’s worse than disguised as more than a hundred unpaid migrant workers in the loop broadcast "Hei Xin Ship Management Bureau towed us three ships, nothing to say that we have not yet paid for the start of work, the Ministry of Statistics and the Ministry of Compensation paid you our spaceship and returned our hard-earned money ! I ca n’t live now, I can only sell equipment. The meteorite melting furnace at the original price of 1888 now only needs 998 …… ”

I think this Felice really dares to do that!

"Is there a contradiction between leaving two ships and losing one?" Felice cleared her account. "I have feelings for this ship, OK?"

I waved my hand before I talked to her about compensation. My compensation plan is like this. First of all, the Fijians lost a ship, and the empire will remake a copy of them-exactly the same, equivalent replacement. Of course, this new ship uses some empire-specific Advanced material, it will be better than the prototype. Felice actually earned it. Secondly, in order to express appreciation and gratitude to Fiali's "sacrifice of righteousness" (you say these four words must have as much water as possible!), Sandora decided to open them to low-level void calibration and primary phantom extraction technology. These two technologies should be quite high-end to the people of the Philippines at present, but they will not have a big impact on the technology tree of their soil: for a Ming who can already jump out of the universe. Void calibration and phantom energy extraction are already a piece of paper-knowledge, and teaching them has no effect. And Sandora has extra plans for this decision:

The Void Consortium formed by the Fijians has not yet officially operated, but they have shown superb commercial and diplomatic talents during the ethnic exchanges with the major races in the Shadow City, especially the major servants. This consortium will be able to effectively improve the circulation efficiency and the degree of exchanges among various private channels in the world. Both Sandora and I believe that this novel but useful organization should be put on the stage as soon as possible. And let it have sufficient loyalty to the empire-the support of key technologies is the most effective, and it is our most familiar means.

As soon as Phillips heard that there was still a compensation plan, her eyes flashed, and Hippie came over with a smile.

Sandora and I rushed home without saying a word before the hawker spoke ...

The next two days are the hardest two days: we all hope that Harlan will appear as soon as possible, and then the empire will come out, but we don't want the toughest guy in history to take the lead, and he can disappear into the void. The depths are a joyous thing: after all, as long as there is a war, the intractable universe will have a chance to be affected. We do try to keep the Fiery merchant ship as a bait away from the world as much as possible, but Harlan is roughly after all Knowing where his target is, he should hide there, and the bait should not deviate too far, otherwise it will fail.

However, two days later, no news came.

The automatic ferris boat controlled by the automatic system patrolled in the remote areas, and no one came out to trouble them: with the technical strength of the fallen apostles, it took them two days to find this conspicuous target.

After the third day also passed in calm waters, Sandora and I couldn't help but wonder if their initial guess was wrong: Maybe Harran's passing was really an accident, or maybe they were Just passing by, maybe they have left the remote territory and disappeared into the depths of the void, or maybe ...

Harlan's goal is not the home world, and he is no longer a Fijian, he is not interested in our bait.

There is no information at hand, and the enemy hiding in the void is the most difficult to deal with. Sandora and I are worried. There is nothing falling in our hearts. We began to reflect on our operational deployment and re-examine the original analysis of the armor fragment. Comparing the analysis process at that time with the behavior of Harlan before and after the border battle, the conclusion is still that 90% of Harlan's remnants may be in the far-end cats, however—

Why don't they come out?

I don't understand why a fallen apostolic legion who is terribly obsessed with its hostility to the empire suddenly turned sexual, humans and animals hide innocuously in the void corner, and even ignore the bait we throw out. Sandora and I were 100% convinced that there was no place on the Fiery merchant ship: the imperial equipment on it was camouflaged, and the spacecraft had no psionic response. It sailed along the route it had traveled to make " This group of digging ancestral graves is returning to the illusion. In order to make this illusion more realistic, Sandora even ordered the ship to find a universe nearby to stop, and dug several tons of stone belts with a mining drone. on……

Therefore, the "bait" link is unlikely to be a problem.

It seems that an enemy like Harlan is difficult to deal with after all. Maybe he is very alert and cautious. The fishing method does not work every time. We have been lucky to have once caught the Merova. .

In short, we are waiting in the tangle for a while ~ www.readwn.com ~ In fact, Harran ’s lack of appearance is not the most tangled place. The most tangled thing is that the bait ship has been around for two full minutes. God, go on like this, even if Haran ’s intelligence is as good as Ding Dong ’s, you have to see the problem-a boat without guards and no armed loneliness wandering in the void, before being chased and killed once, but dare to be so high-profile , Now it has sent two lines of banner on the boat gang to write the eight characters "Haranima, dissatisfied to chop" ...

Proper planning also leads to problems over time. This is the philosophy of life that I have learned for a long time. When I was in elementary school, I once planned to skip class to catch the knowledge, because time was too long to give up. This was the situation at the time, and when our two finally made up our minds and found an opportunity to skip classes, it was more than a month after National Day ... Well, don't talk about this.

But just as Sandora and I were about to abandon the trap and let the ship run to the depths of the void and disintegrate (Don't dare let it come back, because if its identity as a decoy is not exposed, maybe we can still perform a second (Plan), finally came the good news that Putian Tongqing is happy to hear:

The Fijian merchant ship was attacked.

Um ... at least it's good news for us. Felice's side doesn't show it for the time being.

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