Xiling Empire

Chapter 1320: The siege and the anomalies of Harlan

For the time being, I have n’t expressed my performance. Harlan ’s recent performance has actually given us an inexplicable feeling. This feeling came from the day when he violently attacked the empire ’s border, and the entire army was almost overwhelmed. Today, I feel strong again. A sense of contradiction.

He didn't act like a guy with clear logic and clear goals. He attacked in the most unexpected time, dormant in the most unexpected situations, and suddenly broke out when he theoretically would not show up. As a bait, the Fiale Merchant Ship-his series of actions has a "temporary chaos", as if sleepwalking. The bait ship wandered in the remote territory for a full three days. It is reasonable to say that its bait status was actually suspicious at this time. If Haran was hoisted out in the previous two days, it would be okay to say, but he was more inclined to You can already see the trap situation at a glance ...

When receiving information from far-flung territories, of course, Sandora and I immediately ordered the whole army to attack and block the operation of Harran's remnants. However, after the order was issued, we still couldn't help raising doubts in this regard. Thinking of the weird decrease in combat power of the fallen apostle during the border battle that day, I also remembered the military action like Haran's convulsion, and finally we came to a conclusion: this time, in any case, we must find a way to catch the lunatic, and we must understand him Which part of the head is wrong ...

A few days ago, Sivis rushed to the far distance with the large forces. She personally directed the volley of Harlan. Now she has led the ambush forces that have been arranged to surround the target world and is reporting to us. Frontline situation-Sandora and I were still at home at this time. Originally, Sandora was thinking about giving up this trapping plan, but now it seems that we may have to set out soon: we have to deal with a Greek The Emperor of the Spirits was not an easy task, and the army of Sivis was hard to avoid accidents, so Sandora and I had to go over to sit in town. In addition, we are still thinking about catching Haran alive, and the ordinary army may not be able to accomplish such a task.

Considering the "distance" between the far-off territory and the capital of the empire, Sandora and I had to leave in a while.

"The decoy signaled the attack twenty minutes ago." On the holographic projection in the middle of the living room, Sivis, in a military uniform, said solemnly, behind her was the splendid dome in the hall of the Admiral's Command. Short, lasting less than two seconds, the equipment on the bait detected that the enemy was indeed the stub of Haran. As expected, the enemy did not destroy the ship. Instead, it was trying to capture it-now the bait has been taken Harran's remnants are brought to the main material plane, and we have surrounded this place layer by layer. "

"Is he showing signs of breaking?" Sandora asked frowning, and she lined all the doll heads next to her: these little guys haven't seen us in strategic talks at home for a long time, and they know it's about to fight again , So they showed a very curious look. Of course, they are quiet. They even worked hard to learn to sit upright like those Imperial soldiers they had seen: These little guys who grew up in special circumstances, although often called "bear children" by me countless times, have shown extraordinary maturity in the current situation. Come calmly, before the war, they are more sensible than I thought.

"No, this is also puzzling," Sivis had a confusion on his face. "Theoretically, after Haran dragged the spaceship back to his lair, he should have been found fooled, but they have not seen any movement so far. Our army found the world following the last tracking signal issued by the bait, and found it on the world barrier. Traces of the passage of the abyss fleet, so dare to be sure that the enemy troops are shrinking in this place, and with the quality of the enemy's royal fleet, their subordinates believe that Harlan has noticed the imperialist pressure-but they have no signs of breaking through. "

Sandora didn't have any surprises: "Perhaps they knew there was no hope of a breakout and they were prepared to fight back, or maybe Harlan's brain was shorting again-anyway, you continued to place the interrupter on the barrier of the world. In addition, speed up in the void China set up a relay station, and when the power of the dying garden was spread out, they really could not escape. "

"Aren't you going to attack now? Your Majesty?" Sivis asked in amazement.

"Not in a hurry, you must be foolproof against that kind of enemy," Sandora stood up. "Release the probe first. Then send a scout team to investigate the universe and Haran's general situation first, until we arrive Then prepare for the total offense. "

Finally, before ending the communication. I also specifically instructed Sivis: "Don't risk it. I always think that Haran's head is not normal. An emperor really wants to draw the wind. I'm afraid you can't control him. I told Sandora this. It's over. "

"My head isn't very ..." For a moment, Sivis suddenly saluted the communication.

"Be light and easy. With the fastest shuttle, let's start after lunch and we can get to the front before dinner," Sandora looked at the time, and made an action table based on her style.

I think she's in a good mood now, a little excited, but it's more of anticipation and joy-I can understand this mood, because she is almost the same. Although Haran is powerful, this enemy is already at the end of the crossbow. He is the worst enemy we have encountered against the empire since the establishment of the new empire. Now that this enemy has been driven to a dead end, this is obviously excellent. So Sandura and I were filled with an atmosphere of war and positive energy.

But the other people in the family seemed a little bit lost. From the moment of hanging up the communication, the little puppet has been trying to pull my head off: she looks very upset now.

I certainly know what this is, and it ’s also a big trouble: My whole day ’s Eastern and Western Warfare is where the little puppets are most dissatisfied. This girl looks awkward and indifferent, but she actually belongs to the kind Beware of the type that will be very dependent on others. Although she never admitted so, Sandora said to me:

"If there is anything in the world that can convince that little girl unconditionally, it's only you."

Yes, this is a hard-spoken mouth, obviously sticky, but you must pretend to be an awkward kid, she hopes that I will not run outside and 300 days a year, but she will never say so explicitly: she Will try to bite someone or do something else that makes people feel like a big prank ...

I took the little girl off my shoulder rather painfully, and those tiny but extraordinarily brutal little arms turned around my neck, and I held her face: "Oh, obediently, wait at home, this The war will end soon. There are not many troops left in that Haran. "

"What about the next time?" The doll girl said coldly, her face completely full of breath.

"Chen, give you a suggestion, take her."

While I was studying how to make the little girl stay at home as usual as usual, the sound of Bettis suddenly heard in the spiritual connection, and what the female hooligan said surprised me.

"Noisy?" The expression on my face did not change, but I quickly replied in my spiritual connection. "This is to go to war with the fallen emperor. It belongs to a high-risk war. This girl has little fighting power ..."

"In the future, there will be no low-risk wars if you personally go out," Bingtis didn't seem to be in a whim, she explained her thoughts seriously. "You don't understand the child's thoughts ... Look at this little girl Sisters together. You will understand. "

I looked around and looked at a group of little girls around—exclude sisters Pandora and four special elements that could not be classified as "children", Bubbles and Liliana. I don't see any difference between the other and the puppet.

Bingtis sighed and pointed out one by one in the spiritual connection: "Small bubble will sooner or later become a mature host, even if her defects lead to slow development, her final shape is the same as that of bubble; Madison She is now a powerful crow god. Besides some strange problems, her mind and body are almost adults, and she can go to the battlefield with you at any time; Xiaoxue ... Of course, she also has children, but she will fly quickly Growing up as a commander, it is said that at the age of fifteen, he came to the front as a full-fledged officer of the Royal Fleet. These are your children, or people who can be treated as children, and sisters of that little girl, but they are now Destined to be a member who can fight with you, and have gone out with you many times. More times than the little girl in your arms-your puppet daughter has a sense of crisis, you never realized ? "

I immediately reacted.

"I am the most useless of the children"-this idea must have begun to sprout in the heart of the puppet, because her sisters' future achievements have already been manifested, and only she seems to be invisible Any hope that can become more "useful".

It seems that in many stories of court battle themes, the royal descendants will fight for their own merits and talents, and the incompetent royal descendants will fall into a huge sense of crisis-I certainly don't think that these gangs at home are happy all day. The bear child will have the time to do that gossip. But this does not mean that they can not have a sense of crisis associated with it, especially for a character like a little puppet who is competitive and somewhat arrogant, when the sisters around her are all active as commanders or gods When she got up, she was still a child playing at home. She must not accept it.

I never thought about this, not because I didn't care about this girl, but because I didn't even hook my girlfriend with the eight words of "promising warfare and promising future". In my mind, they should be worry-free. I do n’t have to worry about playing all day, have you ever thought about letting these babies smash themselves into charge? Is there such a word, in the eyes of parents, the child is always the child, even if you have 100,000 battles to sweep the city and wear hundreds of clothes Jin Jia went home across the battlefield, and my parents told you about your bedwetting when you were young. You have to stand and listen to it: Because your parents do n’t pay attention to how capable their children are, their favorite words are always Yes: The child is still young!

——Is it a bit sad to have such an old emotion at my young age?

Take a look at Xiaoxue. I'm afraid her military literacy and all kinds of high-tech expertise are better than mine, but I still think that 90% of the time, I am an irrational bear child. This can fully explain There is a problem.

Thinking of this, I hugged the little doll and put it back on my shoulder: "Bring you this time."

My elder sister immediately cast a worried eye on me. Obviously, she felt the battlefield was dangerous, and it was not wise to let the puppet follow the past rashly, but I waved to her: "Rest assured, I can't keep this small Guy, and she should occasionally meet to see the world. Is it true that all empires have military backgrounds-it was already two years since she last went to the battlefield. "

Sandora nodded in agreement: "It is true that members of the royal family cannot evade military duties, but this child is special and has not counted as a citizen of the Empire."

Actually, although I decided to bring a small lamp. But in the final analysis, I just want to make the little girl happy. I really don't think this girl can be used on the battlefield: On the battlefield where the gods are everywhere, her combat power is really not very present, and Obviously, she hasn't learned how to fight in the march, let alone interstellar strategy. Of course, she is not a scientist-she cannot be a super soldier. Can't be a staff member and don't know scientific research ...

Uh, I suddenly understood the distress in my heart.

"Eat a bite ..." Bingtis seemed to be able to think of my thoughts, and she squinted, but soon she saw that Sandorah was looking at the kitchen through the autumn water, so she changed her mouth instantly. "Well, the road has to go step by step. As a head of state, you can't keep your heir in the greenhouse forever, right?"

The words "Heirs" by Bingtis instantly excited me. I usually didn't notice that I could already use the heirs to call the children's characters: I feel that these characters are used in palace fighting dramas. Those relatives of the emperor who are able to beat out the brains have nothing to do with the family who bargains for soy milk, churros, and discounted eggs. Now think about it ... I feel so hey!

I was the first to think of that famous phrase: someday. My rule will come to an end, and you will be crowned ...

I can't help looking around when I think of it, Xiao Bubble is dragging Jill's clothes for toys, Xiao Xue is lying on the sofa and watching the comics—it seems like a silly smile, the doll is counting my hair, if If the little crow is also counted, she is feeding her those big slaps to eat cabbage. And squatting on the coffee table.

I think I'm still trying to live. The prospect of my heir is estimated to be a bit bleaker than Terenas ...

So the little puppet was happily allowed to set off with the adults: she regarded going out to fight as a matter of joy and joy, and this mentality did not know if it was a problem. Of course, the consequence of doing so is that all small ones have reason to follow. I think Bingtis's view that "the heirs need to exercise, and sooner or later they will be on the battlefield like Xiaoxue" makes sense, so I can only agree to all, but I promise. Sandorra and my elder sister both solemnly stated one thing to the little ones:

The war is serious and dangerous. It is not about going out and playing, nor is it about children playing. This war, in particular, must be treated with a straightforward attitude.

Later, I found out that this is almost a nonsense: in the bones of the little bubble is the professional soldier of the Spirit Apostle, she is mirror-like in her heart; although the crow is still small, she is rapidly growing up as a crow god. Under Na ’s guidance, she already understood the meaning of responsibility and dedication; Xiao Xue needless to say, military background; even the little puppet, she also fought with us, and she lived before she came to this home. Taiping ...

These kids are amazing!

This time, Lin Xue is responsible for staying home. She is mainly to deal with her parents' calls at any time, because the young lady has been out of the house for a long time this year. I am afraid that this girl cannot follow us for a long time recently. In addition to her, almost all of the older adults in the family are counted this time, and we have brought all children like never before-oh, according to Bingtis, you ca n’t call a child on the battlefield. "Heirs"-I can't remember when it was the last time to lead these young people when they went out to fight.

Because the army is already in place in the far Xinjiang, we have saved the time of deploying the army, and we can get to the far Xinjiang by only a few light taxis. According to Sandora's schedule, we set off after lunch. He merged with Sivis an hour before dinner.

Wouldn't it be okay for Sandora to use meals as a timetable?

When we arrived, the elite troops led by Sivis were still besieging the enemy at the upper level of the critical point of the order of the world barrier. They followed the orders of Sandora and stood still, and sent a few waves of reconnaissance troops ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ Now the world has been blocked, the jump information of the world barrier is completely encrypted: this operation is like transferring a small piece of program to a folder, and then placing this folder in a sandbox environment for isolation Open, unless the sandbox is removed, the programs in the folder will not escape-Harlan is the virus program trapped in the folder.

And the engineering fleet built a continuous order field generator on the side of the order critical point closer to the void, which is like the void node of the Protoss, providing us with the conditions for establishing a base in the void environment. Following the rapid establishment of the base station, its role is to conduct and amplify the signals from the deceased garden. After the base station runs, the world hidden by Harlan is more completely isolated: it is equivalent to that virus program being physically isolated. It's just as safe in another storage.

"How's the situation? Harlan still hasn't tried to break through?" As soon as Sandora saw Sivis, she would immediately understand the current situation here, and the expression of the latter seemed to us very tangled:

"Your Majesty, the situation seems a bit wrong ... Harlan not only did not try to break through, nor even established a resistance position in the world, they ... hidden in deep space, and we are looking for them. And the universe is a bit wrong ..." To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please read m.)

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