Xiling Empire

Chapter 1321: The World Before Doom

The universe that Harlan is hiding is located in a marginal void, desolate and remote, and we have never been involved.

We usually divide the void into several areas according to the degree of empire power: including the empire capital, the area completely ruled by the empire and the establishment of various military fortresses is the interior of the empire, or directly referred to as the empire area, which includes The universe in which the subordinates live and hundreds of universes that have been built in succession during these five years; the macro world is managed by the empire, but the world that we have not issued a declaration of **** to the entire universe is a subordinate area, or an empire border ——Well, we have a fairly wide frontier. This is quite heartbroken. Outside the macro world, it is completely free from the rule of the empire, but the area that can be monitored by the imperial reconnaissance force or scanning system is called the far border. The area is nicknamed the "Low Security Zone". Basically, you will not get any military asylum from the empire after you reach the remote territory. It is difficult to even ask for help from the macro world. Except for the Imperial Army, civilians are absolutely not Will easily travel to the remote territory.

And beyond the far end there is an endless expanse of void. Except for the territories of Starfield, Huron and the fallen apostles, this unexplored void has been collectively referred to as the "white zone".

Knowing nothing, there is no guarantee, the information about this is as clean as white paper, this is the white area.

The world hidden by Haran is located on the border between the White Zone and the remote territory. We have never been involved in this world, but as long as its information shifts closer to the empire territory by 10%, it will fall into the deceased garden. Within the range of rational scanning every day.

This world is quite a "distance" from the universe where we found the hometown material. This is a matter of great comfort to Sandorla and me. It seems that Harlan hasn't found anything for a few days while walking around here. They There is a big gap between the physical information on the hometown and the actual situation at hand. Sandora is also worried that once the two sides go to war, the scale of the battle will endanger the clues of the hometown world. Now it seems that it is unnecessary to worry about this for the time being.

In the hours we rushed to the front from home, Sivis had sent a large number of probes and three waves of scouts to the impenetrable universe surrounded by the imperial army. She originally wanted to use this to find out Harlan's plan to confront the Imperial Army, but the situation inside the world barrier seemed strange.

"We saw the spaceship of the fallen apostles moving on the material plane for a short time," Sivis reported to Sandora. "They must have found the probe and the Imperial Army outside the world barrier, but They quickly hid in deep space, or lost traces in some kind of space fold. This universe is strange, it should be formed naturally. But the internal state of the space is not very stable, and its large-scale space has been detected. The folds open and close as if there are many closed small worlds inside them-these things don't form like nature, maybe there is a cultured civilization staying in this universe for a short time, modifying its structure. "

"Now Haran is hiding in that space fold?" Sandora looked at Sivis.

"Yes, they all hid in. They were neither ready to break out nor to meet, and they could only stay safe in the folds of space for a while. It was not smart to use this method of hiding and hiding from the Imperial Army, and Haran's hands There is obviously an army enough to meet, and it is not normal for him to do so ... "

"It doesn't look like a normal Imperial soldier." Sandora nodded. "Don't even care about basic military common sense ... Well, no matter what Harlan thinks, the Imperial Army will sooner or later advance all the way. First Talking about the situation in this world, it seems to be more than just an anomaly in the structure of space-I see traces of intelligent biological activity. "

Sandora pointed at the holographic projection on the officer's platform, which showed a faint reddish space. Artifacts clearly appeared in space: it might be some kind of space station, and it was definitely not produced by the empire.

"Yes. Your Majesty, there are Aboriginal people here, and they have spread throughout the universe," the expression on Sivis's face was still full of confusion. "This is the most difficult place to understand-Harlan seems to have not intruded at all. These indigenous people, he may have been lurking in this world for several days, but ... subordinates have not found any traces of this world being destroyed. "

The fallen apostles stayed harmlessly in a certain world? I understand what's going on with the look on Sivis's face.

"Have you been in contact with the aborigines?" The older sister interrupted suddenly.

"Not yet." Sivis replied, "Most of our attention is focused on searching for the fallen apostles. Those indigenous peoples seem to have a modest level of technology. They have not mastered the technology to jump out of this universe. This is a group of limited potential Of the species, the imperial army has no extra energy to pay attention to them before solving the immediate enemy. "

In other words, Sivis knows nothing about the indigenous race of this universe. I can understand her standard way of thinking, and the biggest problem now is to get Haran, the indigenous people of this universe-as long as they calmly watch and don't get involved, the Imperial Army really has no extra energy. Go and look after them. But I think it ’s better to get in touch with these indigenous people. They have spread throughout the universe. Although they have n’t jumped out of the world, they are also civilized by the standards of the empire. The Imperial Army and the Fallen Apostles will definitely be discovered by these indigenous people. Contact them in advance, and you may be able to avoid a lot of trouble.

"The siege forces continued to interfere with the world barrier. I requested that the relay base station be operational within 24 hours," Sandoral ordered, as he groaned. "The main force began to sink to the main material plane. I want to See if Haran can keep hiding safely at this time. "

As it turns out, that guy really can!

When the main army of the Imperial Army entered the universe swaying, even after setting up positions quickly, the fallen apostles did not even reveal a shadow!

"Confirmed that no enemy response was detected-all over the universe." Sivis reported from the command post.

I opened my mouth: "Not even a little bit of motion? Even a scout plane or a probe can come up to see the situation!"

"Nothing happened, the fallen apostle didn't even put a probe, we didn't even detect the enemy's radar response," Sivis reconfirmed the data before him and nodded solemnly to me, "They just It's like an ostrich with its head buried in the sand, pretending it doesn't exist ... "

Even Sandora was a bit powerless this time: "What the **** is that Harlan doing ... prepare me a whole-universe broadcast."

The communications department was immediately ready for the high-energy broadcast tower. This giant tower mounted on the Empire ’s longitudinal arm allows the Phantom to reverberate throughout the universe in the form of signal waves, making it easy to broadcast the world without delay. Sandora asked Haran to come out and fight immediately. She ordered that the broadcast be adjusted to the Harlan Legion's own frequency, which was intercepted by us during the last border battle. Using this frequency to broadcast was a serious provocation in itself, but the Imperial Army announced that the universe had already Ten minutes after being controlled and demanding that the fallen apostle meet immediately, Harlan still pretended that he didn't exist, and the cat was in a certain space fold ...

Suddenly, I wondered whether Sivis's intelligence was wrong. Is Harran's stubble really in this world?

Sivis immediately guaranteed the accuracy of the information. Not only was she convinced that Harlan's legion was somewhere in the universe, but she never escaped. So we conducted a second broadcast. The content of this broadcast was a friendly proposal from Bingtis. The wording was particularly concise: "Haran has a kind of fight and it hurts!"

Of course, the enemy remains motionless.

This was not the response that the Spirit soldiers should have, but no one knew what had happened to Harlan. Sandora finally ordered the establishment of a space fortress and began to scan the entire universe: no matter where Haran hid, after all the space anomalies in the entire world were resolved, sooner or later he would come out to fight, I really do n’t know if he is now What is the significance of this cat? Is it still planning to create a new battleship that can compete with the Imperial Army in three or two days?

Or maybe ... he was using this time to recharge the Regalia formation?

This last one is the only possibility, but soon I feel that it is not very reliable. If Harlan still has a little brain, he should know that he is now in a fleeing state. It is basic common sense that the King Admirer is always charged. After all, it is better to reduce the life of a spacecraft than to be blown out. So he should not hide now to recharge the King Admiral.

Anyway, a sniper battle that was supposed to be fast and fierce entered a brief stalemate due to Harlan's abnormal behavior, and when the two sides began to stalemate, I focused my spare attention on the rest of the universe.

The next day, I started looking at the various scenes that the probes had taken from deep space. And the space scenes captured by ship-based observation equipment are surprising.

I saw a world that was extremely old and was on the verge of decay.

When the fleet arrived, I noticed that the starlight in the surrounding space was dim, and the stars and distant nebulae were almost invisible. At that time, I thought that the fleet was just transmitting to a thin area of ​​the celestial body, or the universe itself was sparse. Cause, but after the picture taken by the probe came to his own eyes. I have discovered that it is not that this cosmic celestial body is scarce, but that all the stars have entered the twilight year-the world has entered the late stage, the star-making movement in the entire universe is on the verge of stopping, and we have not seen the bright nebula. It's because those nebulae have run out of fuel and resources. Ninety percent of the stars they make have gone out, and now only dim embers remain. According to the survey, the universe is still slowly expanding, but the expansion rate is almost stagnant. According to the calculation of the ship's host, the total amount of material in this world is just at the critical point. Its ultimate fate is to stand still at a certain time, and it will not expand. Without shrinking, it becomes a solidified space. All the celestial bodies inside it will go out one by one after a long time. Eventually the universe will become a dark bubble, the entropy tends to infinity, and no phenomenon will occur. As soon as the flow of information stops completely, it will be quietly devoured by the void.

In my room, I flipped through the pictures from deep space. There was a little doll **** her body. The little girl couldn't understand those things, but she was very professional.

This is a bit like myself ...

A universe that is coming to an end is bleak.

The space is full of ancient black holes and cooling matter. The dark picture taken by the probe in deep space is not nothing. There are a large number of black holes. The high-density celestial bodies formed after the stars have dried up completely occupy the starry sky of this world. From the number of black holes, we can tell that the universe must have had the idyllic era of starry flashes at that time-there must be several times more celestial bodies active in space than those black holes.

In space, you can also find something that is releasing light and heat. These are some dark red objects: red dwarfs. Stars that are depleted of fuel but not enough to form black holes are burning at an extremely slow rate. Squeeze the last bit of energy in your body. Some of them have been completely depleted, and now they are just releasing the heat stored in them. These low-temperature stars are like small lights dotted with black velvet, flashing ambiguous glimmers as the universe ends. The end of this universe belongs to the most classic situation in the end of the world: cooling.

There are many ways to end the universe. Naturally, the end of life is mainly divided into three types: expansion to large tear, collapse to singularity, or just at the critical point. Slowly cool down as a black bubble, the cold winter will kill everything. The world in front of me is slowly approaching the third end of the world. Of course, this "welcoming" is viewed from the length of the evolution of the universe. It will take about 100 million years for the world to completely cool down until all living spaces have disappeared. The dim red dwarfs are completely extinguished from the distance, and they are still a bit lingering time.

And the last aboriginals of the universe live around those dying stars.

According to the picture collected by the probe. There are almost all settlements around those dim star embers, including natural celestial bodies and man-made space fortresses. The remaining indigenous people of the universe live there, gathered around the constantly cooling red dwarfs, collecting already countless stars Energy is like the asylum seekers warming up around a small pile of bonfire embers when winter night comes, except that the winter night they face will no longer have sunrise. The embers in front of them are already the last bit of fuel in this universe.

"If it wasn't for Harlan, then we should start conducting a doomsday evaluation of the indigenous people here."

I raised my arm slightly and turned the little puppet resting on my elbow. Bingtis was right. She should teach the child something, even if she would not be a commander. As one of the royal family, she also At least you need to understand the basic truth-you can't have a bear child in your own home. They're bearish enough now ...

"Apocalyptic apple?" The little puppet was already confused by the dazzling space picture and the messy markings on the picture. At this time, he returned to me in a state of sleepwalking, "I don't like apples, they are too big. And also hug and eat ... "


After I repeated it to the little girl, the doll girl became interested: "What's that?"

"This universe is dying out," I pointed to something on the data terminal. "If you look at these dark red spheres of light and red dwarfs, if you can see dark lines on their surface, it means that this red dwarf is dying. The total amount of material in many universes is limited, and the materials that can be used to make stars are total. That's it. Now the world is dying. After these stars go out, there will be no new stars in space. But the aborigines of this world have not mastered the technology of jumping out of the world. "

"They will die, right?" The villain thought for a while, "I remember, if civilization is about to go extinct, and the empire is just free, they will help."

I think there is something wrong with the understanding of the puppet, but basically it means: "Almost, but it is not so easy to help. Any rational civilization belongs to the order side. In front of the abyss, the order side All creatures belong to one faction. The empire is based on this logic and will help other species-eh, the "help means" in the old empire will not be discussed for now. In short, the empire has a special assessment group and logical system to judge a civilization. How much guidance needs to be accepted. If the assessment concludes that the indigenous peoples of this world do not have the ability to study the transcendence technology voluntarily, then they may be sent directly to a new world to survive. If the assessment conclusion is that they can be carried out with limited guidance If the technology breaks through, then the empire will help them to make equipment for sailing across the world. However, no matter what kind of assistance, unless the target civilization voluntarily becomes an vassal of the empire, it will strive to not have monopolistic control over this civilization. rule."

The little puppet seems to understand ~ www.readwn.com ~ nodded indifferently, and then her eyes were suddenly attracted by a picture on the data terminal, and suddenly grabbed my arm in surprise: "Hey, look This is so bright! Is this an artificial sun made by the locals? "

I quickly turned back to the picture I just jumped over. This is a deep space picture just uploaded by the probe. The probe should be passing over a dead galaxy and it glanced at the nearest red dwarf. -So upload a picture over a dozen seconds ago. In the center of the picture is an almost completely extinguished sun, which is far away, and in the lower left corner of the picture is a planet at close range. A particularly bright light spot above the planet is noticeable.

I looked at it for a long time and felt that the spot was a little familiar, so I immediately directed the probe to go back and look at it again.

A minute later, the picture observed by the probe was transmitted in real time, and I was stunned:

That spot is not an artificial sun made by the indigenous people at all, but a ... a P-03! !!

(It is expected that Manwang Magazine has spread to most of its outlets. It seems that it is time to go out and bask in the sun and buy a book by the way.) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, Monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read m.)

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