Xiling Empire

Chapter 1322: Magical locals

"This looks familiar." The doll was lying on my lap, looking at the picture projected on the data terminal. The probe in deep space had approached the target according to the order, and now it followed the bright group in front. After the flames move at a constant speed, the intense energy interference causes the incoming image to occasionally shake: the probe is approaching the core of the flame as safely as possible to send the clearest picture back.

Now the picture has reached the clearest degree in theory. I saw that the flaming fireballs showed a dazzling blue and white, and the core was gathered with a group of crystalline substances that resembled crystal dust, and quickly rotated. They are connected by a translucent virtual body structure: this is the core of a semi-matter and semi-energy. This familiar structure, and strong energy interference ...

This is a p-03 that has been activated and is orbiting the planet. It is not a local indigenous sun!

"Go, find Sandora!" I picked up the puppet and placed it on my shoulder, striding toward the door, and then heard a loud "bang" above my shoulder when I passed the door, and then The little puppet fell down on his back.

I turned around and noticed one thing: the gate of the battleship lounge was two meters high, and I was one meter eighty-five. The total height of the doll after sitting on my shoulder must be more than two meters. Now the doll girl seems a little Angry, her one-sided little tiger tooth shimmered coldly.

I don't think I made this mistake for the first time. Almost all the door frames at home have been damaged because of this ... But it seems that the gates on the battleship are much stronger than the door frames at home: correspondingly, the small lamps are now more angry.

A few moments later I came to the Admiral's Bridge. Sandora and several senior generals were analyzing the space readings here, looking for the specific location of the space folds hidden by Haran. Equipment, Ilson is discussing with his sister whether the tactical radar can receive the movie channel. Bingtis first found me. She looked surprised: "Why is this child hanging up again?"

I smiled awkwardly and raised my right hand: Xiaodeng was biting his wrist as if it were a hooked fish. I shook it two times, and the little girl was waving in the air, but she wouldn't let up.

"A little problem, maybe it will hang for a long time, she will always open her mouth when eating-well, let's not say this, Sandora, I found something." I ignored the slight little hanging on my wrist. Small body, transferred the data terminal in his hand to the projector on the officer's platform, "Deep Space Probe found an extraordinary gadget over the local indigenous planet. Could it be Harlan's handwriting-he used Is this a threat to the locals? "

I am now eager to find evidence of the fallen apostles threatening the local indigenous people or destroying world peace-because Harlan led his army that destroyed the world in the harmless cat of this universe, it is simply out of harmony, do not find I feel sorry for my worldview even if he shows signs of destruction. This mentality is probably the same as squatting in the clover bush to find out that the clover is a reason. They are all middle-to-late systemic diffuse obsessive-compulsive disorder and incurable diseases ...

The pictures from the Deep Space Probe suddenly caught everyone's attention on the officer platform: including the Protoss sliver quintessence. Of course, their motive was quite bright although they couldn't understand what it meant.

Sandora adjusted the angle of the probe: "p-03, but how the model looks so weird ... much larger than the conventional model, the core structure is also different," said. She controlled the probe to retreat, and observed the terrible astral incendiary bomb at a long distance. "It is cruising along the low-earth orbit ... It seems that it has not received a landing order, and there is still a success rate if it is intercepted. "

"Of course, stop," said the sister without hesitation. "It must be Harlan's stay, and he finally did something to the local indigenous people. I personally went there, and the probability ability should prevent the bomb from starting ..."

"Wait!" While my elder sister was preparing to intercept the star incendiary bomb herself. Sandora suddenly saw something on the screen and immediately waved her hand to stop it. "That's ... the local's spaceship? Probe, lean back."

Something we didn't expect appeared on the screen: from the black-gray planet below p-03, several strangely shaped spaceships were suddenly launched. Those spaceships looked like elongated ellipsoids, with complex surfaces floating on the surface. Energy lines: This makes me completely unable to see whether they are battleships or something else. These fat pierced spaceships are about several kilometers long, and they must have anti-gravity technology to take off from the atmosphere. These spacecraft flew straight to the star-burning bombs in low-Earth orbit in the middle of our puzzled gaze, like a small group of moths flutter The flaming sun is average-of course, this sun seems a little too small. We thought that these ships were launched by locals in an attempt to intercept the lethal weapon. If that was the case, p-03 would undoubtedly be detonated, and we were too late to do anything here. The sister exclaimed softly, and Sandora sighed--but just when we could already imagine the tragic meltdown of that planet, an incredible scene appeared:

The fat ellipsoidal spaceships stopped safely around p-03, and the bomb did not respond to these large space entities at all, as if its detonation device had been shut down, and the spacecraft followed the bomb for a while The shell slowly opened and turned into several cross-shaped structures. The inner wall of the ellipsoidal spacecraft flashed faint blue light, looking like a prism after being charged, and then ... then they followed the terrifying bomb. stand up!

"Is this ... is it possible to gather energy from p-03?" Sandola was stunned, even Her Majesty couldn't help but lose sight, "Probe, read the energy reading of that bomb . "

Soon we collected the changes in the energy readings of the outer layer of p-03. Like Sandora's guess, when those prismatic ships opened the "sail", the energy readings of the outer layer of the bomb produced a steady decline. In a short period of time, the core of p-03 began to continuously recharge the outer zone. Believe it or not: this reached a dynamic balance. The weird bomb should have exploded in this situation. However, it started to release energy smoothly!

"The spacecraft are shining on the ground and projecting the energy they collect to a receiving station on the surface of the planet," Sivis said, looking at other information from the probe, surprised. "This is a collection system , It's powering human settlements on the planet's surface, though ... although its source of energy is a bit sensational. "

"Halan hasn't moved yet?" Sandora suddenly looked up at Sivis, asking a very abrupt question.

"Yes, Your Majesty. The Fleet of the Fallen Apostles is completely unresponsive and has no idea what they are doing."

"Give me the spaceship. I'm going to the planet in person to get in touch with the local indigenous people," Sandora stood up. With a curious expression on his face, "I had planned to contact them again in a few days, but now it seems that this world is a bit interesting."

"I'll follow, too," I stood up, "There is a care."

In fact, I didn't say everything, the more important reason is that I was also curious how the crazy indigenous people did such a sensational thing! Collecting resources from p-03? !! Tavel didn't dare to think so!

"Your Majesty. Is this dangerous?" Sivis was worried, "Haran's army could be anytime ..."

"Rest assured, I have a sense, that guy should not show up in a short time. Xiaoxue, is it okay?"

Sandola looked at Xiaoxue, who closed her eyes and shook her head: "The future of this trip is worry-free-Dad, don't you take me?"

"Less nonsense, stay behind to look after the house." I flatly said that this trip will not bring more people. It's enough to have yourself and Sandora go to check the situation. After all, we are not playing, there is no reason to drag the house to investigate, and there really needs to be someone in the back. I saw a few little guys who were also eager to try, and decisively put them all around the older sister: It is not that they can not understand the mood of these little girls, but the universe is not safe after all, and it can be said that it is very dangerous. Somewhere in the space, the two sides are now in a weird state of balance. Both Sandora and I can guarantee a safe round trip in the armies. This is because I have confidence in my void power, but if I bring a I'm afraid the situation will not be assured if you help the small oil bottle over.

Experience is one thing, and taking kids to mines is another--I can't do it.

A small shuttle quickly departed from the Empire, and Sandora and I set out to check on the sturdy indigenous planet. Only three people passed through us: Vega, and the sisters of Asida-Asildora.

The Scorpion Soldier Weijia is a bodyguard, although I don't think it is necessary to bring a bodyguard at all-because I don't know if it will be myself and Sandora to protect the bodyguard or the bodyguard to protect us-but this reason is very hurt And, with Vega's confession of character, she must not accept it. She showed her determination by the duty of a soldier and her loyalty, so Sandora and I could only take her. As for the sisters of Asida and Asidora, it is really to prevent accidents:

A pair of space Geminis is like a panacea in this task. They can attack and retreat and defend. If the situation requires them, they can pull the entire fleet to help out instantly. If they need to evacuate, they can lead everyone to return safely, and nothing can hinder their transmission ability. I think they are instantaneous. Group Hearthstone, and it hasn't had the cool-down time, I really can't think of a better map career than them.

On the way, Sandora also said some of her opinions, letting me know more clearly that the p-03 is completely weird.

"First of all, as a bomb, p-03 cannot operate stably as an energy source," Sandola explained. "The bomb in orbit has released surrounding radiation clouds, so it is active. This This kind of bomb will explode at any time in the activated state, and cannot continue to run for a long time: within a certain period of time, it must detonate, just like a grenade has been sounded. Therefore I do not think anyone can put p-03 As energy. "

"Second, it is now possible to rule out the possibility that the bomb came from Haran-we will not discuss why it can release energy stably like an artificial star. In short, the local indigenous people are drawing psionic energy from p-03, and they have a special response. The collection of spacecraft, and the collection process seems to be familiar, this is not a day or two. This bomb did not know how many years have existed in the universe, it has existed before Haran here. And it is well known by the local indigenous people Something: it even became part of the lives of the locals. "

"Finally, the bomb had a very strange model," Sandora exhaled softly. "P-03 does have a lot of variants to meet different power needs, but I have never seen this: it ’s so small. Large, but the energy intensity does not seem to be very high ... forget it, these things will not be understood for a while, I hope to find the answer after arriving at the destination. "

The shuttle reached its destination in just a few moments: we came over the gray-black planet.

There was darkness in space. There are no more stars in this dying universe. The only brighter celestial body is a red dwarf from our two astronomical units. It was a warm and brilliant sun long ago, but now it can only emit a dimmer than before. Countless times of dark red light, the surface shows some obvious dark areas due to uneven temperature. The accumulation of heavy elements and the continued weakening of the core reaction have led to a sudden reduction in the volume of this gaseous planet to what it is today: on our side, it is not much larger than a peanut.

This is the pattern found on the only remaining star bases in the universe.

After a star becomes a red dwarf, the celestial system surrounding it will undergo catastrophic changes. The exponential decline of the stellar energy radiation will destroy all life in the surrounding habitable zone. If you want to survive around the red dwarf, you must rely on the latter Very, very close: The habitable zone of the red dwarf is near and outrageous, and the rocky planet below us is clearly too far from its dark sun. So it has its own special energy source-a p-03 bomb that doesn't know when it will fall into this world.

The bright psionic fireball was orbiting the planet less than ten kilometers in front of the shuttle. The egg-shaped energy harvester around it kept in sync with it, and our shuttle was invisible, so the locals would not find it. I turned on the shuttle's projection equipment and looked at the surface of the planet below. Wherever you look, it is a colonial planet that has been deeply transformed.

Large stretches of endless tall buildings cover almost every corner of the planet. These buildings have the same style and have rounded dome-like domes. As well as prismatic, angular and angular subjects, this style of arc and straight line stitching is something I have never seen before. It is no longer possible to receive sufficient light from the sun. The planet is illuminated by artificial light, and the fusion device used to illuminate (may also double the function of heating the planet ’s atmosphere) is suspended above the atmospheric dome, arranged in a matrix and synchronized with the planet: these things make me think of it The artificial solar arrays in the ruined world at that time, but these fusion furnaces are obviously more advanced, and they are well maintained. The fusion furnaces arranged in the array look as if they wore a gem-inlaid gauze to the planet. The surface of the planet looks very bustling, the traffic flows endlessly, and there is a busy three-dimensional traffic network below the atmosphere stratosphere.

The only words I saw on this planet are "Heping Ding" and "Everything as usual". The indigenous people here seem to have no idea that a group of uninvited guests broke into their universe, and Haran did not invade their emperor to enter. Nor did they attract the attention of these indigenous peoples. Of course, it may also be that this planet belongs to a pure colonial point, and the civilians and guards here are completely unaware of the above.

Speaking of which, we have not formally contacted the aborigines of this universe so far: they have spread all over the universe, and of course they have the ability to see the emperor who suddenly appeared on the margins of the universe, but they do n’t seem to react to this. strange.

"Indigenous life forms are highly humanoid and can be landed in a high profile or mixed with locals first," Sandora looked at the collection report from the probe, and waved to me. "Of course I feel mixed in to find Their database is enough, there is no need to contact the governments on the planet now. "

Everyone agreed, so we remained invisible and landed in the most prosperous place on the surface of the planet. Sandora stowed the shuttle and opened her own field of psychic interference: this field guarantees that the locals will not be surprised by our sudden appearance, and allows them to ignore the "fantastic clothes" of our group.

In this way, the locals around did not think that there were any strangers who came out of the square out of nothing to make a fuss ~ www.readwn.com ~ and I took advantage of this time to look at the surrounding situation: I am now in Citizens' meeting place in the city-it may be some other facility. In short, it looks like a square. The crowd around the square is weaving, and the locals ’clothes are of course weird: they look like long and short robes or hooded capes, and the color is mostly black. The texture gives a fabric and plastic. Mixed feeling: soft, but with plastic sheen. This custom dress looks a bit dead-hearted, and it seems to me that the group is out to tour the street ...

Of course, this city is not dead, there are a lot of residents here, pedestrians can be said to be bustling-and no one expresses any surprise at the p-03 that is slowly passing by in the sky.

This scene is really too weird.

"What's that?" Sandora looked around, and then grabbed a woman who was passing right by us. With golden halo in her eyes, she controlled the woman in front of her with mental disturbance, then raised her finger Asked the sky bomb.

The woman caught by Sandora froze for a moment, then immediately ignored the violation of this question, as if answering the weather today as naturally as possible:

"Energy stove, the energy stove left by our general."

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