Xiling Empire

Chapter 1323: Very familiar figure

The locals on this planet see the astonishing p-03 in their orbit as an energy stove, and even they think it is a natural thing: no one seems to know that once the thing falls down, the entire planet will be in an instant Burned into glass.

Sandora let go of the local person, and the latter's eyes narrowed to clearness, as if she was wondering why she suddenly stood in front of a group of strangers and then nodded silently to us, quickly Step away.

"They should have been collecting energy for that thing for a long time." Sandora looked up at the big blue and white fireball slowly moving in the sky, and then looked around. The main color of the city is gray and black, and all the buildings are made of darker color alloys. Although there are many street people and the city is prosperous, I always feel that this color is permeated with a deep and depressing atmosphere-okay We do n’t discuss the color of these buildings. After all, the customs and habits of each species are different, and even the world in their eyes may not be a shape. The world in Sandor ’s eyes has small arrows and information tables. . What I want to say is that all the buildings here have a weak psionic response, that should be the main energy of this planet. These psychic energies are not pure. In my perception, they show a variety of definite properties: they have conduction speed, they heat up when they pass through certain conductors, and they have electromagnetic radiation ... pure psychic energies do not have these definite properties. Because it is located at the high position of the void ladder, it should be a kind of ambiguous and fuzzy energy. When it becomes so clear, it indicates that this peculiar energy has rapidly decayed into ordinary energy common in the universe. So the energy of this city is the end product of phantom energy. No doubt, this kind of extreme decay phantom energy is transmitted from those spacecraft in space.

"The energy harvesting ship uses the same prism-like thing to collect the weak peculiar energy radiated by the bomb, and then irradiates them to the ground. There is a huge storage device under this city. This storage device is not efficient, but it can store more energy. Low psychic energy, and the planet relies on this energy system to maintain its operation in the absence of the sun, "Sandora narrowed her eyes slightly, her perception spread deep into the ground," ... there is still matter below this The factory can be guided by the material guiding equipment when the psychic energy is completely depleted. It decays into solid energy residues. These residues still have high energy values ​​and are very unstable. They are sent to the sky and filled into the fusion furnaces. Here. It becomes a source of light and heat for the planet. This is the planet ’s complete life support system. It was not built overnight. "

"Punch a hole from here, you should be able to find the energy hub of the city, and then follow the network to find the hub of other cities or the entire planet ’s energy dispatching system. From this system, you should be able to understand how they started from p-03. The energy was collected on the ground. "Wei Jia said very seriously, while she was walking next to us, using her long legs that could suffocate her legs to measure on the ground, it seems to be to convert her scorpion body How big a hole is needed to drill down. Immediately I felt that it was a mistake to bring this little scorpion in my head. I might as well bring Raven 001 or Aura.

"I have left more probes in space orbit, and the structure of this planet will come out soon. There is no need to use such a troublesome method," Sandora glanced at Vega. Then they led the crowd to the outside of the square. "Now I want to understand the situation of the indigenous people in this world. It is rare to see the multiplication in the universe that is about to extinguish."

"They don't seem to have any hopeless mood." I looked at the pedestrians passing by, although the city was dark. Pedestrians' dressing is also a bit inconsistent with the earth ’s aesthetics, but the passers-by around them ca n’t see the sense of despair living in the endless universe. They hurried away normally, talking to the sky, talking, laughing, humming, the mid-air floating car brought a gust of wind, and closing my eyes, I felt that I was not too far away from Nanfu Street: it does n’t look like the end of the world. .

Except that the sun in their sky is almost gone, now a group of fusion furnaces is providing light.

"Why despair? It will take hundreds of millions of years for the universe to completely extinguish. A red dwarf can slowly burn for tens of billions of years after its formation. Even if they are now at the end, the remaining life is a day for mortals. The numbers, "Sandora shook her head," too many races have short life spans, and even if their world is about to fall, they can hardly feel it. The gradual decline of the universe is extremely slow, and they have too much time from generation to generation Slowly change your life. The new generation will not think that the fusion furnace in the sky and the dark night sky are wrong after shutting down, nor will they feel that the cold winter and the universe will come in hundreds of millions of years. What connection is there, they have long been accustomed to it, and have no attachment to the idyllic era when the stars are shining-has anyone on the earth regretted that they were not born at the beginning of the star-making movement? Obviously not. "

I'm speechless. This is something that can only be felt after hundreds of millions of years. The world has witnessed the rise and fall of the world, and the decline of race is too much. The dark space in front of her is just that, The light that thrives in this world is nothing more than "rare" for her.

"So, do you boil jingle in warm water ..." I lamented leisurely.

Sandora: "...?"

We followed Sandora in this more or less weird city. She didn't seem to think about it, but from time to time I looked up at the terrible fireball in the sky, for fear it would fall. Half an hour later, Sandora finally tasted everything that seemed to be edible nearby, and wiped her mouth with satisfaction: "Okay, I know almost."

I looked at Sandora silently, and my heart said that it was exactly the same as I thought. Sandora said that to understand the local people's customs, it was from the beginning to understand what is delicious in this place. Her Majesty's The main sensory organ really is the tongue.

"Ajun, don't you come?" Sandora held a bunch of green oil in her hand and couldn't tell whether it was a vegetable or a meat or something weird food. "It tastes good, there is a kind of The mixed flavor after the ice rock asteroid was crushed. "

When I heard this, I didn't dare to agree, and hurried back two steps: "Should we do the business?"

Sandora stuffed the bunch of things that were said to taste like ice and stone mixture, rubbing the corners of her mouth. Then just grabbed a passerby from the street just like before: "Excuse me, ask something ..."

I patted my head: Sandora was getting more and more proficient at catching passers by asking strange questions.

The passer-by stopped by Sandola was a young man who seemed to be almost a half-old child. Under Sandola's mental disturbance, the other side did not show any surprise because he was stopped suddenly, but nodded honestly. , As if Sandora should do everything right-have to say a word, this mental disturbance is actually a very terrible ability, if Sandora applies this ability to a group of people, and then point to a The lava pool said "jump." The pond can be filled by people within one minute. This is not mind control, but pure cognitive disturbance, which will cause any thinking individual to have a wrong perception, and feel that everything ordered by Sandora is unconditional truth. -But in the past half hour. The only function of Sandola's ability is to let her eat a half-barrel of overlord meal. In the end, the twin sisters and I had to leave some useful things on the stalls as compensation: there is no way to use Sandora With this amount of food, it is possible for her to pull the gdp of a small Eastern European country with one mouth ...

Sandorabi compares inquisitively with one thing: a local database, or library, or data center, or a convenient location for citizens to look up. In short, whatever is fine is something similar. As an enlightened enlightenment that has spread throughout the universe, it is inevitable that a complete and convenient information sharing system should be established. This system will cover every individual in the entire ethnic group and cover all the information wealth created by this enlightenment. It's like the internet on earth. Of course, the Earth's Internet still can't be said to cover all the information of the Ming Dynasty, but through it you can almost understand the history of the entire human race, at least knowing what is going on on the earth. The higher the Ming level, the more developed this network will be. Knowing a world through it is undoubtedly the ultimate way of worry and effort.

So I always feel that the gangs of aliens killed in American blockbusters are really hard-working. If they can send two people to run the Earth Internet Cafe in advance and pack a night, it is estimated that the aggression has been successful. Killed by the heroic American people with disinfectant water and cold virus ... Look at us as aliens, we are quite skilled in this regard.

Sandora inquired for a long time, and finally figured out where to find this kind of information: in the place north of the city center, there is a facility called "Higher Information Support Center", which is like the kind of The National Museum, which is open to experts, scholars and internal members, can only find the real core things there.

The source of p-03 in space, which is the lifeblood of the planet, must be stored there.

We are very fortunate that we chose the largest city on the planet to land. There is only one such inquiry facility on the entire planet. It is exclusively open to the academic community on the planet. The information stored in it is like the military of countries on the planet. Like intelligence, it is physically isolated from civilian networks. That is to say, if we use data terminals to brute force the various signals received in the city, we ca n’t actually see the information at all: this is what Sandola had thought of, so she A local was specifically asked to ask about the situation. Although civilians did not have access to large databases, they knew at least that there was such a national library on their planet.

"That's it-wow, kinda big."

After a while, we came to the National Library of the locals. This is a triangular prism building larger than the Empire State Building. Its exterior is covered with stately black crystals, as if it is a black monument-well, almost all the buildings in this place It's all black. Standing at the entrance of this building, I looked up and sighed a little for its size: as a "library" (as I understand it), does it really need to be so large?

The main database of the empire is scattered throughout the entire data network, and there is not even a physical building-the difference between the spiritual apostle who advocates efficiency pragmatism and the ordinary race who cares about appearance-pullingism.

Sandora once again confused the building guards with mental interference, and Vega was responsible for interfering with the access control system, so we walked into this one used to record the sensitive information of the planet (not the top secret). As I walked into the gate, I looked down at the building and found that the ground in front of the main entrance had a huge bright red triangle emblem. Almost covered the entire ground in front of the door, this is a rare bright color in this lack of color city.

I think this emblem is a bit familiar, but after thinking about it, a red triangle is also quite common, probably the coat of arms of the planet.

Assisted by Sandora's capabilities, we are a group of bright visitors, and all checkpoints are open to visitors. This magnificent triangular prism building is divided into many layers, and the layout of each layer is a bit like the museum hall on the earth: blocks separated by beams are neatly arranged, and each block has a group of floating Low light cylinder device. These devices should be universal data interaction devices. Of course, there are other things that look brighter in the lobby, but Sandora is not interested in it. She just needs an access point and a ready-made index directory. The performance and advanced performance of these devices didn't make much sense to her.

A manager in a short black robe leaned over and seemed to want some help. Sandora glanced in his direction, and the manager returned to his original position with a blank eye.

"Astrology, history, natural science, entry energy technology ... these entries are meaningless." Sandora put her hand on top of the cylindrical device closest to her. She didn't know how to operate this, but she was short-term She cracked the method of reading this thing. Now she scans the core of the device directly from the micro level to read the data. At the same time, she transformed the information she saw into holographic images and released it for us to watch. "It seems that the information on this planet is not comprehensive. About that bomb, this is all the information-"

The gray-black planet we are now on appears on the holographic projection. As well as p-03 over the planet, there is a connection between the bomb and the planet representing the broadcast of energy. On the planet's surface is a bright grid: this should be a schematic diagram of the planet's energy supply network. The words on the screen are distorted, but after searching the entire database, Sandora translated them according to the rules of language distribution and ideographic symbol distribution. This translation is roughly accurate: p-03 in the sky is directly called As an energy stove, it has been running for hundreds of thousands of years in this world.

Yes, hundreds of thousands of years-surely not what Harlan left behind, and judging by time, millions of years ago ... that was the heyday of the old empire!

Leaving the energy stove is a legendary character called the general. In the word introduction about the energy stove, the general was mentioned very respectfully, and the information explained that the general was the clear leader and rescuer. Generals brought the endangered Ming out of a collapsing world and placed them in this universe. The generals left behind knowledge and equipment. The wealth was kept by the people for their custody. It was mentioned in the materials that the general was leaving when he left. Promise that he will return someday in the future. By then, the general will get back the wealth he left and lead Ming to another world. During this period, everything the general left behind: technical information, energy stove, quiet Energy equipment, special resources, material converters, etc. are all freely used and cracked by locals.

Regarding how to collect the energy in the energy furnace, it is also the method left by the general, because the local Ming has not been exposed to such things as phantom energy. They were unable to manufacture any equipment that can withstand phantom energy at first, so the general left a "prototype And energy furnaces, today's energy harvesting ships are copied from the prototypes of the year, but the new energy harvesting ships are obviously not as clever as the prototypes of the year, they are large, and because the underground energy storage in the city is also relatively backward Replica, the collection ship needs to be launched once every three days to meet the energy requirements of a medium colony star.

We found this Ming title in the inconspicuous place. They call themselves "Hesse tribe", Ming exiles and watching.

"They are waiting for the return of an empire commander named General General. This is an exogenous source. Their origin is not in this universe," Sandora looked thoughtfully at the data. "This is much more interesting, They were brought out from a collapsing world. The environment of that world is obviously much worse than this place. No wonder they can live so comfortably in this universe. According to a slowest development speed, they are probably born. In the end of the universe-I have never seen what the idyllic universe looks like. It is mentioned here that the general's agreed return date is unknown ... It is a bit strange that the Apostles of the Spirit will not make such ambiguous promises. "

"We never make promises to the common race about the future, because this may affect future actions and hinder efficiency," said Vega. "But once we make such a promise, it will be precise and at the expense of Complete it at all costs ~ www.readwn.com ~ This general should be a spirit apostle, but her habits are really bad. "

I didn't answer because there was only one picture left in my mind: when I walked in just now, there was a blood-stained triangle emblem on the ground at the door ...

I looked at Sandora: "Keywords to the general, look for something."


After a while, the information terminal began to broadcast large and large files-it seems that the indigenous people of this world attach great importance to the generals. These materials are extremely detailed, but I didn't even notice what was written on it, and everyone's eyes were on Focus on those pictures.

The general wears a black hooded cape—just like the style of local clothing we see, including texture—standing in the middle of a group of black armored guards. The background is a huge metal structure suspected of a spaceship. The portrait should be on the space star Photographed by Hong Kong, this general is very short and can't see his face, but in the shadow of the hood of the hooded cape, two scarlet flashes can be seen, and the soldiers around her and the metal barrier behind them, The most striking is the blood red triangle emblem.

(Ahaha, can I guess you guys !!!)

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