Xiling Empire

Chapter 1328: Huesca's treasure chest and the fighting power of bear children

When talking about the traces left by the general in the past, Prahan can actually say a lot: we all know what the former state of Huesca is, she can bear the patience and a group of refugees who have been mistaken for goods. The sentence then arranged for them to be a rare landscape, how can there be so many specific deeds left to the Hessen tribe? The historical data that Sandora and I saw on the Hessian colony was all the race's memory of the general.

However, in this source, Prahan repeatedly mentioned "the property left by the general". At first I thought he was referring to the Hellion equipment on hand, such as the appalling p-03 solar furnace. , And a few old antique Schilling ships appearing in the Hessian fleet, these things were left to the locals by Veska that year-the motivation for leaving these things was no motivation. For the new empire today, these old and Although the performance of the poorly performing Hilling equipment is valuable, it is not too big, and the quantity is scarce and not to mention the quality is not great. At the time, Wiskar didn't have much money on hand. She robbed her army of destruction by robbing the Emperor's Reserve and the Archives. The spacecraft she built was not only defective, but her creative power that day. The transformed wonderful variety, so although I look forward to the "general property" mentioned by Prahan, I do not take it too seriously.

But soon, I found out that the other party was not referring to the old antique Schilling equipment on hand.

"The general's property was hidden in a separate space," Prahan said anxiously. "Historical records document that the general transformed the universe, creating many separate spaces for her personal belongings, but in the end For unknown reasons, only one space warehouse was opened, and the general's deputy personally stored something in that space and closed it, and strictly prohibited anyone in the Hessian tribe from trying to explore or access those alien spaces-even if they did not. The empty space is not allowed. Now I am very worried that the enemy is just getting into the warehouse where the general's property is stored. If the other party has the same strength as the general, they will definitely be able to crack the space lock, and I am afraid that it will already be clear which space has treasure Now. "

When the other party said this, I couldn't sit still. I even thought that it was the "property" left by Huesca that attracted Harlan's attention and made the other party mistakenly believe that this is the home world. You can not care about the defective ship left by Veska, but you can't care about the so-called "treasure" left by her. Facts have proved that these things that she was specially treated are definitely very important. The best example is the holy library of the ruined world: Veska snatched the prototype ship of the abyss submerged ship from the emperor and sealed it in the holy Curry is kept by a group of indigenous people, which is exactly the same as today. With this precedent, I think she can come a second time. What will she hide this time? Another deep dive ship? Or ... the ark of the ancient ancestors of the spirit? Or even the coordinates of the hometown world?

"What did you hide at that time?" I hurriedly connected the communication of the capital world and called the second lunatic: she is now the only sober insider, and Veska's memory has made people desperate. I can hope that this crazy man who has at least a good brain even though his nerves are not quite right.

As soon as the other party spoke, I had the urge to drill through the communicator and knock Ya to death: "How can the ship know! This question is important?"

"Nonsense!" I knocked on the communicator's panel in anxiety. "Think about what you hid in those days! And how many of these messy and strange spaces are there, where are the coordinates, and how should I open them!"

The second lunatic was yelled at me without worry. Her deadly face is stronger than Bingtis: "Anyway, the ship doesn't know. There is no way you want to go ... no way you try hard to go. One of the biggest hobbies of the general was collecting a bunch of things she didn't know every time he came to a world And find a place to bury, wait for more than one hundred thousand, two hundred thousand years, and then go back and plan to see if you know it. She buried the things like this, and you let the ship go to you Find records! "

I almost didn't fall down in one breath: I picked up something and buried it outside, and dug it out after a while to see, sometimes it was not always possible to find the place where the thing was buried. How did Huska like this squirrel? !!

I can tell that Huesca, hundreds of thousands of years ago, was a little beast that relied on action. It's a waste of effort to put any logic on her. Even if you can guess what you will think in the next second, you can't guess what Viskar was doing!

I endured my mind and turned off the communicator. Huesca next came up and said arrogantly that he wanted to help. Unfortunately, this girl probably didn't know much about Prahan a few light years away. Sandora has already sent out the available space assault units and special probes, and even the sisters of Asida are also operating in person, but the hunt for Harlan is still progressing slowly: in countless encrypted spaces throughout the universe The absolute difficulty of finding a person who might be hiding them. These spaces were encrypted by Schilling technology of Viskar that year, and it is by no means just a few closed spaces. And because of the inadequate technology of Visca, coupled with its long history, many spaces will inevitably be distorted or even collapsed. These collapsed spaces also cause a lot of trouble for search forces: they have weak signals and require more energy and time. , But after you finally opened the space door, you can only find a bunch of twisted and broken pieces of space-time, which will evaporate on the main material plane as the door opens. Fortunately, Sister Asida has a good temper. If Vega is to handle this, she is estimated to have gone to sharpen the knife on the shell of the second lunatic.

However, our step-by-step operation did not last long-in fact, I should have thought of it when I decided to start with a bear child, this operation is destined to not be carried out step by step.

While the search force was honestly searching for the encrypted space-time distortion points in the depths of the universe, my elder sister hurried to tell me a terrifying news: the little crow and the little bubble were gone.

Then, at least a dozen waves of action teams distributed throughout the universe have reported that they found the two bear children. They landed on a red dwarf, shattered a black hole, and happened in the cooling dust clouds. The arcane storm of the little crow set off a giant light wall of energy that stretched for half a light year. Part of the background radiation-in the size of tens of billions of light years, the two bear children look ahead and lag behind. They ran out suddenly at 9:30 in the morning, and when the adults found out, the two living treasures had already bypassed the entire universe by a third-this is going crazy!

"Why did they run out suddenly!"

While arrogantly arranging the Royal Guard to lift the two bear children back, I muttered coldly in my head, while Bingtis relaxed me: "Relax, you do n’t know about the little bubble? She wants to go out and there are still people who can't stop her. Mostly she ran out in cooperation with that silly bird. Your two daughters were too capable, and the same time they were ...

I don't feel relieved at all! Can a child who has something in common with this female hooligan grow up?

Someone must have guessed that it would be almost impossible to get these two bear children back-of course, it would be much easier to catch the birds. Although Madison's shuttle between the void and the world is strong, at least she can follow the action and have a chance of success in the interception, but who is the small bubble? The horrible thing is almost beyond the rules of the universe. If she wants to go out. Even the Bingtis could not be stopped, so we sent dozens of people (later to hundreds) to catch the little princess, and they were slipped by the two bear children. These two nizis, a ghost, an amazing speed, put together to form a combination of super-dynamic and full-minded, Ding-Dang sent me the biggest effort in the team, which is Ilson, and the latter was The bear child group slipped around and sent more than two hundred light years around the margins of the universe and sent a message: "I applied for a test on the organization. Let me go back to Shadow City to catch those buying ..." The difficulty of work is high You can see it.

I wasn't idle. After sending out the search troops, I was ready to go out with my elder sister to find someone in person, because I know that most people can't catch the little bubbles. The main role of those men and horses is to lock the scope of the little girl's activities and slightly limit the latter-but now it seems that even this task is not so easy to do, not because the Royal Guard is overwhelmed, but because the little bubble is too survey Great use. Little Bubble is actually a very obedient child. But she was not very sensible after all. At this time, she probably didn't know the danger of her running around. I can only find her frequency in the spiritual connection and greeted vigorously: "Where are you, little bubble?"

The answer to herself was a series of frustrating grunts: It sounded particularly excited. It should be that the little girl suddenly felt very happy to hear her father's voice, but she didn't realize that the grown-ups in the family were almost out of breath.

"Who will translate it?" I was confused by Xiao Biao's Gou, looking around blankly, holding my arm lightly: "Isn't the bird able to talk!"

Me: "..." In fact, I was a little concerned about it, but it was messy. It was normal for Little Bubble to run west and west. Anyway, her surroundings were quite safe, but this place was different. Harlan was leading a small half of the royal fleet With a group of King Admiral cats in a different space (brain supplementation result), although the grandson has so far remained unmoved, what if he suddenly moves? With the fighting power of Little Bubble and Medivh, the old emperor like Harlan might be enough for them. I can't hope that the escape of Little Bubble will always work normally, right?

Soon I got in touch with the mental frequency of the little crow, who was not a spiritual apostle and was a little savvy, so I was not very proficient in spiritual connection. It took a bit of effort to connect and heard my voice , The bird made a special surprise call: "Ga? The voice of the master is Ga! You are the master?"

The bird sometimes talks a little upside down, which seems to be limited by her bird ’s habitual thinking process, but it is still difficult to understand. I quickly told her not to run outside, and then told her that she would Picking her up in the past-of course it would be better if she could take the initiative to fly back, but I do n’t think bear children have such an easy handling, they will definitely run a circle around the universe halfway, with little bubbles in it, this is almost It's 100%: That girl can give me two moon rocks back by the way, so you know what?

"But we're catching the bad guys!" The little crow said immediately, anxiously, and even forgot to sigh at the end of the sentence, "I've found the bad guys soon! I'm hiding here nearby!"

"Catch the bad guys?" Sandola paused. "Are you looking for Harlan?"

"Ga!" The little crow promised in the spiritual connection, I can't see her current appearance but can guess the girl's excited expression, "Haran! It's Haran! The master wants to catch the bad guys, so he comes out! Others It's too slow. It's too slow to fly, it's too slow to get in-so take Little Bubble Girl together. "

I translated for a long time, and understood the words of each other's headless, that is, she thinks that the search force of the regular army is too low, it is not as efficient as she and Xiaoboo go out to fly a circle, so Can't help running out and want to help catch the "bad guys", I understand that right?

At this time, the little crows had already shifted their positions once again carrying small bubbles. They jumped from a dense space distortion point 13 billion light years away to the end of the universe, and one happened to be nearby. The empty probe finally caught the latter figure: the dark and deep universe. A giant crow wrapped in a violent storm drags its long tail across space like a comet. The energy storm on the little crow pulls out a continuously spreading arcane curtain wall. This curtain wall can briefly mark her deceleration or acceleration. The trajectory of time: This powerful crow will accumulate devastating energy when it is moving at full speed, because in space, Medivh has no meaning to control his energy at all. In the process of her speed change, all the energy will be released, so that there will be a "rut" that stretches for half a light year in space. This scene is spectacular beyond words. The only four words I think of are "the brakes are broken." ...

And Little Bubble sits on the mouth of the little crow. The little girl is particularly creative: she uses a bunch of charged shackles (the kind of super shackles used to restrain the most dangerous prisoners) to tie herself to the huge On the ship's bird's beak, a small head emerged from the chain. The two bear children just became a combination, and it felt like I was wearing a rotten apple on the mouth of the little crow, and there were small bubbles on the apple ...

This is a momentary picture from the Deep Space Probe, and I haven't had time to evaluate the way the two bear children combined. The two of them disappeared instantly, leaving only the ripples of the space torn apart by violence. Two seconds later, the space to be healed was again torn apart by violence. The shining storm crow **** rushed out from inside, and Madiwen's excited call rang out in the spiritual connection: "Another quack!"

The efficiency of this bedroom! No wonder they are going out!

I have already reacted at this time. From the beginning, I really ignored the people around me who had extraordinary abilities but didn't seem to be reliable, such as bear children. Medivh has the ability to quickly travel through the universe and rely on the ability to recognize the path in various distortions of time and space. Little Bubble has the ability to ignore any obstacles and enter any place she wants. Then in front of this bear child assembly, a few Is there any secret in this hidden space?

It takes more than ten minutes or even hours for a skilled space raider (depending on the strength of the spatial signal and the size of the different space window) to open an encrypted distortion space-time, but the little crow + little bubble can only take a few seconds This space is torn apart. I remembered Xiao Xue's mention of Madison's future priesthood again:

She is the messenger and travelling **** of the spirit **** system. She is regarded as the messenger of the gods of the gods. She travels to any world and footprints in all corners of the void. Many, one is good at finding the door, the other is good at prying locks ... why do I think that these two girls may embark on the path of evil gods if they are not careful in the future?

"Uh ... Dad is on, they are so fast ..." Xiaoxue didn't know when to connect his data terminal to the projector on the officer's platform. Now the latter is showing the wide-area star map of the universe. Here, It is dim, and there are only some dark red clouds. On the star map, a pale blue color scale is expanding at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. "Dad, they have eliminated 6,780 in three hours. Five points of space distortion. Now that Sister Bird has sent out his fission bodies, those fission bodies are spreading to the whole universe. They are responsible for signalling in advance, and then Sister Bird and Sister Pao mark with the past. At most an hour they will open all the closed spaces of the universe. "

I was startled by this amazing amount of strange space ~ www.readwn.com ~ I said that Veska was really idle and did some weird things, then I was scared by the "combat power" of the little crow A jump, I did not expect those little crows that can only be used to clean the vegetable leaves and weeds in the courtyard. This time also came in handy, and finally I suddenly reacted to the most important thing and quickly ordered:

"Army, ready to fight! First-level combat readiness!"

Most of the space distortion points have been eliminated by the two highly mobile girls. The space experts led by the sisters of Asida also analyzed some of the distortion points before. Now Harlan must be hiding in the remaining few distortion spaces. He's already lucky, he hasn't been found till now, but I don't think he will be in the last alien space-the little crow may find Harlan at any time!

In fact, I should also worry about another thing: Medivh and Little Bubble have opened most of the alien space of the universe, but they have never found the "treasure" of Huesca. I am afraid that what Prahan had worried about has become Fact: Harlan just happened to get into the treasure house left by Huesca hundreds of thousands of years ago, or the former was attracted to the world by the latter at all. If that's the case ...

Harlan, your grandson has something to keep my sister away! !!

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