Xiling Empire

Chapter 1329: 1 pass melee

The little crow who is best at finding the door and the little bubble who is best at prying locks have turned into a combination and galloped wildly for half a day in the universe. Now they are busy in a place only more than 200,000 light years away: there is the last One of several anomalous spaces that have not been ruled out. Obviously, the work of the two little girls has no plan, and they sweep the anomalous spaces not in order, but at will. But anyway, the efficiency of the two little girls is amazing. In just a few hours, they completed the work that regular soldiers need to complete in a few days or even half a month. The encrypted distortion space is like these two people. When the emperor was completely exposed and undefended, when the emperor was ready to fight, and the huge fleet of the Hessen tribe began to mobilize, the two little girls had left the last unexplored airspace. I think the little crow and the little bubble are a little excited, they don't seem to think at all how dangerous it is to suddenly run into Haran's large force, so the bear child is the bear child, even if he does something occasionally, he will be happy. Just forgot—fortunately, Asida and Asidora have personally come forward to meet, the sisters are the only ones who can barely keep up with the speed of the little crow transfer. In addition, the space commando has been slipped by the two bear children Spit out last year's New Year's Eve.

I have to say that Haran ’s luck is really good. We ruled out that 80% of the universe ’s distortion space did not find that guy. The other party was definitely full of good luck talents. Of course, he can be said to be unlucky. It's finally working a little bit now-do you see that Haran has lost less since the war with the new empire? He is almost out of business ...

"A large-scale space signal was detected! A closed space is actively being opened!" The reports of Asida and Asidola interrupted my thoughts suddenly, and then I heard Medivh screaming: "Ga! Found! The host came to Ga to find the bad guys!"

... The silly bird's upside-down way of talking can't meet the brothers Carlo. Can she drive the latter alive?

"Withdraw immediately-the fleet is ready for firepower, and when the enemy comes out, it will launch a macro strike!" I ordered immediately, and then I felt a sense of imbalance caused by a gravity disorder. The imbalance came to me: an unstable space door opened on the officer's platform, and the sisters of Asida rushed out of it. Among them, Asidola was carrying a little girl in a white dress, which was just active After a little bubble, when the little girl saw me, she easily earned it from Asidola and climbed up my leg. She almost reached her chest in a blink of an eye: "Gua! Dad praises me Come on! "

It's not easy to say a few more words. I patted the little guy's head. At last, it seemed that it was time to add the words "mature and stable" to the daily education of Little Bubble. But soon I found that there were fewer individuals: "Asida, what about that bird?"

"Well, stuck on the upper armour of the cross arm." The sisters said in unison, sweating under my heart and quickly turning on the external surveillance. It turned out that the silly bird was stuck outside the spaceship: there was a small black dot on the transverse arm of the Empire Admiral, and after zooming in, it was a little crow. She still maintained the crow **** form. The sharp beak is now Almost completely inserted between the two armor plates of the spacecraft, in a hurry, the silly bird fluttered tossing around with its straps, its wings could suddenly pull out the afterimage. The sturdy battleship armor was pulled by the pair of deadly crow gods' claws, and a large group of self-discipline machinery emerged from the nearby launch port to deal with this accident. None of them could approach: the little crow was rushing. At the time, a hurricane with a radius of several kilometers was set off, and the ghosts were not alive within the hurricane.

"I was in a hurry when I moved." Sister Asida nodded her head apologetically. "Medical was still in divine form, and we found that there was no way to bring her here, so she dropped her outside the spaceship. It may be a little confused, she Hit it directly on the deck. "

At this time, Qian Qian said something very reasonable: "Isn't it better if she becomes a human figure now?"

"Does she have to know that it is still a fool to become a human?" I knocked lightly. Almost at the same time, the early warning host sent a harsh howling: "Alarm! A large number of fallen apostle reactions have been detected! The target is identified as the Harlan Fleet ... the enemy is leaving the alien space!"

"Keep the guns charged and wait for them all to come out before attacking," Sandora said, while all of us turned our attention to the images from the early warning radar and the deep space probe. In the airspace of the investigation, a dark cloud of dust was stirred fiercely like a liquid. This cooled down cosmic dust just covered the exit of the distorted space. When the alien space was opened, a violent and chaotic gravitational wave began to enter the space gate. Generated nearby, the dust cloud seemed to burst into a dozen massive stars. Under the influence of these gravitational and disorderly gravitation, the thin dust cloud was quickly compressed and pulled into noodle-like thin strips. , And gradually being mixed into a huge dense cloud vortex, and at a point in the center of the vortex, a large group of black fleets are slowly poking out their heads, the first to emerge is the King Admiral formation!

"Yes, that's the group of ships!" Prahan's voice came from the communicator. "Their paint and appearance are exactly the same as the general fleet recorded in the information!"

Wescammer silently turned her head around. She had been cultivating among a group of normal people for several years, and finally realized that her aesthetics seemed to be a problem. In the public channel of spiritual connection, the silly bird was still panicking loudly. Ask for help: "Help life! Help life!" She was still stuck outside the spacecraft at this time.

I guess she can't remember that she can still become a person. Bingtis took out two star gold crowbars from the portable space (don't ask why a goddess would carry crowbars with her), and pestle to Ilson In front of He Lin: "You two, go and pry that bird out!"

Ilsson was moving his muscles and bones to help fight the war, and he heard a word: "Why should I go?"

"Why so much nonsense," Bingtis poked at Ilson's armor with a stick. "You resist, stupid girl is big, you give me another joke that dares to jump into the energy storm of that silly bird. Than out? "

What else did Ilson want to say, but even Bingtis's eyebrows frowned even when the atmosphere didn't dare to pant. Hurry up on Lin and run out to save the birds. If you still say that Lin is obedient, holding the crowbar honestly like the little daughter-in-law, I guess even give her a mop, then point to the end of the world and say: "Go, save the world Go. "As long as the person who said this was not Ilson, she could rush forward without hesitation.

When the problems on the Raven side were so busy that Harran's fleet was almost completely out of space, Sandora was waiting for the best time to attack: the other side completely broke away from the space gate and stood still. In this case, Haran will no longer be able to withdraw that alien space, and it will be too late to make an effective defense. The time is coming--

"Army, set fire to the enemy King Admiral formation! Ladder attack, don't interrupt the fire!"

With the order of Sivis, the emperor's position was completely shrouded in a continuous twisted light curtain: every gun with the ability to attack in space would tear the space door around the battleship. These rippling open space gates make the tens of millions of kilometers of radius as if wrapped by a dirty water polo. Overwhelming artillery fire passes through the space gate to a distance of 245,000 light years, bombarding the King's Admiral in Haran. In the formation, because the opponent's joint shield had not yet fully unfolded, the first round of attack easily penetrated the enemy's front shield net, and most of the firepower was accurately stuck in the Phantom ’s 1,000-kilometer radius. Although physically, but regrettable. This precise fire coverage only triggered a large grayish white mist on the surface of those three-ring starships: the Gospels have been activated, the Royal Admiral's immunity to conventional firepower has reached its peak, and a galaxy will probably not hurt them more than A rifle.

"Maintain firepower, don't interrupt. Hidden formations continue to lay a space mine." Sivis saw the first wave of attacks almost unharmed by the Gospels, and was not surprised at all, and continued to issue orders calmly.

The Gospel is indeed an unprecedentedly powerful defensive device. It is the ultimate form of a damage definition system. Can lock any damage except Void Attack to the lowest value, and is completely immune to low-level damage such as kinetic energy, heat energy, radiation (in fact, except for "special attacks such as psionic energy, holy light, divine magic, math rate, etc." Beyond. Any other form of harm is ignored by the Gospel), as long as the attack form is not void, its lock level has no upper limit at all: this is where the Gospels are terrible. However, it consumes huge energy, and the longer the attack time and the greater the number of attacks, the greater the load of the Gospel on the energy core and the damage control host. Relying on the absolute number and long-term fire suppression is the only way to break the Gospel. Dora used to explain to me how to destroy the Gospel in such a vivid way: this is an indestructible shield, but the hand holding the shield will always be tired, and the Lord ’s damage control host or core power stove will be offline, and the Gospel will naturally close. Sivis is now working in this direction.

At the same time, a large number of hidden bombers we brought began to deploy space mines in some "very strange places". The area where they mine is almost irregular. In the range of more than 200,000 light-years between the Harlan Army and the Emperor, they laid hundreds of randomly distributed minefields. Some minefields even deviated from the Emperor and The connection between the Harlan Army was thousands of light years-but when Harlan's troops began to jump towards the Emperor's position, everything became clear.

Each time the enemy ’s space jumps, it will fall into the overwhelming space of dark mines accurately. No minefield will be “wasted”. After repeating this a dozen times, it ’s almost as if Harlan ’s navigator is cooperating. Like emperor performances, they seem to be trying to circumvent these ubiquitous dark mines, such as changing the jumping point and jumping thousands of light years in the other direction-still confused. So the enemies finally reacted to what was going on. They simply gave up bypassing the minefield and started to blast the space to the imperial thunder rushing towards the emperor: they must find a way to approach it, because The "Genesis" system is something that will drop in power after being launched through Macross. The dismantling generator has a huge interference with the Macross device. If it is necessary or tactical, the Genesis device is selected at a distance of several minutes. Direct shooting. Therefore, in order to let his own King Admiral formation play a combat role, Haran can now only brace his head to land mines.

This scene looks fierce and brave, of course, it is more hard-working: I believe this is definitely not Harlan's intention. Think about it, on the battlefield, the number displayed on the waist pedometer is the one you step on. Times ... Anyway, Xiao Xue has been laughing sideways for more than ten minutes, and those minefield coordinates were inferred by her ability to predict. The enemy could not escape the traps set by the prophets, and I guess they knew that they would not give up the detour in such a bachelor's way, rushing all the way to the thunder.

However, the empire relied on its unexpected advantages to stop there. After a short period of fire crushing, the Harlan fleet quickly restored order. They braved intensive fire bombardment and re-stabilized the fleet's joint shield. Before the next wave of firepower arrived, we began to fight back: hundreds of continuous twisted space strips appeared instantly around our positions. These twisted space strips were all composed of a series of small twisted vortices. Water-like swirls reflected images of gunboats and dark battleships from more than a dozen light years away. After a short delay, a storm-like psionic torrent and a huge jump warhead began to bombard the joint shield, soaking As the host of the fleet, Paul started to make a loud alarm: "The Frontier Three Columns pay attention to your shield wave value. Your shields have fluctuated too much! The Frontier Four Columns provide additional output to the Three Columns-note that the first wave of dismantling effects comes It's up! "

In a brief exchange of fire, Harlan's King Admiral formation has completed hundreds of jumps. Although many frigates have been killed by space thunder all the way, all his King Admiral battleships are intact. Now those giant monsters have come directly Shooting range. The dark "optical flow" straddled the space between the two sides in an instant, and for a moment, the emperor's joint shield was crumbling, and the frontier fortress ship at the forefront began to suffer damage due to overload.

"Adjust the shield frequency to the mathematical disturbance mode." Sivis clenched her silvery white command knife and slammed on the ground. The strength of the storm commander spread to the entire fleet. "War foretell!"

War Premonition-The ability to take effect based on the special talents of the Storm Commander. By modifying the mathematical conversion method, we can greatly strengthen our defense and fleet power, and at the same time can effectively counteract guided weapons. However, in this case, the premonition of war is mainly to counteract the dismantling effect of Genesis. According to the principle of the disassembly effect, it destroys the target by destroying the information structure of the target. The more “complex” the information is in the target, the more “information shells” are put on it. The slower. Sivis's response to Genesis is to desperately increase the information complexity of his own fleet-adjust the shield frequency, use the special properties of phantom energy, fuse interference outside the shield, and add additional mathematical rate protection to his own unit This is the most effective means of self-protection in the face of Genesis. Although it cannot guarantee that you can really be harmless under Genesis, it will allow you to live as much as possible: maybe you can live until Genesis's energy is poor or it is Kill your allies.

No way, as one of the most disgusting mass-produced weapons produced by the empire, you can't expect a way to be completely immune to the damage of Genesis-the higher protoss like Bingtis dare not resist the stuff.

"I found one thing," Sandora looked at with anxiety. "Haran's condition is back."

I also found out that the Haran army now has a high will to fight and a fast response. In the face of the sudden attack of the emperor, their response plan is very effective, and it has quickly exerted the powerful fighting power of the King Admiral formation. Now the Apocalypse system has not been activated because Most of Harlan's ships have not reached the optimal combat distance, but I believe Harlan will soon order to open the apocalypse. When the troublesome set is activated, we will face a group of lunatics with dozens of long-lasting bu and thick skins.

The Harlan fronts seemed to have finally ended their long sleepwalking. Now they are fully exerting their strength as a fallen apostle, and the pressure on the front has increased sharply.

"Well, the influence is not great. I like to fight hard battles, so that I have a sense of accomplishment," Sandora suddenly showed a cold and arrogant smile. "Haran, if you have been dreamwalking like this, it will disappoint me ... seventh The Legion was ready for the Glow Ring to give them a great gift. "

The Seventh Fleet—the Demon Legion ~ www.readwn.com ~ or the Old Royal Fleet is a small killer in our battle. Now they are still hiding in the hidden force field and have not yet entered the battle. The reason we did this was to wait for the moment when some of Harlan's ships were depleted of their shields. The Seventh Fleet has more than two hundred glow rings. Their terror mirror system can ignore the joint shield and directly destroy the spacecraft that is smaller than its size without independent shield protection. Haran should not have imagined that we brought that dangerous East and west, because he is still in the habit of facing the emperor in the past, so that small and medium-sized ships with nearly exhausted shields continue to fight outside the array. In the past, this tactic was very correct, because the joint shield from friendly forces can continue to protect those ships, and the latter continues to fight means continuous damage output, but this time-the glow ring should not Disappointing.

"Say ... Before that, you still have to find a way to kill those ring-to-ring warships."

A violent shock came from my feet, and I said anxiously.

The second wave of dismantling effect has just ended, it almost broke through the frontal joint shield of our army, and the three frontier-level columns that consumed the most were all anxious. Their respective independent shields were hit to the critical value of 10%. It is no longer possible to provide additional output for the Joint Shield.

Bettis glanced at me: "Are you going to go on your own?"

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