Xiling Empire

Chapter 1343: Abyss Independent Group on track

"I may have spoken to you, lord," I said to Harlan from my memory.

The old emperor in front of him suddenly widened his eyes and stared at me like a frozen expression on his face. Harlan finally reacted when I couldn't help giving him a punch: "You said you and 'the adult 'Have you been in touch ?! "

"Not just contact, I said, maybe the" sleepwalking state "of your other days may have arisen because of this," I sighed, and suddenly felt that this was probably the most unlucky guy in the people I knew, " In fact, before you invaded the empire's borders-probably when you and your legions were suddenly insane, I had a conversation with a guy of unknown origin. I only heard her voice. At first I thought she came from another place. One place, it wasn't until you provided some information that I realized that she was probably your boss behind the scenes. That voice came across the void and talked to me for only a few minutes ... maybe even longer, I ’m here When I entered the void, I could not feel the flow of time. The voice said a lot of inexplicable things, roughly that she was very interested in me. I also remember one thing she mentioned at the end: In order to talk with the void creature, she always Losing every moment. If she said the loss is yours-then everything is explained. "

Harlan didn't have much information. He didn't know that the boss behind the fallen apostles was actually a group consciousness, so he felt a little inexplicable about my reasoning. He asked his own question: "How do you know that voice is 'the Lord'? Is it only close in time? Or is it simply because my legion showed signs of being directly connected to the spirit of the Nether?

"Do you know that" the adult "in your mouth does not really exist in the real world?" I asked a big question.

Harlan stunned as I expected: "What does this mean? You say‘ there ’is now controlled by a spirit creature?”

"It's incredible than spirit creatures. Many races that have mastered information network technology have created similar life forms, but the apostles have created the most powerful one," I said, a sudden movement in my heart, and snapping my fingers, "Come over here."

Hilling is everywhere-as long as the Empire Information Network covers it, that super-conscious back garden, she can hear all calls to herself within the coverage of this network. You can also upload-download anywhere on the network. In fact, it is a bit inaccurate to say that the Spirit is "ubiquitous". Strictly speaking, her ontology is the entire area covered by the network. There is no concept of "being" or "absent" at all. Thousands of worlds are as big as us. The real-world creatures all live under her "shadow." Instead of teleporting to somewhere, it is better to say that she chose a coordinate in her "body". An interactive interface was temporarily created in the presence of real-world creatures.

It is because of this special nature of the Spirit that at the same time as my voice falls. The surrounding air made a crackling sound as if charged, a large number of small crystal particles gathered from all sides, less than two seconds, a girl with long straight blond hair, fair complexion and ruby ​​eyes They appeared before us, and the girl looked noble. With a Ling Ling beauty, she was wearing a long black dress and long black silk gloves on her left hand. Before she cracked her mouth and smirked, the temperament looked like a princess who came from the dark night. Similarly, the only thing that destroys the atmosphere is that she has a silly metal sign on her chest, just like a first-grade elementary school student or Alzheimer's patient. This sign says her name and the contact details of the imperial department ...

Every time she appeared, Hilling had to change her appearance. Her insensitivity to the real world caused her to forget her appearance at all. Basically, I forget what I look like when I sleep. From this point, the little brand that she prepared for her is really useful-without this thing, I don't necessarily recognize the look at the foreign princess. The same girl is the spirit.

"She's called Hilling," I introduced to Harlan, pointing to Hilling. "In theory, she is the same life as the boss behind the fallen apostle, but she's a little weaker and under control. Hilling, this It's Harlan. You should have his profile. "

The blonde girl happily saluted Harlan. But her tone was not as serious as her military salute: "Hello, I know you. You are node h-35s1-s57-cxee15, Her Majesty Harlan Croix Levalette, welcome home, I am Hilling. "After greeting, the girl's attention quickly shifted. She happily ran to the counter to greet the Silver-haired Mole:" Sylvia! I want snacks! I want the black ones, and the round tops still have The chocolate one, Tavel likes it! "

Someone must have realized that the most important difference between the spirit and the ordinary apostles: she may salute the emperor, but that is because someone taught her to do so, plus a certain command, but from her own perspective, all the apostles There is no difference at all. For her, Harlan was first a node number composed of a series of numbers and letters, followed by the name of a real creature, and finally an Emperor Spirit. The reason for this is simple: the "network node" of the Apostles of the Spirit is the only one that does not change with their authority or strength. The only significance of this node to the Spirit is to provide a "AND or NOT" She couldn't tell the difference between the countless nodes that make up herself. An LCD TV with tens of thousands of dollars and a desk lamp with tens of dollars, their plugs are essentially a few pieces of copper and a ball of plastic. It is easy to understand with such an explanation ...

I turned to Harlan: "Did you feel anything?"

"I ... I'm not sure ..." Harlan looked at the back of Hilling, "I can't feel her identification information. She should be a Hilling apostle, but her identification code is not open to anyone?" She has more authority than the emperor? "

"It takes some technical means to query the identification code of Spirit. It is not feasible to read it directly. You do n’t have such a high throughput. Her ontology is discretely distributed in the entire spiritual network." Beckoning and calling her, "Do you know how to send documents to ordinary apostles directly over the Internet? You can try to send something to Harlan, whatever you want."

When Hilling thought about it, he sent the price list in Sylvia's shop, and Haran's expression really changed.

"You usually receive instructions from 'the adult', is this the encoding and forwarding rule?" I asked.

Harlan nodded slowly: "For a moment, I even thought that it was really ... This information encoding and transmission method is incredible. It completely bypasses the existing communication protocol. It is impossible to query the source of the information, nor can it find it. ", As if the message came from the network of the Apostles of the Spirit, not a particular sender."

"Hilling is a collective consciousness. She is indeed the spiritual network itself, as is your‘ the adult ’in your mouth.”

At the moment, I explained the things of the Spirit to Harlan, and understood this special life form. He naturally knew why his old boss needed to sacrifice a lot of mental nodes to connect with the void creature. In the end, our topic reverted to "the adult": "So according to my judgment, the boss behind the fallen apostle used you as a consumable or buffer in order to talk to me. She is essentially just living on the Internet If she does not create an interactive interface like the spirit, she can only communicate with the outside world in an unprotected form: you can imagine what it would be like to turn off all the firewalls in the spiritual network. Information of the void creature Disturbance is a lethal toxin to the will of the abyss, and I believe that in just a few minutes of communication, the opposite 'spirit of the abyss' almost consumed all the nodes she used to buffer-that is you, at the time She was in a hurry to end the communication. "

Harlan froze for a while, then suddenly smiled and shook her head: "This is the situation, we have been controlled by our own spiritual network? Well, this is reasonable, think of her as the spiritual consciousness of the apostles of the Spirit , But also have this qualification. "

The old emperor was somewhat self-deprecating, and I did not continue on this topic. It is now almost certain that the one who suddenly connected with himself was the ruler behind the fallen apostles. Now I face an unprecedented unsolved mystery:

Why did she do this?

I thought about it, I think the other person must not have asked for psychological problems ...

"I can't give you the answer either," Harlan said, helplessly spreading his hand, "I can only say that 'Master' must have its own plan, everything she does is purposeful, but from No one knows exactly what she wants to do. She only orders. We can infer some plans from these orders occasionally. But more. Only the 'owner' knows it. "

"Anyway, sacrifice a military giant under his name and all its troops. Just to connect directly with the void creature for a few minutes, this looks too worthless," I shook my head with tears of laughter. "This is my life The highest appearance fee ... "

Harlan gritted his teeth and looked at me: "Your appearance fee is mine!"

I: "... well, let's not talk about this, anyway, you were sold by your boss, but I think the spirit on the abyss side should not be a fool, or a teammate should also sell a good price, you think she and a What can the Nether creature say in those few minutes? "

Harlan reached out and drew a circle on the desktop, as if to use this little gesture to help herself think: "Think of the bad side, maybe she can temporarily invade the empire network by directly connecting with you, steal information, or try to understand the weakness of the void creature And, to make matters worse, maybe through this direct connection, she has left something in the Empire network or your spiritual world, spyware and the like. "

I blinked: "Why is there nothing worse or worse, nothing else?"

"Of course," Harlan laughed. "And the worst--"

Me: "... I think you are a bit pessimistic."

Harlan waved indifferently: "Pessimism is a good thing. Only when you think of the worst can you prepare best. The worst case is that the plan of the" adult "is almost successful, and her plan does not need to be left behind. There are too many people, so some subordinates who do not obey discipline become things that can be thrown out and sacrificed. You can imagine that on the battlefield, the army that is about to win back home will throw away the redundant arms and temporary manufacturing supplementary soldiers. It ’s war march. "

My cold sweat came down on the spot. Harlan was right, except for the worst and worse, there is the worst thing: In case the abyss side feels that he has settled down, he does not consider the empire as a threat at all. , Then she sacrificed millions of nodes is really nothing!

Haran seemed to be a thorny hardliner in the fallen apostles circle, so he was regarded as an abandon by the abyss side spirit. What should I say? I have formed the kingdom of heaven. Only the most loyal servant can follow-Haran apparently failed to meet the standard.

There is at least room for coping with both the worst and the worst, and if it is the worst-late work, the "great cause" of the fallen apostle is just around the corner!

"All of the above is speculation," Harlan said, comforting me. "Although I can't remember the details of the" Great Cause ", I always feel that it should not be realized so quickly. In memory, our actions on the" Great Cause "have been deadlocked for a long time. 'Master' seems to be trying to break through a certain technical difficulty, until I leave, there is no sign of breakthrough in this technical difficulty, and I clearly remember what plans she has after the Protoss begins the expedition, thousands of years. Although short, but able to There is still a lot to do. "

I waved my teeth with a grin and grinned. This is really a broken thing from the sky. It ’s never too much rhythm: "Well, stop this topic. Let's set aside the situation of the fallen apostles first. Now talk about you -What are your plans for the future? "

"Plan?" Harlan froze, then nodded with a smile. "What do you want me to do? You are the biggest here, you say."

"Then I made it clear that the abyss apostles in the empire are now formed. I need a veteran Supreme Commander-Huesca. She doesn't even bother to command her generals. Her character is completely a child. So I want to let You help me run the Abyss Independent Corps. The size of this legion is roughly equivalent to a regular main legion, and there are some miscellaneous units that we have seized from 'there'. I can tell you clearly that their organization is chaotic. I can't bear to look at it, it's a complete mess. "

I directly clarified the situation of the abyss independent group and Harlan. Anyway, as long as the other party takes over the stall, it must be the first time to find the problem, rather than let him be in a hurry. It's better to get a shot now. When communicating with the Spirit Apostles, you don't need to move too much to be careful. They don't eat this set.

I waited expectantly for Haran's response.

"I thought about it," Harlan said deliberately for a few seconds before slowly. "If I'm not wrong, I'll go back and take my former soldiers-they should all be taken away from me?"

Me: "... you summed it up well."

"It's a big circle ..." Harlan's expression was a bit subtle, but he nodded happily. "I promised, would there be something better than an old general with his former soldiers?" "

I breathed a sigh of breath, watching Sylvia humming in a small key behind the counter, wiping the countertop, saying that they were all emperors. Is there such a big difference in the sense of responsibility between the two?

Then we talked about the positioning of Haran, the supreme commander, and the abyss independent group. First of all, I explained the ruling structure of the current empire: due to various reasons, the new empire temporarily suspended the implementation of the old empire's sky zone system. The entire empire has only one large sky zone, which is jointly governed by all the emperors and the highest general of the empire. . Secondly, the military parliamentary system of the old empire is followed: the head of the empire, the general, and the subordinate staff corps form the imperial ministry. According to the authority tree, the army is ordered, and the generals and above of the spirit apostles have their own organization of foreign troops-such as Pandora and Victoria. Ska's General Guard, Sandora's Royal Fleet and the like, this legion is the only one commanded by the corresponding commander. In addition, the regular Imperial army is commanded by the Ministry of Military Affairs-the emperor still has the first authority group, But without the emperor's order, the commanders of various legions could mobilize their troops in emergency situations.

Harlan would retain the authority of the emperor, but he would be less responsible: he focused on the construction of the abyss independent group and the construction of territories for those apostles. Now that the latter has reached its scale, I think it is time to open up some universes suitable for their existence in the Empire. After all, the abyss troops have a special "nature" that allows them to stay with normal races for a long time. The latter has an impact, which is not something that can be controlled artificially.

In short, these things that need to be built independently need to have a clear person in charge ~ www.readwn.com ~ and this person in charge needs to have sufficient authority: Harlan is quite suitable.

"I thought I could relax a little bit and become a legion general or something." Harlan seemed to be a little regretful when I heard my arrangement. "Is it still responsible for building my own house?"

"Don't think of retirement," I hesitated, "theoretically there are five emperors in the empire now-but you see, Belavila is schizophrenic for twenty hours a day. The next time I only train the magic girl, my sister has deleted the emperor ’s authority. She prefers to bring children at home. The only person in charge is Sandora and me. If you also withdraw the emperor ’s authority, the New Empire ’s Council Three members are on strike ... "

"... Although that's true, why is your" three-fifths "statement so strange?"

"If you are a tribe, then you will sooner or later be able to master this knack for using numbers as slots."

"?" To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile users, please go to m.


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