Xiling Empire

Chapter 1344: Resurrection test

Dealing with the Apostles of the Spirit is a very worrying thing most of the time: they have no right to desire, don't like to make corners, are absolutely loyal and absolutely united; they take racial interests as the starting point and always make the most correct Choice, and put personal demands in the eternal second place; they are willing to accept "executive value" arrangements, and will not be affected by any personal feelings. If something is good for the group, and has enough execution value, an Emperor Spirit will even willingly run to the enemy occupied area alone and perform the task of a nine-death life like a super soldier—Sandora and I both Such a thing, but the latter is due to the nature of the Apostles of the Spirit. I am because ... because nothing else can do it ...

In short, as long as force majeure does not occur—such as being infected by an abyss—the reliability of a spirit apostle is 100%, they make judgments like a machine, and they are as precise and credible as a machine.

Harlan was glad to accept my arrangement, and from this point he was much better than Bella Villa.

"You guys-finished?" A slow voice sounded beside me, and Harlan and I looked up, seeing that Sylvia was standing at the table with Hilling, with a warm smile, "and juice What? "

"Well, come again," Harlan still looked a little awkwardly at the silver-faced mole that had Bella Villa's face, like a silly girl. "The other one is two more, and it tastes good. "

I looked at Haran's hand, he was holding a small piece of golden yellow cake, which was Sylvia's most proud dessert: waterless round cake. Xiao Xue's words were confirmed. Harlan met the piece of cake in his fate ...

Silvia stood for a while before turning around to prepare juice and snacks. Hilling sat down next to me with a smile and began to concentrate on the pastry in her hand: theoretically, this particular life does not need to eat at all, but she has added "eating" to her own program. For Hilling, this Probably an entertainment activity.

Harlan was silent for a moment, feeling: "The life on your side is completely different from what I imagined, and the atmosphere of the city is also too, and they are too far from the empire in my impression."

The memory of an apostle who has just awakened from the nightmare of the fallen remains in the glory days of the empire. Mostly it is not suitable for the relaxed and cozy atmosphere of Shadow City, and it is even more difficult for a large group of "low-level civilizations" and the Imperial Army to be mixed together. Harlan's sigh was also the sigh of the original Carlow brothers, but they will soon like it here: I have confidence in this.

But some people are not so easy to put this sigh aside. As soon as Haran's voice fell, I heard a fragrant wind coming around me, and a blasting roaring voice screamed above me diagonally "Don't eat if you have the ability! Eat and drink well and still rest here, and finally come to the sentence 'This is not the life I want'-lyrical."

I looked up. Seeing a silver-faced creature with Sylvia's face looking at Harlan with a narrowed smile: This is Bella Villa's shift. I'm saying why she hasn't appeared yet: the king of the Raven, who has a bit of a bad character, every time a new fallen apostle is caught in Shadow City, she has to pick up what she knows and damage two sentences for unknown reasons.

Harlan was stunned by this series of explosive bean-like demolishing, and looked at Sylvia like a monster: the first time you contacted the latter, you just got used to the rhythm of one second per beat . The other person suddenly stunned like Guo Degang, and the other with a weak nerve was easily stubbed out of the peripheral necrosis-Bella Villara also took pleasure in it, and her personality was so bad that she was happy for any mischief.

I pinched Harlan's elbow, and whispered, "This is Bella Villa, she woke up. She woke up from time to time to scare."

"Don't treat me like a corpse." Bellavira put the snack on the table, and taught the child how to use a straw instead of licking a drink in a cup like a childcare (the latter lacks common sense) To such an extent). Finally turned to Harlan, "The old man hasn't seen you for a long time. The last time I was pushed into the Netherstorm by Occam, I thought I was going to die before you. I heard recently that you led the whole family to invade, and I thought you were going to die. It's time to go ahead. I didn't expect that both of us had good luck, but neither one died ... "

Harlan and I were sweating with cold heads: Bella Villara's mouth, and she really couldn't say anything good, I missed Silvia's tone of a word every second ...

A few seconds later, Harlan smiled as if with a sigh of relief: "Well, I still feel familiar this time, you just almost made me think that I was dumb ..."

"You will know in a few days. In fact, except for speaking normally, I am no different from Sylvia. She is the protective personality I created to pursue the life I yearn for. You can think of it as a spirit. The truest aspect of the apostle after giving up all the **** of reason, "Bella Villa, while politely dragging away the things in front of me, and stuffing her mouth: when the shopkeeper went to her, that is also a wonderful past and present. Well, Sylvia's craftsmanship is good ... how, Harlan, are you disappointed? "

Harlan was speechless and shook his head with a bitter smile: "You have changed a lot, but you seem to be doing fine."

"Well, this guy has a lot of shortcomings, but this empire is very interesting for him to toss," Bellavira squeezed my arms as if they were picked on the market, "I did n’t even wake up at first I ’m used to it, but now I like this bland life. I shared something from Sylvia just now. Do you want to continue your career? Why do n’t you learn from me? How easy is it to retire? what……"

I glared at Bella Villa. If she dared to retreat Harlan like her, I would even tie her to the Imperial Army!

Fortunately, Harlan was very determined. He did not have a good opinion of this "dead" life of Bellavira, but he began to persuade the latter to regain his fighting spirit and return to the battlefield: I learned that the powerful and cruel King of the Ravens was now Willing to bake cakes for others, usually the only apostle duty that is fulfilled is to train a few soldiers in three days to catch fish and two days in the sun, or to make an idea for the urban construction department. Haran was very sorry, even though he had just returned to the ranks of the Apostles of the Spirit. Now I have begun to do ideological work for Bella Villa, but the latter sent everything in one sentence: "I am like this now, with a little more activity, I have to go to sleep anytime, anywhere, and then I have to be hit by a turtle. Thinking about the silly girl who can't hide for three minutes, you put me on the battlefield? Do you really feel that I haven't died? It's a shame in front of you? "

Then Harlan said nothing nonsense.

"Nah, nah ..." Hilling suddenly struck my arm, and I saw the cream on her face, and wiped it off with ease: "What?"

"Her Majesty Sandor and Tavel are calling you," said Schilling, his body radiating with ripples of light like water ripples, and then in the blink of an eye he turned into Sandora's image, exactly like Sandora. The voice said, "Ajun, come to the research center and do something important."

I was stunned by this sudden hand of Hilling: Although I knew she could look like anyone. But I didn't expect her to send a message to her. This is how much high-end video message function-full 3D high-fidelity surround sound and physical perception system video message, you can dare to have more functions. What?

"That's it," said Xi Ling, who turned into Sandola, scratched her hair with a dull expression, apparently her Majesty the Queen, who was aloof and noble, but made an action completely inconsistent with this image. I looked really surprised, and I was surprised. The next sentence of Hilling kept me shut up. "Well, what did I look like?"

I: "... so you don't have to look like that person when you speak for someone else."

Hilling is still trying to change back to the original, and finally gave up after working hard for a long time. Then I talked to Bella Villa in the shape of Sandorla, and I pouted. Get up and say goodbye to Harlan, and explain the rest: "Sandora finds something for me, take a step first-use the public database casually, just as you also plan the development plan of the abyss of the abyss. In addition, Zadorum is better than you He recovered two days earlier. He is now living at the headquarters. I also organized him into the Abyss Independence Regiment, so that your soldiers will be ready. "

Harlan waved arrogantly: "Busy you, I'm not a recruit!"

I hurried to the research center with a little anxiety, because just now I heard Sandora's tone was urgent-well, it was urgent to hear the copy of Hilling's voice, and I was worried about some life-threatening experiments. Accident: It's not that Tavel has blasted half of the research institute into the sky. Although it has been less than two years, is the lower limit of crazy scientists guessable?

When I arrived at the institute, I found that everything was normal here. Not only was the building intact but I did not see the rescue team. The group of Tavel and the other technicians of the group were busy and orderly. Even many people still With a happy and excited mood. I followed the directions in the spiritual connection to the central area. In the largest laboratory, I saw that one Tavel and one Tavel were working with three Tavels to analyze the data of the other two Tavels, and a few towers. Weir is helping several other Weavers to upgrade a coffin-like device to a multi-functional analysis platform. Several Weavers came over to say hello to me ... I looked around in dismay and found that this football stadium was a huge laboratory Nearly two-thirds of the staff are quality projections from Tavel! The assistant technicians only accounted for a small part, and they were all busy on the peripheral equipment-this must be a super important project, so the glasses maiden mobilized a lot of her threads to this place, but my first reaction was still It ’s as if I ’ve been to South Korea, watching the beauty pageant of the clone ... Well, Tavel is very beautiful, and it is not a problem to throw the Korean clone beauty contest to win the championship.

I was a bit confused by a group of glasses ladies.

I quickly found Sandora from these piles of Tavel, and thanked her for her eye-catching blond curly hair, otherwise it was not easy to find her. Sandora and Tavel are not sure what number to stand in front of a platform in the center of the laboratory to discuss things. I patted her on the shoulder and said, "Good guy, the battle is really big here-what are you doing?"

"We're trying to resurrect our ancestors." The answer was to Tavel, and I found that this Tavier was a bit different from the surrounding quality projections: her body edges were free of jittery interference patterns and looked more realistic.

"Ah, Tavel, it's been a long time since I saw your body," I was busy saying hello to this solid spectacled lady before I could reflect on what the other party had just said. "Wait! Are you resurrecting the ancestors ?!"

"Just trying and failing many times," Sandora said softly. Get out of the way and point to the alloy platform next to me. I looked in the direction of her finger, and then I saw a crystal container inlaid in the platform. The container looked a bit like an Egyptian coffin. I remembered it and remembered this. It is the inner part of the dormant cabin of the ancestors found from the far world.

In this crystal coffin, a middle-aged man with gray hair was lying quietly. His expression was serene, like sleeping.

"The subordinates have created a new universal interface to be compatible with ancient dormant devices. This is the experimental platform. We have also created a series of facilities to break the physical 'stagnation state' of the hometown." Tavel Her voice was a little brisk, and it seemed that she was very firm about the whole plan. "Your Majesty, you know that everything from the home world is in a weird 'stagnation' state that preserves the ancestor's body, but also makes it difficult to resurrect: reactivating the flesh when the stagnation state is in effect seems to be Impossible, the body tissue always returns quickly to death-but now we have made breakthrough progress. "

"By reactivating the flow of information, we can now break the stagnation state." Sandora lifted her finger and pointed upward. "As long as this device is activated, all the hometown substances in the stagnation state within the laboratory range will be permanently restarted and the resurrection process can It went normally. "

In the direction of Sandora's fingers, I saw a complex and huge machine mounted on top of the laboratory. It looks like a ring formed by staggered crystal clusters and hexagonal metal plates, and is constantly emitting pulse-like flashes. Actually, I saw this stuff as soon as I came in, but at that time I thought it was a laboratory decoration, and a new ring lamp was installed ... well, we take our own weight.

I can only listen honestly from beginning to end. After all, I do n’t have much say in these high-tech matters, but at this moment I have begun to feel a sense of unhappiness or uneasiness: resurrecting the ancestors, this is amazing The plan hasn't felt very real. The time span is too long, which makes me think this is a nearly dream project, but now Tavel has reached this step?

The project that was supposed to be like a nightmare, is now so real in front of my eyes. I feel a bit short of breath. It feels as if you can dream of inheriting Wan Guan's wealth all day long. Never thought that this would be realized. One day, as soon as I opened the door one morning, I saw a grandfather in Arabic clothes standing outside, holding your legs. "I am your father who has been separated for many years. I have more than twenty oil fields ..."

... Basically, this feeling is extremely unreal, especially dreamy, and although full of expectations, it is even more frightening-what if the Arab uncle ran out of the Qingshan Psychiatric Hospital next door?

I turned these messy thoughts in my heart to calm down my mood. It seemed that Sandora had made up her mind to let the old ancestors open her eyes, and technically, this project was really possible. But then I suddenly thought of a logical question: "Is the old ancestor's body starting to decay when the stasis is removed?"

"Theoretically," Tavel nodded. "Although the coagulation state is not static, there are similarities in the physical phenomena. After the coagulation state is lifted off, the material that constitutes the ancestor's body is no longer immortal. They will Counting from the moment of physical death, it slowly decays and rots like normal matter-after all, they are mortals, and after death, the body will decay. "

"We can use technical means to delay or even completely stop the decay of these remains on the material level," Sandora took over, "but the key is the soul ... if the ancestor's soul was also preserved by stasis, then as long as the experiment When the device above the room is activated, the soul will begin to dissipate together. Because the soul fluctuations of the ancestors have not been captured so far, I am afraid that even if this soul still exists, it is already too weak to be saved ... "

"Ola has been here earlier today," said Tavel, "she is the most powerful leader bee, and she has a high sensitivity to the soul, but she has not been able to perceive her ancestors even with her strength. The existence of the soul. The ancestor's soul may have dissipated or it may be too weak. Let ’s assume the second case, then the time left for us after the stasis is lifted will be quite limited: there is no way to delay the ancestor's soul. Dissipating process. That is the theory. "

I understood the meaning of Tavel: Even if the ancestor's soul really survived ~ www.readwn.com ~, it was already too weak to "delay" by any technical means. This means that the resurrection process will race against time: once the stasis is lifted, we must complete the resurrection before the ancestor's soul naturally dissipates.

Of course, the worst case is that the ancestor's soul had disappeared cleanly without knowing how many billions of years ago, and Sandora and Tavel's current efforts are wishful thinking, even if the resurrection is successful, they can only get a blank body— — But I guess everyone at the scene is reluctant to think in this regard.

When it comes to the word "valuable time", of course, the first thing I thought of was shallow, and her ability to "give time" need not be said, but soon I felt unreliable: for obvious reasons, The ancestor's soul must be in a "free" state throughout the resurrection process, and shallowness cannot interfere with this process.

The last shortcut that can be used is also blocked.

I looked at the remains of my ancestors quietly lying in a crystal coffin, and realized that I was about to witness history soon.

Success or failure will be revealed within a short period of time. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read m.)

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