Xiling Empire

Chapter 1346: Anseus

When the ancestors in the crystal coffin slowly opened their eyes, I felt that Sandora's body beside her was shaking slightly, and then a strange emotion filled the laboratory-this emotion was originally only in the laboratory, But soon I felt more and stronger feelings. This feeling came from all directions, from every world, from the spiritual network, from the entire empire, and from all the spiritual apostles on the Internet-I only realized that there are countless The apostle paid attention to the situation in this laboratory. When the ancestors reopened their eyes, the news swept through the tens of millions of universes under the rule of the empire. Something was brewing in the spiritual network. The pure and rational thinking mode Nor was it possible to suppress this turbulent feeling, and the Apostles of the Spirit ushered in the most exciting moment since their birth.

The ancestors are back.

"The vital signs are stable, the mental state is normal, the physical condition is good, and the ancestors are confirmed to be rejuvenated." Even the voice of the laboratory assistant host seemed to bring excitement. Of course, this should be my illusion. I heard the host reporting Each piece of good news brightens the eyes of Tavel and Sandora. "Spirit scan begins ... confirm that the ancestor's soul is intact and the intensity is rising steadily."

The crystal container made a slight hissing sound, and its internal environment was being balanced with the laboratory environment to prepare for opening the container, while the body with the open eyes was still in a confused state, and the dark brown eyes slowly moved from the most The left shifted to the far right, and then slowly turned back—the Schillinger didn't seem to have pupils, so I couldn't see if he felt uncomfortable with the lights at the top of the lab, but Tavel immediately ordered that the overall lighting be reduced. Finally, the ancestor blinked his eyes twice, as if waking up from a long dream. His chest suddenly lifted high, then slowly relaxed with a heavy breath, and then he raised his hands stiffly, as if trying to support his body.

"Bang". He hit the sturdy hatch of the crystal coffin, and the long-asleep Spiritling took a poke and started pounding around the crystal shell. I guess he thought he was caught-a normal reaction.

"Ready to open the container," Sandora said immediately, and Tavel began to quickly check the balance of the environment inside and outside the container, because she had to make sure that her ancestor's body was able to adapt to the outside environment. It took more than ten seconds, and the ancestor tried to destroy the surrounding crystal shell at the beginning, but he probably quickly realized that the strangers around him were not malicious, so he looked at us with a curious look.

"Zizi ..." A pressure-relieving sound came from around the sealed compartment, and then the upper lid of the crystal cabin slid smoothly to the side. The middle-aged person who had been lying inside had opened the lid and then sat up suddenly. . The body is as flexible as if it had never experienced the long death process: Tavel has completely repaired the body, and now he is in the best state of physiology. As long as there is no problem in spirit, the newly resurrected ancestor is the healthiest There is no such thing as dormant syndrome.

The test platform slowly lowered to the ground, and the newly resurrected ancestors came out of the crystal container with a somewhat blunt expression, and then stood in place. He didn't seem to know what to do next. He blinked and looked at everything in front of him in confusion: a huge laboratory, unknown mysterious equipment, strange light beams and crystals, and a busy white researcher, most of whom looked exactly the same. For a woman who is awakening from a big dream, this scene does easily lead to chaos. I think his memory should still be at the moment of emergency escape from the destruction of the spacecraft. The deviation between the last moment of the year and the sight in front of him is so great. So that the other party is completely lost, you can imagine yourself going to bed in a familiar bedroom and seeing the ceiling of your home before closing your eyes. As a result, when you open your eyes, the ceiling becomes a cosmic starry sky, surrounded by you. Alien child with a big head. There is a sign hanging on his chest that says: Earth specimens, XXXX to XXXX, are extinct-this metaphor is not appropriate, but you just listen to it, I am a bit confused.

"How do you feel?" As the project leader, Tavel finally remembered that she should speak first, and she took a step closer: this move caused an instant alert to the ancestors, but the latter quickly relaxed, and he just went from hibernation. He suddenly came to a strange environment and was a little too nervous. He could still see if there was hostility around people: "I remember the alarm that the spacecraft is out of control ... Where am I? Are you a fleet of other universes passing by? Did you save me? "

"Relax, there are a lot of things to explain," Sandora tried to regain her composure, and she asked Tavel to take back some of her mass projections: after all, this battle looked a bit scary, and then her eyes fell On the ancestors, "Your spacecraft has been crashed for a long time ... long enough that you may not believe it, so what I want to say may be greater than you expected, first of all your crew ..."

"Where is my crew?" The ancestor immediately asked, his mind was gradually becoming alive, and the situation before the spacecraft crash was the first he remembered, "where is my spacecraft?"

"Your spaceship is in Gennacu not far from here, but we have only found half of its wreckage," Sandora thoughtfully. "As for the crew on the spacecraft ... they have not been resurrected yet, as you can easily understand The argument is that it is still 'dead' for the time being. "

The ancestors were stunned by this statement all of a sudden, he certainly couldn't hang the resurrection all day like the Apostles of the Spirit. "Resurrection? 'Dead'? What does this mean? That means my crew has all Sacrifice, only I survived alone, or do you call the process of 'deep sleep and thaw' resurrection? "

I found that Sandora was very awkward in talking to her ancestors, so she took a step forward and waved her hands and said: "Literally, you are dead. In fact, you have been dead for a long time, how do you say ... even more than a universe can The longest period of time recorded, but we have mastered the technology of resurrecting life, so you are resurrected. You are the first to be resurrected. It seems that you are the supreme commander of the spacecraft ... let alone this. As for us identity of……"

Speaking of which I was a bit stuck, wondering how to explain the vicissitudes of things to the other side, and later I found that I had to explain things clearly for at least a few days-I had to start with the establishment of the old empire, so I ended up Put everything together into one sentence: "Did you create a life called the Apostles of the Spirit, right? Now trillions of years-perhaps even longer, have passed. What you see is going through this long After the evolution of the apostles of the Spirit, you may no longer know them, but what I said is true. "

The ancestors who had resurrected over hundreds of millions of years immediately became petrified and stood silently on the spot. Sandora and Tavel, as well as several senior assistant technicians who just arrived, looked at the ancestor with a look of anticipation and kindness, hoping that the latter could at least say something, but after a full minute, the ancestor murmured only Say something: "Aren't you kidding me, are you?"

"Do you think I'm joking?" I knew it was hard to believe, so I didn't worry. I just rectified my expressions and tried to make myself look more reliable. "No one will make fun of his entire race-yes, by the way, I am in a special situation. I am not a spirit apostle, but I am currently responsible for this place. people."

"You said it's been trillions of years now?" The ancestors didn't seem to notice what I said. He was still chewing the shocking news he had just received, "Then you wake me from death?"

"Ten trillions of years is just a general statement. In fact, we can't determine the time of your spacecraft crash," Tavel explained patiently. "Some unknowable force erased the time record in the material, and our Civilization has encountered many setbacks in the development process, and some historical information is not very accurate. But what is certain is that it has been a long and terrible time since you left your home world, and it has definitely exceeded the total life of any normal universe. "

The ancestor's face twitched a bit, and I could n’t see whether he wanted to laugh or cry, but his tone seemed reassuring: "So, you really survived, and evolved, become stronger, have multiplied to this day, and finally I have a secure home ... Of course. The premise is that what you said is true. According to you, I slept ... died for trillions of years? Then it is not just as simple as the time between us, I am afraid that The marks we left on the first generation of primitives are completely gone by your generation ... "

The ancestors may not be academically comparable to today's Spirit apostles, but their vision is obvious: just a moment. The other side thought about the impact of such a long time. His guess was exactly the same as the real situation.

Sandora nodded with regret: "As you said, apart from our own core memory, there is no direct evidence that we are the life evolved from the original body you created, or that we have evidence, But ... IMHO, you ca n’t understand that after a long evolution, the Apostle of the Spirit has become a form of life that is difficult to understand for ordinary races. The characteristics that the primitive once possessed in our generation of Apostles of the Spirit There is nothing left. "

I looked at the ancestors, and then looked at Sandora, and suddenly inserted: "In fact, you don't need to doubt at all-who would be idle and chasing after someone to identify the ancestor? This is a very serious matter. Okay!"

Sandora glanced at me silently, she meant: Is there anything serious with you?

So I stopped talking.

"I ..." The ancestor was thinking hard, he really needs to think too much, and obviously he can't think a bit now, I can understand: his wake up, the outside world has changed too much, far more than When you wake up, you find that humans are extinct, and it is the situation of a group of cats who rule the earth-his awakening and even the world ’s Nima are gone, "I need to think slowly ... but anyway, see you Since its development, it is a good thing to know that the tinder of civilization has been preserved ... "

Sandora and I looked at each other, and we all felt some headaches: Should we tell the old ancestors, in fact, the Apostles of the Spirit were almost extinct not long ago, and now they are playing like a hot kiln? I don't think the news is good for the elderly ...

"Cough," Sandola coughed twice, giving me a long-term look, and then said cautiously to the middle-aged man who looked a little confused, "ancestor, we will arrange a place for you to rest, others. The resurrection will be completed in the next few days. We have many questions. Hope to get answers from our ancestors ... "

"Ancestors?" The middle-aged man stunned for a moment, and then came back that this was his own title. He smiled indifferently and waved his hand vigorously. "It's not a name. It sounds more like a carved on a pillar. The name of the dead is called Ansels. This is my name. "

"Anthers ..." Sandola repeated the word, looking a little embarrassed. "But for us, the ancestors ..."

"You shouldn't remember the past. The Greek civilization survived by breaking the boat, and everyone who looked back was dead," the ancestor who claimed to be Anthes waved his hand vigorously. "In fact, you should also leave us behind Yes, I'm dead, why should I live? "

Sandora was speechless. I didn't expect that the old ancestors were so bachelor. They had to rest on normal people, knowing what it might be like to escape from the dead and come back to life, but the middle-aged man didn't feel that he had experienced a "good thing." Even, I felt he was still a little depressed. But now the fact that her ancestors were resurrected has left Sandora free to take care of her, and she doesn't feel anything wrong. Just arrange the guards to lead the way, let the old ancestors go to rest first.

Oh, I ca n’t say the old ancestors. They have a name called Anthers—a name that sounds ordinary, if you do n’t know everything, just hearing this name, no one can match these three words with The creators of the Apostles of the Spirit were reminiscent of it, but then again, what kind of name fits the identity of the "ancestors of the spirit" so invisible?

This made me realize again. Except for this amazing feat of "creating one of the three gods of the void", the ancestors are just a mortal race ...

"Ajun, what are you thinking?"

Noting that my expression was changing, Sandora leaned back slightly. Through the fetters that communicate with each other, I feel that Her Majesty the Queen around her is still in a state of excitement: Sandola, who has always been calm, will be excited for so long. This is a historic event. I suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness: during the entire process of the return of the ancestors, as a half-way monk Emperor, a "nether creature" whose life form is difficult to define, in fact, a completely outsider, I can only feel In the mood of Sandora, I'm afraid I can never experience the excitement across time and space like the real Apostle of Spirit.

"Nothing, just ..." I hesitated, thinking about how to explain my feelings after seeing the ancestors-my personal feeling must be different from that of the Spirit Apostles, but considering the clear reason of the onlookers, maybe this feeling is even more "calm Objectively, "Suddenly talked directly with the old ancestor of the Apostle of the Spirit, and felt that the other party was not so unpredictable as expected. What do you think?"

"Expect it," Sandola smiled, and she didn't seem to be stunned by the excitement. "In short, the situation is going better than expected, thank you Ding Dong — and your usual spare time. Tower Will, the next resurrection operation will be entrusted to you. I believe that with this experience, this task will not be a problem for you. "

Tavel nodded confidently, holding the small box of jingle **** seriously (I suddenly thought the name was a good beast) and looked at me: "Your Majesty, there is only one request, I am afraid that the amount of these powders is not enough, Could you let Master Ding Dong work a little harder ... "

I shook my head with a stern expression: "Isn't it okay to work hard, the **** she drops after flying for a day is not enough for two ears to scoop, and it is difficult for you to collect them all. I collected four of these powders. Five months ... "

Sandola stared at me dumbfounded, and bit her lip a long time later: "Ajun, although I said it once ... but how often do you have to be free!"

Although the family may have heard the good news through the spiritual network, when Sandora and I returned home, they still solemnly announced the return of their ancestors. This is a major event, even if more than half of the family usually do. Not very reliable, this is still a big enough event to get the whole family excited. My sister decided to have a good celebration at night-this is basically the view of Her Majesty the Queen of the 15th District of the previous generation on this matter, but she was quite sorry, because she was not present at the time: most of this girl hoped to be with the tower Will also masters the technology of multiple shadow avatars, so that she can be blinded at every scene of the world.

Bingtis was curious to ask what the ancestors said after the resurrection ~ www.readwn.com ~ As a result, Sandora and I could only tell the truth: we didn't ask anything except the ancestor's name. Anthes has just been resurrected, obviously a little thinking can not keep up with the pace, so I don't feel much to say except knowing that the ancestor was a kind of middle-aged and old man who speaks kindly and a little bit.

"In short, the resurrection of other ancestors has also been on the process." My tone is light and happy, anyway, this is one of the few good things that can be called "national celebration" since the two months of scorching. In order for the spirit apostles to reach the stage of "national celebration", in theory, in addition to the abyss side forces being completely destroyed, the ancestors will be resurrected and returned to their hometown.

At this time Dingdong fluttered and flew over, and sat lightly on my head. Little nod was as far-sighted as an old general in the field. I remembered that this was the hero, and quickly took the small thing down and held it in my palm. Introduce you: "The first resurrection test was so smooth, it was inseparable from Dingdang's credit ..."

Everyone: "?"

I think it's time to introduce everyone to Ding Dong Slag, the magical medicine for clearing away heat and cough ... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is My biggest motivation. Mobile users please read m.)

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