Xiling Empire

Chapter 1347: Celebration feast

The resurrection of the ancestors caused an exciting and happy emotion to linger throughout the spiritual network of the empire. Of course, due to the rational talent of the Apostles of the Spirit, they would not affect the normal working order because of this historic event. On the contrary, this emotion It will only have a positive effect: in the words of Sandorah, the Apostles of the Spirit have never felt as clear-cut and motivated as they are today. The ancestors themselves may not be able to play a role in promoting the development of the new empire (after all, they are just ordinary people), but for a race, finding its own roots is self-evident. I can imagine: In the past, even when the apostles of the spirits were extremely strong, they always lacked a link: they do n’t know where their hometown is or what their civilization ’s beginning was. The only thing that can be called history The precise record of the record still began with a long void of exile, everything before that, and even almost mythology-for any race, it is like a throat.

This is especially awkward for the most powerful race in the void.

And now that this embarrassing situation is finally over, the Apostles of the Spirit have found their roots and can soon fill the only embarrassing blank section in the history of their civilization. This history does not need to start with a history of exile. It can be solemnly announced that we are from a certain world, that is our hometown, and our ancestors are a group of intelligent and visionary creatures. Although they are mortals, they are still worthy of respect. We talk face to face with our ancestors and know our civilization. Everything that has happened since its origin.

Outsiders may not understand it, but for the Spirit apostles themselves, this is significant.

This relaxed and pleasant atmosphere may also affect our family through the spiritual network. Although the majority of people in this family are not Apostles of the Spirit, including the Protoss sect quintessentials that have almost completely depended on this family. We are all weird about all races, but our family is still happy for the return of our ancestors. Sister decided to eat well at night according to the plan. Sandora agreed with it very much, and went to the kitchen to help Anvina with great interest-I didn't stop her this time, after all, it was rare that Sandora was so happy. . It's okay to just make her joke, and even if she makes some killer food, these things can let her eat them, anyway, those things taste good to Sandora. But in the end, Sandora was invited out by Anvena with a bitter smile.

"She's her, you're yours, and you're not mixed." I looked curiously at the ghost maid, who was clutching her apron corner. Carefully complained: "But the hostess has a bad cooking habits-she always tastes while cooking."

Me: "It's normal. Cooking and cooking tastes salty-although Sandora's stuff is hard to measure with saltiness."

"That doesn't mean it," An Weina almost cried. "The hostess is tasting the cooktop and the lid. Her cooking tools are disposable! Fortunately, the spatula and the spoon are limited, but the cooktop is limited. ! "

Then I shoved the little ghost into the kitchen with a look of expression. My heart was clear: yes, for Sandola, the things like the spatula, stove and tableware are part of the "meals". What— "Dinner and tableware should be cleaned together when eating so as not to waste food." This is Sandor's unique dining etiquette.

of course. Saying it ’s a good celebration, it ’s actually a little bigger than usual. There ’s An Weina, a super chef who can hardly be measured by a normal worldview. Every night in our house, this meal feels very sad. Imagine the grand occasion of a double-family meal for a big family member—there are only sixty or seventy cups, plates, and dishes, some for Sandola and some ...

"This little guy also comes in handy?" When Anvina started serving, I saw a little girl running around to help carry things (please allow me to use the word "carrying" To describe the scene of our family serving), the biggest feature of this short girl is a translucent blue and white, including hair and body. Just like jelly, her appearance is probably imitating which image she saw on TV or the Internet. I don't know anyway.

This is our domestic slime. At present, I am a shallow playmate and pet called Xi Zhi Lang-but I still used to call her slime. Usually this jelly-like creature always walks around aimlessly. It's like a domestic pet that really does nothing. I didn't expect to see her help with housework today.

Shallowly put a pot of soup on the table, and pat down the small bubbles trying to climb up to the table, and then smiled and pointed at the translucent girl: "Although Kishiro has no intelligence, it can be done with training. For these simple things, I have tried to let her remember how to sweep the floor and wipe the glass. Now she will also help to pick things up. Next, I plan to teach her to solve ternary quadratic equations ... "

I was stupid on the spot: You said how the teaching plan was arranged!

With a slight smile, he bent down and patted Slime's little kid's head. A small spark erupted when his hand was in contact with the other person: "Come, be a bicycle!"

The slime girl was very obedient, and immediately squatted in place, and slammed into a blue Yingying semi-transparent bicycle. It looked really like the real one, even with the brake lines, emitting a faint blue light, like crystal Build it, it's exceptionally beautiful. Illson was idle next to it. When he saw this, he immediately jumped up and rode two laps—how can a bicycle formed by a mollusk mimicry, so Slim snapped into a liquid instantly. When it was crushed, an unprecedented flash of arcane flash erupted ...

Don't forget, this slime's body is a standard type of empire weapon. Although the level is a bit low, it is a pure energy body filled with high-order arcane energy after all. Anyway, he covered the chrysanthemum and crawled for five meters on the ground before crawling back to the sofa, but he was kicked back by his sister ...

Slime, who was making a piece on the beach, re-shaped into a human shape with a squeaking spark, and continued to help with the meals. With her approach to animal intelligence, she probably couldn't understand what happened just now, Ilson. Watching the other person run past him. To cry without tears.

I hugged the puppet girl and watched Ding Dang dancing in the air in front of myself, feeling extraordinarily comfortable: "Life ..."

"Don't sigh, you can't come up to help?" Lin Xue gave me a white look from afar, and I raised my hand to show the star gold locket in my hand-I just held this box next to Ding Dong to pick up those green lights just now Fan came: "I'm busy. Do you know how boring this job is? Why don't you come?"

"I'm not that busy," Lin Xue muttered, and finally he didn't forget to roll his eyes here, "I don't have your weird interest."

I hesitated, and continued to hold a metal locket to collect light powder on the path that Ding Dong flew by. Since the resurrection process, I used the powder spilled from Ding Dong body to tell everyone. Lin Xue insisted that her boyfriend had developed a strange strange hobby-I guess the young lady would not change this view in a short time.

The little thing knew that she could help, and now she seemed very energetic: Energetic means that she flew in front of me for nearly half an hour before stopping faintly. I put the tired little dots in my palm, Gently bounced her wings, but no light powder fell off: the powder seemed to be produced only when Ding Dong flew, and the surface did seem to fall off the wings. But after she stopped, I noticed that the little thing had nothing on its wings.

"Ding Dang, what are these things that fell off your body?" I twisted my little wings gently and found nothing. Ding Dang turned and hugged my thumb as if holding a doll: "No Know! Anyway, this kind of thing will happen when the goddess of life is flying, probably the power spreads out to materialize or something--Ajun, do you want? "

I looked a little awkwardly at the small box in my hand: there was only a very thin layer of light powder on it. This amount is probably not enough for Ding Dong to make his own tea. And this thing is currently the only substance identified to reactivate the ancestor's body.

Tavel just sent a message. She has tried various substances on the remains of other patriarchs, including branches of life, church relics, holy water in the church. These things are not vital enough to activate the remains. Only this fluorescent powder is effective. Obviously To resurrect an ancestor, one must use the highest level of living matter: the goddess itself.

In view of my unwillingness to use Ding Jing as an elixir, I can only continue to use the dregs she lost ...

Of course, you can also consider Ding Ding to release the resurrection, but there is a problem: Ding Dang uses non-tangible vital energy when releasing the resurrection. It is a kind of divine magic, which conflicts with many psionic devices made by Tavel, just like you can't scan your computer with two antivirus software at the same time. The Soul Device works at the same time, so it goes back to the original point: we must find a way to get more life dust. This thing is simply condensation of life force. Therefore, it will not conflict with any technology.

"But Ding Dong's dizziness." Xiao Dingxi herself also saw that there was almost no powder in the box, and looked a little sorry, she shook her wings. "I usually feel that there are so many things that fall down. Why is there only such a thing now? "

I am not maliciously guessing that these fall is probably Dingdang's martial arts. There were many in the past, but now the production cannot keep up ...

"Dinner!" At this time, my sister began to greet the family to accept food in the past. I didn't care about these strange questions, and I carried the Ding-Dong and the small box into their pockets and went to the dinner table.

"To celebrate the success of the Apostle's ancestors, I suggest that we have two drinks-" Bingtis is a guy who can stir up the atmosphere when everything happens. She looks at the table and only feels that the atmosphere is not enough. Several light golden streamlined containers were found in the space. "This was stolen from my dad's wine cellar, this was stolen from the wine cellar of the Pantheon, and this was from the dragon **** next door. Stolen from the cellar ... "

I was about to pour the wine, and I was sweating at this time: "I said why you all stole it, so you can't take something seriously?"

"It's taken seriously," Bingtis took for granted, and took the last bottle of God's Spirit wine from the carry-on space. "This was snatched from a fight with Dragon God Heikebol ..."

Me: "..." For this female hooligan, the snatched thing is probably even serious.

Shallow made the slime run to the kitchen and carry a lot of cups back-the latter used to put small objects in his body and take them to run, and by the time the cups were taken, the cups were nearly pure by the arcane sterilization. —— An Weina handily poured this wine from the **** world to everyone except her elder sister. Ilson was sitting side by side on the side of the chair carefully (does it need to be explained?), A bit Sorrow: "Speaking. I haven't had a drink here for a long time ..."

That is, eating rare and drinking on weekdays is a characteristic of the first family. One of the reasons is that there are too many female creatures in our family, and few of them like to drink. Bingtis is said to be a wine tank. But she likes the atmosphere where everyone drinks together, and of course there is no interest in joining us together. The second reason is that there is an older sister at home. The old lady couldn't stand the temptation last time, and tasted the iced curiosity. The spirit wine brought by Spencer, what happened in the next twenty-four hours made people reluctant to recall. Anyway, in the end, Sandora almost drew out the feathers on one side of Bingtis's wing to finish it, and then the female hooligan dared not to mention drinking at home.

Of course, today's situation is special, all bans have been lifted, except for the fact that my sister can't get a cup ...

"This is a bit spicy!" The doll also held a small cap-sized cup. She tasted the moist liquid like water jade inside and frowned. "Why do you drink this?"

"So children don't drink." I glanced at the puppet girl, and saw that she was mixing yogurt in a small cup: Probably for her, yogurt is a panacea. I can't bear to look at this: The girl is going to be out of luck. The dark food she made must be British, because I watched the yogurt and the strange wine of the **** world after contact with the naked eye ...

These wines brought by Bingtis should be regarded as treasures in the divine realm, and are even rarer things that can not be imagined by people outside the astral gods. However, for me who do n’t like drinking very much, this thing is just a good-tasting drink, and because of the difference in strength levels, I do n’t even realize the effect of this thing, which is called “life and death, bones and bones can increase for thousands of years”. Here. I shook my head and thought it was a sad thing to be a void creature: in this life, I probably do n’t know the pleasure of swallowing a heavenly treasure, and my skill has greatly increased. Who makes myself the first heavenly treasure in the world? . The fox sitting across the table seemed to be drinking too much. She hugged one of her tails and sang a folk ballad that she didn't know thousands of years ago. She started to pull Lin to ask two With their heads watching what the world looks like, Lin Xue and Xiao Xue gathered together to discuss whether fortune-telling with tarot cards and crystal **** did not work in the end-both of them were drinking high. So now the sisters are commensurate.

The puppet's dark drink is finally finished. Yogurt and the spirit world's brew do not know what to react. Now those have become a tofu brain-like semi-solid substance. The puppet girl frowned and drank, Chew twice hard. Then he held the little crow sitting on the other side: "This is not delicious, it's spicy and sour, and it's just like mud."

"It's not good to drink, either." The little crow felt the same. She also held a small cup with a handful of peanuts and beans in the cup: it was something that silly birds thought was delicious.

"Why would anyone like this stuff?"

"Probably the tongue has mutated when I grow up! I often mutate!"

——The two girls who are not so smart are discussing with such interest.

To be honest, at first I also tried to stop these little girls (maybe the little crow seems to belong to the girl, but she is undoubtedly the child's call in my heart) to drink, but when I reacted, An Weina It has filled everyone with interest, and now it seems that except for the expressionless Pandora and the special case of Liliana, a few young people have little interest in this drink. At least to some extent maintained ...

I sighed softly, raised the glass and drank the rest of the wine, but it felt like the liquid in the glass seemed more plain and sweet, and then a little thing slipped out of the glass, a click On his face.

Ding Dong was confused, holding my nose full of wine, and finally couldn't catch it, and fell into the bowl on the table ...

This little thing must have climbed to the edge of my glass to steal and drink. After drunk, I fell directly into it, and I didn't even find it! Doesn't she seem to be doing this for the first time? In the impression, there is a strange setting such as "I will definitely fall in whenever I drink" ...

After a while, Ding Dong finally woke up with her protoss physique. She found herself lying in a bowl with a pile of rice in front of her, and I was holding chopsticks, so the little thing looked up naively: "A Jun, are you eating right now? "

This little bit is too cute-so I gently choked his face with chopsticks ~ www.readwn.com ~ pointed at him very seriously: "Don't move, you are a dish."

Xiao Biao jumped to the table with her chopsticks. She wasn't stupid enough to think she would be eaten. The little boy's face still had a drunken blush, and she stunned around the next plate twice. , Suddenly clapping: "I have it!"

"What's up?" I squinted as Lin Xue and Xiao Xueni, who were already big sisters across the table, matched each other and decided to punch, I couldn't bear to look directly, and responded to Ding Dong casually.

"I know how to make enough dust!" Ding Dang happily bounced on the spot. The original little thing had been thinking about it: it was impressive, Ding Dang was so concerned about a serious thing, I thought she was now Degraded only know that eating, sleeping, and selling cute.

"Ding-dong calls all the sisters!"

I was touched by a little serious attitude, the latter had made the decision happily, "Anyway, they have always been interested in Ding Dong's new home ..." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come The starting point (m) is to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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