Xiling Empire

Chapter 1354: Network-wide warning?

The resurrection of the ancestors has a success rate, and according to the latest data, this success rate is not high.

This is undoubtedly bad news, and it is no wonder that even the spirited yet calm apostles such as Sandora and Tavel will be as sad as they are now.

"At present, the exact success rate is uncertain, because the data is insufficient," Tavel whispered with regret on his face. "But it should be no more than one tenth, and the subordinates will conduct the resuscitation of those who have not yet performed the resurrection experiment. After testing, some rules are roughly summarized. "

"What determines the success rate of the resurrection?" I immediately asked curiously.

"Race," Sandora said. She arrived before me, and she already knew the situation. "Ajun, you heard this from your ancestors. The Greeks are made up of many different races. Each Races are very different, even in the nature of life. The differences in these species lead to the difficulty of resurrecting their remains. Tavel found that some of the ancestors were weak and powerful, and some were strong but fragile. The ancestor Anthus's race was the only one that reached a balance between these two aspects, so only after a long time did he maintain the basic physical conditions that can be resurrected. Others ... or the soul has completely disappeared, or it can no longer accept foreigners Vitality is activated, the chance of resurrection is slim. "

"Aren't there any stagnant states? Aren't the remains of the ancestors intact?"

"You know, stagnation is not time still, it just stops the evolution of matter at the micro level," Sandora sighed. "So its preservation of the ancestor's remains is not leak-free, and the soul is the most easily dissipated thing. The second is the variation of the material itself. Finally, there are still unexplained phenomena that cause these bodies to react to the power of the goddess of life. "

Seeing Sandora and Tavel's faces, I know that this problem is probably unsolvable, and it is impossible to return to the sky.

I frowned, thinking of a somewhat troublesome question: "How can I explain to Anthes? I'm afraid he's still looking forward to it."

"His subordinates have notified their ancestors that he is coming over," Tavel replied, of course. "He has every reason to know what happened here in the first place. This is already the case. There is no room for acceptance. That is the theory. "

I gaped, I didn't know what to say, Tavel was really the standard spirit apostle thought: go straight, what to say, logic first. Secondly, her character, which is absolutely useless, is really ... nice and straightforward, and unpleasant.

At this time I heard a slight hiss from the laboratory automatic gate, and then slid open to both sides. What did it say? Anthus in a military uniform strode in, the laboratory staff and Tavel mass projection They saluted the ancestors.

Anthus walked straight to Sandorla and me without squinting, and then quickly saw the laboratory bench behind us. Lying quietly in the crystal container were his former subordinates and comrades-in-arms. I noticed that when he saw that figure, his face was remembered for a moment, and then he calmed down again. Tavel stepped forward as the direct leader of the entire project. She was a little embarrassed at the moment: "Ancestral, sorry ..."

Anthes waved his hand before Tavier finished speaking, signaled that he didn't need to say anything, and then he came to the test bed silently. Staring at the old man lying in the crystal container for a long time, he didn't speak for a whole minute.

When I can't help but want to break the silence. The old man finally moved, he issued a long sigh, bent over to the crystal container, greeted him, and said goodbye, the gray-haired old captain seemed very peaceful when he did all this, as if he had done it countless times before, he was silent Farewell to his crew before raising his head to look at me and Sandora: "No need to say anything, I know you do your best."

I stepped forward and felt like I had a lot to say but I didn't know where to start. In the end, I could only say one sentence with no nutrition: "Sorrow, you can't be born again ..."

As soon as I finished speaking, I wanted to draw myself a lip: the ancestor in front of me was just resurrected two days ago ...

I stayed in embarrassment. I didn't know what to do. Anthes didn't care about it. Instead, he smiled: "I really don't care. As a group of old ghosts who have died for hundreds of millions of years, they don't It should be too extravagant to return to the world. This was doomed many years ago. Ta Rong rested like this, at least I can do the captain's duty and see him off. "

Tarong, it seems that this is the name of the ancestor lying in the crystal container.

Anthers turned to look at the crystal container with a calm look: "I can't remember how many crew members I have sent off like this, not to mention how many people die silently without the opportunity to be sent off, compared to them , Tarong and I are very lucky. At least he died and was buried. At least I had the opportunity to watch these old men ... so just don't be sad for me. "

Anthus's words-made me even more uncomfortable, his numbness to life and death is always reminiscent of the dark days of the exile of the Hilling people, and that history has nothing to relax. Sandora and I could only nodded in silence, expressing understanding, and Anthes suddenly remembered what it was like to add: "I only have one request, hoping to bury these resurrected old friends in accordance with the custom on the mother star, and put They are placed in a sarcophagus and buried in the deep sea. "

Sandora looked up at Anthes' eyes, the latter said: "This is one of the things we often mentioned when we were chatting together. At that time, people could die every day, so the most topical topic is also focused on this. On the topic. Ta Rong often joked that when he died he could sink into the sea of ​​the mother star with the funeral of his hometown as he did in his hometown. But there was no sea on the exiled ark and no funeral was held under any conditions, so This has become an old paragraph for us to laugh at reality ... now he should be satisfied, we have finally reached a place with a sea, although it is not the sea of ​​the mother star, but ... "

Anthers reached out and touched the lid of the crystal coffin, as if someone inside could still hear him say: "Old man, you are very lucky, your last wish has been fulfilled, and many people have failed to realize it."

"We will arrange this funeral as soon as possible," Sandola said. "It will definitely restore the custom of the mother star era. Of course, this requires your assistance."

"Don't worry," Anthes shook his head, "the resurrection of other people will probably not go well."

He was very euphemistic, but the implication was obvious: more than one person needed to be buried. Tavel had already revealed the situation in the resurrection project to the ancestors and the ancestors. Anthers knows as much as we do.

"Yes," Tavel nodded. "The overall success rate of the resurrection is still uncertain, but theoretically it is not more than one tenth."

"One-tenth ..." Anthers murmured, unable to hear how he felt about the number. He finally exhaled, "Wait until all the resurrection experiments are over, and let them go on the road together so that we can take care of it."

Sandora and Tavel nodded in agreement, while Anthes said goodbye to the crowd with a tired expression: "Then I'll go back first, and the person will grow old, and I will be tired when I go out to work."

"Then Sandorra and I will take you back to the rest area." I said quickly and stepped forward. Although Sandora wasn't good at greeting people warmly, but followed him for the first time, Anthes waved her hand and turned to the laboratory door: "No, just let me go back alone."

Anthers went back alone, rejecting the goodwill of Sandora and I. I saw that he didn't want to spend more time in the institute, not because he was "somewhat tired" as he said-anyone could see the weakness of this rhetoric. I watched the old man, who was already dark-skinned, slowly leave the laboratory, and noticed that his back was not as upright as he was when he woke up two days ago. A lonely and heavy thing entangled in him, as if the ghost was not scattered, the old captain lost the spirit when he just woke up: two days ago. He woke up from his deep sleep, at that time he thought he was leading the last batch of survivors of the exile fleet to drift on the road of survival. Even though the road ahead is small, it is still full of fighting spirit. Today, something that supports him seems to have already Collapsed to a precarious degree, and just two days were enough for the old man to say the word "all old".

He was slowly being crushed by something, but Sandora and I were powerless.

"Perhaps the next successful resurrection ancestor can revitalize him," Sandora sighed, and turned to look at Tavel. "Resurrect the next person as soon as possible. Can the ancestors be accompanied by a tribe?"

"Yes, your will!" Tavel replied forcefully.

Sandora nodded with satisfaction. "Then we will ..."

She talked about half of a sudden, as if suddenly interrupted by something, and I noticed that it was not only Sandora, Tavel and the other staff around me that seemed to be lost for a moment, even though it was just a blink of an eye Something happened, but I caught it.

"Sandora? What's wrong?" I asked quickly with concern.

"There was a mental network alert just now, but it was cancelled immediately after it was released," Tavel said from his loss, saying very quickly, "Your Majesty, did you feel it?"

I thought about it: "Maybe my reaction is slow-I haven't responded yet."

Sandora and Tavel looked at each other very seriously. Obviously, such a short-term warning suddenly appeared in the spiritual network is not normal. As a half-way monk, the Spirit Emperor, I do n’t have a better sense of the spiritual network than they did. There was a brief warning in the middle, but I didn't feel it at all, so it's a bit incomprehensible to see how nervous they are now, but I guess it must be extraordinary.

Because Sandora then called Bubbles and asked her to immediately organize a network-wide inspection.

"The network warning is usually issued only when a large number of apostles are infected by the abyss, and the role is to cut off some network segments to protect the backbone network," Sandora explained quickly to me. "But the warning just now seemed like a mistake. Reported that there was no news of the apostle being infected, and there was no corresponding abyss report, and the warning lasted only a few milliseconds. After that, no network segment was disconnected from the backbone network ... something must have failed, and the spiritual network would not Such an inexplicable warning. "

After a few minutes, Bubble arrived at the core mother nest. There are more than a dozen production hosts working in that nest at any time. They form a high-performance matrix and are responsible for monitoring the information network of the capital world on weekdays. After Bubble entered the job, This matrix also allows their parent machines to take over data management permissions as quickly as possible. Soon, the most powerful host array of the new empire began a large-scale data screening. Bubble reports her screening progress in the communication link: "I have found the work log of the network alert just now, and are tracing the origin of the alert."

Sandora and I and Tavel (the ontology) followed immediately to the mother's nest. Here you can see the working status of the hosts at any time, and Tavel can help the hosts to do some creative reasoning in the nest. work.

The core mother nest is a huge building that is several times the size of a conventional mother nest. It is located a little east of the center of the Shadow Fortress. Its general structure is similar to that of an ordinary Hilling mother nest, but in the central position, it has a Unusually spacious main room. The main slot of the bubble is the largest crystal prism in the lobby, and a circle of smaller crystal pillars is symmetrically distributed around this crystal prism. Those are the positions of the production machines. Outside this main room, there are rooms for redundant mainframes and conventional servers, all of which together form the new empire's most powerful data processing center. When we arrived. The lights are brilliant here, and there are slight resonances around the crystal clusters everywhere in the mother nest. A nice sound like alien music makes me calm down quickly: these sounds are when the hosts are running at high speed, and the mother nest Resonating, it shows that it has entered a very busy working state.

The bubble is suspended in the core prism, the eyes are closed tightly, and the mysterious light flow flows out of the prism. Connected to the top of other prisms, each prism now has a mass production host. They are like the stars and arches, guarding their mothers, and carrying out complicated and tedious screening work. Bubbles focused on analyzing the suspicious data flow in the spiritual network in the past few minutes: this requires more flexible and agile thinking, and production machines are not good at this.

Tavel came under the prism of the core, her hands fused directly with the crystals, and then she began to emerge blue and white turbulence. The bubbles in the crystal column slowly opened their eyes, and the sound was like a machine without any wave: "All high-level nodes have been screened. No warning message was found. Do you need to screen low-level nodes?"

Sandorale shook her head for a moment of thought: "It is not necessary, according to the network protocol, the low-level node does not have the authority to issue a network-wide warning order, unless the section in which the low-level node is responsible no longer has a high-level node alive-in the past few minutes There have been no reports of attacks across the empire, and no high-level node can be killed. "

Bubble gently nodded: "screen the gateway logs and try to locate the source of the alert."

A moment later, a production host next to it opened his eyes: "Mother, the log shows that the source of the alert is the entire data network."

"The conclusion is illogical. Repeat the check."

"After repeated inspections, mother, the source of the warning is the entire data network."

"What's going on?" I asked curiously-you know that, I'm not very good at listening to heavenly books ...

"That warning message wasn't sent explicitly, it was sent from the entire network at the same time," Sandora explained to me. "That is, it warned itself and then cancelled the warning itself."

I thought about it, and suddenly blessed my soul, and shouted on the public channel: "Hell out!"

There are some small light streams emerging in the surrounding air. These light streams combine quickly and finally become one ... a mini-elf about twelve centimeters tall, wearing a grass-green dress and long green hair. There was a metal sign almost on the neck of the elf, almost the size of her body. On the metal sign, the name of the spirit was written in a graffiti font ...

Sandora and I looked at this fairy girl who looked like a wild jingle but had a spirit plate on her neck with a wooden expression. The latter flapped the small wings behind her and flew through the air because of that The metal sign is a burden to her body now-while saying hello to us: "Ah, Your Majesty-Hey Hey-Good afternoon-Hey Hey-Is there something wrong with Helling-Hey ... "

I can't see it anymore, let this pocket version of the spirit fall in my hand: "How do you become like this?"

"When I came here, I saw a lot of strange creatures flying in the sky, and they couldn't go back after they looked like them." Xi Ling answered honestly.

"There was a whole-network warning just now ~ www.readwn.com ~ You posted it?"

I still remember the business, and I wasn't distracted by this guy's confusion.

"Whole-network warning?" Xi Ling thought with a crooked head. As a consciousness on the Internet, many real-world words related to the Internet had to be transformed before she could understand, and then she nodded hard. "Oh, I posted it. Yes, there was an emergency, but the alert was soon cancelled because the emergency was resolved. "

"Emergency?" Sandor Ramen and I looked at each other. I thought this was just a false alarm. I never expected that something really happened-but this time the incident seemed to be at the network level. Those of us who live in the real world are rooted. Didn't realize what happened.

"There were some unexpected fluctuations in the Rift," Hilling explained to everyone, holding her name tag, "I checked the situation and accidentally got too close, and almost fell off-drop An emergency alert was issued as I continued, but the crisis was soon lifted because I climbed up. "

This is all that happened in the emergency alert just now.

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