Xiling Empire

Chapter 1355: Difficulties in Rift Valley

I didn't know what happened when Xi Ling finished talking about the situation. The so-called emergency situation was that she almost fell into the rift, and the so-called crisis resolution was that she climbed out as soon as possible-basically at this rhythm.

On the surface this looks like an oolong, but with a little thought, I frowned like Sandora: If you consider the special nature of Schilling and "Rift Valley", this is definitely not as simple as it seems!

Rift is a faulty network segment existing in the spiritual network. It is a virtual area and cannot correspond to some nodes in the real world (the Apostles of the Spirit). Rift is nothing to us in the real world. Significant, and for the time being, this incorrect network segment has not affected the normal operation of the spiritual network. The reason for the creation of the Rift is unknown, but it is well understood in terms of performance: some network nodes lose the termination symbol, causing the next-level connections of these nodes to become empty connections. This process is like a computer on the Internet Non-existent network addresses send data packets. In our eyes, we only see a receipt that failed to send, but in the eyes of the computer, it is delivering something to a dark abyss. The scale of these unstoppable "weird nodes" has reached a certain level, and an "address black hole" has been formed in the spiritual network. All data transmission to the rift will be interrupted, and if the force is passed over the rift, these data will disappear. . The Rift is not fixed, and the nodes that lose the termination mark are always changing (this is why we ca n’t map Rift to some specific apostles in reality), as if this bug is constantly changing from a node Jumping to another node is the same, but in terms of total volume, the size of the rift remains the same, and the average fluctuation will not exceed a few percent, which is precisely these strange properties. Let's consider Rift Valley for a moment as a "threat to security". Although it is unpleasant, we can only leave it alone without a precise solution.

And the spirit is a ghost that lives in the network. All her data travels upstream on the network. The Rift has no threat to the real world, but it can swallow the Spirit without reservation. We already know the By nature, knowing that any packet sent to the Rift will be lost. And Spirit, in fact, is also an aggregation of data packets. If she slides towards the rift-there will be no chance to come out.

A few minutes ago, she experienced the most thrilling moment in her life, so she issued a network-wide alert. Fortunately, the girl responded quickly, and she managed to escape from the Rift smoothly. Now it seems that there is no other damage except a little shock, which makes people relieved.

"Don't you say that, don't usually go to that place casually," lamenting the good fortune and cleverness of Xi Ling, I can't help but blame this guy for his dangerous behavior more than once. "Tavel is working on a solution, and you can't be honest until then?"

She seems to know that she usually doesn't listen to people's advice, and always goes to the Rift Valley to cause trouble for others. She carefully hides most of her body behind her name tag. Only a small head came out: "I know, but if you don't look at it, you will be particularly unsettled in case the rift valley suddenly expands. And no one finds out what to do?"

"It's time to find a way out," Sandora watched as a slap-sized spirit. "Indeed, if there is an abyss door in the shadow space now, even if it is honest, we can't help but send someone to watch it ... Do you say that the recent turbulence in Rift Valley has increased again? Last time it was not Did you say it has shrunk? "

"It did shrink once, but then suddenly became particularly active," Xi Ling said with a serious expression. "It was as if she had woken up and stretched her waist. This phenomenon started two days ago, and since then, Rift Valley has been frequent Ground fluctuations. It used to take several hours for the nodes that make up the rift to update all of them, but now it only takes tens of minutes for all nodes in the rift to change places. "

At this time, the cause of the early warning of the entire network has been identified, and the host array naturally returned to the normal state. Tavel detached from the crystal pillar and returned to us. She listened to the situation of the spirit, with a look of thought on her face: "The frequency of activity is rising ... what about the scale?"

"The scale hasn't changed much. The size of the Rift has never changed much."

"That is to say, it has neither become stronger nor weakened, but only has increased the frequency of activity," Tavel thoughtfully. "This is strange ..."

"What do you think?" Sandora looked at Tavel and asked curiously.

"We have always treated Rift as a 'phenomenon' with no logic and no self-awareness," Tavel said slowly, "but it now gives me a feeling like a" biological ", there will be During the dormant period and active period, they will move places and update their own nodes. They do not follow the rules and do not have the sense of rhythm of ordinary network programs. It is difficult to believe that it is just a simple thing that cannot count the rules of activities The phenomenon'."

I was shocked: "Do you think Rift is like collective spirit or something like that?"

"No, structurally, Rift can't produce consciousness," Tavel shook his head. "So consciousness should not be Rift, but something related to Rift ... the network itself, or something else that causes Rift The cause, this 'cause' should be conscious, and its activity indirectly causes the Rift Valley to become active. "

Sandora nodded slightly, revealing a thoughtful look, and then she looked at Tavel: "This matter must be resolved, it's always dragging on ... I don't feel secure. The type of access device you researched How's it going?"

I know that Tavel is working on an "interface" that allows real-world people to upload to the spiritual network. Of course, this interface is not the original stuff like "virtual helmets" or "neural intervention plugs." With the strength of Tavel, you can probably do a bunch of things. Taver is making a device that can encode the soul and upload it to the spiritual network-only this level of upload can ensure that people in the real world can get Perceived the same way as the spirit, so you saw the rift.

Due to the complexity of the spiritual network of the apostles and the difficulty of manipulating the soul, this equipment is quite difficult to manufacture, but it should probably be a glimpse of Tavel's ability.

"Original equipment is ready for use." Tavel first gave us good news, but then was a basin of cold water. "Just some problems ... not easy to solve."

Sandora raised her eyebrows: "Problem? What problem?"

"A few contradictions that make people laugh and cry," Tavel shrugged. "First, this device is used to observe the spiritual network of the Apostles of the Spirit, but its users must not be Apostles of the Spirit ..."

I was dumb for a second: "Why is it lying?"

"Because it will be assimilated," Tavel glanced at me. "The spiritual network is the sea of ​​will of hundreds of millions of apostles. And the consciousness of a spirit apostle is a drop of seawater, no matter how powerful the apostle is, what changes It's just the volume of this drop of seawater. It completely blends in with the surrounding seawater in composition. It will never return when it enters the sea. Of course. If the individual is strong enough, the apostle's consciousness will not die out, but he He will always wander in the spiritual network, because no device can distinguish him from the surrounding network environment again. If he is forced to cut it out from the network, it will have a huge impact on the stability of the entire network. "

Tavel said it was too easy to understand, only to say that no one thought of it at first. An individual. No matter how strong he is, it is impossible to compete with the entire collective including himself. This is a law of death that will never be solved, even if Emperor Hilling. If you let go of your spirit completely and upload it to the entire empire's spiritual network, I am afraid there is no possibility of returning.

"If it's someone other than the Spirit apostle, will it be okay?" Sandora heard Tavill's words and there was room for a loop.

"Yes. The spirit of the Apostles of the Spirit will be assimilated by the spiritual network because the two are the same. If it is a soul other than the Apostles of the Spirit, it will have a distinctive 'mark' in the network and re-transform it into the real world. It's very easy. It's like an iron ball fell into the sea and can be easily pulled up again. "

Sandora glanced at me and nodded: "This problem seems to be solvable. The new empire now has a lot of foreign personnel."

I thought about it and thought that I might go out and save the world again.

Tavel nodded: "Yes, Her Majesty and several mistresses can return safely while integrating into the Empire's spiritual network because of their special status, but the first few mistresses must be excluded."

"Why?" Sandora and I agreed.

"Authority, a situation that has only recently occurred to his subordinates," Tavel glanced at Schilling. "Only individuals with fully unrestricted authority can take on this task, because it is the spirit of the Schilling apostles that make up the Rift Valley. Nodes, and in theory any node can be part of the Rift Valley ... Your Majesty, including you. This is the theory. "

I pointed at myself inconceivably and gaped.

"That's right," Tavel nodded, "The rift is a network of black hole areas made up of a large number of abnormal nodes, and these abnormal nodes are not fixed. They appear randomly, and the probability of each network node's abnormality is completely equal, so you The two corresponding nodes in the spiritual network also have the possibility of becoming a rift 'component'. Therefore, we must upload an individual with the highest authority to undertake this work. Several masters are in the status of 'foreign apostles'. Eligible, but they do not have emperor qualifications, and due to the complexity of the permission system, they cannot perform temporary elevation of power, so it is very dangerous to upload them to the Internet. If they are checking the Rift Valley, you two or ha Her Majesty Lan and Her Majestys Bellavila's network nodes suddenly joined the Rift Valley ... "

"Unauthorized intervention by low-privileged individuals into high-privileged individuals will lead to serious system errors and even network crashes," Sandora sighed. "We are tampering with the foundations of the imperial authority system. This is too dangerous! "

I scratched the formula in my head for a long time, but it was a reaction: "Oh, so that I was the only one who met the conditions in the end? Foreign apostles, the highest authority, so what can I do?"

"That's it, but the risk is too big." Tavel had no idea how many times she sighed. Her expression looked at you, you were so weak, you were so weak, and you looked like you were struggling after ten years of down payment. It was like a crash, "Your Majesty, you are the only individual who can be uploaded to the network and complete the task, but we don't know what happened to that Rift. Now there is a speculation that Rift Valley was the fifteen-day district and the Empire's general Left behind when the web was split, the rift can be opposite the group consciousness of the fallen apostles-Your Majesty. In case it is true, once you cross the rift, you will be faced with the thoughts of all fallen apostles. Shock! "

I felt goosebumps all over for a moment, this ... this is a little bit more dangerous.

"Across the Rift is the spiritual network of the fallen apostles?" Sandora raised an eyebrow at Tavel, "This is your most recent guess?"

"Yes, it hasn't been verified yet, it can only be said to be a whimsical idea," Tavel nodded, "but this matter is important. Even if it is only a one-millionth possibility, it will not let the empire head alone. This kind of danger. The soul of a void creature is indeed very powerful, but its subordinates bluntly say: I am afraid that it cannot confront the general trend of thought of the fallen apostles. "

I thought about it, if the situation that Tavel said really happened, then I am optimistic that I will be washed into an idiot. Every day at 8:30, I started to go out and watch the sun silly ... This result is shuddering!

"If only I could have a few more helpers," Sandora looked at me entangled, "I uploaded it together, and there would be a care. I can't worry about letting you go alone."

What Sandola said was also what I was thinking, but it was also the most difficult to solve: in order to prevent the crash of the permission system, we could only upload people at the emperor level to enter the network. This emperor-level person cannot be the original Apostle of the Spirit, so where can we find someone who is both a foreign apostle and emperor's authority, can be uploaded to the spiritual network, and can still come back alive?

It is estimated that if there is not enough powerful people to travel with, Sandorah's death will not let me leave alone.

According to the general idea, the solution to this problem is this: Find a good foundation from the group of girls at home-such as my sister-and then let her go out to apply for military skills and qualifications. In the empire's authority system, the fastest ways to increase authority are the qualifications of war and the contribution of science and technology. The latter need not be considered, but at least there is absolutely no problem in fighting at home. Sandora had roughly figured it out. If you do n’t count on the efforts to break the soil and just fight, then based on your sister ’s current authority. She needs to be unparalleled for more than two hundred years in the base of the fallen apostles. If you take into account the cracks in the territory, the older sister needs to lay the equivalent of half a new empire. By the way, one hundred years of unparalleled in the base of the fallen apostles ...

I'm not calm: "Why is the request for elevation of privileges so cruel?"

Sandora looked at me silently: "Because Ah Jun, your authority came too fast, so you don't feel it. Which of the 135 emperors of the old empire was ascended before Chitose, as a war race, hand There are no tactical books of 10,000 or 10,000 extinctions in it, and I am embarrassed to say that I have fought. "

I: "... Let's think about other ways."

When Sandora and I returned home, we discussed this topic enthusiastically for most of the day, because the "rift valley" thing now looks more and more imminent, it has already caused a fatal threat to Spirit, and no one knows the next time The spirit can still run out with such good luck, so no matter how difficult it is, you must find a way to solve this problem.

Later, I found that I couldn't find anyone who met the qualifications besides myself, so I just gritted my teeth: "Forget it, it seems that I have to go by myself ... I'm careful, probably not a problem."

Just as Sandora was about to stop, a lazy voice came from the side: "I said, as soon as you come back, you mumble and bite your ears and make hair?"

I turned my head and saw Bingtis sitting on the sofa yawning. Then she touched the remote control of the TV from the crack of the sofa to change the channel. She didn't like any shows. She just loved changing channels— —So half a year ago, the TV in my home was switched to Hilling Technology. Otherwise, I could n’t afford a bad one in three days.

"Let's discuss the business. Does anyone like you stay idle all day?" Sandora stared at the female hooligan, her biggest complaint to Bingtis in the weekday was the latter's laziness. Looks like.

"Tell me about it, tell me about it!" Bingtis was really interested when she heard it, and she slapped her face and shook Sandora's arm. "I like to make fun!"

Let this female hooligan get interested, don't expect to leave her away. I have felt this way after such a long time. Sandora knew her tens of millions of years ago, and of course I feel more sympathetic, so I The two told the story about Rift and Schilling. Sandora also deliberately used a lot of high-tech terms, and I can see that Her Majesty intends to drown the female hooligan in scientific terms ...

But it is amazing that the female hooligan was not drowned. She also threw two waves on the ocean of science: "Oh, that is to say, you have to upload Chen to the network to check the situation in that rift, but the opposite The situation may be dangerous, so I want to find someone to go with, but now I ca n’t find anyone who meets the conditions, so Chen intends to drive away by himself, right? "

I looked at Bettis in surprise: "Aren't you a tech idiot?"

The female hooligan whipped over: "Your uncle, you are an idiot! Slim yourself and filter out the rest of the incomprehensible words. Do you just let it go?"

I grabbed Bingtis' ankle and did n’t dare to give up. The female hooligan broke the sound barrier when she kicked it!

So Bingtis crossed the sofa in the posture of blocking her whip legs ~ www.readwn.com ~ and said to me and Sandora with an inscrutable look:

"Actually, I can follow, do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it," Sandora didn't hesitate for a second. "You're not an Apostle of the Spirit, and you don't have permission authentication. How to upload it?"

"Ride the ride," the female hooligan raised her eyebrows. "Have you heard that the soul is the same?"

ps: However, it seems that Pandora and Huesca have also recently been damaged by bubbles. They even started to play online games that they have not been very interested in, and others were puzzled and confused for a long time. Until one day, Anvena found the sister. Two people have built two humans on w, and the two accounts have been established for the first week, because they only do one thing a day: find a gnome, and then right-click for a whole day:

"Oh my god, you are really tall." "Oh my god, you are really high." "Oh my god, you are really high." "Oh my God, you are really high."

... the sisters can play like this for a day.

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