Xiling Empire

Chapter 1371: Otherwise, go to fight one?

(Monthly pass, monthly pass ~~ Early month for tickets! Now I am able to ask for tickets skillfully ~~ Everyone who has a guaranteed monthly pass in hand, please come here ~~)

Father Temple, this place has been here many times, the first time marveled at its magnificence, the second time marveled at its historical heritage, the third time marveled at the ubiquitous inclusion and artistic accumulation of its internal details, For the fourth time so far ... are getting lost.

"I said you made a house so big and hairy." Sitting in the private living room of the Father, I looked up at the crystal chandelier ten meters away and couldn't help muttering. I wanted to experience something superfluous, and said that as a member of the royal family, I also wanted to experience living in the palace. I built a house about the size of the father ’s temple in front of the shadow city. As a result, my only feeling was to sleep in What kind of wool is different from sleeping in a square in a big house? So I don't particularly understand the significance of this giant house.

Of course, the simple design of the day was also a problem: no matter how big the house was, there were three bedrooms and one living room. The bedroom area was like a square. Sleeping inside was sleeping on the square ...

"Ha, the children helped build them. They like big houses. In fact, sometimes I turn at home," the father said cheerfully. "Furthermore, a building like a temple is actually only one-third of the place where people live. The rest are basically functional rooms. Saying that I and Sora have a little trouble remembering, these two days we are discussing to get a bedroom on the porch of the temple ... "

"Cough, sir, don't do this," Sovare coughed awkwardly. "You've dug several holes in the lobby."

It can be seen that the long and leisurely life of God the Father is actually quite colorful.

At this time, the door of the living room was suddenly opened. I looked around and saw two little girls who looked exactly the same and wore black and white princess dresses. They were using their shoulders to open the pair of thick wooden doors with angel reliefs: their hands Holding a large container each, it looks as if it is for food.

I have seen the two little girls, it is the daughter of the Father. Gatti and Cindia, but they look so much like each other, they really ca n’t tell who is who, but when the two little girls run to the table, I separate them: put the things in my hand After being at the table, the little girl in the white skirt fluttered into the arms of her father and called her father, while the little girl in the black skirt jumped up to me first, and looked at me curiously with big eyes: "Uncle! Uncle, you have sugar in your pocket, right? Uncle, you'll take the initiative to give me sugar, right? "

The bear child's attributes must be that Cindia hasn't run-she's much worse than Gatti.

I touched Cindia's head. This little girl who had lived in the house for a while and now would come to visit her every three or five times is a little old-fashioned. But also a very cute child. I found a few pieces of flavored toffee from Shadow City and stuffed it into her hands. The little girl immediately ran to share with Gaddy, and my sight was on the table: the utensils held by the two little girls looked similar. A little pot has a lid on it so you can't see the contents, but you can smell the aroma of the food. With a cheerful smile on his father's face, "I know you are coming. Specially prepared, this thing is rare in the world of the gods. The chef in the temple has tried it several times before getting the taste right. Try it." "

One word from God the Father fully mobilized my curiosity, and the business that I wanted to say immediately had to be set aside temporarily: something rare in the **** world! How high is this? It seems that they are still members of the Void Creature, and the brothers have friendship. I look at the expressions of other people (gods) around me, and I guess I'm afraid that not many people have had this kind of entertainment since the establishment of the divine realm. Immediately looking forward to the table. Gatti and Cindia, the little princess of the devil world, volunteered to serve as the table maid, stepped on her toes, and lifted the lid off. A hot enthusiasm spread out with a fragrant fragrance. : "Come here. Everyone has a share, all touched ..."

After a few moments, the strongest gods in the void, and two creatures who did not know if they were considered gods. There were two bear children sitting in a circle around the table in the parlour, and everyone was eating oil. The Father God chanted while eating: "I still feel a little less."

I bit the leek box and nodded: "Well, there is no bowl of Hu spicy soup, or pickles and millet porridge ..."

"That ghost sister made more delicious than this!" Cindia said crisply, half of the face that the little girl ate was filled with oil, so close to me that I even thought that it would be able to show people's shadows, saying that the world ’s bear children eat everything It looks like the base rhythm is all right, right?

"Well, it ’s actually a matter of soil and water for the ingredients. Chives must be transformed in the **** world before they can grow up. The divine taste changes," said Father and God, an agricultural expert, explaining to his girlfriend, "I'll let people go after a while The human world has some common leek for them to try ... Gatty, don't wipe your mouth with Uncle Sovarre's sleeve ... it's not your own! Don't forget self-cleansing. "

I crossed the void to the divine realm and ate a leeks box! And there is no hot soup!

"Let's eat here, Bingtis can only look at me, right?" The Father suddenly remembered something, looked up and asked me, and I immediately looked at me: Bingtis's body was sitting beside him, doll. Lifeless, blood-red eyes half-open and half-closed, it seemed that he had no idea what was happening around him. Although it ’s okay for the gods not to eat, she looks like this ... well, it really makes people look down.

"Open your mouth and bite—" I handed the food to Bingtis's mouth, watching her subconsciously open her mouth, bite it, and chew, "Eat slowly, don't rush to swallow, you can't hold me, you can't, You can only chat for a few days. "

I do n’t know how much she can understand now, anyway, this body nodded subconsciously, so the feeding process continued for a long time, the other party finished eating, and I took out a napkin to give away the soul The girl wiped her mouth while keeping her still: "Keep this position, don't bite the paper, don't bite my finger, don't stick out the tongue ..."

I was so busy that I felt two eyes fixed on myself, looking up and looking startled: Uncle Kuwain and Aunt Aisha were stunned. Uncle Kuwain also asked: "That little Why didn't you come? "

Of course, he was referring to the little puppet like the young Bingtis: Although it was obviously impossible, it seemed that Uncle Kuwain had already hypnotically believed that it was my daughter and Bingtis.

... Do you know that the puppet has a psychological shadow on you?

"Well, in a word, let's set aside personal matters, let's talk about the business first." I straightened away the soul version of Bingtis to prevent her from running around suddenly, and then I took out from the portable space the scroll that recorded the ancestor's log of the year-saying so Should something significant be brought up in a more serious atmosphere? Father God, it's not the right time on your chives box? !!

Well. Forget it anyway, I'm used to this way of discussing serious events on the least serious occasions.

"This is the voyage log of that year," I handed the scroll to the Father God. "If the homeland world is in the area where the Star Expeditionary Forces have been active, the universe mentioned in these logs should be recorded in your database. "

God the Father cleaned up the oil on his hand, took the scroll and roughly sensed the contents, and nodded slightly: "If there is, it can be found. The database of information stores everything God knows. But these things It's really long enough. "

"Ah, indeed," I spread my hand, "It is an ancient time for God. We still can't believe it. We really found the news of the hometown world. We also saw the living ancestors."

"Congratulations. It is always a good thing for anyone to be clear about their origins. As one of the Void Trinity, it shouldn't always start with a history of wanderings," the Father God handed the scroll next to him. The **** of light is supreme, "Sovaré. Take the scroll to the book tower first, and we will come later."

"Yes, my lord." Sovaré stood up and saluted his Father meticulously. It turned into a holy light and dissipated in the air.

"Ha, it's such a rigid guy. It feels so stressful next to him! Fortunately, now it's gone." Gaga jumped down from his father's head, and walked towards the free-spirited body of Bingtis with great vigour: gone It's been a long time. San inch Ding's feet are indeed limited. The Supreme Goddess of Life is an expert in psychiatry and vitality. She flipped up and down to examine Bettis's body. He turned around my head with a serious expression again, and flew back to God the Father without a word, and muttered with the latter biting his ear.

"How's it going?" I asked in unison with Bingtis in my body.

Kuvain and Azlie also nervously left the seat slightly, leaning half over the table.

"It's almost the same as I guessed before," the Father God looked into my eyes, "there is no problem with divine magic, Bingtis's body and soul are in a normal state, and the divine magic of the same spirit has ended normally, there is no residue, so She is not stuck by the surviving divine power. "

"That means ..." I pointed at my nose and reacted a bit. "The problem is ..."

"The problem lies with you," Gaga seriously regarded the small head the size of a peanut meter, just as Ding Dong did before each invitation, "Void creatures, special soul powers, trapped Bingtis' soul. Woke up!"

"I'm like this!" Bingtis and I spoke in unison again, and then the latter blew up without accident, "It turned out that you stuck your body! The original culprit is yours! The body's youth It's spoiled by your weird creature's weird talent! It should have long been thought how far away a stranger like you should be ... "

Father Father coughed awkwardly: "Cough, Void creatures have something to say."

Bettis froze instantly: "Well, Father God, I didn't say you, ah ha, ah ha ha ha ... Actually it's fine to get stuck like this ..."

Let you frizz on public channels! Can you be mocked by my big void family? !!

"In short, first find a way to separate Bingtis's soul, and then she can recover naturally," said the Father and God while thinking. "She was stuck because of the assimilating power of the void creature. This is what you and I inherited from Void is the most direct and one of the strongest powers. Is the law of the soul? I ’ve heard of this divine magic, a divine magic that requires the caster to fully trust each other, and entrusts everything to the other side. In order to let the souls of two people merge together regardless of the level, the problem lies here: due to the 'full openness' of the same law, the spirit of Bingtis was exposed to the power of the void in an instant in an unguarded state at that moment. Underneath, it only takes a short process of homosexuality, and her soul will be transformed, assimilated, and transformed towards you. The external manifestation is-stuck. "

Bingtis said tremblingly: "That is to say ... I'm not myself now. It's Chen's component, so I can't get away from my current 'subject'?"

"It hasn't been so serious for the time being, haven't you still maintained your complete self?" Father God comforted Bingtis, "Chen subconsciously protects your soul. You are not weak, so this assimilation process is actually very slow. . "

I heard the word "temporary" and couldn't help but continue: "What if it had been so assimilated all the time?"

Father Father frowned: "If it is long enough, of course, the worst ending: Bingtis completely loses himself and becomes a soul with no thinking ability. What about the short-term impact ..."

Speaking of which, Father God looked me up and down: "You are a man, so she will probably be finished first."

It took me half a minute to understand it, and I did n’t know what the meaning of the word “Chinese” on the earth meant by the Father God. Suddenly an old slot stuck in my throat and couldn't spit it out. Then she twitched her mouth and twitched her righteous objection: "I don't think it is very likely. Bingtis is almost a pure man now, so she will probably skip this step ..."

"You say it again ?! As soon as I heard your subconsciously protecting the soul of your body, it was a moment when your soul was exposed, right? What does a pure man mean! Have you ever seen a 36e pure man? I do n’t talk about pure man when I eat tofu, right? "

Kuvain and Aishali's eyes were cut vertically and horizontally on my body like a small knife. The **** of the father closed his eyes slightly and smiled. The Supreme Dark Goddess continued to wipe his daughter's face expressionlessly. The atmosphere was special ... .

I endured the Frozen-style rap that was as lively as the food market mouth. He desperately made Baoxiang solemnly nodded his head slightly to the Father: "Let's talk about how to release this girl ... to free Bingtis."

"Knowing the reason is very easy to solve. As long as you terminate your assimilation process to her, the connection between Bingtis and your soul will naturally become weaker and weaker: something like the soul has the ability to exclude foreign bodies." Father Kagura Hehehe said, I do n’t know what he ’s enjoying. “It ’s important to note that the assimilation that has already occurred cannot be reversed. Terminating the assimilation and separation from each other just stops the process, so the earlier the separation is, the better. In the long run, even if separated, Bingtis may not have much eyes left. With your current self-control, there should be no way to completely suppress your void power. "

I scratch my hair awkwardly. Both Xingchen and Sheila have given them a lot of guidance on how to control their void power, but how can a rookie who has just learned to walk keep up with two guys who live in the same world, although I think I usually work very hard, but after all, proficiency is not something that can be improved.

"Well, then you can only use a more stupid method," the father and **** laughed more happily. "I set out to set up a protective barrier outside the soul of Bingtis. Anyway, as long as it prevents assimilation, it is OK to use external force. . "

"That's okay," I breathed a sigh of relief, "not trouble?"

"No trouble, it ’s just that you ca n’t directly operate in your current state. You are also a void creature. On the void ladder, you and I are of the same level, so even my power cannot directly pass over your soul to affect Bettis. Soul, so ... "Father and God pointed at the bright sky outside the window with a smile," It takes you to consume a certain amount of strength and enter a state of weakness. Simply put, let's find a place to fight. "

"Hum-" I sprayed immediately, and I also sprayed with Kuwain and Aisha. The two main gods, Gaja and Solafi, were still calm. The former may not have responded yet, the latter is just Out of facial paralysis.

"Have you been so surprised?" The Father God had already stood up at this time, as if he was ready. "This is the fastest way to consume your excess power. Of course, you can also choose other methods, such as I call a wave of Protoss troops to follow You fight on wheels, or you bravely go to the gates of the abyss. To make a void creature tired to lie down, you can only choose such a dynamic method. "

Bingtis silently murmured in the spiritual connection: "Oh rub, there is a lot of fun this time, and I will have another material when I brag about the future ..."

It seems that there is no other way. The Father and God have explained all the principles clearly. To end the assimilation of Icetis, we must establish an external protection layer. The premise of establishing an external protection layer is ourselves. If you do n’t make trouble with it, I can only half-tire myself before I can perfectly control the power of the void ...

"Okay ~ www.readwn.com ~ Anyway, get out," I shouted, standing up, looking at death as if returning home, "Where to fight?"

"Well, the void creatures are too strong to move. I'm afraid I can't find a strong place in the divine realm, so I want to go to the edge of the divine realm, above the zenith, where the area between the divine realm and the void is the most suitable for activities. body."

I nodded, and was ready to start with the Father, but when I got up, I saw Uncle Kuwain and Aunt Azali also stood up with excitement, and I was suddenly surprised: "Do you want to follow the past?"

"It's a lifetime, it's a lifetime," Uncle Kuwain rubbed his hands and rejoiced. "I'm going to see what I say. For the first time in my life, I saw a man dueling for Bingtis, and he still challenged Father God. Before, It was the girl who went out all day to bully others, and a lot of them resisted ... alas, my life has no regrets ... "


Although I feel that the old couple has misunderstood something wrong, what is the feeling of not being able to speak and correct?

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