Xiling Empire

Chapter 1372: guide

(Anyway, I ’m also idle. Continue to ask for monthly passes. Everyone checks their monthly pass inventory.)

I always thought that the sky of the God Realm was like a normal atmosphere with clouds and sunlight, and I never flew to the zenith to see what kind of scene there is. As for the reason ... This is someone else's Alright, you go to the neighbor's house and walk on the ladder to see how many watts of chandelier are on the roof of the house? The lack of mind is not so lacking.

"The space structure of the Divine Realm is very special. In more remote areas, the truth has been replaced by illusions that are enough to erode reality. This situation is even more obvious near the border. The sky you see on the ground is just what it needs. 'It looks like, if you do n’t really approach it, you ca n’t imagine what it looks like. ”Father God took me all the way to the zenith of the divine realm. We were flying fast, and soon passed the thick clouds and moved forward. He introduced the special environment of the divine realm in the spiritual connection. "Some of this distortion is the original design, and part is the self-evolution of the divine realm. This is a changing world. The 'information' is here. It ’s very unstable. The power of the gods can easily change the reality. Even the divine realm can't exempt such changes, so its boundaries are always changing. From the amorphous, now you can witness this strange place with your own eyes. "

I have felt that the surrounding environment is unusual: we have risen all the way up to the water-filled clouds. At that point, everything around us is at least true, but moving on, this reality is getting weaker and weaker. I started I felt that the oncoming strong wind was intermittent, and my progress seemed to be in place: However, it was visually certain that I was still going to the zenith, and some strange sounds began to appear around it. It was clear and clear, but I could hear it from afar. Thunder, you can hear the turbulent water near you. You can hear the shattering sound of blasting sounds hundreds of meters away, and then these sounds slowly go silent-it goes silent, not away, as if someone turned down the volume of the sound. When I looked down, the floating continent of the God Realm had all been blocked by the clouds, and I could no longer see the slightest ... No, it should not be clouds. I remember when I set off, I did not see such dense clouds in the sky. Those things look even and thick, like a deliberately blind curtain. Has completely covered the divine realm.

"Look up." Father God suddenly floated over and patted my shoulder. I looked up in the direction of his fingers.

See countless floating continents, inverted to the zenith.

Brilliant, magnificent, and familiar—that's exactly what we have just left!

wrong. Not the same: Although I can tell at a glance from the familiar terrain that the drooping land in the sky is the **** world, but they are full of lifeless feeling, green on the emerald continent, but it is a kind of cold green, non- What to say ...

It's like a lifelike plastic flower basket, no matter how real it looks, it's also plastic.

And they all fell to the zenith. As if those continents had diametrically opposite gravity, according to the direction they came from, these lands are obviously distributed symmetrically with the divine realm below, are they shadows?

"That's against the realm of gods. You probably guessed that they are distributed symmetrically with the real world of gods like shadows in a mirror," Father God said with a smile, "but this is just one of the scenes that the boundary of the realm of gods may present. Sometimes it ’s an endless storm, sometimes it looks like the void. Sometimes it ’s just a big block of aurora-I do n’t know what it will look like, purely random. ”

"It's amazing," I nodded again and again, "I can't see here below, there is something in the middle." As I said, I summoned a mess of energy into the air, and the energy hit the one instantly. The suspended ground caused a violent explosion.

"I'm ... don't you say it's all mirror images ?!" I thought that the energy arrows would pass through the air and land as if they were across the water. The hanging mushroom cloud spread slowly on the floating continent, and I was stunned, "You won't ask me to pay, right?"

"Why can't mirror images be true?" The father and **** gave me a smile and said, "The boundaries between true and false are originally blurred. Everything in the world is information, and things that can be modified have no meaning of tangling true and false."

I think of Monina's inscrutable power of shadows, using shadows as weapons, and even destroying the dark gods of reality by attacking the shadows and even their names. I am probably in control of this transcendence of the real and false boundaries.

I slowly released my strength and changed my form. The normal and limited five senses were replaced one by one by the supersensory senses of the void creatures. The images of the surrounding things no longer entered the mind through the sensory organs, but echoed directly in the mind through information. In the middle of the divine realm, the influence brought by the unreal feeling on the edge of the world finally slowly receded. I "looked" to the Father and gave him a ready look.

The Father God froze, and kindly reminded: "... what, you don't have any facial features now, I can't see any expression on you."

Me: "... well, I mean I'm ready-can you step back from the two seniors over there?"

I reluctantly turned my head and looked at the Kuvain couple. Only the two of them came along, and everyone else was waiting honestly below. I don't understand this hilarious mentality. (After all, Bingtis is also hilarious. I do n’t make up the bastard's personality), but I was followed by two people just to see that I was being disciplined by the Father. This psychological pressure was a disaster.

I have no doubt that my discussion with God the Father is actually a one-sided exercise: I have a few pounds or two. I am still very clear. The three big batterers in the Void still have the racial talent, and the whole family is only cheap. , I have no doubt that the innocent buddy who laughed at the opposite human and animal was capable of bombing any creature except King Huron into the void in a bowl of instant noodles: including Chen, who is known as the third in the void. In this case, Bingtis' pressure on the unscrupulous father and mother to watch around was too much pressure ...

"It's okay. We'll step back later when you hit, and promise not to affect the discussion," said Uncle Couvain, without knowing where to find two packs of seeds, and handed Bingtis her mother a pack. "Come here, this is the earthly special product our daughter brought back last time ..."

"I'll pretend to dodge later," Father Father said, whispering, "you fight **** them, you're welcome."


A powerful shock wave suddenly spread out. The father and I opened the distance by the power of the shock wave, and the Kuvain and the couple who were waiting to watch the crowd ran away in the blink of an eye.

"Well, vigilance," wait for me to stand up from the shock wave. The voice of God the Father came into my mind. "And I immediately separated myself from the entity and avoided the moment of the strongest impact. I have basically mastered the body in this form."

"Thank you for your compliment-I felt wrong when you came here, and laughed too much." I grinned in my imagination. The voice tried to stay calm. I reacted to it all of a sudden just now, but it wasn't so easy at all. I do n’t even know why there was a shock wave out of thin air: it was n’t an explosion, and I did n’t see any action from the Father, but only at a moment when he leaned in, By instinct, I feel that something is not good, and when the reaction comes, my body has already taken emergency measures. What was that shock wave?

It ’s not like air ... That kind of ordinary shock wave can't make you feel a sense of crisis.

"It's your turn." Father God's voice reminded himself not to be dazed, I shook my head and locked the figure standing hundreds of meters away, looking as if it was completely unguarded. Then summoned a dense void like a cobweb, these destructive fissures intertwined into a huge sphere, issued a sharp whistling in the thin air, and then the ball and I rushed to the opposite side like shells.

In my life, I probably can't think of the cool and handsome cool bully skills. This trick was nicknamed "Burgering Fury" by Lin Xue ...

"Oh, in addition to Wang Baquan. You have also developed a lot of tricks in this form," Bingtis's voice sounded wandering, without the tension in the eye of the storm, "but put yourself Don't you feel stupid when the shells are fired? "

How could I fight against this female hooligan and shield her spit directly in my head, just a few hundred meters away in the blink of an eye, the storm ball intertwined by the fissure of the void hit the Father firmly, and then all the fissures were Control was lifted, and this time, the real big shock came: the power of the void swarmed into the world of order, and began to destroy every inch of space within the scope, everything in sight began to distort, deform, dissipate, and darkness gradually eroded The zenith of the divine realm, and in this broken space storm, the figure of the Father God has not moved at all: he does not know what method to completely isolate the damage caused by the space split.

Of course, this is not what I expected. If such a simple and straightforward attack can work, the father and **** have lived for so many years, but I ca n’t see that he has used any skills or power, so it is simply shielded. It hurts, which makes people tangled: an opponent who ca n’t understand, even if he is a sparring player, he ca n’t even start!

"Just treat me as a stake, just drive and fight," the Father God was standing on the ground in the fissures of the frantic space, and his face still had a slightly blank smile. "I'm not very good at guiding people, but Resistant. "

Me: "... Hit my dragon in the sky!"

Bingtis sighed: "Mom, is it really only Wang Baquan after you get closer?"

I have expanded the void space, but it seems to be useless to the Father, so a simple and straightforward dragon fist blasted the past. This is not just as simple as boxing. I tried to focus the erosion force of the void on the attack. In the middle, the black shadow seemed to be hit by a fist with a fist. If it was ordinary secular material, once it came into contact with this attack, it would be instantly reduced to the basic information element.

But it didn't work. The Father blocked it with his arm, and the deluge of emptiness that had been deliberately condensed disappeared.

I still don't see what special powers or skills the opponent uses, and I don't know what happened.

I pulled away a little bit, and really tried each of the attack skills that I can currently master like a stump. The Father and God did not dodge and avoid as he said, and they took it 100%. I can't say that these attacks are invalid: I I can be sure that his attack is a threat to the Father, because his face is very serious, and when he blocks or uses "some kind of invisible power" to offset the attack, he will have a difficult performance. I am sure If you really come with the other person, even if the other person is the Father. Also hurt: after all, we have the same position on the void ladder, and the "damage reduction" talent of the void creature is invalid between us.

But the point is that he can't see how he defends! Block by hand? Carry it down? Is there an invisible shield around me? Father God has never used a technique that can be called "skills" from the beginning to the end. He is just like an ordinary person facing a ball that is smashed head-on. Even in a dangerous situation, he does not need special power. Impervious, I don't know exactly what he ...

doing what!

"How in the world are you defending?" I couldn't help it, stopped the bombardment of the Father and let the surrounding space repair itself a little bit. Asked suspiciously.

"I can see that you seem to have a deviation in your own strength," the Father and God breathed a little sigh of relief. Even if there was a gap in power, attacks from void creatures could not be immune to the same magnitude as ordinary attacks. So he was struggling just now, "You seem to be focusing too much on so-called skills or tactics."

"No tricks?" I shook my hands and suddenly came to my spirits. "You mean that there is no trick at this time? There are tricks in your heart? The tricks follow your path naturally? Alas, it sounded like this. How useful is something unknown? "

I was stunned by the Father God for a long time, and it took me a while to get the stubble: "Now, you understand very well. But I don't mean that, I mean as long as I can win, why do I need a" process "? ? "

I'm glad I'm completely facial paralyzed now, as long as I'm not stingy. Even embarrassing, it looks particularly calm.

"Then what did you do?"

Father God thought for a moment: "Oh, it's not easy to explain. Let me ask you a question first: What is the nature of the power of the void?"

"Essence of void?" I didn't expect the topic to reach this height. "Well ... the beginning of all things? The sea of ​​origin of information? Where is everything known and unknown mixed?"

"No need to explain so much trouble, the essence of void is 'essence'. You can say that it is anything, because it is everything, it is 'essence' itself, your power-not power, but something more fundamental. The so-called tricks, skills, and strength are meaningless. Void creatures don't need these, "said Father and God, pointing their fingers at the upside-down continent of the sky." For example, what would you do if you were to separate that continent? "

I seem to understand, I look up at the sky: "Just cut the continent? Shock with energy, and high-end points with space cracks. You can use virtual fronts for unlimited power ..."

The Father shook his head, only raised his finger to the continent far away from the sky, and said casually, "Separate."

The continent in the air becomes two halves silently, without any warning, without any process, without sound, without light and shadow effects, without feeling any energy or spatial fluctuations. From the Father, I have not even a little "change" It felt as if an ordinary person raised their hands. The first time I thought about the power of the gods "speaking with the law," but then I denied this conjecture: even if "speaking with the law," then you can detect "fluctuations", changes in concepts, laws. Changes, the emergence of power, the change of information flow, these should be things that can be perceived. Usually, Bingtis casually said that “there is light”. I can feel the “distorted” changes in the real world. Could not find any clues at all.

The reality is not distorted, and the continent has not undergone any change process, but the Father and God said "separated", so the reality directly switched to the state where the continent was separated.

"Cutting a continent or a world is essentially the same, and it should be possible for you," the Father and God are looking at here, "but you are stuck with having to use a certain 'skill' or Why is it limited? Void is the origin of all things, so the 'divided continent' or anything else you can and cannot think of is just a part of the void, why do you have to resort to the troublesome process? To achieve what you already have? Everyone must use a knife to cut things, but if you are a knife, or if you are the concept of "cutting", why do you have to find a knife? "

I still seem to understand something, but this time, I seem to have a vague grasp on some context.

Just like many times in the past, Father God took me a rookie to take a big step, and this step is bigger than any previous time ~ www.readwn.com ~ I do n’t know how long I need Only time can fully digest this knowledge.

"It took me hundreds of years to figure it out myself, and then it took hundreds of years to figure out how to do it," Father God looked at me with a smile, "so you don't have to rush to achieve it, just remember one thing: no It takes a process and does not require any extra actions. If you want results, then you are the results. Just work towards this goal. As for now ... you are almost rested, let's continue. "

I think about it too, so I put aside things that I didn't understand for a while, and raised my spirit again, spreading the power of the void into the whole body, turning them into weapons, attacks, and injuries, no longer tangled in the use of the void What kind of move skills are simulated-there is no need to downgrade the void that was already at the commanding heights to the so-called "report moves", and then consolidate the whole body strength ...

The Father noticed this slight change and nodded slightly.

"Tell me the Void Rising Dragon Fist!"

Bingtis finally couldn't restrain himself from dying and sulking: "How is your uncle doing this trick!"

The fierce impact and the storm that swept across the zenith of the **** world drowned the roar of the female hooligan ...

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