Xiling Empire

Chapter 1373: God's database of data

By the time he and his father returned to the glorious temple, half a day had passed.

Uncle Kuvain was bandaged on the body and received us both in front of the temple, but the awesome thing was that Aunt Ashley didn't seem to be hurt at all. When the first Nether Shock broke out, the couple were obviously both by the power of the Father Blow-fly, but now it seems that only the unscrupulous dad of Bingtis was bombarded with a life that could not take care of himself.

"It's just shadow protection," Uncle Kuwa was embarrassed, but with a smile on his face, "I carried the shockwaves down. I can't let my wife stand in front of me, right?"

I looked at the bandage on his head, and he tilted his head and murmured to the Father God in anxiety, "Xingchen, are you not heavy?"

The bandage of Bingtis's dad has nothing to do with me. He was the shock wave released by the latter when I first confronted my father. I didn't expect to wait for a fight to finish this. Uncle will greet himself with such a creative image.

The Father didn't speak, and with a cheerful smile on his face came forward and tore off the bandage on Kuwain's head: no fart.

"You used this trick to skip class when you were a kid, and later you used this trick to skip classes. Even Aisha was deceived by you. Why haven't you made any improvements for so many years?" Father God said mutteringly. Then, Aunt Ashley sighed and leaned on her husband's waist: "I just said that wouldn't work, I can't lie to the Father, you just let me take a break ..."

For a long while, I muttered with Bingtis in a spiritual connection: "Does your parents always do this?"

"Who do you think is educated and disabled?"

Me: "..." So this female hooligan also knows that she is disabled!

Uncle Kuwa failed to cheat and hurt, and he didn't have much regret. He looked me up and down and found that it was no different from before, so he asked, "What is it, Bettis ..."

"It's done." I smiled, and my eyes couldn't help falling on the frozen Tethys (body shell) standing not far away. "The assimilation process has ended, and then I just have to wait, the spirit of Icetis It will slowly be liberated from me, and this time should not be too long. "

Speaking of which, I couldn't help recalling the previous battle with the Father God, or in plain words, unilateral guidance.

Of course, the gap between the rookie and his father is needless to say. This time, I also knew exactly what this gap is: the understanding of my own power is still in the shallow stage, but the Father and God no longer need to think about how to use their power. As he said, Nether creatures don't need skills, they don't need strength. No tricks or abilities are needed. Everything that can be accurately described, no matter how strong it is, is a secondary product of the void. I have been struggling with how to develop my own "collar". This is equivalent to entering from the beginning. Dead end. As a void creature, "Void" is the only thing you need. It is also everything. If you need power, then the void is power, if you need skills, then the void is skills. If you need the death of the enemy, then the void is the death of the enemy. If you need a world to die, then the void is the result of this "world to die." It is the final conclusion. It is what you want to achieve, no matter what process it takes to achieve it. That's not what Void creatures should consider: Processes and tools are for races under the Void.

An even more irresistible power than "there is light" is that you are light, both heat, everything in the world, and the result you need. I don't know when I will be able to reach this level, but at least now I have a direction to work on.

After half a day of discussion, I was exhausted to death, and my father was tired after a little death. After all, the only purpose of the "fight" between the two was to consume my strength, so how to work hard, practice combat skills and attack Things like power are meaningless. I hit the stakes for a long time, and finally I was tired and fell down. This made me completely convinced that I ca n’t fight with the Father in the future. His resistance is simply disheartening. I really do n’t know Can he knock him down once or four times a day?

As for the protection of Bingtis's soul ... Well, to be honest, I do n’t know how to do it, just like what I said just now, the Father God has moved beyond the stage of relying on "skills", and no action is taken by him. Traces can be traced, including the protection of Bingtis's soul. When I was tired to lie down, he said, "The protective layer is done, let's go back." Then it was done.

"There is still some time, we can go to the library tower," Father Father looked at the sky, and invited me, "Sovare should have finished indexing the information, Kuvain, would you like to follow me? "

"Let's not go!" Uncle Kuwain was shocked, and the answer was called quickly, as if how much psychological shadow the Book Tower had left him, and then he looked at me and found a reason, "Oh, today Chen is going to live in our house, right? I'll go back with Aisha to prepare the guests, you two, talk slowly ... "

"Actually, I plan to let him live with me ..." Just as the Father God said halfway, the other party was already running fast. I only heard the voice of Uncle Kuvain talking to Bingtis in the spiritual connection: "My daughter You'll be with Chen first, I'll go back with your mother ... "

Bettis: "Well, go to yours."

"That library tower is a terrible place?" I blinked, and asked Bettis in a spiritual connection inconceivably.

"The first public library of the Divine World, several floors of which are also dedicated examination rooms for large colleges, my dad was a scum."

"... I really can't see it, your dad is so advanced, you are still a school bully, I think he is at least a god-level test."

"Oh, Xue Ba was forced alive by parents who were scummers at the time. You haven't heard of it," Bingtis grumbled. "My dad was promoted in the style of fighting and killing him. He It was of military origin, and of course it has temporarily stabilized at a high level. "

I followed the Father God and soon came to the well-known "Hidden Book Tower", which is also the location of the huge library of star domain protoss data. Of course, the psychic body of Bingtis also followed: I have to watch now With her, Bingtis was afraid that I would lose my body. Actually, I was going to ask Uncle Kuwain to take her back. I can save my own snacks, but the opponent runs very fast ...

The Library Tower is a high-rise building located in the center of the "garden" city. It is white and clean, with elegant lines and elegant golden decoration. Its outer wall is slightly twisted with a spiral upward and flame-like shape, which is full of mysterious beauty. . A lot of golden symbols can be seen walking around the high tower. If there are occasional wind bells, they are occasionally introduced into the ear, which is refreshing: This is a beautiful building, which is fascinating both in creativity and appearance. But to be honest, its scale is much smaller than I expected: This tower is about three or four hundred meters high and is located in the most prosperous section of the city. The surrounding space is full of almost the same size as it building.

Is this the largest library of data in the Divine Realm?

"This is just the entrance," God the Father saw my confusion. Patience explained, "There are thousands of towers like this in Divinity, and there is a tower where there are settlements on the base. The interior space is shared and leads to a huge special area. That area is the real one. It ’s one of my most satisfying creations. It solves the problem that the gods have a long life and infinite knowledge but no unified storage method. "

I walked through the glorious portal in front of the Book Tower, and I found myself in a grand hall with almost no margins, as she said. The interior of the library tower leads to a special space. On the outside, you can never imagine that it is so vast inside.

The white curved wall extends to the end of the line of sight on both sides. From here, it is almost impossible to see what the opposite side of the hall looks like, and a fast-moving golden sign can be seen at intervals on the wall. Mysterious, the ground underneath is a gray-white crystal material. It looks as if it is glazed and smooth. If you look closely, you can see the golden light of the stars is walking upstream on this crystal ground. I find that I am stepping on a large sky blue line, so I follow this sky blue line. Looking into the distance, I found that the original ground had a huge pattern: it was so large that I couldn't see what it was when I stood on the ground. I'm afraid I can only fly to the ceiling of the hall to see it. all. I looked up to the sky again. The dome of this hall was so high that I almost had the illusion that it was another sky. The arc-shaped vault slightly showed a circle of radial skeleton extending from the center to the surrounding. Those wandering symbols can also be seen on those skeletons, and among the skeletons, the divided fan-shaped areas are exquisite reliefs.

The artistic standards accumulated by the infinite years of the gods make these reliefs extremely exquisite and elegant. They depict the story of God or the customs of the various continents. There are angels flying wings, dragons fighting fiercely, and scenery such as On the frozen continent, there is a "Gaga visit here" across a small half of the dome.


"This was left by Gaga long ago," said the father and God, looking up, a bit helpless. "She wrote the words so beautifully for the first time, so I didn't want to shovel ..."

Bear children are everywhere, not bad for one or two, right?

Many protoss can be seen flying around in the lobby, and someone suddenly teleports in or teleports at any time, but because the space here is quite huge, and I guess there may be more than one hall in the library tower, it still looks very much here. Empty, the busy protoss in the lobby seemed to highlight the empty feeling here. I followed Father God to the nearest pillar, Bingtis's body continued to follow us silently, and the latter was still emotionally connected with the passing of time: "I really miss it, I want to be here in this year Those who receive their diplomas in the hall and can receive them in the knowledge room of the library tower are not treated as ordinary students. At that time, they remembered clearly that all the teachers and teaching assistants in the college came. Although they were usually annoying, but Everyone was very happy at the time ... Hundreds of teachers stood in a row in front of them, and they all presented their flowers to the instructor in accordance with the rules. Each time they presented flowers, they also read the declaration of completion. Issuing the certificate, and getting his diploma in his hands at night ... "

"That was the last chance of their life to toss this good student, it was really bleeding," Bettis added later, "the teacher standing at the end of the team kept the smiling expression and insisted on eleven hour."

This is how the story of Bingtis and her hundreds of mentors fighting wit and bravery ended.

Father God laughed and listened to Bingtis pulling around, while placing his hand on the white stone pillar in front of him, the more gold signs around him gathered. And refresh at a fast speed, this is probably the automatic query system of the **** world. While God the Father was operating, a golden holy light suddenly appeared not far in front of the crowd, and quickly condensed into a tall and serious young man. It was Sovaré, who bowed to the Father God: "Lord, you Here it is. The information has been roughly calculated, and some things may be screened. "

"I saw it, it seems to be a big project." Father God said gently, a little on the stone pillar, "After the initial selection, exclude the worlds with different ages and obviously different characteristics. The possible world is ..."

His voice fell. A large light curtain appeared instantly around us. Numerous dense charts and protoss characters emerged from the light curtain. Similar numbers and arrows can be seen between the charts.

"So much." Father God looked into the distance. These charts in front of us are only a small part, and more things have been arranged beyond a hundred meters away. In order to show so much content, the surrounding space has even been deformed. This hall automatically expands the area around the stone pillars that the Father God is using, so that there is enough space for the materials he is consulting to display.

"Every entry is a world," Sovaré said quietly, as if the amount of work that could scare a person out didn't affect his mood. "The ancient book collection tower is still counting, and it is expected that after the statistics are completed, these data will increase by one third. Lord, you need to increase manpower. This is the largest query we have conducted."

I had no idea that I would see such a spectacular scene, this disheartening number. This is an appalling scale-the space around hundreds of meters is occupied by dense stalls, and new information is constantly being refreshed in. The Father touched it again on the white stone pillar, and the space around us also changed rapidly. The dome above and the ground beneath my feet disappeared. In its place, a little star-like light spot, I subconsciously reached out, a spot closest to myself Sharply approached and landed in his palm. At the moment of contact with it, an illusion-like picture came to mind.

It was an empty and aged universe with a deep background, few stars, and nebula. I seemed to be standing in the space of this aged universe, watching the stars evolving and disappearing in front of me. Occasionally I could see a flash of light. Traces, the aboriginal spacecraft rushed past in front of my eyes, I reached out to touch them, but found that it was just a phantom after shrinking.

"These are snapshots of the world," the voice of the Father God awakened me from the hallucinations, and I found myself back in the hall of knowledge of the Book Tower, where the gods communicated in the distance, and in front of me was the urging data sheet ocean, There is a snapshot folder under each world entry name, which records every historic moment in the universe since its birth, including the birth of the first life, the first light out of the cradle, and the first one out of the universe. Race-If there is, of course, there is also the last rays of afterglow before the end of the world. These snapshots are important signs to determine whether they portray the same world as the ancestors of Schilling. But the snapshot file is not comprehensive, you bring The data here is too vague. Many universes have similarities in the basic rules and material lists, especially in the world in the same quadrant. Just looking at the snapshots, each one can match the data you bring. . "

"As long as there is a 30% match, it will be considered a high-probability target," Sovaré explained next with a zombie face. "This is a comprehensive consideration of the mortal memory error and the world evolution error , The best match rate. "

"Mom ..." I muttered to myself, looking at the small starry spots under my head and feet, and now their number has increased to dazzling, because the Father and God continue to arrange and combine these materials, These "stars" are also moving fast, and they look almost as fast as the view of the Milky Way. "You think the probability of finding the hometown world from here is ..."

"As long as the information is accurate and the hometown of Hilling is indeed recorded in the database, then it can always be found," Sovarre was not surprised. "For you and me, time should not be an issue to consider, but if The information is inaccurate ... "

"Then you can only list all the suspected targets, and then send people to rule them out one by one," said Father God slowly, "these worlds have all been written off, and the time is too long, exceeding the limit life of any normal universe. And if your home world really exists, it may only be near the universes listed here, rather than one of them, which will cause a lot of trouble for the investigation. The detection team is not looking for a coordinate. It's a large area around coordinates that have disappeared. "

I thought about it and thought that this might solve the employment problem of Starfield plus half of the empire's population in an instant: if we have employment problems.

"Isn't there any more accurate information?" The father and **** may also feel that such fuzzy inquiry is too unreliable, so they looked at me with anticipation.

"The ancient equipment for recording logbooks is completely finished," I smiled bitterly. "It is a miracle to resurrect our ancestors. I dare not hope that the navigation devices they used to repair them will be repaired. Now these logs are all The ancestors relied on the information dictated by memory. I also know how far this information is from the actual ship-based logbook. I may bring more detailed information when I come next time, but you have to be mentally prepared. It ’s more accurate than it is now, at most ... a bit more detailed. "

Father God prolonged the voice for a moment, the voice is still not so slow, not slow, not in a hurry: "That's all right, there is information. As for these ... Let the ancient tower of the Book Library be ruled out, and it should be reduced by half. quantity."

Then the father and **** turned to Sovaré: "You work hard ~ www.readwn.com ~ Have more people, by the way, use all the ancient spirits in the library tower, anyway, they have been idle recently."

"The ancient spirits are enough, but manpower ..." Sovaré seemed a little embarrassed.

"Isn't it a holiday recently?" Father God thought for a while. "Notify all the colleges of the Divine World, add an extra piece of holiday homework, come to the library tower to help organize the information, students can participate voluntarily, and those who participate in the final exam plus 10, the teacher can Participate. Those who work actively can be judged advanced. "


Divine Reality also popular this? !!

"Maybe we should check it out in the virtual storage area," just as my stomach was full and I didn't know where to start vomiting, the father and **** suddenly said thoughtfully, "I suddenly thought of something else ... timeline, this It should serve as an important clue. "

I looked at Father God in puzzlement, and the other party did not explain, but just opened a portal: "Come with me, let's go to the other floor of the collection tower."

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