Xiling Empire

Chapter 1403: Dark Moon War and Legend (2)

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Actually, to be honest, we are not here to understand how the indigenous peoples used the productive forces of feudal society to fight an interstellar war. We are not interested in how many interstellar wars they have fought. Our mission is to search under the eyes of the fallen apostles. In this world, find the artifact left by the Star Protoss in this place, or any artifact-related clues left by the fallen Scout. But soon I was fascinated by the history told by Ron, because I am a person who likes to listen to stories. The Dark Moon War sounds more interesting than those wars that killed and killed a planet: they still Without shooting out the fairy, lightning bolts have been randomly placed on the alien planet ...

Now Ron just talked about the earliest events before the Dark Moon War. At that time, there was no opposition between the Earth and the Moon. The two planets were connected by a legendary long bridge. The Dark Moon is not called the Dark Moon, but a listener. Up to the normal livable planet with soil and water—unlike now, black and dirty snowballs hung in the sky and looked like it was heavily polluted. Just like every not so good myth, this peaceful idyllic era will end one day: war between two normally raced races. The version of the people on the ground is that the original sinners first waged a slap on the human race, but considering that history is not necessarily fair, I, as an outsider, do not care about who fired first. In short, the mountain barbarians known as the original sinners looked like a group of cruel horns. When facing the coalition forces of various ethnic groups in the world, they did not hesitate to pull a secret brother to perform a play, giving all the chiefs of the coalition forces to Ka wipe it up……

Subsequently, the coalition forces continued to fight back and madly counterattacked. Those originally neutral clans around the world also announced their participation in the war, and invariably devoted themselves to the original sinners. That is, in the mountain barbarian camp, a conflict between the two countries finally turned into a world war.

And as the war continued, human coalitions—in fact, humans were only one way in the coalition, but because they were the first to be drawn, I call this coalition a human coalition—and found an unbelievable truth: The boss may have grown up eating gold scum ...

"Immortal body? What do you mean?" I asked subconsciously, but saw Ron show a slightly unexpected look, and quickly remedied, "Oh, I know this statement, but I don't know the details. I want to ask the textbook to have No mention was made of the undead body. "

"It's been lost for a long time," Ron waved and patted the barbecue-flavored Bible on his knees. "There are only these four words on it, and I guess the leader of the mountain barbarian got what taboo power by black magic. He turned himself into a monster. There are a lot of omissions in this history, and there are more controversial ones, but no matter which version is certain, one thing is that the mountain barbarian can fight against the entire army by his own strength. It ’s beyond human understanding, so there ’s a guess that the guy stole part of the goddess ’power, but the church does n’t recognize it: the power of the goddess does n’t belong to mortals at all. Do n’t say it ’s stolen, the direct contact is that the dragons have to die Thorough. In short, the war is getting more and more difficult, and the soldiers of the original sinners are getting stronger and weaker. They seem to have got some 'pointing' from the barbarian king. They have become more and more distorted, and some races have even changed their appearance. Monsters. The war was completely out of control at the end of the war. According to the canon, even the dragons that were absolutely neutral and rare in the world had to come forward. They joined the righteous side. Those powerful ancient creatures did slow down the war situation. The original sinners were also suppressed. But it didn't last long. The black witchcraft of the mountain barbarians finally gave up the last point. They began to pollute the elves and humans, and some elves. Twisted by black witchcraft into night demon elves, some humans started bloodthirsty and wounded people, and turned into vampires. No one knows exactly what kind of black witchcraft it is. The text only mentions that it can spread like a plague, And there is no cure. This is almost fatal, because the elves and humans are the pillar races of magicians and warriors in the coalition, respectively. After the two strongest races are weakened, the war is almost completely out of play ... "

A normal missionary would never use "to have no fun at all" to describe a myth, so I like Ron's narrative style very much, and it sounds very kind.

I motioned to Ron to continue, but when I saw the **** fat man chanting in the Bible first, he continued to say, "When the war is about to fail, the turning point appears. The original sinner's Black witchcraft and various evil magics exceeded the tolerance of the goddess, and she finally decided to personally punish the part of the children who went astray. This is the most famous 'first divine surrender'. Zhi Shengguang's great sword suddenly repelled the total offense of the original sinners. Although I also slept lazily at the seminary time, as long as I talked about the chapter of the goddess, I was particularly energetic, too great! "

I don't care about the broken thing in his school days at this time. This story has been going around for so long, and finally got the first point, which is also unexpected: the goddess himself came!

We have always believed that the religion of this world was developed under the influence of the astral artifact. The power released by the artifact and the information of its original owner disturbed the birth of the goddess and outlined an abstraction in the minds of the locals. Goddess image, this is the source of all their mythic stories. We were very sure of this conjecture, and therefore pressed the artifact down on this sect. As a result, Ron talked, why did they really have a goddess himself?

"Wait," Bingtis interrupted Ron's narrative directly, "is the exact record of the advent of the goddess?"

"Why not?" Ron nodded for granted, the expression on his face seemed to think we were talking nonsense, "Every dark moon war comes to the battlefield with a goddess and reseals the dark moon people on the moon, everyone I know all this-oh, you always ask weird and weird questions in your studies, which is quite normal, but I think you should not doubt about the goddess ’s advent. If it is not the goddess, who can Lord Moon Moon fight back? "

I glanced at Bingtis, knowing that it was not suitable to continue to investigate this issue, and nodded to Ron: "Well, then you continue, there is no suspense for the goddess to take the war himself. This part of history I know (Actually, I was very embarrassed when I said this), tell me how the goddess handled the original sinners. "

"Well, this is the most important part of the doctrine. I will definitely repeat it even if you have heard it countless times." Ron laughed. "Under the goddess' personal leadership, the coalition side first infected black witchcraft. The vampires and the night demon were identified, and all were expelled, which blocked the spread of black witchcraft. Then the coalition began to counterattack the original sinners. The goddess and the goddess summoned by the goddess were invincible, and soon they The original sinners returned to their respective strongholds. At this time, the king of the mountain barbarians who turned into a monster finally appeared. He had become a big twisted devil. The next thing happened was repeatedly mentioned in all stories: he announced Go head to head with the goddess. "

... I believe the original text in the Bible is definitely not these two words. Ron's description is really close to the people.

"That's what the scripture says:" Ron shook his head and backed up. The **** man with a hateful society and a bible-like face was particularly amused, "The devil of the original sin challenged the goddess, and the two evils of arrogance and tyranny burned a fiery flame on his armor. , The sky also went dark, but the goddess held a sword in his hand, and one sword cut off the demon head. "

"Second?" I thought how thrilling this paragraph was. The result was just a sentence of effort.

"Well, seconds," Ron shrugged. "You know what happened: the goddess is kind after all. She doesn't want to kill the children she created, even if they have gone astray, they will give them a chance to make atonement. So the goddess drove all the original sinners to the moon completely destroyed by black witchcraft, and let them reflect on the harsh environment that they created. Then the goddess destroyed the long bridge between heaven and earth with a sword, and the earth and the moon could not communicate freely. . This is the so-called First Darkmoon War. "

I casually continued: "The original sinners were later called the Dark Moon People."

Ron nodded and said, "Well. Because the black witchcraft and the corrupt ideas of the original sinners have been driven away and concentrated on the moon, these negative things have polluted the originally bright moon surface. It has blackened its oceans and corrupted its land. The moon became dark. From that day, it was called the Dark Moon, and those who were imprisoned on the polluted land were called Dark Moon people, including those who were corrupt. Of night demon elves and vampires. Those who remain on the ground have since called themselves people on the ground. "

"After the first dark moon war, the earth was peaceful for a long time," Ron pouted, with some sighs. "Because the war killed so many people, of course, those who survive still know better that peace is still good. They rebuilt The temple of goddess destroyed by war, all ethnic groups work together to rebuild the earth. This is the second kingdom era. There is nothing to say about the latter thing. People, no matter whether humans, elves, or dwarves, there is always a scar. When the time is long, The ground is chaotic again. At this time, the goddess has returned to the realm for a long time. Some people even forgot the goddess' teachings. Several countries have been fighting again and again, but there are always lessons from the first Dark Moon War. People will not fight to the level of World War. But this kind of chaos also gives the enemy a chance: Dark Moon People are back. Not only Dark Moon People are back, but also the demon who made the world scared by fear It is the former king of the mountain barbarians. He was resurrected hundreds of years after he was killed by the goddess, and is even more powerful. He knows that the people on the earth have called the moon the dark moon and the original sinners the dark The people, so he simply admits these titles, and claiming to be the King, dark months. The second dark-month war broke out so suddenly. "

"Resurrection?" Bingtis and I spoke in unison, and then the two of them briefly communicated in the spiritual connection. At the same time, they concluded that the details didn't matter, the goddess that the locals believed in was definitely not the true star god.

An astral god, even if it is like Ding Dong, it wo n’t be able to completely kill a mortal person. The dark moon prince was still in the category of “mortal” when he was heyday. He could n’t even jump out of this stellar system. , How can you jump out of the destructive power of the star gods?

In fact, even without this, I don't quite believe that the "goddess" believed by the locals are the Star Scouts who were killed that year. It is impossible for the dead who have been thoroughly certified by the divine realm to reappear.

"Ah, it's resurrected," Ron nodded. "At this time, the people on the ground knew that the immortal body obtained by the Dark Lord Moon today is so powerful that even the goddess can only let him. It ca n’t be resurrected in hundreds of years. The second Darkmoon War was almost more violent than the first. Because the people on the earth have been peaceful for too long, the Darkmoon people have spent hundreds of years preparing on the Moon. Lord Yue swept almost all the kingdoms at the time. "

I know that this war will definitely end with the defeat of the Dark Moon, and I cannot help asking: "How did you fight back?"

"Every tribe finally discovered one thing while resisting the Darkmoon Army. It seems that the Darkmoon is not aimed at killing the enemy and occupying the territory. He has been attacking the temples and church nations everywhere, and whenever a woman The temple is destroyed, and the army under Lord Darkmoon will have tens of thousands more-at this time, the people on the ground understand that the goddess ’seal on the Darkmoon people is still there. The demon is constantly weakening the seal to release it. His former army. All the clans finally remembered the lessons of the First Dark Moon War, knowing that only the power of the goddess can destroy the enemy, so they gathered the strongest and most devout believers into a temple knight, and prayed again reverently. Get up. I said it just now. After hundreds of years of peace, many people have almost forgotten the goddess' teachings, and now these people are suddenly awakened. "

"Finally the goddess appeared again, didn't it?" Bettis suddenly interjected.

"Yes, when people's beliefs are strengthened again, the power of the goddess will naturally return to the earth again, and the goddess will once again come down to drive the dark moon army back to the moon. And once again killed in front of the long bridge Lord Darkmoon. This is the second war. "

"People who remember to eat but not beat," Bingtis sighed. "If you were right, then the Third Kingdom, the Third Dark Moon War. The Fourth Kingdom, the Fourth Dark Moon War, and so on— —You have fought the Dark Moon War five times, why do n’t you have a memory? ”

Ron had a weird look on his face. Because Bentice's tone obviously divided herself and the people on the ground into two words: she used the word "you". The female hooligan grinned at this time, too lazy to care about word accuracy. Fortunately, Ron didn't seem to be careful. He took it as a small mistake by Bingtis, and then shook his head: "The Dark Moon War was so named once and for all. Then again, although I said this is not appropriate, is it not shameful to call the era of remembering to eat and remember to be called the era of heaven? "

At this time, we have basically sorted out things like the Dark Moon War, the people on the ground, the goddess, Lord Dark Moon, etc., but I and Bingtis are even more unsure whether the artifact has clues to these myths : When there is really a goddess in the goddess, the situation is confusing. We all know that the real goddess may have died elsewhere before the universe was born. The artifact she left was still tens of thousands of years ago. Just drifted into this world, what is the origin of the goddess who came to Ron himself?

Bingtis' face was very serious. I discussed with her in the spiritual connection. The female hooligan put forward two hypotheses: "Or, the will of the old predecessor of that year remains on the artifact, so every so often she uses a residual image. This method appeared once, and this was delivered by the locals as a goddess. Or, someone else occupied the power of the artifact. The so-called 'goddess' does exist, but it is just an outsider who can use the power of the astral domain-if With the help of an artifact, this is not impossible. "

"Do you still think that the religion in this world was indeed inspired by that artifact?" I glanced at Bingtis.

Bingtis slightly used his chin to signal the pendant of Ron's neck: "Although it is very weak, when this black fat man prays, he feels that the pendant is activated, which is the power of the astral field. But this power It's just the afterglow that doesn't indicate the location of the artifact. "

I hesitated for a moment, and my heart was finally settled. The first half of the matter was at least proper. As for what the goddess is like, we can slowly think about it. If it is a remnant, it is natural to like it, and if it is occupied by someone Artifact power ...

Thinking of this, I took a peek at Bingtis: "What if an outsider really occupied the artifact?"

Bingtis rolled his eyes and recalled: "Well, it depends on what artifact and what the person getting the artifact is doing. If the party does not threaten the balance of the world, then it is natural to recover the artifact, record the event, and give the party a warning and education If the party is doing a good deed, doing good deeds and doing good, a guy in the sky ca n’t wait to block himself up, and there will be rewards after the assessment. But if it ’s bad, it ’s hard to say. The punishment varies from Wulei to the top, and serious crimes are sentenced separately. "

I was puzzled: "What's the difference between Yilei Bangding and Wulei Bangding?"

"It's no difference, Shen Lei must have died when he split it," Bingtis shrugged, "the main demonstrator is more deterrent."

I: "... The goddess of the locals believes that this goddess is good or bad? I wonder how she is like the Lord who saved the world ..."

Bingtis grinned: "Because it is good to be good because you have imprisoned the Dark Moon people on the moon? You do n’t see it this way ~ www.readwn.com ~ And the Dark Moon war has been played five times, once and twice. There is no way to explain it. I have driven the Dark Moon people back five times and pulled it down. In the eyes of the body, this is not good ... This Dark Moon war has too many doubts. "

I was stunned, my heart said it wasn't it. At the end of each dark moon war, all the dark moon people were obviously completely corrupted by black witchcraft to an incurable level. Why is the "goddess" always keeping them? ? If you explain with insufficient strength, you can't justify it: Lord Darkmoon can't drive for two seconds in front of the goddess ...

"What," said Ron, after seeing me and Bingtis not talking for a long time, and finally couldn't help speaking. "What else do you want to hear? Say we talked well, how did it become me? One person preached that the ills learned at the seminary could not be improved! "

I was embarrassed for a while: I had been discussing the issue with Bingtis in the spiritual connection just now, and I forgot that there was still a person sitting next to me. From a third party perspective, I was probably "brrowling" with this female hooligan for a long time!

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