Xiling Empire

Chapter 1404: This world is going to change

This civilization in the San Regal area also has surprising complexity-but it seems wrong to sigh. The complexity of a civilization does not depend on whether it is located in the San Regal area or not. I just did not expect its history to be so. It's a mess.

Regarding the Dark Moon War, we first ruled out speculations about astral artifacts, and interpreted it from the perspective of locals. In fact, this is the process: the world was peaceful in the primitive era. Although various races are not harmonious, they are also well-watered, but peaceful. It is always used to break. When the wheel of history rolls to a certain point, one race suddenly slaps the other. This slap was very fierce, and directly angered, so the two races immediately broke out, and with the escalation of the battle, the death swarms of these two groups of people finally broke out the long-depressed contradictions of various ethnic groups and developed into a local World war. The two sides hit the ground from the moon to the moon. The weapons they used became more and more heartbroken, and finally the "goddess" was alarmed. The goddess came to look at the situation and found that one of the weapons used was obviously a high-pollution and high-pollution contraband (black witchcraft), so she overturned the people in a responsible manner for world peace, but did not know For what considerations (we assume that God loves the world), the "goddess" did not drive out the high-poisons who had no resistance, but divided the world into two parts on the spot: the earth and the moon, and then defeated all the defeated parties. Boom to the moon in the environment, and cut off the passage between the earth and the moon with a sword.

Then the people on the earth finally can live with peace of mind. They changed the names of the moon and the people in the education of the jīng **** of the next generation, and painted the names of the enemies in black boxes in all textbooks to prove the integrity ...

After the above, history called the first "Dark Moon War".

This is a magnificent story, and it proves that this world has a very complicated history due to its many races, but the most remarkable thing about this history is another point: this kind of life-coated "Dark Moon War" happened five full times! It looks exactly the same every time. And now it looks as if I plan to happen for the sixth time ...

I and Bingtis looked at Ron, and Ron looked at the two of us. The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while. I just patronized and chat with Bingtis in the jīng **** world. I forgot the people next to me, probably in Luo. In our eyes, we belong to the behavior of half a small error in the lecture. Fortunately, this black fat man basically came to every class in the seminary that year. He didn't pay much attention when he looked at it, but asked us what else was unclear. I know that things about the Dark Moon War should belong to common knowledge of women and children in this world, but there are too many things to ask. At this moment, regardless of trivial matters such as suspicion, Bingtis casually asked: "Every dark moon war will be the goddess to save the world?"

I've decided, if Ron is curious why a supposedly knowledgeable curseman doesn't even know this, I will explain to him that the history of Bingtis was taught by a sports teacher, and her sports teacher was a carpenter before ... ...

"Of course she is the goddess. She is the only one who can slay Lord Moonmoon," Ron's big face of revenge turned out to have a sacred and solemn expression, he was proud to hold the Bible to his chest, Speaking is also inquisitive, "Whenever the Dark Moon War breaks out, the goddess will become the core of the coalition, and all believers have a great responsibility. We are both soldiers and the medium to call the goddess to this world. Only enough believers and enough pious prayer can By strengthening the connection between the divine realm and the human realm, the goddess can know what is happening here and come to stop the dark moon people. "

"Strengthen the connection between the realm of the gods and the human realm?" Bettis frowned suddenly. "What does this mean?"

Ron took a strange look at Bingtis: "Aren't you a magician? Although not a priest, the magician seems to like to study things about the bridge between the gods and the humans."

Bingtis waved his hand: "You're a non-mainstream urban-rural conjugator. What is the bridge between gods and humans? What's the connection? Are you calling the goddess to this world or what?"

I helped aside: "She is a self-taught student who belongs to Noroko as a curse master, but she has also recently become interested in these professional knowledge: don't you see that she now likes to study the bridge between gods and humans?"

"Oh." Ron raised his shoulders. "It's actually quite simple. The goddess is separated from the human world by a barrier. Because the power of the goddess is strong, it will interfere with the movement of the human world, so she built this barrier to protect people. In the world, because the goddess has a lot of affairs, she needs to look at the base of the world, 'Vanuri Rock Terrace', from another perspective. Therefore, the human world can only be observed once every 100 years. Therefore, when the Moon Moon invades the earth, it is necessary to Our believers report to the gods by praying and gathering more faith power, and at the same time strengthen the connection between the two worlds to facilitate the exchange of goddesses. The goddess is very powerful, so she can stay in the human world for a limited time. There is no exact timetable for the invasion of the moon people, so every time the dark moon war, the people on the ground must resist for a while, and then we gather our strength to call the goddess. I can explain the whole process this time, you have to return I do n’t know how to do that. ”

As soon as Ron's voice fell, Bettetis muttered in my head: "How to listen is like an excuse for desperately seeking."

I feel the same way, but the excuse is obviously not Ron himself, but the Bible he said: This is what the church has always upheld. Although the **** man in front of him looks quite different from normal clergy, in terms of trust in the goddess and the church, he maintains blind obedience like most people in this world. He should never doubt himself What ’s wrong with the education: Doctrine says that the goddess created the whole world. Why is n’t it even a camera when leaving? Ron had no doubt at all. Of course it also has something to do with him not knowing what a camera is ...

My gaze fell on Ron's Bible, and my heart moved: "What, this holy ... eh, can the scriptures be borrowed from us?"

"Of course," Ron chuckled, shoved the book directly into my hands, "Give you it, 'If believers long for the gospel, give it generously', and I could hear my words in those days. Soaked. "

I touched this black book that was almost a taste of the kitchen because it was pinched by the chef all year round, and I couldn't help pouting: "A believer just gives it for nothing if he wants to talk? Then in case someone deliberately troubles and runs to the church for a hundred What about ten books? Is it affordable? "

Ron thought about it. Looking at me in amazement: "I don't even think of such a bad idea?"

Me: "..." Is this a boast or a curse?

At this time Ron looked up at the square where the lively energy had passed. The villagers had already scattered home in twos and threes. He pleaded guilty to us: "Sorry I have to keep busy and talk again when I have time."

Then the **** man got up to help with the finishing touches, and the back was really the same as a lost uncle who had just been transformed from prison: the admission criteria of their seminary must have been amazing, or the teacher responsible for recruiting was unable to fight He just let him sign up ...

I looked down at the flamboyant black leather book in my hand. Its cover was particularly simple. The solid black leather case had only a pair of crossed wings markings, probably the goddess logo. And on the logo was a line of text I didn't know. When I open the book, the title page also contains words I do n’t know, and the table of contents also contains words I do n’t know. The content of the first chapter is like this: "%% ¥% # *!"

Turning to the next few pages, I finally saw what I knew: a small Wang Ba was drawn in the blank space ... This book is still uncle Heihe brought out from school!

"It looks like you have to upload it to DataNet first for translation." I closed the Bible and said casually, this kind of situation is quite common. Although due to the influence of information perturbation and information projection, some adjacent worlds will "coincidentally" produce the same or similar text, but this three no matter zone is obviously too far away from the empire inland, the text here is similar to the empire The text of any kind of civilization in the territory is different. However, any language and text is regular and self-decoding, and even if it is first contacted, translation is not a problem.

"Speaking of how the Bibles with your star fields are basically black covers? Your information is disturbed even this?" I suddenly thought of this question, but I wanted to understand what was going on before Bingtis answered. . "Oh, I see. Heiès solemn, right? Use Heiès cover to show the solemnity and solemnity of the Divine Power, right? And Heiès is the appearance of all faces. This means God is tolerant of all things ..."

Bingtis looked at me sullenly and couldn't help but interrupt: "Why do you think so much-black sè is dirty and can't see 呗. How many people have to read a Bible, no one knows to wash Wash your hands, make the cover black and feel dirty. "

"..." I knew something related to this group of star gods. You just have to think as far as you can!

But soon I thought again: "Why are there several versions of Dingdang's Bible with green cover? Because it must use green to represent life force? Most of the world's initial life is related to green?"

"No, because she likes green sè. And she lacks mind."

I clap my hands suddenly, "... oh, yes."

Ding Dong got out of my pocket and looked around curiously, her head turned around, and she heard someone call her name, but fortunately the little thing was so confused that she didn't hear what the next sentence was. What about her jet lag?

At this time, the party has basically come to an end, and there is nothing to say about the leaders at the end. This is a walk-and-go activity. The villagers who eat and drink enough to talk enough about themselves often take care of themselves with a satisfied smile. I went home from time to time, and from time to time I could hear someone yelling and drinking, remembering who helped to drive back the tables, chairs and benches, a rustic scene of rural harmony. But thinking of the dark moon war I just learned, the messy history of this world, and the strange belief of the goddess, I always feel alienated in this peaceful scene: such a quiet and peaceful village should not be born in In this troubled world, I don't know if this place will be caught up when the flames of the dark moon are burning. But we must be involved: Bingtis felt the **** xìng from the pendant carried by Ron. This dark moon war is also related to artifacts. You said that this thing is complicated ... So I still I thought this task would be easy, and I plan to close the job within ten days.

At first, I did n’t know where I was going to play crazy. At this time, she finally came back. She was holding a large earthen jar in her hand, which was filled with weird and rough handmade dim sum. The girl's face was full of smiles. I put the dim sum that I thought was the best in my mouth and said happily, "It's all exchanged for small cakes baked by An Weina. People in this place are really enthusiastic. Ajun, try it!" "

I was choked by this girl for a moment, and couldn't even say anything, I could only hold her hair with a smile on her face to express her praise. It is still easy for people who lack eyes to feel the beauty of the world. How happy you are when you look shallowly ...

Veska didn't know which corner he got out of. The little girl was dirty and dirty, and might run away again. When she saw the large earthen jar in her shallow arms, she immediately rushed up. The big and little bear children looked happy. I set aside these two little guys for the time being. Stretching my neck to find Lin Xue and Pandora, I saw an unexpected scene:

The two of them were still sitting at the original long table. Pandora had piled a lot of clean bones in front of him, while Lin Xue was talking to an old man: it was the strange village head!

I led a group of people over and rubbed Pandora's head. Finally turned his face to Lin Xue: "Hey-what are you talking about?"

Weskar rushed up and pulled Pandora's clean bones in front of himself, crushed them carefully and started to make puzzles. Pandora watched for a while and joined this childish game. Lin Xue raised her head and smirked at me: "Discussion of world peace ..."

"Sorry, I didn't trust you very much at first, it might be a little offensive," said the old village chief. A wide and slightly embarrassing smile appeared to me, "Old man, am I here with you?"

I never expected that the old man would still keep this in mind. It seems that it was a misunderstanding to suspect that the village chief "excluded foreigners", and I quickly waved to him: "Don't care, don't care-you are always this. Why did the wind suddenly turn? "

The old village chief smiled awkwardly: "I just realized that you are just passing travelers. And you are really not familiar with this place."

I slightly tilted my head and looked to the side, and the young lady really made a victory gesture secretly without notice: the old man was apparently just finished by the young lady, but he didn't know which direction he was mainly in.

"It's not very peaceful outside right now," Lin Xue said loudly to break the slightly awkward situation. She took a thick biscuit from a shallow, large crock and put it in her mouth, explaining it. "Every country has noticed the movement of Darkmoon people in this territory. This Darkmoon War may come earlier. Now the whole world is busy recruiting soldiers. The Principality of Hassad has expanded the scale of military recruitment to every country in the country. In the village, the first troops have been sent to the foot of the Long Bridge Mountains. The Gondor Empire and the Principality of Hassad are next to each other, and the recruitment process is not slow at all. Nowadays, no civilians can be seen in the wilderness and mountain roads, even The adventurers have basically joined the church army as mercenaries. In other words, there are only three people currently coming through the wilderness: camouflaging their dark moon people with witchcraft, the army recruiting, and preparing to go Townspeople who joined the army. "

Speaking of which, the young lady took a look at me: "So the old man saw us a little suspicious. We don't look like any of them, but now the outside is so tight-looking, even if a rabbit comes in, I'm afraid it's scary. Songlin Village is next to the Long Bridge Mountain, and the mountain is opposite the Principality of Hassad. The village is not big, but it is a special place. "

I was talked about by Lin Xueyi on some clouds, mountains and seas. Some of the place names she mentioned were only heard by me, and some were unheard of. Obviously, they were probed when she was chatting with the old village chief. The issue of the Moon War may not be as clear as that of Bingtis and myself, but she inquired from the old village chief about the current situation in the outside world.

The old village chief no longer knows much. After all, he has just returned from a big town. He must know that the world is about to change.

I quickly exchanged information with the young lady in the jīng divine connection, and finally understood what she meant by a bunch of nouns:

The terrain of Songlin Village has been mentioned before. On one side, it is a large and boundless pine forest, on the other, it is next to a continuous mountain range, isolated from the world, and its name is unknown-but its geographical location is actually quite special. This small village On the border of two countries.

This village is on the border of the Gondor Empire. Through the pine forest, you can reach the last commercial city on the border of the Gondor Empire, and you can go south and north along the mountains in front of the village to reach the border of the Gondor Empire. Two strongholds. In other words, this mountain range runs from north to south, it is the "Longqiao Mountain Range" just mentioned by Lin Xue.

If you cross this mountain range, the west side of the Long Bridge Mountains is the territory of the Principality of Hassad: Another major human kingdom in this world ~ www.readwn.com ~ Although neither I nor Bingtis can see the "moon in the sky" "What's changed, but it has indeed become highly active, and the dark moon people who should have been trapped by the space environment on that planet are appearing on the earth frequently. Countries around the world are therefore very nervous. After the Church has determined that the Dark Moon War is about to erupt, all countries except the mobilization of standing troops that have maintained high training all year round to prepare for the war at any time, the second action taken is to temporarily recruit a large number of recruits- Once the Dark Moon War is fought, it will be a world war, and it is impossible to rely on the standing army to keep its own country.

The Principality of Hassad and the Gondor Empire are two of the strongest in the human kingdom. They naturally move faster. The former has even transferred a large number of corps to the foot of the Longbridge Mountains. They are ready to put them on the front line. Mobility, is now stepping up the organization of recruits.

The old village chief went to the field and learned about the changes in the outside world. When he came back, he suddenly found that a group of strangers had come in his village-although there were still many children among us, it still made the old man's mind. A small misunderstanding just happened.

But to be honest, the old man might even take this matter to heart, but a few of us have almost forgotten such a trivial matter. It is not purely broad-minded. The main reason is that we are dressed in a bunch of worlds all day. Wear it and get used to it ...

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